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改革开放之后,我国的私营企业得到了快速的发展。但是在当前形势下,私营企业的发展面临着很多问题,其中最关键的问题就是融资难。随着电子商务的发展,网络借贷成为私营企业的一个新型融资渠道。本文首先分析了私营企业通过网络借贷融资的现状,然后找出发展过程中存在的问题,最后提出了解决相关问题的对策。  相似文献   

由于体制性障碍和企业自身的原因,我国私营企业的外源融资渠道并不畅通,其直接和间接融资都比较困难.为此,需要进一步深化金融体制改革,发展非国有金融机构,特别是私营金融机构;建立和完善中小企业金融服务体系;不断扩大私营企业规模,走规范化、制度化的道路.  相似文献   

由于各种原因造成我国私营企业融资困难,为此应从改革金融体制和规范私营企业入手,放手发展私营金融机构,建立和完善中小企业金融服务体系.  相似文献   

由于各种原因造成我国私营企业融资困难,为此应从改革金融体制和规范私营企业入手,放手发展私营金融机构,建立和完善中小企业金融服务体系。  相似文献   

本刊讯 国家工商总局日前公布《关于进一步促进个体私营经济发展的若干意见》,通过一系列措施帮助个体私营企业解决融资难问题。《意见》还提出,稳妥推动民间资本创办小额贷款公司。《意见》称,积极开展动产抵押、股权质押和注册商标专用权质押登记,指导个体私营企业利用抵押、质押担保进行融资;允许股权出资,为个体私营企业进一步拓宽融资渠道;稳妥推动民间资本创办小额贷款公司,  相似文献   

改革开放以来,特别是邓小平同志南巡讲话发表以后,我国私营企业得到迅猛发展,已成为推动国民经济发展、促进市场繁荣的重要力量,在缓解就业压力、优化经济结构、应用新技术和增加税收等方面发挥着越来越重要的作用。但是,我国私营企业融资贷款难一直是制约私营企业健康发展的一大瓶颈。  相似文献   

前段时间,笔者参加了一家民营企业的董事会议。会上,有位独立董事提出:既然公司的利润率远高于同期银行贷款利率,且公司的负债率也仅为30%左右,为什么一定要通过IPO来融资?无独有偶,目前坊间财务管理教材编写惯用的模式也多是先写货币的时间价值及财务管理的基本原理;接着是融资方式的选择(股权融资还是债权融资);最后是持续经营中的财务问题(如收购与兼并)及股利政策与股利分配等。仔细考量,这两个问题是类似的,即:教科书式的财务管理。很显然,按照教科书关于股权融资与债权融资的说法,我国相当多的私营企业是不应该发行股票上市的。但事实上,很多私营企业都在花费相当多的时间、精力和财务成本去谋求上市。其背后的原因是什么?为什么在我们的教科书中却没有体现?  相似文献   

十六大报告中提出:“充分发挥个体、私营等非公有经济在促进经济增长、扩大就业和活跃市场等方面的重要作用。放宽国内民间资本的市场领域,在投融资、税收、土地使用和对外贸易等方面采取措施,实现公平竞争。”长期以来,融资难成为制约私营企业发展的“瓶颈”。如何解决好这一问题,成为当前需要认真研究探讨的课题。近年来,着眼于解决融资问题,信用担保事业应运而生,方兴未艾,呈现出良好的发展势头。前不久,笔者考察了烟台市银桥信用担保有限公司,对发展信用担保促进私营企业融资产生一些思考。  相似文献   

加强信用制度建设 改善中小企业融资环境   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国加入世贸组织给中小企业带来了新的机遇和挑战。中小企业必须面对新的经济形势,在全球经济市场的激烈竞争中求得生存和发展。目前亟待解决的问题之一就是尽快改善中小企业的融资理财环境,规范中小企业的经济行为,增强企业的竞争能力,引导中小企业健康有序地发展。一、中小企业的融资现状从世界范围来看,无论是发达国家,还是发展中国家,中小企业在其社会经济中都占有不可忽视的地位。据调查,我国国有企业数量中,大约95%左右是中小企业,在集体企业和外商投资企业中,中小企业占99%以上,至于私营企业和个体工商户则几乎全部都是中小企业。可见…  相似文献   

企业存在生命周期,私营企业在生命周期不同发展阶段所遭遇的风险内涵和强度特征有较大的差异,所以处于不同的生命周期下企业的融资模式存在着一定的差异。江苏私营企业经过多年的发展、完善,目前已形成一定的规模,成为推动江苏经济持续、快速、健康发展的重要力量。尤其值得一提的是无锡私营企业的发展,在市委、市政府大力扶持私营经济政策的引导下无锡市私营经济逐步成长并不断壮大,非常具有代表性。  相似文献   

阐释了民营经济在国民经济和社会发展中的作用,分析了当前民营企业融资的现状,提出了进一步发展民营经济需解决好民营企业的融资问题,指出了拓宽民营企业融资的渠道。  相似文献   

In this paper I examine regulation and corporate governance mechanisms at a sample of non-publicly traded state member banks in 2006. Using a simultaneous regression approach, results show that insider representation on the board has a positive influence on both director and executive compensation in commercial banks. Regulatory ratings, however, are only related to bank performance—not to board structure or compensation schemes. This may be attributed to less information asymmetry between managers and owners at private banks. Also, directors are rewarded for strong CAMELS ratings. The governance structure of private banks is not affected by regulatory ratings; however, the percent of insiders on the board influences actions of the board to a large extent.  相似文献   

The American insurance industry is shackled by regulations and restrictions on all sides. Fred Smith, of the Competitive Enterprise Institute, assesses the harm done. Could Britain follow?  相似文献   

The religious factor in private education   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We quantify the religious factor in private education in the United States by calibrating a political economy model of school choice—among public, private-nonsectarian and subsidized religious schools—in which parents differ in their incomes and in their preferences for religious education. This shows strong latent demand for religious schooling, conditioned on current subsidized tuition levels in parochial schools, which is suppressed by the need to “pay twice” for private education. Applying the results of the calibration to gauge the effect of means-tested school voucher programs on religious and nonsectarian private enrollment, we find that when the amount of the voucher is relatively small, including subsidized religious schools in such programs is necessary for providing low-income families effective access to private education.  相似文献   

The social and private micro-level consequences of homeownership   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper reviews the literature that describes the micro-level economic and social consequences of homeownership. We adopt an interdisciplinary approach and include studies from economics, sociology, geography, political science, psychology, and other disciplines. Our focus is on the set of consequences of homeownership in developed countries. Our list of potential outcomes of homeownership includes the impact on household wealth and portfolio choice, mobility, labor force participation, urban structure and segregation, home maintenance, political and social activities, health, demographics, self-esteem, and child outcomes. There is substantial evidence that homeownership has important effects on some household behaviors and outcomes. However, we find that much of the past 30-year's literature on consequences of homeowning is deficient from a theoretical or econometric perspective. We suggest solutions and identify research gaps present in the literature.  相似文献   

This article, based on a postal survey and qualitative interview‐based research, examines the relationship between major private recruitment bureaux and their clients in the UK, with particular attention to the recruitment and selection of temporary workers. The private recruitment industry is growing and large bureaux are seeking closer partnership arrangements with clients. Contracts for labour services are being developed on a 'preferred' supplier basis – similar in type to the approach taken for the purchase or supply of goods or components. However, formal preferred supplier contracts with temporary work bureaux were used by only a minority of clients, usually larger organisations or those having projects or workplaces with high volume demand. While such bureaux seek models of relational contracting or partnering, many clients prefer less fully engaged or 'semi‐distanced' relations facilitated by the informal dimensions of inter‐organisational contacts.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the learnability of an equilibrium with private information. Agents of each type have their own private information about an exogenous variable and conduct adaptive learning with a heterogeneously misspecified perceived laws of motion (PLM) that includes only this variable. The paper shows that the existence of private information has a nonnegative impact on the learnability of the equilibrium; that is, the condition for learnability is unaffected or relaxed by heterogeneity and/or misspecification in PLMs caused by private information. In a New Keynesian model with private information about fundamental shocks, the learnability of the equilibrium is ensured by the Taylor principle of monetary policy. The paper also confirms that these results hold true not only in the presence of private information, but also in a variety of informational structures.  相似文献   

State and municipal patronage in architecture has been a disaster. Brian Waters, a leading architect with a substantial practice, analyses how private patronage can commission buildings of real quality. Forward the speculative developer!  相似文献   

丁琪 《企业技术开发》2012,(Z1):165-166
2011年12月5日,中国人民银行决定下调存款类金融机构人民币存款准备金率0.5个百分点至21%。这是近3年来中国人民银行首次下调存款准备金率,目的是加强金融体系流动性管理,抑制货币信贷过快增长,这已释放出一定的政策信号:央行已采取行动缓解当前货币资金偏紧状况。  相似文献   

文章就"危机激励"作了一系列探讨,通过一些具体的理论分析和实证研究,显示出危机激励的优点在于它可以根据民营企业不同时期的经营状况充分加以应用,充分展示其柔性和弹性,改善了传统的正向激励模式所呈现出的刚性和硬性。并对"危机激励"在民营企业中的应用状况作了简要的概述,使得"危机激励"在民营企业中不仅具有理论上的可行性,同时具有实际应用价值和可操作性。  相似文献   

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