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女性主义翻译理论是翻译研究与女性主义结合的产物,借助这一理论可以探讨译者性别对译本的影响。本文从性别与翻译视角出发,以《钟形罩》两译本为例,对比分析男女译者在翻译女性主义作品时,对原文中女性主义意识的不同理解以及采取的不同翻译方法。  相似文献   

目前,中国广告与女性研究成果主要集中在女性在广告文本中如何被描绘、参与广告行业的女性状况等两个议题,研究方法重在定量分析,研究结论往往陷入两种误区:即凡是传统的女性广告形象就是刻板、次等的;凡是反传统的女性广告形象就是积极的。在本文中,笔者尝试着从后女性主义多元论、权力与话语等方面出发对我国广告与女性研究进行反思,并试图寻求一条新路。  相似文献   

小说《傲慢与偏见》是简.奥斯汀的经典作品,自发表以来,受到了全世界读者的欢迎和喜爱。小说对恋爱,婚姻的描写生动,真实,语言风趣幽默,对女主人公伊丽莎白的塑造更是成为其广受欢迎的重要原因,本文从女性主义角度出发,研究《傲慢与偏见》中的女主人公伊丽莎白在面对恋爱婚姻选择时突出的女性主义精神。  相似文献   

王娟 《中国报业》2012,(4):207-208
本文通过文献资料法、访谈法等对女性主义与女性主义艺术进行理论阐述,并研究女性主义与女性艺术史的意义。通过分析当代中国女性主义艺术发展史,发现当代女性主义艺术发展中存在的问题,提出促进其发展的途径,为女性主义艺术的发展提供参考。  相似文献   

翻译批评是指在一定的社会历史文化条件下,运用一定的批评方法,遵循一定的原则,以一定的理论为基础,对译作做出的尽可能客观、科学、公正的评价。在非任意性的前提下,翻译批评可以是多角度的。美国兴起女权运动之后,女性主义批评也渐渐从历史的长河中凸显出来,为翻译批评提供了另外一个角度和方法。它对译者主体性的研究,建立在性别理论的基础之上,结合了女性主义翻译观和女性主义文学批评。因此这种翻译批评方法强调性别意识,重新界定了对译者"身份"的理解。  相似文献   

女性主义和后殖民主义同属后现代主义,对翻译研究产生了深远影响,女性主义与后殖民主义都强调翻译的主体性并且强调翻译的创造性及主观能动性,目的在于通过翻译实践实现其政治目的或价值观。但两者在翻译策略的使用上有不同之处,本文对女性主义和后殖民主义翻译理论进行了简要对比,以加深对其的认识。  相似文献   

陈影霜 《消费导刊》2010,(4):219-220
《女性主义观点的社会学》,这本有着醒目的玫瑰红封面和用繁体字编排的书,带给我全新的感觉。书的简介中写道:“女性主义整体而言是一场致力于解放女人的运动。女人处在男流的社会中,往往被忽略、扭曲和边缘化,换句话说,劣居从属的地位。为了解放女人,必须了解、进而扭转这种从属的状况。女性主义就从这一点出发,重建知识的生产途径,破除男流社会的迷思。女性主义并不是社会学中的一种理论观点,但女性主义从根本挑战了男流社会学自以为是的理论假设,并主张社会学的理论、方法和解释有重新建构的必要。本书就从颠覆男流‘教科书’着手,一点一滴剖析女性主义如何改写男流社会学的版图。”  相似文献   

付静 《商》2014,(2):121-121
美国迪斯尼拍摄的《花木兰》打破了以往中国花木兰的传统形象,增添了一些美国特色。但是却受到了中美的欢迎。通过研究美国版《花木兰》,可以看出中美的文化差异:中国的集体主义,阶级主义,男权主义和美国的个人主义,平等主义和女性主义。  相似文献   

孟悦的《<白毛女>演变的启示》则根据《白毛女》的不断改编的演变分析政治和非政治性的话语关系的博弈过程。本文主要从女性主义角度,采用历史的回溯法论述《白毛女》的改编过程中的话语权彰隐,即所谓的五四以来建构起的女性主义话语始终作为一种工具,没有真正建构起主体性,以女性主义话语依托的非政治性与政治性话语的二元对立的研究范式便值得考究。并且据此思考《白毛女》研究批评的多重角度和女性主义话语的真正确立。  相似文献   

张亚萍 《商》2014,(20):71-69
孟悦的《〈白毛女〉演变的启示》则根据《白毛女》的不断改编的演变分析政治和非政治性的话语关系的博弈过程。本文主要从女性主义角度,采用历史的回溯法论述《白毛女》的改编过程中的话语权彰隐,即所谓的五四以来建构起的女性主义话语始终作为一种工具,没有真正建构起主体性,以女性主义话语依托的非政治性与政治性话语的二元对立的研究范式便值得考究。并且据此思考《白毛女》研究批评的多重角度和女性主义话语的真正确立。  相似文献   

Unlike univariate and bivariate statistical methods, multivariate statistical methods are capable of analyzing more than one relationship at a time. There are a number of multivariate data analysis methods, each with its own purpose. For nonexperts in statistical analysis, it can be daunting to determine what method is appropriate for a given application. The goal of this commentary is to introduce the multivariate data analysis methods in practical terms that do not require a strong statistical background. The emphasis is describing the purpose of each method, so that readers can choose the methods appropriate for their research questions. The use of multivariate statistical methods in the Journal of African Business also is explored.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to review the research activities in information systems (IS) in the mainland of China. We reviewed and analyzed a total of 859 research papers in information systems published in 18 leading academic journals in business and management in the mainland from 1999 to 2005. Applying the content analysis method, we first categorized the papers by their reference disciplines, research topics, research methods, and the units of analysis. The data were then compared with the results of similar Western studies. Results show that, among the published IS research papers in the mainland of China, IS research itself represents the primary theoretical reference discipline; organizational and system/software issues are the main topics of the focus; non-empirical studies were the dominant research method; and the majority of studies were conducted at the organizational and/or system level. Compared with the West, IS research in China demonstrates its own characteristics in theoretical foundations, research focuses, and research methods, and there are a number of areas that need to be improved. Translated from Guanli Kexue Xuebao 맜理科学学报 (Journal of Management Sciences in China), 2006, 9(2): 76–85 The original published paper was based on the data from 1999 to 2003. The current paper is based on the data from 1999 to 2005  相似文献   

袁同成 《人口与发展》2012,(1):106-112,105
采用定量与定性相结合的方法,对近三年发表于核心期刊的389篇社会政策研究文章所使用的研究方法进行了内容分析。在我国的社会政策研究中,规范性研究较多,实证性研究较少,实证研究中主要使用的是调查研究、实地研究、文献研究与制度分析等研究方法,其中也确实涌现出了一批较为规范的实证研究,但是还远未能形成与国际接轨的研究方法体系,这也阻止了我国社会政策学科的专业化和"本土化"。应该加强社会政策研究方法体系的建设,促进社会政策学科的成熟,为社会政策的理论与实践提供研究工具上的支撑。  相似文献   

通过对14年来我国学者在外语学习策略方面的研究论文的统计分析显示·我国外语学习策略研究之14年来,存在着研究定位雷同、研究样本不全面、研究方法单一、对核心概念界定模糊等问题,影响了策略研究的信度和效度。因此,在未来的研究中,应明确策略研究涉及的核心概念,多从微观层面入手调整研究定位。同时,还要扩大研究样本。高度重视高职高专群体。除此之外,还要熟悉科学研究方法,在综述和调查研究之外多综合运用其他研究方法,以使我国外语学习策略研究更具有可验证性和推广性。  相似文献   

This editorial elaborates on the expectations for research destined for publication in the Journal of Business Logistics (JBL). We explore the dimensions of topical coverage, theory, methods, and research implications. The purpose of expounding these expectations is twofold: (1) to inform prospective authors on how to best position their work for submission, and (2) to initiate our reviewers and associate editors (AEs) of the expectations for the evaluation of research. By better illuminating our expectations, authors will have a better experience with the journal, associated with higher levels of success. Also, reviewers and AEs will be better prepared to express their opinions in a constructive fashion, helping to nurture more impactful papers. The editorial concludes by introducing the articles appearing in the current issue of the journal.  相似文献   

本文从我国对实证会计研究的认识及其变化、实证会计研究的主要成果、实证会计研究方法的发展这三个方面来总结了近十年来我国实证会计研究特征规律,其规律显示近十年来实证会计研究文章呈现大幅递增的趋势,研究领域越来越广泛,研究方法应用比较单一,变量指标的设置在其主要研究内容方面表现出一定的共性,并根据其研究侧重点的不同增加了相应不同的指标。最后比较了我国与西方实证会计研究在研究内容和研究方法上的差异。  相似文献   

本文以中国期刊全文数据库为来源,对近十年有关政府合作的文献进行了全面梳理和评估。评估发现,虽然政府合作如火如荼地进行,但理论研究与政府合作实践的发展相比仍有较大差距,明显存在研究力量单薄、研究方法缺位、研究主题范围狭窄等诸多问题。  相似文献   

Group Decision Support Systems (GDSS) is a relatively new area of Information Systems research, but some patterns have begun to emerge in the focus of this research and in the approaches to conducting it. This article represents a substantial review of a large body of GDSS literature and an analysis of that literature according to a specific classification scheme. The dimensions of the classification scheme include the age of the research publication, the general research approach, the philosophy underlying the data collection, the type of GDSS support, whether the research is longitudinal, and the primary focus of the research, as well as a few demographic variables such as author and source. The results of the literature analysis lead to recommendations to GDSS researchers by the authors of a need for greater use of the available research approaches and other data analysis philosophies, a greater emphasis on field work, more longitudinal research, and some changes in the focus of the research.  相似文献   

We agree with de Jong et al.'s argument that business historians should make their methods more explicit and welcome a more general debate about the most appropriate methods for business historical research. But rather than advocating one ‘new business history’, we argue that contemporary debates about methodology in business history need greater appreciation for the diversity of approaches that have developed in the last decade. And while the hypothesis-testing framework prevalent in the mainstream social sciences favoured by de Jong et al. should have its place among these methodologies, we identify a number of additional streams of research that can legitimately claim to have contributed novel methodological insights by broadening the range of interpretative and qualitative approaches to business history. Thus, we reject privileging a single method, whatever it may be, and argue instead in favour of recognising the plurality of methods being developed and used by business historians – both within their own field and as a basis for interactions with others.  相似文献   

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