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本文通过对价格竞争与非价格竞争的比较,衡量价格竞争与非价格竞争的利弊,分析企业价格竞争策略选择,揭示价格竞争的引发因素及社会经济效应,并提出了价格竞争的替代方案。  相似文献   

关于出口企业竞争策略的调整   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业竞争策略分价格竞争和非价格竞争。价格竞争是商品价值的竞争,其实现方法和途径是强化企业管理,不断采取新技术、新工艺,提高劳动生产率,使商品个别劳动时间低于社会必要劳动时间。非价格竞争则是指商品使用价值的竞争,其实现方法和途径是在强化企业管理和科技进步的基础上,通过突出商品性能、提高商品质量、改善商品包装、增加花色品种、加强售后服务、提高合同履约等非价格优势,吸引顾客,扩大市场份额,实现企业的经营目标和盈利目的。在价格竞争中,有高价策略、平价策略和低价策略。高价策略和平价策略一般是以商品在非价格竞方面具有某种优势为前提的。在缺乏非价格竞争优势的情况下,低价策略常常是价格竞争的基本表现形式。在我国现阶段,由于市场经济制度及法律法规尚不完善,市场竞争基本处于初级竞争阶段,企业往往过于看重价格的作用,把市场竞争片面地理解为价格竞争,尤其是出口企业,其产品在国际市场上非价格竞争优势普遍较弱,企业在制定产品出口价格时更多地采用低价策略。然而,商品个别劳动时间的下降是有限和有条件的,加之国际市场竞争的激烈和市场优胜劣汰机制的残酷无情,很多企业为了打进国际市场,竞相压低价格,展开恶性价格大战,使正常的价格策略演变为过度的价格竞争。  相似文献   

技术积累和国际生产中山大学管理学院顾乃康当代跨国公司的竞争已主要不是体现在价格竞争方面,而更多地集中于包括信息、技术和创新、成本、筹供、质量、产品开发展以及售后服务等在内的非价格竞争。在非价格竞争中,与技术有关的竞争处于核心地位。在技术竞争中,公司的...  相似文献   

文章以外资银行进入我国市场后,银行业的竞争结构较之以前发生巨大变化为背景,采用对策论的分析方法,建立了价格竞争与非价格竞争的对策分析模型,并在对模型分析的基础上,对我国迎接外资银行的挑战做出了其他竞争策略的思考.  相似文献   

企业最终竞争力来自于差异化复旦大学金正茂指出,从经济学角度讲,企业竞争方式可分价格竞争和非价格竞争两种方式。尽管由我国国情决定价格是企业竞争的主要手段,但迫于现今消费者需求层次的多样化、个性化及国外企业竞争的压力,我们应在发挥低成本优势的基础上发展非价格竞争。随着收入水平的提高,人们更注重服务、质量、品牌、技术、包装  相似文献   

民族品牌,是国家和企业的核心竞争力,在市场经济和全球化激烈竞争的背景下,应该大力培养.企业竞争分为价格竞争和非价格竞争,非价格竞争主要包括知识产权和品牌.品牌属于无形资产,是企业长期信誉的具体化形象化表现.知名品牌具有垄断性,一件鳄鱼牌衬衫比一般衬衫可以贵10倍,形成品牌的垄断利润.品牌垄断与知识产权不同,它不是依靠法律规定强制推行,而是依靠社会信誉,由消费者自发自愿进行选择.  相似文献   

在市场经济条件下,市场竞争可以分为价格竞争和非价格竞争两种方式。长期以来,价格竞争一直深受商品生产者、经营者重视,甚至一谈到竞争,就会想到削价。在一定条件下,价格竞争是必要的,但是,把价格看成决定交易成败的唯一因索,难免会造成价格竞争的泛滥。事实上,单纯依赖价格竞争,有很多弊病:一是价格竞争是竞争对手易于仿效的一种方式,很容易招致竞争对手的报复,以致两败俱伤,最终不能提高经济效益;二是以削价为手段,虽然可以吸引顾客于一时,但一旦恢复正常价格,销售额也将随之大大减少;三是定价太低,往往迫使产品或服务质量下降,以致失去买主,损害企业形象;四是价格竞争往往使资金力量雄厚的大企业能继续生存,而资金短缺、竞争能力脆弱的小企业将蒙受更多不利。因此,在现代市场经济条件下,非价格竞争已逐渐成为市场营销的主流。  相似文献   

在世界经济全球化日益发展的今天,全球国际贸易的竞争也愈加激烈,其特点表现在,无论是货物贸易还是服务贸易,非价格因素的竞争大有替代价格竞争本身而成为市场竞争主要方面的趋势。特别是品牌竞争,已成为非价格竞争诸多方面的核心因素。坚定不移地实施品牌战略,打造拥有自主知识产权,有国际竞争力的自主品牌,已成为外贸企业增强核心竞争力,不断扩大出口、发展壮大的关键所在。  相似文献   

从倾销与反倾销的演变来看,早期市场经济以价格竞争为主导的营销模式,已让位给现代市场经济以非价格竞争为主导的营销模式。分析市场经济发展过程的营销理念的发展历程,指出在现代市场经济条件下,符合 WTO宗旨与规则指导的营销与竞争策略是我国企业实现持续成长的必然选择。  相似文献   

我国许多饭店采用价格竞争的手段夺取市场份额,导致饭店服务质量下降,严重制约着我国饭店业的发展。因此,我国饭店业应采取非价格竞争策略,即注重个性化服务策略,实施产品创新策略、品牌策略和人才策略。  相似文献   

中国房地产企业的价格竞争行为特征探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
丁明利 《特区经济》2008,(4):268-269
中国房地产业处于区域性寡头垄断市场结构的背景下,房地产企业之间的竞争既有价格竞争,也存在非价格竞争。而房地产市场中也存在着诸如"高房价与高空置率并存"的奇怪现象。本文研究了中国房地产企业的市场行为,剖析了房地产企业竞争行为背后的动因,对房地产企业处于市场竞争均衡状态下决策和行为变量之间的各种关系进行求解,以期对政策制订者有所裨益。  相似文献   

祝海波 《特区经济》2006,(4):193-194
价格竞争是任何一个企业都要面临的重要问题。尤其是当市场竞争对手率先发起价格竞争时候,作为后动企业应该有什么样的反应确实是一个值得研究的问题。文章在分析影响价格竞争诸多因素的基础上,通过分析企业价格竞争力和价格竞争驱动力,提出一个后动企业市场反应的基本模式。  相似文献   

We show that the long-term properties of price and cost in Chamberlin's monopolistic competition model can be reproduced with a soft capacity constrained price competition oligopoly model for a homogeneous good with free entry.  相似文献   

This study constructs a game of technology selection and Bertrand-like price competition in a market with free entry. It demonstrates the existence of a Nash equilibrium in which a small number of firms adopting a large-scale technology coexist with, and charge a lower price than, a large number of firms adopting a small-scale technology. In this equilibrium, both available technologies and resources are allocated efficiently. This result provides a new economic rationale for antitrust law in general and, in particular, the US Sherman Act, wchich regards free entry and price competition as of foremost importance for maintaining market quality.  相似文献   

Free entry equilibria are usually characterized by the zero profit condition. We plead instead for a strict application of the Nash equilibrium concept to a symmetric simultaneous game played by actual and potential entrants, producing under decreasing average cost. Equilibrium is then typically indeterminate, with a number of active firms varying between an upper bound imposed by profitability and a lower bound required by sustainability. We use a canonical model with strategies represented by prices, although covering standard regimes of quantity and price competition, to show that in equilibrium the critical (profit maximizing) price must lie between the break-even and the limit prices.  相似文献   


This empirical study focuses on competition between local governments as they strive to attract companies through the auction of land use rights. In the literature on competition between local governments, the focus has tended to be toward growth rates based on performance evaluation or tax rate-based competition for attracting companies. In China, the property tax system is still underdeveloped and local governments cannot independently set tax rates. Therefore, this study focuses on a type of ‘dumping’ activity by which local governments auction land use rights to attract industrial companies and empirically test this hypothesis using the spatial lag model.  相似文献   

The declaration of a state of national disaster in South Africa, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, was followed by excessive-pricing regulations pertaining to certain consumer and medical products and services. The regulations and their application suggest an intertemporal benchmark to judge excessive pricing, deviating from previous practice. Intertemporal comparisons assume a structural shift during COVID-19 that changes competitive conditions, related to changes in consumer behaviour. Such comparisons must also account for demand and cost changes. While the COVID-19 regulations allow for cost-based price increases, demand-based increases are not explicitly accounted for, suggesting that the regulations are framed more generally as price-gouging regulations. The differences between price-gouging and excessive-pricing benchmarks depends on the type of disaster-period demand shock. They are similar following a transitory demand spike, provided sufficient time is allowed for dynamic price behaviour, but differ markedly when demand is elevated for the duration of the disaster period. Applying simple cost-based comparisons in recently concluded cases against smaller retailers are consistent with excessive pricing, given the presence of a demand spike. To the extent that these involve persistently higher demand, cases against wholesalers and larger retailers will be more complicated, as such demand must be reflected in competitive prices.  相似文献   

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