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This research probes marketing communications for international product launch. Marketing communications is found to be more visible if the firm is more marketing proficient and the market is more turbulent. The communicated messages are less consistent when the firm is more proficient in marketing and the market is more hostile, but more consistent when the firm is more internationalized and the market is more turbulent. Both visibility and message consistency of marketing communications enhance new product performance. However, greater visibility lowers message consistency, implying that message and media strategies for international product launch need to be carefully formulated and handled.  相似文献   

费芩芳 《江苏商论》2012,(12):89-91
随着全球气候变化逐渐成为人们热议的话题,低碳也走进了我们的生活。因此,旅游者的碳补偿作为低碳旅游中不可获缺的一部分,尤其在闻名遐迩的杭州西湖风景区,更有着其调研的意义。本文以在杭州西湖风景区的岳庙、曲院风荷、苏堤、孤山、断桥等近十个景点,近六百份的问卷调查数据为基础,从旅游者对全球气候变化的了解程度以及碳补偿的支付意愿和原因几个方面入手,分析总结目前旅游者对于低碳旅游的认知和碳补偿支付意愿,从而从政府、企业、游客方面提出更为可行且环境友好的旅游者碳补偿模式。  相似文献   

随着我国市场经济和工程建设的不断发展,园林施工企业在园林工程项目上的竞争愈加的激烈,项目的利润空间越来越低,园林工程建设成本管理的地位也越来越重要.园林工程施工成本是园林施工项目的管理核心,加强园林工程成本的管理工作将对争取利润的最大化起着巨大的作用,本文通过对园林工程成本的管理分析,从施工成本的预测、计划以及具体的管理实施出发,以做到合理的有效的管理园林工程建设的成本,从而向管理要效益.  相似文献   

Previous research has found that consumers ascribe mental states to for‐profit companies that enable them to elicit anger more easily than sympathy. The current study applies these findings to demonstrate how this evaluative asymmetry in consumer perceptions favor different strategies for individuals and companies managing conflicts and crises. First, it is shown that the mental states consumers ascribe to for‐profit companies enable them to elicit anger and admiration more easily than sympathy. Second, due to their ability to elicit anger more easily than sympathy, it is found that in conflicts between for‐profit companies and individuals, companies are evaluated more favorably when they focus attention on which side perpetrated the most harm, while individuals are evaluated more favorably when they focus on which side was most victimized. Third, due to their ability to elicit admiration more easily than sympathy, it is found that for‐profit companies derive greater benefits than individuals do from proactively taking responsibility to resolve crises rather than deflecting responsibility through claims of victimhood. Discussion focuses on marketing applications for companies managing conflicts and crises.  相似文献   

随着我国经济水平的提升及整体国力不断加强,在新一轮的经济改革中,不少中小企业抓住了发展时机,实现了成长的飞跃,这也给会计师事务所的发展创造了更多机会。如今,除了整体的市场竞争环境愈发激烈,复杂多变的外部市场环境以及企业自身多元化的业务类型,都是企业在进一步发展中将会面临的问题,靠其自身解决难度较大,引入外部专业力量是必要的选择。因此,越来越多的会计师事务所迎合市场需求在审计业务之外,开展了企业财税顾问服务,这也给其未来发展创造了更多的可能和机会。  相似文献   

张莹  穆之 《财贸研究》2005,16(6):10-15
三百年来,国际制造业的中心经历了几次转移,几乎每一次转移都与科学技术的创新发明浪潮有关。知识产权是现代经济的产物,随着科学技术对制造业发展的作用愈加重要,一国知识产权战略的运用也愈加影响其国内制造业的兴衰。本文通过国际制造业中心转移的几次经历分析相关国家所采取的知识产权战略,重点分析美国对知识产权保护态度的转变情况,从而为我国目前所采取的知识产权战略提供依据。  相似文献   

This article examines how feature additions and removals affect consumers' preferences and the attributions they make regarding why these changes occurred. In two experiments, using a range of hypothetical and real products, we find that consumers' preferences for current product formulations are influenced by prior formulations and that changes in consumer preference are more extreme for feature removals than for feature additions. We further find that consumers attribute feature additions to causes that are more external to the firm and more stable over time than those for feature removals. Consumers' product evaluations are more negative when the cause of a feature removal is attributed more internally to the firm. However, consumers' product evaluations are not significantly affected by their attributions for feature additions. Finally, the degree to which the changing feature is linked to a brands' equity moderates these findings.  相似文献   

Ethics vs. IT Ethics: Do Undergraduate Students Perceive a Difference?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Do undergraduate students perceive that it is more acceptable to ?cheat’ using information technology (IT) than it is to cheat without the use of IT? Do business discipline-related majors cheat more than non-business discipline-related majors? Do undergraduate students perceive it to be more acceptable for them personally to cheat than for others to cheat? Questionnaires were administered to undergraduate students at five geographical academic locations in the spring, 2006 and fall 2006 and spring, 2007. A total of 708 usable questionnaires were returned including 532 from students majoring in business-related disciplines and 139 from students majoring in non-business related disciplines (37 were undecided). It appears that in terms of intellectual property violations, undergraduate students in general find cheating using IT more acceptable than cheating without the use of IT. It also appears that undergraduate students perceive that it is relatively more acceptable for them to personally cheat when using IT than for others to cheat when using IT, although this is reversed when IT is not involved. No significant differences on these issues were found between undergraduate students having business discipline-related majors and those having non-business discipline-related majors.  相似文献   

We examine the responses of intraday option-implied volatilities to scheduled announcements of macroeconomic indicators. The increase in implied volatility around macroeconomic news announcements is more pronounced for puts than for calls and is stronger for announcements made during trading hours than for those made during nontrading hours. These effects are also more pronounced in the crisis and postcrisis periods than in the precrisis period. Monetary policy announcements have a more substantial impact on volatility than other announcements have, even after controlling for news surprise components. The impact appears to be greater for policy rate hikes than for policy rate cuts.  相似文献   

This research compares historical and personal nostalgic appeals with potential influences of consumption context and consumer self-construal. Results from two experiments indicate that, regardless of nostalgia type, a nostalgic ad is more effective than a non-nostalgic ad with similar visuals. Personal nostalgia is more effective than historical nostalgia in ads for private consumption contexts. In contrast, historical nostalgia is more effective than personal nostalgia for public consumption contexts. The above-mentioned results hold for those whose self-construal is interdependent self-construal, not for those with independent self-construal. Based on the findings, managerial implications for advertising practitioners are provided.  相似文献   

Some antecedents and outcomes of brand love   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Survey research is employed to test hypotheses involving brand love, a new marketing construct that assesses satisfied consumers’ passionate emotional attachment to particular brands. Findings suggest that satisfied consumers’ love is greater for brands in product categories perceived as more hedonic (as compared with utilitarian) and for brands that offer more in terms of symbolic benefits. Brand love, in turn, is linked to higher levels of brand loyalty and positive word-of-mouth. Findings also suggest that satisfied consumers tend to be less loyal to brands in more hedonic product categories and to engage in more positive word-of-mouth about self-expressive brands.  相似文献   

Using a sample of Chinese listed firms, we observe that firms more visited by analysts or institutional investors exhibit lower future stock price crash risk. This effect is more pronounced for firms facing more incentives for or fewer constraints on hiding bad news. Greater mitigation of crash risk occurs if more firm-specific information is discovered during such visits and if visits are conducted by analysts instead of institutional investors. The impact of company visits is observed mostly in the first half of the subsequent year. These findings suggest that company visits mitigate crash risk by discovering and disseminating firm-specific information.  相似文献   

随着我国教育体制改革的不断发展,高等教育模式由精英化教育向大众化教育逐步过渡,随之而来的大学生的就业形势日益严峻。基.于分析我国高校目前开展大学生自主创业教育的现状,对比国外创业教育环境和背景提出适应于我国高校的创业教育对策,旨为大学生的自主创业做出有效的理论导向和提高创业成功率,从而使更多的大学生勇于尝试自主创业,为高校毕业生就业工作拓展新局面。  相似文献   

Firm data from ten Western European countries is used in this paper to contrast the sources of leverage across small and large, as well as across listed and unlisted firms. Specifically, the explanatory power of firm-specific, country of incorporation institutional, and macroeconomic factors is evaluated. Using data that is more comprehensive in coverage than that used in the existing research the stylized facts of the capital structure literature for large and listed firms is confirmed, but contrasting evidence is obtained for smaller companies. First, the country of incorporation carries much more information for small firms, supporting the idea that small firms are more financially constrained and face non-firm-specific hurdles in their capital structure choice. Second, using two different leverage measures it is shown that the relationship of firm size and tangibility to leverage is robust to the measure used for listed, but not for unlisted firms.  相似文献   

We examine the determinants of US equity trader choice of electronic versus intermediated execution. While traders exhibit a strong overall preference for automation, when the market is less liquid at order submission time, traders seek market maker automated and human order‐matching services more often. Traders' overall tendency to choose intermediaries is highly correlated with their demand for liquidity. Market maker participation rates are higher for more active and larger size traders. Traders who choose intermediaries more often trade more stocks, execute orders quicker, price orders more aggressively, and disperse their trading over longer periods of time. Although US stock intermediaries continue to lose market share, our results highlight the important role these firms can play in an increasingly automated, electronically driven marketplace.  相似文献   


The present study aims to explore the moderating effect of culture-related values on responses to male and female gender role stereotyping in advertising. Based on an experiment in Sweden (n = 507) and Germany (n = 506), we test the impact of respondents' masculinity, power distance, assertiveness values and feminine role orientation on ad attitudes and brand attitudes. The results show that, in general, perceived stereotyping contributes positively to ad and brand attitude, and this effect is enhanced for more masculine, more power distant, more assertive and less feminine-role oriented individuals. In addition, consumers respond more negatively to perceived female stereotyping compared to male stereotyping, and this is especially true for more power distant and more assertive individuals.  相似文献   

在我国,随着我国的社会主义和经济的快速发展,我国的基础教育的速度也是越来越快,我国对于教育资源的投资力度也是越来越大,因此,我国的教育固定资产也在大幅度的增加.与此同时,我国的中等职业学校的固定资产的陈旧程度也在增加,这就是我国目前教育固定资产面临的问题.特别是中等职业学校的固定资产折旧.因此,本文着重的探讨了中等职业学校固定资产折旧方法,这样做的目的是使我国的中等职业学校固定资产有一个非常清楚的认识,以期望在以后的发展过程中进行适当的教育投资.  相似文献   

This article empirically evaluates the main determinants of business performance, focusing on the emergence and sustainability of profits for an emerging economy such as Chile. Furthermore, the paper compares the results obtained with Chilean data to those for the U.S.A. This comparison is interesting because of the recent emergence of some literature that relates geographic location to performance. The results show that the industry effect is more important in Chile than in the U.S.A., that the persistence of rents in Chile is explained more evenly for reasons associated to business-, industry- and corporate-specific effects, and that the path to lower rents is more difficult to revert in Chile than in the U.S.A.  相似文献   

The purpose of this empirical study is to investigate the effects of relational bonds on online customer satisfaction using gender and time horizon as moderators. The findings are three-fold. First, the financial and structural bonds have positive impacts on online shoppers’ satisfaction; however, the social bond does not. Second, the financial, social, and structural bonds have more positive impacts on female, than male, customer satisfaction. Third, the financial bond is more successful in strengthening customer satisfaction for short-term than for long-term customers; however, the structural bond is more important for long-term than for short-term customers.  相似文献   

This research examines the effectiveness of different metaphor types (juxtaposition vs. replacement vs. fusion) while taking into account the potential impacts of product type, consumer gender differences, and consumer cognitive capacity. The experimental results indicate that ads with metaphors are more effective than those without, regardless of the type of metaphor being used. For females, a replacement metaphor is more effective in ads for ‘search products’, while a juxtaposition metaphor is more effective in ads for ‘experience products’. Juxtaposition metaphors are more effective for males, regardless of product type. When the focus is narrowed to the cognitive capacity of female participants, metaphor type and product type are found to have an interactive effect on females with high cognitive capacity. Fusion metaphors have the advantage when promoting a search product to high cognitive capacity females. The results suggest that practitioners can more effectively promote their products by choosing the right type of metaphor.  相似文献   

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