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所谓“公司社会”,是指市场经济条件下由公司的产生而形成的公司现象,其公司及公司所组成的社会联系方式是社会组织中的主体并形成社会组织形式。中国自《公司法》、《物权法》出台后,使公司这一社会组织形式以法律的形式得以保障,因此有必要研究市场经济条件下公司对社会产生的影响及随公司增长而出现的社会组织形式的改变。  相似文献   

“事业单位,是国家为了社会公益目的,由国家机关举办或者其他组织利用国有资产举办的,从事教育、科技、文化、卫生等活动的社会服务组织。”作为我国特有的社会组织,事业单位的产生和发展有其特殊背景。它是在我国传统的计划经济体制下产生的,不以盈利为目的,强调社会公益性和服务性。  相似文献   

在民族区域自治制度运行过程中,“三位一体”既定体制下制度运行出现困境,需要一个有效的困境化解机制。作为一种民间力量,布依族学会的介入是民族区域自治制度顺利运行的重要机制;作为少数民族的民间社会组织,它以社会资本的形式出现,在治理过程中发挥着重要作用。  相似文献   

曾宏 《开放潮》2006,(7):70-71
文化每时每刻都在对政治、经济、社会、生活产生着潜在的影响,发挥着不可忽视的作用。文化,从广义上说,是人类在社会实践过程中获得的物质、精神的生产力和创造的物质、精神的总和。从狭义上讲,是指人类精神生产力和精神产品,包括一切社会意识形式:如自然科学、技术科学和社会意识形态等。作为一种历史现象,文化的发展有历史继承性;作为社会意识形态,文化是一定社会政治和经济的反映,  相似文献   

欲弄清有组织犯罪的原因与对策必须弄清楚有组织犯罪组织本身,应从社会有组织化角度阐释有组织犯罪组织生成根源与展开形式;人类社会有组织化是一个自在的过程;社会有组织化过程中形成了国家和与之相对的有组织犯罪组织。  相似文献   

李梦玉  吴宪聪 《发展》2001,(5):19-20
社会环境应是构成社会各个方面的因素,包括生产力、生产关系及上层建筑等,会计作为一个信息系统,必然与它所处的经济环境密切相关,在此,我们主要探讨环绕会计四周的一切与会计产生、发展密切相关,并决定着会计思想,会计理论、会计组织、会计法制以及会计工作发展水平的客观历史条件及特殊情况的总和的社会环境,进而使我们明确社会环境与社会的关系,使会计理论及实务能顺利得到发展、完善。  相似文献   

青年社会组织作为时代的产物,赋予了时代的特征,具有着鲜明的个性和全新的价值取向,他们把对成功的渴望作为实现人生价值的首要标志,同时也伴随着一些错误的行为观念。当遇到挫折无法得到及时的帮助解决时,他们极容易偏离正确的航道,做出一些反社会、偏激、甚至危害生命的违法行为,这无疑对社会、国家乃至个人造成巨大的精神和财产损失,同时也对新时期青年社会组织自我教育提出了新的课题。加强学习型社会建设背景下青年社会组织自我教育不仅符合马克思主义人文思想,而且灌输了我国“以德树人”的重要方针。  相似文献   

刘贺 《魅力中国》2013,(11):28-28
教育制度、人才选拔制度的历史反顾自从人类社会形成之后,国家是社会的最外显的组织形式。任何一个国家的统治者及各阶层的成功人士都重视于发展人才,因为大到国家小到私人产业是需要人才来治理的,没有治理的人才,都会走向衰败。因此在国家形成之后历代的统治者但凡明智的都会注重召集人才去辅佐他们。我们国家的人才选拔是具有一定的历史历程的。  相似文献   

黄丽丽  万梅芬 《魅力中国》2013,(25):356-356
当今国家发展形势,从社会发展角度看,政党与社会组织有着密不可分的联系,长期处于执政地位的中国共产党。需要广大社会组织的支持和拥护。在中国政党的新形势下。赣州社会组织日益成为我市现代化建设的一支重要力量,在促进赣州经济社会发展中发挥着不可替代的作用。作为党的基层组织建设的一个重要领域,在巩田党的执政基础、提高党的执政能力、完成党的执政使命中面临着艰巨的任务。  相似文献   

王鸣 《理论观察》2005,(3):45-46
社会救助是公民因各种原因导致难以维持最低生活水平时,由国家和社会按照法定的程序给予物质救济和服务,以使其生活得到基本保障的制度。社会救助的对象是贫困者。在任何一个社会都存在着社会弱者阶层或群体。在社会主义社会,存在着一个以低收入者和失业者为主的社会弱者群体。脆弱者群体的存在,是一种普遍现象。而社会弱者与贫困者有相互包容的方面,但也具有一定的可比性,两者有联系也存在差异。  相似文献   

赵琼 《理论观察》2005,2(4):19-21
战后资本主义国家出现了一系列的变化。认真分析资本主义的生产关系,可以看出,资本主义国家在生产资料的私人占有方面,产品分配方面,阶级关系方面呈现社会化、公平化,缓和化的新变化,但其资本的集中化,贫富加剧化、阶级剥削加重化依然存在。因此,资本主义的新变化并没有改变历史规律。  相似文献   

人民公社的导入是当代中国乡村最深刻的制度变迁过程,也是1958年国家对乡村出台的重大政策.人民公社的导入是在官僚体制内中央向地方放权的情况下,中央领导与地方中层官员互动的结果,这一政策出台方式潜藏了巨大的风险.  相似文献   

The peasant land commune was the emblematic institutional feature of agrarian Russian society before the Revolution of 1917. Economic historians have long blamed the commune for restricting household behavior in ways that contributed to Russia's economic “backwardness” by the late 19th century. Drawing on new household-level data collected from archival sources in Moscow province, this article provides the first microeconomic analysis of local factor markets and household behavior within the institutional context of the Russian peasant commune. The empirical evidence indicates that peasant households did have substantial flexibility when it came to allocating their land and labor holdings. In response to mortality shocks or lags in the communal adjustment of land, households engaged in land rentals and off-farm labor market transactions to improve upon suboptimal factor endowments. Although these findings do not imply that the resulting allocation of resources was fully efficient, they do illustrate how peasants made rational factor market transactions in a seemingly inhospitable institutional environment.  相似文献   

The new land tenure system represents a compromise between efficiency and equality. On the one hand, the privatization of land use rights has eliminated the type of free-rider problem observed under the commune system; on the other hand, egalitarianism reduced the transaction costs when land was first allocated to farmers after the dismantling of the commune system. However, this study shows that the main challenge to the efficiency and sustainability of the system is the task of developing a voluntary savings and investment mechanism to fill the vacuum left by the compulsory one that the commune system once had. The frequent reallocation or readjustment of village land, as is required by the system in response to the relative population changes among households, makes farmers feel insecure in their land use rights and agricultural investment, and leads to distortion in their investment and consumption.  相似文献   

The commune economy had two basic characteristics: one was its three-grade pyramid-type structure of organisation which integrated government administration and economic management; and the other was its “self-sufficient” and “closed-door” character. Under this system farmers had no free choice about their occupation and place of residence. With the collapse of the commune system, institutional reorganisation of China's rural economy occurred. Farmers had more choice now about their production, their occupation and place of residence based on the development of a modern commodity and market economy. In this process of institutional reorganisation, transfer of surplus agricultural labour is a key factor. The concept of the agricultural labour surplus is discussed and discussions in English of this concept and associated theory and policy are reviewed. With reform of rural economy and improvement of agricultural labour productivity, the quantity of surplus labour in rural China has increased. Greater labour absorption is required in both agricultural and non-agricultural sectors, but particularly in non-agricultural sectors. In China, several impediments to transfer of surplus agricultural labour still exist. The transfer of surplus agricultural labour in contemporary China occurs in the context of a nationwide “double-track” economic system (a market-oriented economic system harnessed to a centrally planned and controlled economic system) and a “dual economy” in which modern industries exist alongside a traditional indigenous agricultural economy. Income gains provide the main motivation for farmers to transfer to non-agricultural activities. It is the income difference between farming and non-farming activity, not whether the marginal labour productivity in farming is zero that is important. By building and developing free or open markets one provides a suitable climate for labour transfer and migration. In the absence of free or open markets, farmers have little free choice. The continuing system of household registration is a serious institutional barrier to transfer or migration by farmers. Furthermore, the system of equal farmland contracts also hinders the process of transfer or migration. This might be overcome by allowing the transfer of rights to use farmland and facilitating “part-time” transfer of agricultural labour. Withdrawal of “surplus labour” from farming can cause grain output to drop. This can occur because if “better” farmers leave agriculture, the quality of farm labourers as a whole declines and because of a rigid price system which discriminates against agricultural products. While current transfers of surplus agricultural labour in China may well have increased income inequality between rural residents and between regions, if there had been greater freedom of migration this might have resulted in less income inequality. To the extent that market reform in China has resulted in greater freedom of economic choice, it appears to have increased the level of production obtained from China's limited resources. This is not to say that the market system will result in a perfect solution even though the economic results can be expected to be much superior to the commune system adopted in the past by China.  相似文献   

The politics of famine and reform in rural China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《China Economic Review》1998,9(2):141-155
While the causes of the Great Leap Famine must be sought in politics, the general literature has tended to place too much emphasis on the role of top leaders. Focusing on the commune mess hall as a key institutional link, the paper points to systematic patterns in the incidence of famine across the provinces and suggests that these patterns were embedded in China's political history dating back to the communist takeover. The paper also argues that the Great Leap Famine induced profound disillusionment with agrarian radicalism and laid the cognitive and political foundations for dismantling the commune system in China.  相似文献   

二十世纪八十年代中期国家实行“优先发展铝业”的政策,导致我国的电解铝行业持续二十年的快速发展,然而中国电解铝的高速发展引发了一系列的问题。本文通过对中国电解铝企业的SWOT分析,指出企业的优势与劣势,机会和威胁。又在结合企业的实际基础上,提出中国电解铝企业的生存以自增强理论为理论取向,以此构建中国电解铝企业的生存战略。提出中国电解铝企业必须保持一定的规模,通过主辅分离,实行战略联盟,延伸产业链条等战略选择;为我国电解铝企业的生存提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

The T'ai-hu Fishery Commune has initiated family planning for the poor and lower-middle fisherman. While promoting better economic life by having fewer children to support, the commune had to change 3 basic attitudes: 1) that sons carry greater importance than daughters; 2) that with more children the parents will have more help and support; and 3) that giving birth is a private matter of little importance. In addition, health center medical workers had to be persuaded to take on family planning work as well as prevent and treat diseases. Consequently, late marriage and family planning are being advocated and of the 383 couples of reproductive age in the commune, 345 practice birth control.  相似文献   

河北省贫困农村地区"三农"问题是河北省扶贫开发工作的重点和难点,"三农"问题的解决离不开农村金融的资金支持。本文结合贫困农村地区的"三农"现状及农村金融环境中存在的问题,提出了加强河北省贫困农村地区金融支持的对策。  相似文献   

我国农业现代化的发展历程及对策分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
谢韶光 《科技和产业》2010,10(1):123-126
农业现代化是整个国家实现现代化的基础,在当前国际竞争日趋激烈的背景下,我国实现农业现代化的任务更加紧迫。本文对我国农业现代化历程进行了回顾,对当前我国在农业现代化进程中存在的问题进行了分析,并提出了一些对策思考和建议。  相似文献   

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