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李婉宁 《广东经济》2016,(12):273-274
中国的是一个水资源大国,不过,按人均实际拥有量计算,我国却是一个缺水大国.因此,如何合理地控制我国居民用水量成为了当务之急,而居民生活用水阶梯定价便是其中一种较为有效的措施.本文给出了城市居民用水的三阶梯水价模型,讨论了阶梯水量的确定方法,最后,以成都市为例,给出了居民生活用水三阶梯水价的计算.  相似文献   

城市水价上涨对居民用水的影响分析——以银川市为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
城市水价上涨对居民用水的影响主要体现在居民用水量和水价承受力两方面.文章通过对银川市1981~2006年的城市居民人均可支配收入、用水量、水价的综合分析和模拟,得出银川市城市居民用水的收入弹性和价格弹性指数,量化研究了水价和收入变化对居民用水量的影响,并依据收入将居民划分为不同阶层,分别研究其对水价的承受能力.计算结果表明水价的小幅提高不能抑制人均用水量的增加;虽然银川城市水价在整体还有上涨空间,但水价上涨已经对低收入群体产生了不小的压力.因此政府不能仅仅依赖上调水价来减少居民用水量,而更应注重水价结构的调整,同时改革过程中应做好社会保障工作.兼顾社会公平. 承受力两方面.文章通过对银川市1981~2006年的城市居民人均可支配收入、用水量、水价的综合分析和模拟,得出银川市城市居民用水的收入弹性和价格弹性指数,量化研究了水价和收入变化对居民用水量的影响,并依据收入将居民划分为不同阶层,分别研究其对水价的承受能力.计算结果表明水价的小幅提高不能抑制人均用水量的增加;虽然银川城市水价在整体还有上涨空问,但水价上涨已经对低收入群体产生了不小的压力.因此政府不能仅仅依赖上调水价来减少居民用水量,而更应注重水价结构的调 ,同时改革过程中应做好社会保障工作.兼顾社会公平. 承受力两  相似文献   

随着工业化和城市化的发展,供水成本的不断上升和水资源的日益稀缺已经成为经济社会发展的一大障碍。水价政策能够在解决这些问题上发挥重要的作用。无论是工业和服务业用水、城市居民用水还是农业用水,其价格都应该体现水资源成本、供水成本和环境成本。水价改革必须在确定保障正常生产生活的基本用水量的基础上,通过水资源成本和环境成本在水价格中的充分体现,兼顾水企业和用水主体的利益,达到节约用水和水资源环境可持续发展的目的。  相似文献   

北京市水务局负责人日前表示,“十一五”期间北京的水价结构将更加合理,企事业用水单位实施超指标用水累进加价,居民实施阶梯水价。就在北京还在为引入阶梯水价做准备之时,远在塞上的银川,则已经尝到了阶梯水价的甜头。来自银川市自来水公司的数据显示,在执行阶梯用水价格以后,用水量下降了一成多,较此前的其他手段有效得多。简单说来,阶梯式水价就是运用价格杠杆实现节水,并充分考虑到市民的正常用水,起征点尽量定得科学合理,以保障城市低收入者的利益,不增加其负担。阶梯水价等手段的引入,是迫于我国水资源短缺的现实压力。我国人均水资源…  相似文献   

大学校园节水途径分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
节水器具在各高校有不同程度的应用,但在节水硬件和用水管理上仍存在着水资源浪费的现象,高校人均用水量接近居民人均的两倍。推广廉价节水的新型水龙头;推广新式便器;在新建浴室采用具有循环系统的单管恒温供水,实行阶梯水价收费制度;合理利用校园内中水和雨水资源。  相似文献   

一、城市供水水表出户、一户一表的现实意义 首先,水表出户、一户一表后可实行阶梯式计量水价,极大地节约宝贵的水资源;其次,由供水企业直接供给后,对居民的用水设施,实行专业管理,改善了城市居民的用水环境,居民的用水质量(水量、水压、水质)能得到了根本的保证;第三,实施“水表出户、一户一表”工程后,  相似文献   

现有居民阶梯水价政策能否促进社会公平,政策实施对不同收入家庭福利状况的影响如何尚未得到充分研究。本文基于消费者需求测算了阶梯水价政策情景下不同收入家庭的福利变化,发现单纯的阶梯水价能在一定程度上促进相对公平,但同步涨价的阶梯水价会使交叉补贴机制失效并使低收入群体的福利显著恶化。因此,城市居民水价改革应优先关注低收入群体的福利状况和价格改革的相对公平问题,防止收入再分配的恶化。  相似文献   

中国城市生活用水价格改革的经济学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张震 《经济与管理》2009,23(10):41-45
中国现阶段面对水资源短缺、浪费、污染严重的严峻形势,城市生活用水需求大幅增长,供水成本增加,对水价调整改革的呼声不断。单一水价与阶梯式水价两种计量方式有优劣,在中国,整体上应沿用单一水价的计量方式,在经济发达地区进行阶梯式水价的试点施行。另外,还应推行对弱势群体用水的政策性补贴,形成更加完善的供水体系,加强用水设施的技术规范等。  相似文献   

内蒙古出台阶梯水价等政策促进节约用水 今年以来,内蒙古实施了阶梯水价等一系列政策,以增强公众的节水意识。按照新出台的规定,内蒙古将对取用再生水、矿井疏干水的用户免征水资源费,以促进水资源循环利用。与此同时,内蒙古对用水量超过定额的用户则实行累进加价制度。此外,在城镇公共供水管网覆盖范围内取用地下水的单位和个人,必须将自备水源转换为公共供水管网水源。  相似文献   

内蒙古出台阶梯水价等政策促进节约用水 今年以来,内蒙古实施了阶梯水价等一系列政策,以增强公众的节水意识。按照新出台的规定,内蒙古将对取用再生水、矿井疏干水的用户免征水资源费,以促进水资源循环利用。与此同时,内蒙古对用水量超过定额的用户则实行累进加价制度。此外,在城镇公共供水管网覆盖范围内取用地下水的单位和个人,必须将自备水源转换为公共供水管网水源。  相似文献   

利用期货市场转移南水北调中水价波动的风险   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张郁 《经济地理》2002,22(2):157-160
南水北调是缓解北方水资源危机而采取的大规模调水工程,适应社会主义市场经济的要求,该工程中水资源配置将采用市场机制运作,由供求关系形成水的价格,水价波动决定了价格风险的存在,而水价过高将给企业带来成本的提高或利润的下降。为此,本文针对南水北调中的城市工业用水,提出利用期货市场的风险转移功能来规避水价波动给企业带来的风险,有利于增强企业的国际竞争力。  相似文献   

To ensure efficient water allocation and use, policy designers have adopted various strategies, including price setting, decentralising irrigation water management or improving water rights. Most of these strategies have been applied individually, without considering the complementary relationships between them. This paper uses a discrete choice model to analyse the scope for combinations of tools for irrigation water demand management and farmers' acceptance of these. In terms of local irrigation water governance, the presence or absence of collective irrigation water management, in the form of a Water Users Association, is considered. Water rights are specified in terms of the duration and quality of the entitlement and its transferability. Finally, four types of water pricing methods (area, crop, block and volumetric pricing) are considered. Using a choice experiment, we elicit the most preferred water pricing method, under different water rights situations, at different price levels and under various contexts for local irrigation water governance. Our results indicated that under conditions of improved water rights, preference for volumetric pricing increases, whilst the presence of a Water Users Association reduces this preference. Furthermore, it was found that using an appropriate combination of water demand management tools considerably increases the willingness to pay for a change in scenario.  相似文献   

自然资源是经济社会发展的重要物质基础。但自然资源的价格机制存在弊端,导致在自然资源的利用方面短缺与浪费并存的局面。要发挥价格杠杆的调节作用,使自然资源得到高效、节约、可持续利用,不但需要弄清自然资源的价格构成成分,还需要研究清楚其各成分之间的比重关系,以便对自然资源的定价更趋客观、科学、合理。以水资源为例,基于德尔菲法和层次分析法,研究了自然资源价格构成成分比重的合理确定问题。  相似文献   

The effects on consumer welfare of requiring a utility facing cost or demand risk to use either a fixed retail price or marginal cost pricing are assessed. With marginal cost pricing and cost volatility an efficient futures market allows consumer welfare to be at least as high in every state as with the fixed price. With demand risk marginal cost pricing can benefit the consumer in every state without harming the firm if the profit difference is transferred to the consumer. A futures market can act as a partial replacement for the transfer.  相似文献   

Using data from a household survey carried out in the French overseas territory of Réunion, we investigate the price of drinking-water perceived by households faced with an increasing, multi-step pricing scheme. To this purpose we use an improved version of the method introduced by Shin (Rev Econ Stat 67(4):591–598, 1985) to estimate the demand for residential water when consumers are imperfectly informed about their pricing schedule. The empirical results suggest that Réunion households underestimate the price of water and thus consume more than what is economically rational. Providing information to households about the marginal price of water may be an innovative means of inducing them to respond to pricing policies designed to promote water conservation.  相似文献   

In this paper, distribution and welfare effects of changes in block price systems are evaluated. A method is discussed to determine, for a Marshallian demand function, equivalent variation in case of a block price system. The method is applied to compare, for the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo, alternative pricing policies on the basis of their demand, welfare and distribution effects of changing water prices. Results show that there is a trade off between average welfare and income distribution. A pro-poor price system may result in lower average welfare than a flat price system, but in higher individual welfare for the poor. Moreover, there is a trade off between revenues for the water company and income distribution. Even though pro-poor price systems may not be as good for average welfare as flat price systems, their direct effects on poverty are important. Introducing pro-poor price systems, however, may have financial consequences for the water companies.  相似文献   

科学的水价形成机制是南水北调工程成功的关键因素之一。本文根据水资源的商品属性,分析了水资源的供给模型和需求模型,进而采用供求均衡模型来分析合理的水价形成机制。并根据水市场的垄断性质,运用价格歧视理论分析了对不同的用户采用不同的水价的科学性。  相似文献   

The pricing and investment policies of a public enterprise should be designed to achieve efficiency since equity is better pursued by general policy regarding income distribution. Short-run marginal-cost pricing does not generally lead to long-term deficit, but may involve price and surplus/deficit cycles for the case with lumpy investments and growing demand, where the price increases with demand but is reduced with capacity expansion. Taking account of the extra costs of government revenue collection and the likely average price/cost ratio in the economy, the third-best pricing policy is likely to result in long-term surplus, making the objectives of equity, efficiency and financial viability much more consistent with each other than is generally believed. This is particularly true for water with historically increasing costs of additional sources of supply.  相似文献   

Issues concerning time-of-use (TOU) pricing with continuous and interdependent demand are examined in a context where increasing marginal costs of production, as opposed to capacity constraints, provide the major incentive for flattening the load curve. The analysis develops the underlying consumer preferences sufficient to insure a continuously varying load curve and generalizes previous considerations of the peak load pricing problem by simultaneously considering continuous and interdependent demand in determining optimal prices and pricing period lengths. A profit incentive for TOU pricing as a form of price discrimination is revealed, which is tempered as substitution across pricing periods allows limited intertemporal arbitrage. The profit incentive leads a price-regulated firm, ceteris paribus, to choose a peak pricing period longer than the social optimum.  相似文献   

面向可持续发展的水价制度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以全成本水价理论为基础,从水价形成机制、水价体系、水价管理体制等三方面论述我国现行水价制度中存在的主要问题,并相应提出建立科学合理的节水型水价制度的对策建议。  相似文献   

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