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林小骥 《中国企业家》2011,(15):128-128
只有100万人口的马赛人是肯尼亚的象征。如同草原上很多动物只有雄性才有引人注目的外表一样,在马赛部落,男人们都是每天穿着鲜红色衣袍,手上佩戴五颜六色手镯,腰间挎着短剑的骄傲战士。  相似文献   

与一些大项目的合作,我们可以不要利润、减少项目的成本,让我们的产品真正走入到普通消费当中去,让大家都能感觉到马赛克的魅力,从实际应用中接受并改变对马赛克的认知……  相似文献   

本次共抽查了38家企业的71种产品,合格57种,抽样合格率为80.3%,其中:抽查白色玻璃马赛克37种,合格28种,抽样合格率为75.7%;抽查彩色玻璃马赛克34种,合格29种,抽样合格率为85.3%。本次抽查反映了一些问题,主要表现在以下几个方面:  相似文献   

产业集群在地图上的不同色块被专家形象地称为“经济马赛克”。密布珠三角的“经济马赛克”是广东产业的特色和优势。但产业集群快速发展的同时,也面临一系列问题,如以劳动力密集、耗能耗材、技术含量较低的传统产业为主,创新能力弱、产业配套不完善、环保意识和保障差、知名品牌少等等。为此,广东目前开始着手重新拼接“经济马赛克”。具体做法就是集中力量抓好公共服务体系建设、区域品牌建设、产业园区建设等“三大建设”。计划在5年内,  相似文献   

翟晓清 《房地产导刊》2005,(14):111-111
日前,珠江地产在珠江新城打造的“会赚钱的房子”——马赛国际公寓公开发售。据透露,马赛国际公寓仍将沿用珠江地产一贯的“低开高走”的投资策略,公开发售的价格将在当天公布,给广大投资者以惊喜和意外,让众多的投资者都有较大的、中长线的投资获利空间。  相似文献   

欧洲假日国际酒店公寓,富力爱丁堡国际公寓,马赛国际公寓,嘉诚国际公寓,新凯国际公寓。  相似文献   

马赛克(mosaic)是1825年源于古希腊和古罗马的镶嵌艺术。经过近两个世纪的发展,她以灵巧多变的组合方式,充分展现了独特的艺术魅力和个性气质。当你步入国内马赛克市场上最大的制造商之一伟祺公司的JNJ MOSAIC创意中心,你会惊讶且惊艳地发现,马赛克和绘画、雕刻等艺术形式异曲同工,以其融古典与浪漫于一身的百变特色,为宾馆、酒店、会所等高级场所装点出别具情趣的靓丽空间。  相似文献   

Kat 《房地产导刊》2005,(13):82-83
曾几何时,几乎每个日式澡堂都会以大量富士山图案马赛克作为装饰。在1970年代,日本每个像样的澡堂、厨房或者大厅入口处都定会有一片装饰性的马赛克。  相似文献   

高质量 销欧美 《房地产导刊》:作为开发生产销售高档水晶玻璃马赛克的企业,红点玻璃有没受到房地产调控的影响?  相似文献   

乌本桥曼德勒缅甸 夕阳的余晖洒在了这条世界最长的柚木桥一乌本桥上,呈现出一幅生动的落日美景.用前市长名字命名的"乌本桥"全长1.2公里,横跨在陶塔曼湖上.白天在桥上穿梭着来往的行人,一到傍晚就安静了下来. 马赛马拉国家保护区肯尼亚 夕阳下的马赛马拉国家保护区可以用"壮观"来形容.广袤的草原似乎被那迷人的夕阳染成了红色.每年七月到十月,游客就看到从赞比亚、塞伦盖蒂迁徙的大批斑马、汤姆逊瞪羚和牛羚.  相似文献   

随着民营经济在我国经济社会发展中的地位不断提升,民营企业家的成长也日益受到社会的关注。民营企业家的心态与其所处的生态环境息息相关,他们在追求自我实现的同时,也受到生态系统、特别是政府环境的巨大影响。本文对当前我国民营企业家的成长心态以及所处的生态环境做了较深入的分析。  相似文献   

Book Review     
The article deals with Swedish well-educated female entrepreneurs (Swefees), that is entrepreneurs with a education exceeding 12 years. The Swefees seem to differ in some interesting ways both from other female entrepreneurs, from male entrepreneurs and from other women on the labour market. But it also turns out that they are of two kinds, Loner-Swefees and Family-Swefees. The Loner-Swefees are single, living in a big city environment and have an interrupted career in the public or private sector behind them. They are extremely career-oriented. The Family-Swefees are also career-oriented but try to run a family and a firm at the same time. Swefees go into business with strong feelings both of a push and pull kind. They are very professional in their way of running the firm.

The population of Swefees were found through a big questionnaire sent to a sample of 1,440 of the population of over 64,000 Swedish female entrepreneurs. A little more than 1,000 (of the 1,440) were still in business when receiving the questionnaire which around 70% of them answered. Swefees turned out to be only 6% of female entrepreneurs.  相似文献   

There has been an increasing level of interest in diversity in small business enterprises. This diversity has been largely focused on female and ethnic minority entrepreneurs. Although there is evidence that female entrepreneurship can have a positive impact on economic prosperity, levels of earnings remain low. The articles in this special issue further our understanding of female and minority entrepreneurs. They examine important topics such as the differences between male and female entrepreneurs in terms of confidence, growth expectations, entrepreneurial orientation and social capital, developing management skills in female entrepreneurs, their management competencies and refugee entrepreneurship.  相似文献   

Recent research has revealed that a large proportion of entrepreneurs start-up their ventures operating on a wholly or partially off-the-books basis. Until now, it has been commonly assumed that those who operate in the informal economy are exclusively commercial entrepreneurs. They are assumed to be rational economic actors who weigh up the benefits of operating off-the-books against the costs of being caught and decide to operate in this manner. The aim of this paper is to evaluate critically this a priori assumption. Reporting evidence from a 2005/6 survey involving face-to-face interviews with 102 informal entrepreneurs in Moscow in Russia, the finding is that such entrepreneurs are not purely commercially driven. Examining their rationales, informal entrepreneurs are found to range from purely rational economic actors pursuing for-profit logics through to purely social entrepreneurs pursuing purely social logics, with the majority somewhere in-between combining both for-profit and social rationales. Neither do their logics remain static over time. What begins as a commercial entrepreneurial venture may become more socially oriented over time or vice versa. So too do their logics vary socio-spatially. Those living in deprived populations are more socially-orientated, whilst those in relatively affluent populations are comparatively more profit-driven. The outcome is a call for a more nuanced explanation of the complex and heterogeneous logics of informal entrepreneurs.  相似文献   

In this paper, we argue that the economic miracle of China in the past three decades can be attributed to the reallocation of entrepreneurial talent from the government/state and agricultural sectors to business activities. This change is unprecedented in the past two thousand years of Chinese history. When entrepreneurial talent was moved more to business activities, it created wealth, and the economy boomed. Three dominant groups of entrepreneurs are identified: (1) Peasants-turned entrepreneurs, (2) officials-turned entrepreneurs, and (3) overseas-returned, and engineers-turned, entrepreneurs. They have emerged sequentially, and successively led three decades of economic growth. The success of the Chinese economy arises from a gradual replacement of position-based rights with property-based rights that has triggered this reallocation of entrepreneurial talent. We also argue that when position-based and property-based rights coexist, value-creating and rent-seeking can be complementary. Therefore, one should not be puzzled by the coexistence of rapid economic growth and pervasive corruption in China. In order to improve the efficiency of allocation of entrepreneurial talent and efforts, it is important to further reduce the domain of position-based rights, and build a better-defined and more effectively-protected property rights system.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the entrepreneurial landscape in Africa and locates a new generation of African entrepreneurs and their business networks within it. Unlike others in that landscape (i.e. micro- or small-scale informal sector vendors, and traditional or multinational large-scale formal sector firms), the ‘new generation’ entrepreneurs are business globalists who organized a system of business enterprise networks consisting of national, regional, and pan-African organizations. The study analyses interview data from 57 men and women network members from 10 countries (Botswana, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Mali, Senegal, South Africa, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe). Some defining characteristics of these entrepreneurs are interactive social and business relationships, use of modern management methods and information technology, trust among fellow members, transparent business practices, advocacy on behalf of the private sector, and commitment to increasing intra-African commerce. Their mission is to improve the climate for private sector business in Africa and to promote regional economic integration. They pursue cross-national commercial ventures, maintain official observer status at established regional economic organizations, sign memoranda of understanding with multilateral agencies, establish venture capital funds, and help to change government policies. The paper identifies characteristics of the ‘new generation’ entrepreneurs, evaluates goals and achievements of their networks, and concludes that despite limitations, these entrepreneurs and their organizations have created intra- and cross-national networks that strengthen private-sector-led economic growth in Africa.  相似文献   

When discussing the motivations of entrepreneurs, it has become commonplace to represent them dichotomously as either necessity or opportunity driven. This paper evaluates critically this dualistic depiction of entrepreneurs’ motives through an examination of the rationales of entrepreneurs and potential entrepreneurs living in a deprived urban neighbourhood of an English city, a group of entrepreneurs who have been conventionally depicted as largely driven by necessity into entrepreneurship in the absence of alternative means of livelihood. Reporting the results of a face-to-face questionnaire conducted in 2008 with 459 respondents and a further 18 follow-up in-depth interviews, the finding is that forcing individual entrepreneurs’ motives into one or other of these categories grossly over-simplifies their rationales which in lived practice are not only a mixture of both opportunity and necessity but also temporally fluid shifting most often from more necessity- to more opportunity-oriented rationales. The outcome is to reveal that the opportunity versus necessity dichotomy, which uses the perceptions of an entrepreneur’s originating condition as the defining feature of their motivations, is a misleading way of categorising types of entrepreneurship not only because motivations change over time but also because entrepreneurs are frequently driven by both necessity as well as opportunity factors. The result is a call to move beyond the conventional either/or depiction of opportunity versus necessity entrepreneurship and towards a richer, more nuanced and dynamic appreciation of entrepreneurs’ motivations.  相似文献   

Entrepreneurs can and do play an important role in promoting community recovery after disasters. Research, however, has not adequately explored the behavior and practices of post-disaster entrepreneurs or acknowledged the role of entrepreneurs in overall disaster recovery. We attempt to fill this gap by highlighting the behavior and practices of entrepreneurs who contribute to recovery, specifically, we argue that post-disaster entrepreneurs: (a) supply needed resources to disaster victims, (b) leverage social capital to navigate extreme uncertainty, (c) are motivated by high place attachment, and (d) exhibit both commercial and social goals. They are able to successfully perform these functions because of the embedded nature of entrepreneurship. We offer evidence based on fieldwork conducted in New Orleans, Louisiana, following Hurricane Katrina and following the tornadoes in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, and Joplin, Missouri.  相似文献   


This paper investigates the identity work of science-based entrepreneurs in two very different country contexts: Finland and Russia. Building on the literature investigating role identities, we first analyse the identification of individuals with the roles of a scientist and an entrepreneur; and second, how individuals manage the boundary between these two roles. Methodologically, we take a narrative approach, which regards life stories as identity constructions. Our empirical data consist of 23 biographical interviews with science-based entrepreneurs that are inductively analysed. Our findings show that the Russian informants considered being a scientist a salient part of their self-identification, distanced themselves from the role of an entrepreneur, and set discursive boundaries to segment the two roles. For the Finnish informants, identification with the professional roles as a scientist or as an entrepreneur was less salient for the personal identity as they make a clear distinction between ‘what one does’ and ‘who one is’. They also view the two roles as integrated rather than segmented, and have no significant need to justify the border-crossing between them. Our contribution is in demonstrating how science-based entrepreneurs’ identity work is influenced by importance and meanings attached to different work roles, and how these are contextualised.  相似文献   

Women entrepreneurs have recently been the subject of many studies which have revealed that though women possess some of the same resources as male entrepreneurs, success levels are not the same. The current study looks at the resources utilized by small business owners within downtown business districts. Using a sample of 467 small business owners, we test differences in entrepreneurial orientation and social capital between men and women entrepreneurs. Though women actually reported higher levels of entrepreneurial orientation and social capital, there were no differences in their abilities to utilize these two resources in achieving firm performance. We offer discussion of why these findings are relevant, as well as research implications.  相似文献   

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