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博海泛舟,游览博群,拣珠拾贝,撞进了默漠的领海。记得那是三月上旬,偶然读到一条默漠的"我愿,在这光阴赋予的故事里,慢慢蜕变,渐渐成熟。不去羡慕千回百转,不去招惹是非恩怨,将眷恋的种子播撒于明媚的初春,不那么炽,不那么烈,淡然的,从容的,稳妥的,宁谧的,不经意的,等待属于我的幸福花开!"的博文,觉得有点意思,转播分享后,便随手收听了她。继而走进了默漠的微博,一瞧,里面竟然有一万七千多条广播,浏览了些原创的帖子,  相似文献   

魏庆虹 《潮商》2015,(4):95-96
这几年来,对传统文化工艺的热爱,使我接触了很多深藏在民间的艺人,也正是这样的经历,我对民间工艺美术的保育与传承,传统艺人的生存和理应受到的尊重,有更深的了解和剖析,当世界纷扰,现实至上,大多数民间艺人仍然从事自己掌握的工艺技术,或许他们不一定都有特别崇高的理想,工艺本来就是赖以生存的营生,但是,他们在这些传承有序的工艺中,多了一脉温情,那是一种类似于家族情怀的事物,寄托着他们对先民、对父辈的感恩,正因如此,当我们观赏这些民间工艺作品时,总能感受到一种脉动,一种呼唤,某一时刻,或有一种似曾相识的感觉,前生今世,了然于心.  相似文献   

人只能用心灵,在云上散步、在水面飞奔,能幻想云润,水滑,能造出车船飞机,却无法让自身生出羽毛和翅膀. 跨江连城,直来直往的一座桥,在柔美的江南,有多少诗意可以借用,朱栏绿树的酒店窗外,慢慢行来载着文士渔翁的船,沉浸在画卷里,这才是悠久的古意,因此,便会惊喜这桥,竟忽然是另一番动态的翅膀的样子呢.  相似文献   

一、序言 随着社会主义市场经济的迅猛发展,市场竞争日益激烈,企业为了在竞争中取胜,竞相扩散赊销业务,提高销售额,打开市场局面,往往会采取先发货后收款的交易方式,于是在会计上便会形成一定数量的应收帐款,这种交易方式的确增加了企业的产品销量,推动了企业的发展,但是大量的应收帐款被外单位占用,暂时脱离了本单位的资金周转,增加了财务成本,给企业带来了很大的风险,严重的情况下还会形成坏帐,给企业带来更大的经济损失.  相似文献   

一、引言 商标是商品的标志,是生产者用来标识其生产和销售的商品的标志性的符号,一般由文字、图形或符号组成,是产品的形象,企业的象征,能够传递企业精神,塑造企业形象.商标的作用在于"促使保证商品质量,便于消费者选购,维护商标注册人的信誉和权益."(2006:313)好的商标有助于企业宣传自己,并促进商品的销售,制造品牌效应,进而给企业带来丰厚的利润.  相似文献   

诗意的浪漫,有一种即是在日月的辉耀下,甚至星光里,细雨中,对着一丛花草,或者无垠波涛,终日不发一言而泪下如雨,终归也无人知道是因何感伤. 而其中情愫,托于流水,问及草木,诉诸落花的,更是不可胜数;似乎纯净的自然,乃是人身心最终极最可依恃的归宿,人在此间,就如幼小的猫儿蜷缩在主人家的锦衾里,被抚慰着,有着温暖,与安全.  相似文献   

有时候我们去看一部电影,导演是大牌导演,演员是大牌演员,编剧是大牌编剧,广告满天,铺天盖地,弄得非常好,把所有人都忽悠进去以后,绝大多数的人跑出来说,没见过这么烂的片子,这就是到今天为止,我对这个事情做出的最精确的评价。刚开始的时候,我是非常担心的,三年零毛利,零元销售,三折销售等等,作为一个法律工作者,我首先想到这是违规的,你这样不计成本以后,  相似文献   

林林 《经营者》2001,(4):48-48
<正> 凉茶是中国人的保健智慧。昔日的中国,大家都很贫穷,未必人人都付得起聘请医师诊病的费用,每病一趟,都是沉重的负担,因此,他们要防患于未然,尽量保持健康,不让自己生病,或至少把病情控制。因此,中国民间医方中,凉茶就应运而生。凉茶是把一些具有调理人体机能,消除潜在致病毒素的药茶,定期饮用,可以减少生病的机会。其中市场上最常见的凉茶,包括二十四味和五花茶,过去,凉茶是市井中人的谋生之道,贫穷人忙于工作,而且收入微薄,实在不愿付出昂贵的价  相似文献   

陈淑珍 《楼市》2012,(24):91
我很高兴我嫁了我老公,也高兴有一个可爱孝顺的女儿,更高兴当时家里人的支持买了现在的房子。有家,有爱,有你们,是我最大的幸福。我和我老公是经人介绍结婚的,在我们那个年代,这是很平常的事,所谓的自由恋爱我也算尝到一半吧。在我们那个年代,我属于晚婚,29岁"高龄"的年纪让家里人开始着急,其实我的要求很简单,找一个人平平淡淡地过生活,幸运的是,我遇见了我老公。认识他的时候,他在研究所里上班,成  相似文献   

没有空洞的口号,没有华丽的辞藻,有的只是朴素平实的情感,无私奉献的爱心,重如泰山的责任。一个只有8名工作人员的审计局,面对资金量越来越大,审计范围越来越广的实际,他们不等不靠,以共产党员的模范行动,经受住考验,当好了经济卫士,默默的为全区经济社会又好又快发展做贡献。她叫鲁莉,共产党员,伍家岗区审计  相似文献   

The BRICS countries in general, and China and India in particular, are now widely regarded as the areas of the world likely to challenge the economic leadership of the United States (US) and the European Union (EU). A large part of this challenge will come from rapid technological catch‐up by China and India. Yet, despite a recent rise in interest, there is limited knowledge about how and where innovation takes place in these two leading emerging countries and to what extent the Chinese and Indian territorial systems of innovation differ from those in the EU or the US. In this article we explore the geography of innovation in China and India, concentrating on understanding key territorial‐level innovation trends by country, region and technology field, using the US and the EU as benchmarks. We find significant contrasts between the geography of innovation in China and India and that of the US and the EU. First, the degree of concentration of innovative activities in both countries is extremely high. Levels of agglomeration of innovation in the coastal provinces of China, as well as in Delhi and the South of India, significantly exceed the levels of agglomeration found in the USA and the EU. Secondly, China has witnessed a more rapid increase in the degree of concentration of innovation than India. We posit that the differences in the geography of innovation between, on the one hand, China and India and, on the other hand, between these countries and the developed world are rooted in different institutional settings, different systems of innovation and different national innovation strategies.  相似文献   

文章对国内外6个地区棉花样品中的残留脱叶剂噻苯隆进行分析。通过结合噻苯隆的液相光谱视图和改变溶剂洗脱体系确认棉花样品中的噻苯隆,并对不同地区棉花样品中噻苯隆残留量差异进行了详细分析。结果表明,我国新疆和美国某地产棉花中噻苯隆残留量分别为0.47mg/kg和0.51mg/kg,而我国陕西、湖北和巴西、埃及部分地区产棉花中噻苯隆残留量低于检出限。因此,为加强环境保护,减少棉花中的有毒有害物质,应尽快制定棉花中残留脱叶剂噻苯隆的限量标准。  相似文献   

邓战满  谢露  曾震  唐瑶  李毅  刘新辉  汤宇 《价值工程》2014,(28):306-307
利用湖南省1980-2010年雷暴日数据、2008-2013年闪电数据,分析了湖南省雷暴和闪电变化特征。结果表明:湖南省属于雷暴多发区,年平均雷暴日数分布呈南高北低的趋势,沿雪峰山有个相对高值区,平均雷暴日数在30d到70d之间。湖南省6年的年平均闪电条数35万余条,雷电高发时段为4-9月,其中7月是全年闪电活动最密集的月份。春季(3-5月)闪电逐时分布呈现双峰型,高峰值出现在02时、17时,夏季(6-8月)闪电多集中在下午15-17时,秋季(9月)高峰期集中在15-16时。湖南省闪电密度分布和闪电强度分布,高值区均在娄底、郴州,全省闪电主要强度分布在20-80kA。  相似文献   

This paper investigates performance drivers of microfinance suppliers in Europe. As such suppliers, in contrast to advanced microfinance suppliers in developing economies, typically focus on uncollateralized microcredit services to individuals at the margins of society and of labor markets, we draw on the theory of social capital and empirically investigate the role that social capital may play in the overall performance of European microfinance suppliers. We build a unique, unbalanced panel data set of 302 microfinance service providers in Europe covering the years 2008–2015, and measure their performance in terms of credit risk, financial and social performance, and efficiency. Pursuing an econometric approach, we test a series of hypotheses using various measures of conditions conducive to building social capital on both the institutional and the country level, such as the client base of a microfinance supplier and the level of cultural fractionalization in a society. Our findings confirm that a higher intensity of social capital is positively associated with all areas of the performance of microfinance suppliers in Europe. Our conclusions could help in the design and launch of microfinance institutions in those European countries in which microfinance markets are developed not at all or only to a very limited extent. Our paper thus contributes to the nascent literature on microfinance in developed economies by applying and extending the theoretical framework and empirical models on social capital and microfinance that were originally elaborated for developing economies.  相似文献   

The impact of the AIDS epidemic in developing countries, and in Africa in particular, is now a matter of great concern to policy makers, managers, and academics on a global scale. The magnitude of the potentially disastrous effects of the disease has severe implications for management in organizations, and, in particular, for HRM. The AIDS epidemic is imposing, and will continue to impose, in the foreseeable future, a significant burden on the way people are managed. Little has been written on HRM in Africa, and the present literature on AIDS and HRM in Western societies is inappropriate and insufficient in relation to African organizations. Fifteen organizations in Tanzania took part in this study, which is probably the first of its kind, to produce a picture of current developments and approaches in managing people under the threat of AIDS.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to provide an overview on the state of research in the field in human resource management (HRM) issues in multinational corporations (MNCs) in and from China. We integrate previous studies from multiple disciplines to articulate the contextual importance of research on this topic, and suggest overarching themes to expand the field of research. HRM research in the intercultural, interinstitutional context of MNCs in and from China has the potential to provide contextualized insights for longstanding debates in the field such as HRM standardization versus localization and convergence versus divergence and contextual factors behind these patterns. To this end, we call for future research to center on the changing cultural, institutional, technological, and globalization context in understanding HRM and industrial relations issues in these MNCs. Practically, knowledge in this area can help global managers and top management teams in multinational organizations navigate various context complexity, foster more productive coordination and cooperation across borders, and gain legitimacy and MNCs in and from China additional competitive edge in the global marketplace.  相似文献   

Abstract Social welfare programs in the USA are designed to serve as safety nets for people in hard times, in contrast with the universal approach found in many other developed western nations. In a survey of cliometric studies of social welfare programs in the USA, we examine the variation in the safety net in the USA across states in the 20th century, the determinants of the variation and its impact on socioeconomic outcomes. The USA has always displayed substantial variation in the extent of the safety net because the features of most public social welfare programs have been and currently are determined by local and state governments, even after the federal government became involved in the 1930s. Differences across states persist strongly for typically a decade, although the persistence weakens with time, and there are some periods when federal intervention led to a re‐ordering. The rankings of state benefits differ from program to program, and economic and political factors have different weights in determining benefit levels in panel data estimation of their effects. Variation in benefits across programs during the early 1900s had significant impact on labour markets, economic activity, family formation, death rates and crime.  相似文献   

Participation has recently been subject to renewed attention and critique in the context of neoliberal urban governance. This is especially relevant in countries where decentralization and democratization in the context of neoliberalism have led to increased promotion of local‐level participation. This article suggests that current critiques of participation's potential for democratic citizen engagement in a neoliberal context would benefit from further reflection on how participation is implemented in contexts, particularly the global South, where neoliberalism and democracy may be understood differently. Different ‘cultures of engagement’ in specific settings suggest that understandings and practices of participation draw on different traditions, including corporatism and self‐help. This article seeks to add to the debate by exploring the socio‐spatial consequences of participation structures in low‐income neighbourhoods in a provincial Mexican city. Based on qualitative research in two low‐income neighbourhoods in Xalapa, Mexico, it examines how the provisions of the local citizen‐participation framework compare with residents' experiences of it. Formalized conceptions of participation, framed as involvement in service provision, interact with and shape residents' activities in developing their neighbourhoods. This has consequences for urban development there, including the reflection and reproduction of social and spatial marginalization.  相似文献   

The Sydney housing market peaked in 2003. The period 2001–2006 is, therefore, of particular interest since it captures a boom and bust in the housing market. We compute hedonic, repeat-sales and median price indexes for five regions in Sydney over this period. While the three approaches are in broad agreement regarding the timing of the turning point in the housing market, some important differences also emerge. In particular, we find evidence of sample selection bias in our hedonic and repeat-sales data sets (with the former focusing more on better quality dwellings and the latter more on lower quality dwellings). These sample selection biases could in turn cause bias (in opposite directions) in our hedonic and repeat-sales indexes. Median indexes may likewise be biased as a result of an apparent decline in the average quality of dwellings sold in the latter part of the sample. We also find evidence of convergence in prices across regions during the boom and divergence in the subsequent bust.  相似文献   

We analyze the adoption of the Assessment Center (AC), one of the most complex human resource management techniques, in 161 British, French, German, Italian and US multinational firms both at the headquarters and in their Italian subsidiaries. Combining both quantitative analysis and qualitative accounts, we investigate how different and partially contradictory institutional influences stemming from national business systems and professions, global corporate networks and professions, and different technical-economic conditions affect the adoption of the AC. Our study shows that AC-diffusion is similar at headquarters level in all national contexts, testifying to the paramount importance of transnational institutions of Anglo-American origin for MNCs of any nationality, despite great local variation in the degree of institutionalization of the AC, which ranges from fully-fledged support in culture and the professions as, for example, in Germany, the UK and the USA, to weak or negative backing as in France and Italy. However, the study also reveals how different characteristics of the corporate field of firms with headquarters in different countries, as well as organizational size and labor market conditions, still explain adoption of the AC in their subsidiaries in Italy.  相似文献   

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