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本文认为,大规模定制生产模式旨在以大批量生产的成本和速度,向客户提供个性化的产品。具有柔性和快速响应能力是面向大规模定制的制造系统的主要特点,这要求其必须以信息集成技术、先进的制造技术和管理技术为支撑,实现制造系统模块化、动态组合的布局方式、柔性物流系统、动态响应的控制结构并减少生产准备工作。文章提出,大规模定制企业在构建物流系统时,要紧紧围绕用户需求这个中心,以产品生产企业为核心,通过对物流、信息流和资金流的控制,从原材料采购开始到最终将产品送达用户,将供应商、制造企业、分销商、零售商、第三方物流和最终用户连接成一个链状网络机构。  相似文献   

用户网络涵盖从供应商到消费者各级用户的全部,囊括整个物流需求方.日益复杂的物流服务需求要求物流网络化运作必须面向用户网络,以用户的需求为出发点来提供物流服务.物流服务运作环节的变动与调整,将取决于用户的需求情况与变化.为更好地把握物流需求的复杂变化,面向用户网络提供所需服务,必须关注物流服务需求结构与层次,关注物流服务需求之间的复杂联系,在坚持物流服务属性原则、物流供给与需求相关原则、全面掌握物流供给与需求原则、宏观与微观相结合分析供给与需求原则、理性认识物流服务需求原则,摒弃"重供给、轻需求"观念的前提下,动态组网,构建面向用户网络的物流服务平台;快速响应、动态调整,以适应及时服务的自适应机制;密切联系大规模生产的各个环节,按需提供物流服务;采用灵活多样化的手段、一体化与网络化运作相结合的服务方式.  相似文献   

张爱文  陈俊芳 《中国市场》2009,(23):52-53,66
以满足客户服务需求作为研究的立足点,对服务响应型物流的运作模式做了深层的分析,研究表明提供服务物流企业只有为顾客提供及时、满意的柔性服务,才能从根本上提高企业自身的服务价值与持续的核心竞争力。期待该项研究能够为服务响应物流的管理模式的选择提供有益的帮助,有效提升服务物流企业的决策水平。  相似文献   

在我国,大多数中小企业目前仍是以传统生产方式为主导,其在实施大规模定制生产中,信息获取及用户需求满足渠道欠缺,产品开发及柔性生产系统建设滞后。在全球经济一体化进程中,我国中小企业应对更为严峻的挑战,采用大规模定制生产的方法,应加强信息交流,提高设计效率,严控产品成本比,增加生产柔性,以此加快向大规模定制生产转变的步伐,进一步提升产品竞争力,实现生产方式的引进再创新。  相似文献   

市场营销物流及其技术应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章指出,市场营销物流管理对于创造企业竞争价值具有重要战略意义。为实现生产物流和营销物流的无缝连接,文章提出,应将计算机技术、统计学和运筹学管理方法应用到营销物流过程中,打破生产和营销组织的边界,将以功能为核心的组织结构转变为以流程为核心的组织结构;建立一体化的物流业务流程,实现信息的实时共享及业务规划的动态调整;使供应链和营销服务链协调统一,为顾客提供最优价值链;建立服务响应物流,为顾客提供高效良好的服务。  相似文献   

对企业来说,特别是生产制造企业,其生产的过程也就是生产要素的整合过程,如何将不同的生产要素按照产品生产的需要系统地组织起来,实现动态的有机整合,这就涉及到企业业务流程再造(BPR),而企业物流管理是流程再造的重点,系统的、高效的企业内部物流运作将带给企业"产品价值工程"最大化和企业价值链的优化,实现资源的合理配置及降本增效。本文拟从物流的相关理论入手,结合实地调研,对制造企业内部物流管理流程现状进行简要分析,并提出一些对策建议。  相似文献   

物流活性:应急物流系统即时响应能力的评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文认为,物流活性是反映物流系统及时满足客户不断变化的物流服务需求的能力指数.它反映物流系统的灵活性、为客户提供服务的多样性、物流运动的快捷性及各物流环节的衔接性.物流活性由库存活性、运输活性、包装活性、搬运活性和物流信息活性构成,物流系统的活性分为技术活性和管理活性,技术进步和管理创新是提高物流活性的源泉.技术进步既可以是其他领域的新技术应用于物流领域,如企业资源规划技术,也可以是物流领域的原发性技术进步,如集装箱、散装水泥、条形码技术、电子标签等;管理创新则包括标准化、模块化、延迟响应等.技术进步和管理创新可以有效提高物流系统的战略柔性,提高即时响应能力.  相似文献   

大规模定制技术的出现为我们破解酒店业"个性化的高质量"和"低成本"的两难选择提供了崭新的思路,大规模定制服务技术在酒店业的应用途径可包括:标准化的设计开发和制作与定制化的销售和交付过程的结合;推行"客户自助模式";直接面对顾客生产产品,让顾客充分参与到价值链中等。然而,也应该看到在酒店业实施大规模定制技术仍有许多需要解决的问题:如如何从采集有效顾客的需求信息?如何发展一个柔性的和技能的工作团队?如何承诺对大规模定制产品和服务的交货期缩短?如何保证酒店产品和服务的质量和安全性?  相似文献   

针对当前我国制造型企业的内部物流管理存在的问题,以企业内部物流管理理论为指导,着重对企业内部物流组织进行研究探讨。通过深入剖析其管理制约因素,指出构建高效快捷物流体系的必要性,提出了优化企业内部物流管控能力的策略,以期帮助企业加快库存周转率、缩短交货期、提高生产柔性、降低物流成本,最终达到提升企业内部物流管理效率和提高企业整体经济效益的目的。  相似文献   

JIS物流(just-in-sequence),即准时化顺序供应。JIS是运用在制造业,特别是离散型制造中的一种高效的生产和组装产品的新型物流管理技术。电子制造企业的生产具备采用该物流技术的条件和要求,本文简要分析了JIS物流在电子制造企业实践的条件、工艺流程和相关管理要求。  相似文献   

This study investigates the dynamics of customer affection and customer trust on customer loyalty intention after cases of service failure and recovery. The results demonstrate that after customers experience service failure and recovery, customer affection has a greater influence on customer trust but less in loyalty intention, whereas customer trust becomes more influential in loyalty intention in comparison to the time prior to a service failure. The findings suggest that the rebuilding of loyalty after a service failure and recovery relies primarily on the recovery of trust and that the key determinant of trust recovery is customer affection. Theoretical and managerial implications are also discussed.  相似文献   

服务补救是企业挽回顾客信心的关键,补救策略的效果与失败情境和顾客特质密切相关。本文以关键事件法和访谈法对过程补救策略进行划分,并与结果补救策略形成有效组合,通过实验法考察顾客应对倾向与服务失败程度对补救策略的影响。结果表明:结果补救策略与问题应对顾客之间存在匹配效应,且失败程度越高,匹配性越强;过程补救策略与情绪应对顾客之间的匹配效应在服务失败程度严重时得以体现。  相似文献   


As the number of tourists continues to grow globally, the hospitality industry players inevitably face more challenges. High competition among the competitors and the emergence of new technologies such as online booking platforms make the competition more intense among players in the hospitality sector. The quality of services provided is undoubtedly crucial to the success of the hotel. Hence, any service failure has to be addressed appropriately in order to maintain a high level of customer satisfaction and to keep the image of the hotel intact. It is therefore vital that service recovery programs are carefully planned to meet various types of service failures which may inevitably occur. In this study, questionnaires were distributed to customers who had experienced service failures. The aim was to investigate the influence of service quality and service recovery on satisfaction and, ultimately, the effect on customer loyalty. The research also tested the mediating effect of corporate image between the relationship of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. The findings showed that both service recovery and service quality had a significant impact on customer satisfaction. Similarly, it was found that customer satisfaction induced customer loyalty towards the hotel operator. The result also showed that corporate image mediated partially between the relationship of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty.  相似文献   

This study utilised the critical incident technique to study service failure and recovery strategies in chain restaurants. A total of 431 incidents were collected and classified. The analytical results identified the most common categories as being service failure and recovery strategy. It also demonstrates that consumers were unable to recognise high-quality service and high-consistency products in chain restaurants. Additionally, appropriate recovery strategies were proposed to assist restaurateurs in reducing service failure. A number of conclusions and recommendations regarding practice and future research are made.  相似文献   

To explore when the presence of compensation enhances repurchase intentions after a service failure, the authors use an experimental procedure and evaluate the impact of compensation in different stability and locus of responsibility conditions. Findings from three studies using scenarios from different service industries indicate that compensation is necessary only when the company is responsible for the failure and the failure occurs frequently. If the failure occurs infrequently or the company is not responsible, compensation does not affect repurchase intentions. The results further demonstrate that stability and locus of responsibility attributions influence the perceived equity of the exchange, which mediates the effectiveness of compensation as a recovery effort. The authors discuss the theoretical and managerial implications.  相似文献   

Service failure recoveries play an important role in the service process. Previous research on service recovery has focused on the development of classification schemes, such as service failure types (e.g. outcome- or process-related failure), service recovery attributes (e.g. psychological or tangible recovery), and failure magnitude. Few studies in the literature have developed a theory-driven model of customer satisfaction that considers whether different types of service failure warrant different types of service recovery. This article, which reports the results of two studies, draws on mental accounting theory to examine the effect of the relationship between service failure and service recovery on customer satisfaction. The results of Study 1 show that customer satisfaction is greater when service recovery efforts truly make up for what customers have lost and that prior experience of service failure has a significant influence on the effectiveness of those efforts. The results of Study 2 indicate that the magnitude of a service failure also has an impact on the effectiveness of service recovery efforts.  相似文献   

基于服务利润链的物流服务补救策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘明菲  马丽 《商业研究》2007,(9):190-193
在物流行业竞争日益激烈的今天,服务质量已成为物流企业竞争的主要方面,持续的服务补救能使物流企业发现问题、改进缺点,进而使服务运作体系更加优化。从服务利润链的角度,将物流服务补救分为内部服务补救和外部服务补救,这样就形成了积极有效的物流服务补救策略。  相似文献   

Ethical business practices have been widely prescribed, but why? Consumer’s views on unethical business practices have been studied, but possibly more important to marketers and researchers are consumer actions and reactions to unethical business practices and the businesses themselves. Do consumers react negatively, or in such a way as to "punish" the unethical business? If so, what is the nature and extent of the punishment? This research seeks answers to these questions by examining consumer reactions, such as complaining and switching, to instances of unethical business practices. Using equity theory, this research proposes that consumers should be willing to tolerate some unethical behavior as long as they feel their investments and outcomes remain proportionately equal. Consumers who perceive that their outcome/investment ratio is proportionately unequal to their comparison other will respond by switching or complaining. In this research consumers were exposed to two types of service failures with different levels of service recovery in vignettes. Costs incurred by the consumer during the service transaction were also manipulated in the vignettes. Significant differences were found for complaint behavior in the failure recovery vignettes tested. Specifically, voice complaint was higher in the high cost service encounters in both types of services tested. The recovery attempt used (ethical, unethical, or none) led to significance differences in the variables of complaint, voice complaint, satisfaction, and quality. Higher satisfaction and quality ratings were found for the ethical recovery attempt and higher intentions to use complaint and voice complaint in the unethical recovery attempts. One significant interaction between cost and recovery attempt was found. Intentions to use voice complaint were higher in the high cost situations of ethical and unethical recovery, while approaching equality at the no recovery attempt.  相似文献   

本文认为,实行服务补救是企业保持顾客满意、强化顾客忠诚的一个重要手段,其最大的价值在于以点的质量突变促进整体质量大跨越,从而实现服务宏观综合质量与其他方面质量的提升。文章提出,基于服务补救的服务质量提升模式主要由三部分组成:一是着眼于微观基点的质量维持稳固器,其功能主要是第一时间发现并识别服务失误,第一时间采取补救措施解决顾客问题并收集失误、补救以及顾客表现出的隐性与显性信息;二是质量价值挖掘器,这是把微观的服务补救价值放大、映射到整个宏观层面以提升整体服务质量的关键;三是质量提升推动器,是为了把以上所获得的全部价值注入到质量管理工作中来,以提升整体的服务质量。  相似文献   

Service failures are inevitable in any service delivery process that establishes the need for a good service recovery. This study aims to investigate the relationships among service recovery variables to develop appropriate recovery options considering different levels of failure severity and satisfaction. Using a scenario-based survey approach and structural equation modeling, the results are failure severity negatively relates to satisfaction; recovery justices positively relates to satisfaction regardless of the level of failure severity; complaining behavior strengthens (weakens) the relationship between the failure severity (recovery justices) and satisfaction; and relationship quality is a stronger predictor of post-purchase behavioral intentions than satisfaction. A service recovery matrix is proposed to depict appropriate recovery options for different situations.  相似文献   

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