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艾琳 《光彩》2010,(6):48-50
高压下的商业模式、过于严格的层级制管理和企业人文关怀的缺失是导致跳楼悲剧的原因之一就在富士康科技集团因"九连跳"事件备受争议之时,5月21日晚,又有一名富士康员工坠楼身亡,这是今年以来富士康第十名坠楼自杀的员工,与上一次悲剧仅时隔一周。频繁的悲剧事件让这家全球最大的代工企业成为公众口诛笔伐的焦点。  相似文献   

陈放 《广告大观》2010,(7):41-42
新闻背景:富士康员工继第12起跳楼事件发生后,2010年5月27日凌晨又有一位员工割腕自杀,送医后已经没有生命危险。这位割腕自杀的男子25岁,湖南人,住富士康员工宿舍C栋,进入富士康工作才两个多月。截至目前,富士康今年已发生13起员工自杀事件,造成10死3伤。  相似文献   

李皞 《广告大观》2010,(7):51-52
短短四月内,十数起坠楼案件,十几位年轻人试图跳楼自杀以结束生命,引起了社会各界的惋惜和哀悼,但把责任完全归咎于雇主富士康,在笔者看来未免有失偏颇。富士康"自杀门"事件的根本原因是什么?这一事件给中国制造企业在品牌建设、企业文化、管理等方面带来了哪些启示?  相似文献   

今年5月以来,富士康员工连续自杀事件引起了社会的广泛关注。本文拟通过对富士康出现的危机和起所处历史环境的变化,对富士康危机产生的原因进行分析,并对新时期社会主义和谐社会背景下的企业文化重塑进行相关讨论。  相似文献   

自杀的事例在全世界的死亡事例中已不是什么令世人感到吃惊和诧异的事了,每一个选择自杀的人都会有各自充足的结束自己生命的行动理由,虽然他们的做法令周围的认识或不认识他们的人感到心痛和惋惜,但这却比不上富士康员工频频自杀事件带给人们关于自杀者的自杀动机以外的组织人力管理方式、管理艺术、企业文化等方面的深切思考。  相似文献   

陈胜男 《商》2013,(3):178-178
在词性上看,诚信是个同义复词,即由相同意义的两个词根"诚"和在经济方面则表示"信"组成,诚与信都是表示真心,真诚,言而有信。从改革开放到加入世贸组织以来,社会诚信一直考验着每一个中国人,构建社会诚信体制势在必行。下面将对其进行进一步剖析,即社会诚信的不断缺失、产生社会诚信缺失的原因及其构建的路径。  相似文献   

本文以近来颇受关注的富士康连跳自杀事件为例,在分析富士康企业管理制度的基础上,详细解析了引起这一系列事件的企业方面可能存在的问题,并提出了解决问题的对策和方法.  相似文献   

富士康:“中国制造”的泥潭   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
N连跳血案发生后,面对着"血汗工厂"的指责,富士康的母公司鸿海最近连续上调基层员工的工资,第一次是自900元调升至1200元,而仅仅四天后,又将合格员工的薪资调整到了2000元。  相似文献   

徐梓彦 《中国市场》2011,(1):157-157,163
深圳富士康科技集团接连发生的员工跳楼自杀事件,引发了全社会对于新生代农民工群体的关注,针对新生代农民工的劳动权益保障严重缺失的问题,我们要从多角度分析问题产生的原因,并从户籍制度改革、社会保障制度及维权组织建设等多方面探寻保障新生代农民工劳动权益的相关措施。  相似文献   

2010年,富士康成为众矢之的。从五连跳到十连跳,随着员工跳楼人数的连续攀升,富士康的声誉和股票都跌倒了历史最低点。这家全球最大的电子产品代工企业,将成本优势运用自如,当然也包括降低员工成本。富士康2009年财报显示,富土康国际员工数量达11.87万名,  相似文献   

吴建业 《中国市场》2010,(25):32-33
对生命的敬畏,就是对社会的负责,如果连死都不怕,那还有什么可怕的呢?背负的社会压力越重,对生命的态度就越轻!有多少跳可以重来?陷入精神危机的新生代务工者,我拿什么拯救你?  相似文献   

We have conducted a case study of Foxconn’s suicide crisis when 12 Foxconn employees committed suicide during the first 5 months of 2010. In this case study, we have examined Foxconn’s crisis communication strategies during the critical period and explored the failure in crisis communication in terms of the stakeholder approach. Our findings show that Foxconn adopted a mixed response strategy by trying to address the concerns of various stakeholders while refusing to take responsibility for the suicides. Foxconn’s failure in the crisis was due to its imbalanced stakeholder relations that failed to recognize employees as important stakeholders, resulting in the failure to provide the ethics of care and justice that was warranted. Our findings suggest that an ethical stakeholder approach can complement Benoit’s and Coombs’ crisis communication theories and strategies.  相似文献   

In 2010, a cluster of suicides at the electronics manufacturing giant Foxconn Technology Group sparked worldwide outcry about working conditions at its factories in China. Within a few short months, 14 young migrant workers jumped to their deaths from buildings on the Foxconn campus, an all-encompassing compound where they had worked, eaten, and slept. Even though the language of workplace dignity was invoked in official responses from Foxconn and its business partner Apple, neither of these parties directly examined workers’ dignity in their ensuing audits. Based on our analysis of media accounts of life at Foxconn, we argue that its total institution structure imposed unique indignities on its workers that both raised questions of their self-respect and self-worth, as well as gave rise to multiple episodes of disrespectful communication. We interpret our findings in light of the larger cultural context and meanings of work in China to understand more fully the experience of dignity of Foxconn’s migrant workforce.  相似文献   

富士康的N连跳,无形中促使了东部沿海产业基地梯度转移的加速,郭台铭在全国内陆多个省份周游,寻找风水宝地来圈地实现其3C帝国的梦想。一时间,天津、河北廊坊、河南郑州相互爆出富士康要内迁的新闻,嚷嚷了几个月最终花落河南,而郑州也因创造出了"郑州速度"而引以为豪。  相似文献   

Extensive attention have been attracted by series of events in China, from the spate of suicides by employ-ees of Foxconn, to the strikes at the Guangdong prov-ince plantof Toyota, to pay increases now spreadingacross the country. These events, with key words being pay rise and improving working condition,  相似文献   

以富士康为代表的出口加工制造企业,曾经为我国的经济增长和就业做出了积极贡献。但是,兼具制造和技术竞争优势的富士康却仍旧是低附加值代工企业。如今,富士康面临要素成本上升、定价能力缺失、盈利能力下降等挑战。富士康采取了生产基地迁移和商业模式转变等积极的应对策略,力图在保持成本优势的同时,实现向"服务的富士康"和"创新的富士康"的转变。此外,要解决代工企业竞争力下滑的难题,还需要社会各界的多方面支持。  相似文献   

田丰 《中国海关》2011,(12):74-74
虽然中国已经成为全球的贸易大国,但是在“大”的同时更需要求“实”,从而为中国人民带来切切实实的利益。  相似文献   

Although arguments are a good way of exploring the limitations and complexities of a concept or a theory we may find ourselves faced with a real phenomenon that challenges the existing formulations of a concept or a theory so strongly and reveals its limitations to us so starkly that we are forced to break away from the current discussion and start anew. Such is the challenge posed by the phenomenon of farmer suicides on our existing theories of corporate social responsibility. Contemporary discussions in corporate ethics are replete with many theories of corporate social responsibility which in one way or the other rely on the concept of the social contract. For the most part these theories have gone unchallenged and no fundamental limitations have been revealed. However, the phenomenon of farmer suicides in central India poses a serious challenge to them. This article attempts to show how the phenomenon of farmer suicides in central India starkly exposes some of the fundamental limitations of the contractarian formulations of corporate social responsibility.  相似文献   

Introduction. Suicides are a hidden and unrecognized epidemic in the Indian region, affecting predominantly younger age groups. Information on causative risk factors and mechanisms is not available in the country, which is crucial for designing intervention programmes.

Objectives. To identify and quantify risk factors for completed suicides in the city of Bangalore.

Methods. A case–control study was conducted with the families of 269 completed suicides and 269 living controls within the broader population of the city using psychological autopsy methods.

Results. The study has shown that several factors in the areas of family, marriage, education, occupation, general health, mental health and absence of protective factors contribute significantly for suicides. The cumulative and repetitive interaction of several factors in a complex manner results in suicides. The significant factors were presence of previous suicidal attempt in self (odds ratio (OR) = 42.62), interpersonal conflicts and marital disharmony with spouse (OR = 27.98), alcoholism in self (OR = 23.38), presence of a mental illness (OR = 11.07), sudden economic bankruptcy (OR = 7.1), domestic violence (OR = 6.82) and unemployment (OR = 6.15). Individuals completing suicides did not have a positive outlook towards life, problem-solving approaches and coping skills.

Conclusion. The observed findings are at variance with suicidal causation in the West in some areas operating in a different sociocultural and economic environment. The intervention strategies should include prioritized macro and micro level efforts aimed at individual, family and society.  相似文献   

This study investigated the geographic distribution of suicide and railway suicide in Belgium over 2008--2013 on local (i.e., district or arrondissement) level. There were differences in the regional distribution of suicide and railway suicides in Belgium over the study period. Principal component analysis identified three groups of correlations among population variables and socio-economic indicators, such as population density, unemployment, and age group distribution, on two components that helped explaining the variance of railway suicide at a local (arrondissement) level. This information is of particular importance to prevent suicides in high-risk areas on the Belgian railway network.  相似文献   

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