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三峡外迁移民是一个特殊的边缘、弱势群体。通过对江苏省大丰市移民安置点的考察,从社区生活环境、人际关系、生产劳动方式、风俗习惯描述了外迁移民社区适应状况,分析了影响移民社区适应的主体因素,提出了针对性的建议。  相似文献   

通过实证调查的资料对三峡外迁移民的社会适应状况作了描述,对影响其社会适应性的因素进行了分析.就总的社会适应性而言,一半以上的移民已基本适应了迁入地的生活.与三峡外迁移民的社会适应状况密切相关的因素主要有搬迁前后经济收入的差异、当地居民的态度、语言适应性、政府关心状况、迁入地治安状况、住房条件的差异.  相似文献   

通过实证调查的资料对三峡外迁移民的社会适应状况作了描述,对影响其社会适应性的因素进行了分析。就总的社会适应性而言,一半以上的移民已基本适应了迁入地的生活。与三峡外迁移民的社会适应状况密切相关的因素主要有搬迁前后经济收入的差异、当地居民的态度、语言适应性、政府关心状况、迁入地治安状况、住房条件的差异。  相似文献   

根据三峡工程库区环境容量的实际情况,国务院作出了外迁安置农村移民12.5万人的重大决策,并决定由政府组织将重庆库区的7万移民外迁安置到沿长江和沿海经济发达的11个省市。近几年来,移民外迁工作取得了很大的成绩,各地通过政府组织外迁和移民自主外迁等形式安置农村移民3万多人,2000年政府组织外迁到11个省市又成功安置7400多人。在外迁工作中也出现了一些问题和难点,研究这些问题的解决办法和探讨这些难点的对策,对今年以及今后移民外迁工作是大有裨益的。一 移民外迁安置工作中究竟存在哪些难题呢?归纳起来,…  相似文献   

三峡工程移民是中国历史上少数几次大规模的工程移民,不论是对移民本身还是对移民的迁入地都将产生巨大的影响。在三峡工程移民外迁的实施工作中,存在一些公共政策方面的问题,如缺乏权威的移民职能管理机构,移民政策在具体执行过程中产生偏差.移民法律法规不健全,移民与当地社会难以融合等问题,应通过建立国家移民局,完善法律法规,建立社会保障体系以及提高补助标准与加大扶持力度相结合的长效机制,来解决移民外迁过程中的难题。  相似文献   

三峡库区农村移民就地后靠安置必须注意的几个问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
就地后靠是安置三峡库区农村移民的主要途径.国务院总理李鹏肯定它是“安置库区移民的一种重要方法”.随着库区一线水位农村移民外迁安置的全面展开,就地后靠将成为今后移民工作的重点.为使后靠移民搬得走、靠得住、能致富,在安置工作中必须认真贯彻执行“国家扶持,政策优惠,各方支持,自力更生”和开发性移民的方针,坚持一手抓移民,一手抓发展的方针,因地制宜,大  相似文献   

1999年5月,国务院在北京召开了三峡工程移民工作会议.朱镕基总理出席会议并作了重要讲话,他强调,三峡工程能否顺利进行,难点在移民,关键在移民.会议回顾了八年移民试点情况,认真总结了三峡工程开工后五年来移民工作经验和教训,面对三峡库区出现的新情况,会议决定对库区移民政策进行两个调整:一是鼓励和引导更多的农村移民外迁安置;二是对库区没有竞争力的企业尽量关闭,进一步加大搬迁工矿企业结构调整力度.为落实国务院三峡移民工作会议精神,去年10月,三峡建委在重庆召开专门会议,就第一个调整,即鼓励和引导更多的农村移  相似文献   

从"关系"、"制度"、"区域选择"三个中心概念入手,通过对移民哈萨克斯坦共和国中国侨民的调查,论证了移民的"异国适应"主要取决于迁入国的移民制度和迁移者的"关系"强弱亲疏.种族歧视性导致了移民在初始状态的不平等,影响了其适应的进度.但对于迁移者个人的心理感受而言,种族群聚地是其最理性的区域选择.  相似文献   

举世闻名的长江三峡工程的兴建,需要安置近百万移民,除湖北、重庆约15万人外迁外,其余均需要就地后靠安置,这部分后靠的移民如何安置是摆在党中央、国务院以及三峡库区各级党委、政府面前的重要问题。自一九九八年以来,三峡工程坝区库首宜昌县在太平溪结合重庆环境建设就移民后靠安置进行了有益的探索和实践,并取得较为明显的成效。本文拟就实践中的问题进行一些探讨,以期对三峡库区生态建设移民安置起到抛砖引玉的作用。  相似文献   

从"关系"、"制度"、"区域选择"三个中心概念入手,通过对移民哈萨克斯坦共和国中国侨民的调查,论证了移民的"异国适应"主要取决于迁入国的移民制度和迁移者的"关系"强弱亲疏.种族歧视性导致了移民在初始状态的不平等,影响了其适应的进度.但对于迁移者个人的心理感受而言,种族群聚地是其最理性的区域选择.  相似文献   

Within the migration–trade nexus literature, this paper proposes a more carefully defined measure of migration business networks and quantifies its impact on bilateral trade. Using cross‐sectional data and controlling for the overall bilateral stock of migrants, the share of migrants employed in managerial/business‐related occupations has a strong additional effect on trade. Those immigrants should be the ones directly involved in the diffusion and transmission of information relevant for companies trading with other countries. Their presence is found to increase the volume of trade, especially of imports, beyond the already known effect of immigrants or highly educated immigrants. When we control for the presence of highly educated immigrants, the share of immigrants in business network occupations shows a particularly large effect on trade in differentiated goods. We also find that highly educated individuals in business‐related occupations are those contributing to stimulate import and export by the largest margin. Business network effects seem particularly important in stimulating exports to culturally different countries, such as those with different language and legal origin.  相似文献   

<正>"在浩瀚的太平洋上,撒落着无数璀璨的明珠",电影《大撒把》中的经典台词为18年后的中国新一轮移民潮做了最富戏剧性的预测和描述。在中国已成为世界最大移民输出国之后,钱包鼓起的新富阶层和知识精英开始寻找新的"明珠",宽阔的太平洋已无法阻挡新一轮投资移民热潮的涌动。  相似文献   

Digital Natives and Digital Immigrants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The article looks at the differences between “digital natives” and “digital immigrants.” Digital natives are the new generation of young people born into the digital age, while “digital immigrants” are those who learnt to use computers at some stage during their adult life. Whereas digital natives are assumed to be inherently technology-savvy, digital immigrants are usually assumed to have some difficulty with information technology. The paper suggests that there is a continuum rather than a rigid dichotomy between digital natives and digital immigrants, and this continuum is best conceptualized as digital fluency. Digital fluency is the ability to reformulate knowledge and produce information to express oneself creatively and appropriately in a digital environment. The authors propose a tentative conceptual model of digital fluency that outlines factors that have a direct and indirect impact on digital fluency namely, demographic characteristics, organizational factors, psychological factors, social influence, opportunity, behavioral intention and actual use of digital technologies.  相似文献   

We document that immigrants in the United States differ from natives in several aspects relevant for their financial decision making. Based on these differences, we designed novel financial education materials targeted at US immigrants and their children and evaluated their effectiveness using a randomized control trial. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first rigorous evaluation of financial education programs targeted at this population. Compared to a control group, the groups that received the one‐time educational intervention were more likely to correctly answer financial knowledge questions immediately after the intervention. The estimated effects of this one‐time intervention on knowledge were large, but most of them faded away after six months. Moreover, we find little effect of the treatments on intended financial behavior measures, both immediately and six months later. Our results point to the efficacy of this type of educational material in informing immigrants and their children about important financial information that they are unfamiliar with, including information related to their immigrant status. However, they also suggest that a priority for future research should be to test whether repeated opportunities for learning can increase financial knowledge retention and lead to behavior change.  相似文献   

The paper assesses the trade‐creating impact of foreign‐born residents on the international imports and exports of the French regions where they are settled. The protrade effect of immigrants is investigated along two intertwined dimensions: the complexity of traded goods and the quality of institutions in partner countries. The trade‐enhancing impact of immigrants is, on average, more salient when they come from a country with weak institutions. However, this positive impact is especially large on the imports of simple products. When we turn to complex goods, for which the information channel conveyed by immigrants is the most valuable, immigration enhances imports regardless of the quality of institutions in the partner country. Regarding exports, immigrants substitute for weak institutions on both simple and complex goods.  相似文献   

A framework that uses a Constant Elasticity of Substitution (CES) production function with skill differentiation and integrated national labor markets has predictions for the employment effect of immigrants at the local level. The employment (rather than wage) response to immigration by skill in a state reveals the production substitutability-complementarity between native and immigrant labor. This, in turn, reveals the degree to which immigrants stimulate or depress the demand for native labor. To estimate this elasticity, I use a novel instrument based on demographic characteristics of total Central American migrants or of the Mexican Population to predict immigration by skill level within California. Looking at immigration to California between 1960 and 2005 these estimates support the assumption of a nationally integrated labor market by skill and they support the hypothesis that natives and immigrants in the same education-experience group are not perfectly substitutable. This explains the counter-intuitive fact that there is a zero correlation between immigration and wage and employment outcomes of natives in the state.  相似文献   

上海外来人口生存状态与社会融合研究   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:22  
中国的城市化过程极为特殊,主要表现在城市人口中形成了一个庞大的外来人口(或农民工)集团。试图提出一个新的城市化模型解释中国城市化的这一特殊性,并为打通中国城市化推进的瓶颈、解决庞大外来人口集团在城市的社会融合问题提供政策思路。以上海为例,考察了改革开放以来城市外来人口的增长趋势、外来人口在城市的居住、就业“生态”及其在社会生态金字塔中的“生态位”。外来人口在城市的生存状态相对恶化,与城市居民之间的“城乡”差异呈扩大趋势,在一定程度上已影响社会稳定。据提出的城市化新模型和对上海外来人口生存状态的实证结论,从宏观角度提出了中国推进社会融合、建设和谐社会的政策思路。  相似文献   

中国的城市化过程极为特殊,主要表现在城市人口中形成了一个庞大的外来人口(或农民工)集团.试图提出一个新的城市化模型解释中国城市化的这一特殊性,并为打通中国城市化推进的瓶颈、解决庞大外来人口集团在城市的社会融合问题提供政策思路.以上海为例,考察了改革开放以来城市外来人口的增长趋势、外来人口在城市的居住、就业"生态"及其在社会生态金字塔中的"生态位".外来人口在城市的生存状态相对恶化,与城市居民之间的"城乡"差异呈扩大趋势,在一定程度上已影响社会稳定.据提出的城市化新模型和对上海外来人口生存状态的实证结论,从宏观角度提出了中国推进社会融合、建设和谐社会的政策思路.  相似文献   

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