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20世纪50年代,Shopping Mall在美国诞生,并迅速风靡一时,成为多个国家的主流零售业态。90年代中期,Shopping Mall进入我国并掀起了一场业态革命,短短几年内,中华大地上出现了数量可观且分布范围广泛的以此为名的商业地产项目。2004年,商务部等国家部委联手对此类项目进行彻查,这一举动引发了业界对此前的造MALL热的反思。此后,中国式的Shopping MALL  相似文献   

一、Shopping Mall的起源和发展1.什么是Shopping Mall?Shopping Mall,音译为“摩尔”或“销品茂”,是一种新型的几乎能够涵盖人们各种消费需求的多业态复合商业模式,被形象的称为“购物林荫道”或“同在一个屋顶下的商业街”。Shopping Mall作为综合体,与主要以销售商品为目的  相似文献   

中小城市"SHOPPING MALL"热的冷思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、Shopping Mall的起源和发展 1.S什么是Shopping Mall ? Shopping Mall,音译为"摩尔"或"销品茂",是一种新型的几乎能够涵盖人们各种消费需求的多业态复合商业模式,被形象的称为"购物林荫道"或"同在一个屋顶下的商业街".Shopping Mall作为综合体,与主要以销售商品为目的的百货公司和购物中心有着明显的不同,严格来讲,其应该是:面积在10万平方米以上,在毗邻的建筑群或一个大建筑物中,由专业购物中心管理集团开发经营,业态业种的复合度齐全,表现出高度专业化与高度综合化并存的成熟性结构特征.其以家庭式消费为主导方向--把一系列零售商店、服务机构组织在一起,提供购物、休闲、文化、娱乐、餐饮、旅游、文化、金融等各种服务,能满足全客层的一站式消费的全新的商业聚集模式.Shopping Mall所包含的内容十分广泛,在服务功能上表现为复合性,在经营管理上表现为一致性,在服务设施上体现为完整性,在服务范围上表现为商圈内的所有居民.由此我们可以看出,Shopping Mall不是一个简单的分散式的经营模式,而是一个统一高效运作的有机整体.  相似文献   

胡昕 《北京商业》2004,(3):21-23
国际上现代大型购物中心(Shopping Mall)的发展已达到比较高的水平。这是一种发源自美国的封闭式购物中心,犹如一个室内商业街区。它比商业街有着更宽松的环境和更大的发展空间。它占地面积巨大,经营商品种类齐全,其内部有数量众多的零售经营主体,有宽敞的人行街和休息场所,从而涵盖了文化、休闲、娱乐、社交等多项功能。据权威统计,美国现有Shopping Mall约达45000个,日本约达2800个,仅台湾就有30多个风格各异的Shopping Mall。  相似文献   

Shopping Mall的发展和现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
进入21世纪,Shopping Mall在世界得到了很好的发展,但是各个国家的发展水平不一,完善程度不一,本文以Shopping Mall的特点、发展和现状为着眼点分析,让人们更清晰地认识到Shopping Mall的发展现状。  相似文献   

京华城是Living Mall,不仅有Shopping Mall、百货公司,还有更多…… 以全球首创的新生活概念(LivingMall Concept)作为经营发展的定位,截然不同于传统以零售为主的ShoppingMall购物中心或百货公司,这是京华城最高顾问沈庆京因应当前新知识经济浪潮下的创意,希望藉由经营变革引导开放,科技主导创新,创新推向无限可能的精神,提升传统产业被利用的价值。这将以照顾所有消费族群全方位生活需  相似文献   

Shopping Mall,即购物中心,是一个集购物、餐饮、服务和娱乐于一体的综合性购物场所.Mall起源于欧美,最早出现在上世纪50年代,经过近半个世纪的发展,Mall已经成为一种比较成熟的商业形态.据悉,在欧美国家Mall的销售额已占据其社会消费品总额的一半左右.Mall作为一种较先进的商业形态于上世纪90年代引入我国的一些发达大城市.近几年,随着我国传统百货业的衰落,零售界掀起了造Mall运动.如北京、上海、东莞、广州、深圳、武汉等都开始纷纷在建或准备发展一到两个Mall.中国发展Mall的前景到底如何呢?  相似文献   

Shopping Mall.音译为“摩尔”或“销品茂”.是一种新型的几乎能够涵盖人们各种消费需求的多业态复合商业模式,被形象的称为“购物林荫道”或“同在一个屋顶下的商业街”。Shopping Mall作为综合体.与主要以销售商品为目的的百货公司和购物中心有着明显的不同,严格来讲,其应该是:面积在10万平方米以上,在毗邻的建筑群或一个大建筑物中.由专业购物中心管理集团开发经营.业态业种的复合度齐全.表现出高度专  相似文献   

陈智是第一个将shopping Mall(大型购物中心)概念引入中国的人,也是第一个在中国创建shopping Mall的人。当初,陈智提出Shopping Mall概念,并将其付诸行动时,引来了业界一片质疑之声:  相似文献   

罗马尼亚唐城投资集团公司在罗马尼亚投资建设“唐城商场City Tang Shopping Mall”,它是首家由华人独资在批发市场建设的集多元化、高档次、综合性于一体的中国商品批发零售中心。  相似文献   

文章提出了一个业态价格梯度模型,该模型将价格梯度与业态竞争分布相联系,通过引入"消费者偏好"概念,较好地刻画了零售业态中服务、价格、成本三者之间关系,在此基础上验证并发展了"技术边界线"理论,提出业态取得竞争优势的关键因素是技术进步、满足消费者偏好以及管理创新带来的成本下降,我国家电零售业态历史发展变化情况也在一定程度上验证了模型的有效性。模型为今后同类研究提供量化分析工具的同时,也为进一步完善业态进化理论提供了新的研究视角。  相似文献   

文章认为以前的零售业态的变化规律理论都不能很好地解释零售业态在中国的发展变化规律。提出多维度视角解释零售业态发展变化的规律,认为消费者满足是根本;社会发展环境是背景;技术革新是基础;精细化管理是关键。并以此解释日本和中国各阶段的零售业态发展变化规律及中日之间的差别。据此并借鉴日本的发展经验,对我国今后的零售业态发展趋势做出预测。  相似文献   

Customer perceptions of retail formats have become ambiguous with new value-added features of traditional retail formats. Hence, this paper proposes a framework for explaining retail patronage formation under the condition that customers perceive the ambiguity of retail format boundaries. The moderating effect of customers' retail format perceptions on customer satisfaction is examined using data from Japanese mini-supermarket customers. Results indicate that customers' perceptions of retail formats partially influence customer satisfaction. Theoretically, this implies that considering retail format as a concept that customers construct a posteriori may be necessary and practically indicates that retail practitioners should manage customers’ retail format perception.  相似文献   

Retailing in Chinese cities has experienced rapid changes in the reform era. One of the most visible changes in the urban retail landscape has been the emergence and growth of new retail formats. Using Beijing as a case study, this paper examines the evolution of retail formats in Chinese cities. The paper investigates the impacts of the changing external environment, especially the shift in government policies, on the structure of retail formats. It argues that to understand the rapid restructuring of retail formats in Chinese cities one needs to take into account the factors such as political, economic and social-cultural environment, and perhaps more importantly, regulatory changes. The consequences and implications of observed retail changes are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a model featuring the heterogeneity of consumer preferences and analyzes the multiple equilibrium of retail formats by building a map of the relationships between consumer heterogeneity and retail formats. The key questions analyzed in this paper are how the retailer adjusts its combination of marketing elements through repositioning and how innovation in retail formats is implemented to match consumers’ heterogeneous preferences in a market with consumer search costs. Unlike recent research, our model, by taking different consumer preference structures into account, introduces consumer psychological costs into the Ehrlich-Fisher model and deduces the existence of different retail formats and their multiple equilibriums. We find that consumer heterogeneity, retailers’ diversified transfer costs and economies of scale are endogenous drivers of prosperous retail formats. Accordingly, diversified retail formats with complementary functions and differentiated services can be described as the horizontal extensions and interface changes of the retailing industry.  相似文献   

零售业态发展程度的综合评价   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
近年来 ,新的零售业态在中国发展得十分迅速。鉴于有关零售业态的研究多限于定性分析 ,本文提出了零售业态发展程度的综合评价方法———层次分析法与零售业生命周期理论的结合 ,并建立了零售业态发展程度的评价指标体系 ,确定了各指标的权重 ;进而在实地调研获取第一手数据的基础上 ,应用此法分析得出了西安市三种零售业态 :百货店、大型综合超市、便利店的发展程度排序。  相似文献   


The omnichannel varies across countries due to different retail environments and retailers’ growth strategies. The Japanese big retailers’ omnichannel can be characterized by having multiple retail formats, such as department stores, general merchandise stores, convenience stores, specialty stores, Internet stores, and so on. They have grown by multiplying retail formats to appeal to different customer segments, and they have unique challenges in managing an omnichannel with many retail formats. These are (1) extremely wide variety of merchandise, (2) enormous quantity of data from transaction, inventory, logistics, and customers, (3) different organization structures and management, and (4) unique organizational capabilities in each retail format. From these challenges, we could propose further research issues as follows: (1) theoretical consideration of boundary-spanning functions among retail formats, (2) international comparative analysis reflecting the different conditions in each country, and (3) clarifying the characteristics of the omnichannel shopper in the Japanese omnichannel environment.  相似文献   

Store and store format loyalty measures based on budget allocation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In highly competitive environments, such as retail markets, characterized by a growing heterogeneity of demand and the proliferation of new retail formats, cross-shopping behavior between stores and formats is becoming increasingly common. This process makes customer loyalty a key strategic challenge for retailers that want to consolidate their position within the market. To contribute to the analysis and comprehension of this reality, the authors propose and assess different objective indicators of store loyalty, store format loyalty, and intra-format store loyalty based on budget allocation. Specifically, they analyze the role of retail format in observable loyalty patterns in a market. Through an empirical analysis of grocery purchase patterns of a sample of 580 Spanish households, the authors find that diverse objective loyalty indicators based on budget allocations provide very similar information from a practical point of view. They also find that consumers' regular use of various formats (specifically, supermarkets, hypermarkets, and discount stores) for their purchases explain observed disloyalty better than does purchasing in several stores within these formats. The observed patterns reveal that retail formats define differentiated store profiles that relate to the benefits sought in different purchase situations.  相似文献   

In the last few years, we have seen significant changes in the Italian retail environment which suggest that the patterns of retailing competition are more complex than in the past. In order to expand their target market in a context of economic recession, retailers are implementing new strategies aimed to stimulate the switching between different store formats. As a result, store formats are getting similar and new "hybrid" formats are emerging.This paper investigates the interformat competition between grocery store formats in the Italian retail market in order to understand which formats are converging and which, otherwise, are maintaining their distinctiveness. Our findings show that the rivalry between store formats (interformat) is becoming more intense than the competition within store formats (intraformat). These results have significant implication on both retailers and trade marketing strategies.  相似文献   


Change has often been said to characterise retailing, and research on retail change is extensive. However, though much of that research has focused on retail formats, it has not sufficiently addressed the fluid nature of retailing and how its formats emerge. This paper offers a more dynamic conceptualisation of retail format change by introducing the concept of retail formation. Taking a constructivist market studies approach and drawing upon an ethnographic study of a Swedish consumer electronics retailer, the paper shows how retail formations are continually being made in a dynamic process that can be initiated by various actors, does not necessarily follow a logical order, and commonly produces unexpected results. The concept of retail formation allows us to better understand the increasing fluidity of retailing enabling us to trace complex market processes, examine multiple actors simultaneously, and taking into account the socio-historical and socio-cultural dynamics involved in shaping retail markets.  相似文献   

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