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积极响应全球气候变化和坚决贯彻党中央提出的碳达峰、碳中和(简称“双碳”)目标是中国旅游业高质量发展的重要使命。本文在评估1990—2020年中国旅游业碳排放状况基础上,预测2021—2060年中国旅游业碳排放,分析中国旅游业实现“双碳”目标的主要挑战、任务与实现路径。研究结果表明:(1)中国旅游业碳排放可分为4个阶段;碳排放结构特征显著,旅游交通及休闲度假是碳排放主体;旅游消费需求增长趋势下唯有以低碳情景推进,方能在2030—2035年间实现旅游业碳达峰,为实现碳中和目标减缓阻力。(2)中国旅游业实现“双碳”目标面临旅游碳排增速快、全球气候变化威胁、碳排放边界模糊、品质化旅游需求旺盛、减碳技术不足5大挑战;必须从宏观-产业、中观-目的地与企业、微观-游客3个维度确定实现“双碳”目标的主要任务;坚守统筹协调、因地制宜、尊重规律、推广科技、差异化实现5大发展原则。(3)高质量发展下中国旅游业“双碳”目标的实现路径应从供给侧、消费端、政策支撑3方面突破,在供给侧加快能源结构调整、加大减碳技术投入、增强碳汇能力,在消费端促进旅游消费主体、消费场所、服务组织的减碳全面响应,在政策支撑加快完善低碳政策、鼓励低碳政策创新。本文立足中国旅游业实现“双碳”目标的研究前沿,初步建立了旅游“双碳”理论,丰富了低碳旅游理论,可为高质量发展下中国旅游业“双碳”目标实现提供决策参考。  相似文献   

乡村旅游是促进城乡市场连接的途径之一。厘清乡村旅游发展带来的城乡要素流动过程及其机制,既是乡村旅游衔接乡村振兴战略、推动城乡融合发展的重要议题,也是促进乡村旅游高质量发展的题中之义。本文遵循“过程—特征—机制”的研究思路,分析乡村旅游发展的城乡流动要素类型,总结要素流动过程中的规律与特征,进而阐释要素流动机制。研究表明:乡村旅游带来的要素流动,既涵盖了人、资金、物资等基础要素,也涵盖了生态、文化等核心要素及技术、信息等创新要素。在乡村旅游的萌芽和启动、设计和建设以及运营和转型等发展阶段中,城乡之间的流动要素类型不断增加,要素流向从单向逐步转变为双向,生态和文化是关键要素类型。“需求牵引—价值耦合—市场推动—政策促进”是乡村旅游发展的要素流动机制,合理的流动能促进城乡要素互动以及乡村要素价值增值、类型增多、数量增长,进而推动乡村振兴和城乡融合发展。  相似文献   

“送客入村”是湖南省协同多方力量推进乡村发展的有效模式,在脱贫攻坚与乡村振兴有效衔接的特殊阶段,系统总结其创设历程、内涵和运行特点、彰显其意义,具有重要价值。“送客入村”模式的运行促成村寨游客量全面增长,但村寨间差异明显,村寨游客总量及其增量均表现出5个等级,出现了“明星村”集群现象,表现出客流“增长亮点片” “负增长交叉分布”的特征。“送客入村”形成的市场机会呈现出3个等级,表现出“市场机会集聚块” “市场机会集聚带”特征,验证了精品线路建设的效果。“送客入村”运行效果的村寨间差异与自身文化内涵、A级旅游景区、交通通达条件有关。“送客入村”模式成功运行的经验归纳为:协同多方力量推进乡村发展是有效途径、“双管齐下”驱动乡村经济市场运作是有效方式、乡村旅游精品线路建设是坚实基础、特色村寨的获益能力培育是有力抓手、广度与深度“两维梯次推进”是持续发展的重要方略。细究“送客入村”模式得到以下启示:应重视政府与市场协同作为,注重村民经营意识与技能的“市场培育”,特别要培育示范户与带头人,注重提升“内生动力”。“送客入村”模式可为乡村旅游发展提供一定的借鉴。  相似文献   

乡村旅游是推动乡村重构的重要驱动力量,乡村社会重构是乡村重构研究的重要内容。本文以典型旅游村落湖州市顾渚村为案例地,从乡村居民视角出发,分析乡村社会重构的特征,并通过扎根理论方法构建了旅游驱动下乡村社会重构机制理论模型。结果表明:(1)乡村旅游发展改变了乡村居民的原有身份,乡村居民从农民、打工者转变为旅游经营者,实现了社会身份的重构。(2)乡村旅游发展带来了大量外来人员进入乡村,乡村社会关系格局逐渐从“差序格局”转变为“多元格局”,实现了社会关系的重构。(3)乡村旅游发展使乡村居民与乡村环境之间的关系发生改变,乡村从传统乡土社区转变为旅游服务社区,实现了社会空间的重构。(4)旅游要素的介入是旅游乡村社会重构最重要的驱动力量,乡村经济重构、乡村空间重构、资源环境驱动、旅游市场驱动、政策制度驱动、行为主体参与6个方面分别构成了乡村社会重构的空间载体、物质基础、支撑机制、引导机制、促进/约束机制和引擎机制,各作用机制之间相互影响、动态耦合共同推动了乡村社会的重构。  相似文献   

国家旅游目的地性格是影响国家旅游形象和国际游客旅游决策的关键因素,对入境旅游市场营销具有指导意义。本文运用内容分析法、扎根理论研究法,对东南亚3个国家的中文主播网络视频、在华留学生及其亲属的访谈内容进行分析,以探究东南亚国家人们对中国旅游目的地性格维度感知强度和差异。研究表明:根据感知强度大小,东南亚国家对中国旅游目的地性格维度感知依次是能力、真诚、魅力、友善和侠义。东南亚国家对中国旅游目的地性格维度感知存在国别差异,其中,越南人和缅甸人的感知总体呈正面,感知维度分别是“友善”“魅力”和“侠义”“斯文”;老挝人感知相对负面,感知维度为“随性”“自我”。据此建议中国加强与东南亚国家的文化交流,区别不同国家人们的感知特点,进一步强化正面性格感知,调整和优化针对负面性格感知的宣传策略。  相似文献   

“网红民宿”是近年来旅游住宿业在社会生活网络化趋势中诞生的新现象,“名宿”的网红气质有哪些构成要素,其如何影响游客的购买意愿是本文的研究内容。首先基于网络社区“小红书”上关键意见领袖有关网红民宿的笔记,采用扎根理论的研究方法探索民宿构成网红气质的要素,其次是开展了问卷调查,以收集的556份问卷调查数据来验证这些要素对网络口碑和游客购买意愿的影响。研究发现:(1)民宿配置、风格设计、周边环境、直观印象、心理感受和出游形式是民宿构成网红气质的要素;(2)民宿网红气质要素积极影响游客对民宿的购买意愿;(3)“网络口碑”在民宿网红气质要素积极影响游客购买意愿中起完全中介或部分中介作用。研究结果丰富了民宿领域的网络口碑研究相关理论和实践。  相似文献   

文化生态适应性量化评价是判别传统村落文化生态适应能力、应对文化生态失衡问题的基础与前提。基于文化生态学理论,本文从评价指标筛选、影响因素识别、分析方法匹配等方面,完善文化生态“失衡-适应”分析框架,并以宁德市为例进行实证分析。研究表明:文化生态失衡是文化生态系统应对内外部冲击所产生的暂时性失调现象,其本质是文化适应生态环境能力的下降;文化生态适应性评价指标体系应体现文化生态的形态、内容、传承3项适应性,评价对象既要包含居民、游客、非遗传承人等适应主体,也要包含土地、传统建筑、基础设施等适应客体;从实证区域看,传统村落文化生态适应性呈现“强适应性-无失衡”“中适应性-单项失衡”和“低适应性-多项失衡”等特征,在自然和人文因素的综合影响分析中,发现自然因素中的归一化植被指数(NDVI)、人文因素中的到县城中心距离与地域文化等影响最为显著。  相似文献   

卢畅  罗芬  王琛 《中国生态旅游》2022,12(2):291-306
在大力探索生态产品价值实现背景下,生态旅游作为公共产品,为推动生态产品价值实现和中国特色生态文明建设新模式的形成提供有力支撑。本研究选取南山国家公园线路为案例,以S-O-R理论为基础,构建生态旅游产品购买意愿模型,探究生态旅游产品在微信朋友圈购买意愿的内在机制。研究发现:(1)生态旅游产品在微信朋友圈的购买意愿存在“营销媒体特征—感知功利价值—购买意愿”和“社交媒体特征—感知享乐价值—购买意愿”两种形成机制;(2)生态旅游产品在微信朋友圈的购买意愿同时受到功利性因素和享乐性因素的影响,但功利性因素的影响占主导作用;(3)生态旅游产品的价格和产品图片的美观性对感知功利价值的影响较强;(4)微信朋友圈的社交存在感和微信好友的能力对感知享乐价值的影响较强;(5)不同人口学特征下,被调查者的购买意愿有显著差异。建议开展组合式营销、改善营销信息的内容和质量、保持高度的用户粘性、重视“专业形象”打造、针对主要客源市场“有的放矢”营销等实践,以促进南山国家公园生态旅游产品的价值实现。  相似文献   

在系统梳理社区参与和旅游扶贫相关研究成果的基础上,本文基于地理学视角,从“空间生产”“空间关联”和“空间正义的重构与消解”3个维度,构建社区参与旅游扶贫空间效应的分析框架,以审视旅游发展过程中社区与背景区域间的空间互动关系。研究认为:旅游活动在贫困社区中的介入过程,是社区经济、社会、文化等空间的演化过程;社区在参与旅游扶贫过程中具有空间生产和空间关联的属性;社区参与旅游扶贫空间效应的机理表征为“尺度机理”和“互动机理”;社区与背景区域因空间生产而产生互动,彰显旅游扶贫的空间关联效应,并通过空间生产和空间关联重塑社区及其背景区域间的空间正义格局。相关探讨可以拓展乡村旅游扶贫开发影响研究,深化对社区参与旅游过程及其作用机理的认识,对于新时期巩固脱贫攻坚成果和乡村振兴战略背景下社区旅游发展具有现实意义。  相似文献   

海岛是海陆相互作用的敏感地带,推进海岛可持续发展是海洋强国战略实施的内在要求。本文基于脆弱性研究框架,运用组合权重法、集对分析法和障碍度模型,对长海县2009—2018年社会-生态系统脆弱性特征及其影响机制进行分析。结果为:(1)综合脆弱性沿着“W”型演化,暴露性、敏感性和适应性分别呈“W”型、“M”型和“N”型趋势。(2)从“暴露性-敏感性-适应性”视角对致脆结构分析得出敏感性和适应性对于综合脆弱性贡献度相对较大,脆弱性和暴露性的趋势走向较为相似。(3)通过对敏感性耦合结构分析得出,生态-经济系统耦合承载力高于其他2个系统组合,需重点关注生态-社会-经济复合系统承载能力。(4)通过对适应性调控结构分析得出,今后适应性资本投资可参照2012年调控结构进行调整。(5)通过对影响脆弱性等级关键性因子演化机制分析得出,严格控制脆弱性持续障碍因子,重点发展“降脆”助推因子,降低“降脆”障碍因子阻力,促进海岛可持续发展。  相似文献   

This study aimed to identify the factors influencing social capital as it affects community conflict management for community residents in rural tourism villages. An on-site survey consisting of self-administered questionnaires was conducted with residents of rural tourism communities. These self-administered surveys were obtained from 380 community residents in the study area. A factor-clustering method identified distinct segments: high social capital (52%) and low social capital (47.7%). The estimation of a binary logistic regression model determined the characteristics of community residents who were most likely to be associated with each type of social capital. Results indicated that fruit, vegetable and rice farmers who also operated farm-stay businesses and rural activity programmes for tourists had the most social. We suggest that certain types of government policy programmes are helpful for increasing social capital and managing community conflicts by means of involvement in the tourism business.  相似文献   


This paper engages the “culture gap” in the sustainable tourism literature by addressing issues of cultural sustainability through an investigation of traditional festivals in Bhutan. Cultural sightseeing is the major motivation for tourism to Bhutan, and religious festivals are among the primary contexts within which local people and tourists interact. Tourism brings forces of modernization and globalization into contact with traditional practices, with various consequences. Based primarily on on-site observation of religious festivals, and interviews with Bhutanese monks and abbots, this paper explores the incursion of modernization into traditional festivals. Bauman's concept of "liquid modernity" is applied to articulate the intertwining of traditional and modern practices and frames of reference in constantly changing ways. This leads to a critical discussion of how the case of Bhutan’s festivals reveals the necessity of seeing cultural sustainability in fluid and evolutionary terms, especially in our “liquid modern” times. Foreign tourists and local youth are identified as particular agents of liquid modernism in the religious festivals, bringing perspectives and behaviors that diverge from those of the traditional society within which the meaning and practices of these festivals are rooted, which in turn affects the performance and performers of the dances.  相似文献   

There is an upsurge of research interest regarding authenticity in contemporary tourism consumption as modern tourists have been found to prefer involve in real backstage experiences to participating in pseudo-events and mass congregations. This paper presents a netnographic analysis of tourists’ reviews on village destinations and explores how authenticity is experienced by tourists in a village setting and the indicators pertaining to it. Trip Advisor reviews of three Indian villages were downloaded and analysed. Findings reveal that tourists consider authenticity as a critical factor in rural village experience. The indicators of rural authentic experience and their implications are also highlighted.  相似文献   

旅游型海岛承担着生活和旅游的双重功能,明晰游客与居民的时空间行为特征,对海岛空间优化、基础设施配置等具有现实意义。辽宁省长海县是典型淡旺季分明的旅游型海岛,本研究基于实地调研和空间分析方法,分类刻画游客与居民活动行为模式及其活动-移动时空特征。结果表明:(1)受旅游淡旺季影响,海岛年内活动群体空间集聚区域明显分异,形成了旺季围绕景点、浴场等场所,淡季围绕家、村镇中心等场所的游客与居民时空间行为模式;(2)游客和居民活动行为的时空特征明显,游客出行频次更多,行为空间范围更广,大长山岛镇中心和广鹿岛镇中心是游客前往景点和浴场的集散地之一,也是居民日常活动的集散地,是游客和岛民行为空间重叠区域,也是海岛共享度最高的空间。(3)游客时空间行为受行为目的、偏好和活动组合影响,居民时空间行为主要受社会角色、个体社会经济属性影响,群体时空间行为影响因素存在显著差异。本研究可针对旅游型海岛的基础设施空间优化配置、海岛社会空间效率提升、海岛国土空间规划等方面提供参考依据。  相似文献   

Festival tourism, which combines the theme of a festival with the local characteristics of an area, has become an extremely attractive marketing method in recent years. In addition, local food and beverages are items that many visitors enjoy consuming and that can become attractions in their own right. The aims of this study are: (a) based on expenditure theory, to explore how spending on food and beverages and other items such as accommodations and transportation influences intentions to revisit and make positive recommendation; and (b) to examine whether or not tourists with different lifestyles use or experience different sources of information, evaluation criteria and travel expenses. A questionnaire survey was conducted using visitors to the 2009 Penghu Sea fireworks festival, and 308 valid samples were collected. The results were as follows. First, food and beverages had a significant positive influence on revisit and recommendation intentions. Second, the total expenditure on a tourist visit had a significantly negative effect on revisit and recommendation intentions. Third, there were statistically significant differences with regard to information searching, evaluation criteria and tourism expenditure among tourists with different lifestyles. Based on these results, we can conclude that food and beverage expenditure during festival tourism is an important factor in whether or not tourists plan to revisit an area and recommend it to others. The findings also show that more tourists can be attracted if festivals are well suited to local conditions and characteristics (such as the availability of seafood in the example examined in this work).  相似文献   

Tourism in ancient villages and towns represents a typical form of heritage tourism in rural China. It has always been regarded as an effective way to promote cultural heritage protection and rural community development. However, this type of tourism involves many stakeholders with different interests and demands, which sometimes results in conflicts. In the process of protecting against heritage and tourism exploitation, tourism in ancient villages and towns can face numerous challenges. Among these is the mode of ticket pricing, which directly relates to the interests of each stakeholder, and problems of competing demands that may become the focus of disputes. Through field research and inductive analysis of the ancient villages and towns in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai and Anhui provinces, four kinds of ticket pricing is identified: (a) the fully enclosed charge mode with a single-ticket ticket system for whole scenic spots; (b) the half-closed charge mode with binding ticket system for some consumption items; (c) the half-opened charge mode with limited ticket system for some self-operated scenic spots; and (d) the fully opened charge mode with a free ticket system for the whole scenic spots.By comparing the similarities and differences of typical ancient villages and towns that have adopted differing charge modes, we conclude that resource grade, local condition, tourism market factors (e.g., size, range), product orientation, business value, participation of residents and profit model are the potential influencing factors for these modes. Resource grade and regional condition are two objective factors. The remaining five factors are subjective and are connected with interests of the four main stakeholders: the tourists visiting the ancient villages and towns; external merchants; community residents; and companies that are responsible for tourism management.From the four related stakeholders' behavioral responses to different ticket charge modes, we can see that the enclosed charges will affect tourists entering the ancient villages and towns, thus impeding foreign merchants' participation and strengthening each local company's dependence on tickets. Open charges will be more convenient in allowing visitors to enter the ancient towns and villages, and will attract foreign merchants to join in and thus increase cooperation with residents. The various stakeholders therefore have an influence on ticket charge mode, and the final choice about the mode is the result of balancing their competing rights and interests. The implications of each is discussed.  相似文献   

Tourism, Fiji's largest foreign exchange earner, is growing rapidly. Remote and less developed villages in Fiji's Yasawa archipelago are experiencing some of the greatest tourism growth and impacts on residents' sense of place. This paper uses photo elicitation to address the meanings that residents attach to their “place” (i.e. villages). Photo elicitation provides residents with a “visual voice” and gives researchers insights into the social or cultural characteristics of the village believed to be integral to sustainability. The results indicated that residents value the Fijian village and way of life, the culture and history associated with traditions, and also new technology and its impact on daily life. They also spoke of the importance of protecting the physical environment as central to the continued maintenance of their traditions and lifestyle as well as tourism. These findings would not have been apparent had traditional methods been used to capture the meanings of sense of place. They lend support for the notion that sense of place is multidimensional, and make evident factors that must be considered by planners and marketers in the development of sustainable products and services.  相似文献   

This study examines how Indonesia can responsibly develop rural tourism within the tolerance range of local people, particularly for controlling their unique landscapes. It employs reflexive photography as a tool to involve residents for rural tourism development in Sambi village. Data were collected in Sambi using reflexive photography procedures, including a photo-making process and photo-interview. Twenty-eight residents were issued a single-use camera and requested to take photographs of what they deemed important to them. Cameras were provided for a two-week period followed by individual interviews; 618 useable photos were taken. They were coded into 15 topics, and then consolidated into five themes that residents wanted to share: their way of life, environmental features, built structures, people, art and ceremony, while also protecting the cemetery and mosque from tourists. Two strategies (time and space) were utilized by the residents to negotiate what they wanted to share as well as conceal. Residents view time in terms of sacred time (residents time spent alone, family time and time for religious prayer) and impartial time (devoted to working and other daily routines). A model based on four time and space zones was formulated to understand how residents control their landscapes for tourism development.  相似文献   

There has been an increase in the number of arts and music festivals held annually in South Africa. These festivals range from wide all-encompassing arts festivals, such as the National Arts Festival, to specific festivals that cater for very specific audiences, such as the Jazz Festival and the Philharmonic Orchestra Festival. It may therefore be expected that the attendees of the various types of festivals would differ quite substantially. While much research has been conducted to understand visitor behaviour at general arts festivals and the economic contributions of these festivals, attendees of these more specialised events have been neglected. However, understanding who the attendees are and their behaviour is paramount to the sustainability of these festivals. Therefore, this paper aims to address this void and set the following objectives: (1) to compile a profile of attendees at the Philharmonic Orchestra Festival; (2) to cluster attendees of the Festival into distinct groups; and (3) to compare the various clusters with one another. Data were obtained by administrating 500 visitor questionnaires during January 2010. Using cluster analysis, visitors are grouped based on various characteristics and the differences between the clusters are explored using factor analysis and analysis of variance. Main results indicate that most visitors are mature in age and well educated, from which three clusters were identified with differences evident between the clusters.  相似文献   

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