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通过对国家所有权的性质以及行使方式与效率进行探讨,提出了对其限制的原因以及所遵循的原则,从而揭示出国家所有权的行使和效率之间的关系。  相似文献   

世界各国都十分重视外资对国家经济安全的影响,但采取的政策和导致的后果却不尽相同.文章选择了几个具有代表性的国家作为样本:对外资完全开放的美国;以外债为主并抵制外国直接投资的国家日本;以引进直接投资方式为主的新兴工业化国家新加坡;允许外国直接投资进入但有诸多限制的发展中大国印度.从多个方面对这些国家采取的防范外资对国家经济安全影响的政策作一比较分析,并从以上几个国家利用外资和防范外资经济风险的过程中得出一些对我国有益的经验启示.  相似文献   

世界各国都十分重视外资对国家经济安全的影响,但采取的政策和导致的后果却不尽相同。文章选择了几个具有代表性的国家作为样本:对外资完全开放的美国;以外债为主井抵制外国直接投资的国家日本;以引进直接投资方式为主的新兴工业化国家新加坡;允许外国直接投资进入但有诸多限制的发展中大国印度。从多个方面对这些国家采取的防范外资对国家经济安全影响的政策作一比较分析,并从以上几个国家利用外资和防范外资经济风险的过程中得出一些对我国有益的经验启示。  相似文献   

据缅甸中央统计局公布的最新数字 ,去年头10个月 ,缅甸共吸引外资3755.3万美元 ,比前年同期的2.47亿美元下降84.8 %。缅甸吸引的这些外资分别来自英国、日本、泰国、印度、新加坡、中国香港特区、印度尼西亚和韩国等8个国家和地区 ,这些外资分别投向矿业、制造业、饭店及旅游业、渔业4个领域。缅甸吸引外资锐减的主要原因之一是亚洲金融危机的影响。缅甸官方承认 ,亚洲金融危机爆发后 ,东盟成员国对缅甸的直接投资锐减70 %。缅甸于1988年底开始向外资开放 ,截至1999年10月31日 ,缅甸共吸引来自24个国家和地…  相似文献   

文章选取2006—2012年间中国股票市场数据,研究外资持股对信息传递效率和股价同步性的影响,验证了我国股市中股价同步性与市场信息效率之间的关系以及外资持股对这种关系的影响。研究结果表明:(1)不同类型的外资对我国股市信息传递效率的影响是存在显著差异的;(2)直接境外大股东提高了股价同步性,而直接境外中小股东降低了股价同步性。  相似文献   

外资在中东欧国家银行体系中占有越来越大的比重。为了分析这些国家外资银行与内资银行的效率差异,本文构建了一个多产出成本结构模型,利用随机边界方法计算了这些国家101 家银行的成本效率值。通过比较内外资银行的成本效率值,我们发现内资银行比外资银行更有效率, 同时我们还发现这些国家银行的规模和产出结构与效率间没有必然的联系。  相似文献   

外资进入是否有助于我国内资企业生产效率的提高?有关外国直接投资溢出效应的众多研究尚无一致结论,其中一个重要原因在于差异样本数据的使用以及对企业内部技术溢出效应的忽视。本文使用我国1998~2007年的微观企业数据,从企业内部和企业之间(包括行业内和行业间)两个角度检验了外资溢出效应,并进一步讨论了市场化进程对于外资溢出效应的动态影响。我们在近177万份观测样本中发现,外资参股能够显著提高参股企业的生产效率水平,"己厂效应"为正;外资进入对内资企业的前向关联效应显著为正,但是后向关联并不显著;外资对同行业内资企业的溢出作用是不确定的。进一步考察制度因素发现,在当前的市场化进程下,外国投资的正向溢出作用正在逐渐弱化。  相似文献   

竞争、所有权与中国工业行业技术创新效率   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文认为市场竞争和所有权是影响中国工业行业技术创新效率的关键。基于1995年工业行业普查的数据实证分析显示,市场竞争倾向于提高国工业行业技术创新效率,国有所有权倾向于降低技术创新效率;国有所有权和市场垄断实际上降低了工业行业技术创新的有效性,非国有所有权和竞争市场的结合促进了企业技术创新效率的提高。因此,有效的所有权变革和市场竞争能够提高工业技术创新效率。  相似文献   

关于终极所有权与公司业绩的关系这一问题,近年来受到了人们的广泛关注。文章通过对已有文献的参考,对终极所有权与公司业绩的分析,得出了以下三个结论:终极所有权的适度集中有利于提高公司业绩;终极控制人的现金流量权和公司业绩呈现显著的正相关关系;国家和私人终极控制权的共存能够提高公司治理效率,同时对终极所有权与公司业绩的关系提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

本文通过对现有国家经济安全预警体系的比较,引入当前国家经济安全研究中被忽视的外资因素,提出核心传导机制和外围传导机制的概念,以及外资影响国家经济安全的关键领域与主要环节。论文指出,由外资引起的国家经济不安全主要通过两级传导机制进行扩散。其中,核心传导机制通过市场结构、国际收支等主要环节直接影响国家经济安全的三个关键领域;外围传导机制通过资源配置、人才争夺、汇率压力等主要环节影响国家经济安全的重要相关领域,使外资风险形成扩散化趋势。在此基础上,论文从三维视角构建中国国家经济安全预警指标体系的基本框架,并对目前中国国家经济安全的综合态势进行评估,得出虽然目前中国国家经济安全受外资风险影响的程度不高,但若干指标已经出现严重不安全迹象的结论。  相似文献   

This study examines the impact of foreign ownership on bank competition and discusses whether the relation changes with various proxies of financial reform. We contribute to the extant literature by using the bank-level ratio of foreign ownership and applying five individual sub-indices of financial reforms from 50 countries. Within the emerging Asia and Middle East and North Africa (MENA) countries, our findings show that a higher ratio of foreign ownership in a bank can enhance competition, whereas a liberalization policy on banking supervision instead mitigates this positive relation between foreign ownership and competition. Conversely, the liberalization on bank privatization in Latin America and Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) countries significantly increases competition. Thus, financial reforms do matter to the foreign ownership-bank competition nexus.  相似文献   

Empirical evidence suggests that China has benefited from foreign direct investment (FDI). An important question that remains unanswered is whether China has benefited more from FDI than other countries in general, and other transition and developing countries in particular. This paper investigates this issue by performing a meta-analysis on a sample of 67 country-specific studies yielding 137 observations that have gauged the link between FDI and measures of economic growth. The results suggest that the impact of FDI is, on average, more positively significant for China than for the full sample of countries, but that the difference between China and other transition economies is less clear.  相似文献   

理解东道国制度环境并选择与之相适应的管理方式对企业跨国经营获得成功具有重要影响。现有文献侧重于分析东道国规制制度和认知制度对企业跨国经营的影响,对规范制度研究较少。基于来自世界价值观调查的东道国社会信任数据以及中国上市公司2009—2018年在海外设立的6 921个子公司的数据,本文探讨规范制度的核心维度——东道国社会信任如何影响中国企业对海外子公司的管控。本文提出东道国外群体社会信任和内群体社会信任影响企业跨国经营所面临的交易成本和不确定性,进而影响母公司对海外子公司的持股水平。此外,文化距离和母公司跨国经验是东道国社会信任效应的重要边界条件。本文通过揭示东道国社会信任影响海外子公司管控的理论机理,不仅增进了人们对于规范制度及其对企业跨国经营战略的影响的认识,还对企业评估东道国规范制度环境、科学地设计海外子公司的所有权结构具有启示意义。  相似文献   

Using census data gathered in 2001, the present paper examines how legal traditions influence foreign investors’ choice of ownership modes in China. The study finds that, first, investors from economies sharing the same legal origin with China tend to select ownership modes with a relatively high level of foreign control. That is, such foreign direct investment (FDI) firms are more likely to be wholly owned enterprises or joint ventures with relatively large foreign shares. Second, similarities in legal enforcement between China and the home economies correlate positively with high foreign control. Third, the effects of legal traditions on ownership modes are relatively weak for new entrants compared to their forerunners, probably owing to the continuous improvement in China's business and law institutions.  相似文献   

李丽 《开放导报》2008,(5):52-54,63
随着中国在世界贸易中地位的提高,贸易摩擦问题日益凸显。其新动向主要表现为:摩擦手段从传统贸易壁垒转向新贸易壁垒,摩擦对象从发达国家向发展中国家蔓延,贸易摩擦争端的内容迅速扩大、涵盖众多产品,贸易摩擦领域从微观层面向制度层面延伸。应对中外贸易摩擦的新动向,不仅要客观地看待贸易保护主义,更要重视贸易摩擦的政治解决途径,同时注重提高国内企业市场竞争能力,不断完善市场经济制度。  相似文献   

This study investigates the effects of export spillover from foreign direct investment (FDI) before and after China’s World Trade Organization (WTO) accession, with particular consideration of the FDI source country and firm ownership structure. It uses a Chinese manufacturing firm-level panel dataset, for the period 1998–2007. In general, there are no spillover effects among state-owned enterprises (SOEs). This study finds negative horizontal and positive vertical spillovers associated with FDI from Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan (HMT) among non-SOEs. Furthermore, non-HMT FDI, which is predominantly from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries, have statistically significant positive horizontal and vertical spillover effects on the export performance of private Chinese firms. Positive forward spillovers occurred only after China joined the WTO, while positive backward spillovers existed during both the pre- and post-WTO periods. China’s entry into the WTO intensified the forward linkage of production, implying that greater availability of high-quality inputs produced by non-HMT foreign multinationals benefited the export performance of private domestic firms.  相似文献   

Most firms and plants in developing countries produce only for the domestic market and few are able to export. One plausible hypothesis is that foreign networks decrease export costs and that plants with large amounts of such networks will be relatively likely to start exporting. We focus on two types of foreign networks: foreign ownership and imports of intermediate products. Our results suggest that plants in Indonesian manufacturing with any foreign ownership are substantially more likely to start exporting than wholly domestically owned plants. The results remain robust to alternative model specifications and after controlling for other plant characteristics. There is no effect on exports of imports of intermediate products.  相似文献   

Drawing on recent developments in applied international trade and innovation and learning in developing countries, this paper examines the links between firm-level export performance, foreign ownership and the acquisition of technological capabilities in a sample of 205 clothing enterprises in Sri Lanka. Econometric analysis indicates that foreign ownership, firm size, human capital, technological capabilities and geographical location are all positively associated with export shares. Furthermore, higher levels of technological capability are associated with larger firm size, university-level manpower and in-house technological effort. Micro-level investigations are a complementary input to developing policies for promoting private sector competitiveness in outward-oriented developing countries.  相似文献   

上世纪后期中、印两国开始经济转型以来,两国在对外经济关系战略上都有了较大的转变,两者存在一定的相似之处,但也存在明显的差别,总的来说,两国都由进口替代转向了出口导向战略,重视自身的比较优势,但印度的对外开放度明显不如中国。两国都强调在自力更生的基础上实行对外开放,但中国更注重对外开放,而印度则更偏重于民族企业自身的发展,另外,中国更强调对外开放的层次性,在经济特区等试点地区的对外开放比印度取得了更大的效果。  相似文献   

This paper considers whether information asymmetries affect the willingness of foreign banks to participate in syndicated loans to corporate borrowers in China. We analyze how ownership concentration, which influences information asymmetries in the relationship between the borrower and the lender, exerts an impact on the participation of foreign banks in syndicated loans granted to Chinese borrowers in the period 2004–2009. We observe that greater ownership concentration of the borrowing firm does not positively influence participation of foreign banks in the loan syndicate. We conclude that information asymmetries are not exacerbated for foreign banks relative to local banks in China.  相似文献   

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