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由于嵌入式广告在我国是一种崭新的广告形式,并广受争议,因此探讨其本质及影响力,具有十分重要的意义。本文分析了嵌入式广告的优劣势及存在问题,并提出了相应对策。  相似文献   

The effectiveness of advertising directed at preschool children was investigated. An experimental design, crossing program type, social condition of viewing, and frequency of exposure to commercials was utilized. Results indicate the possibility that young children's preferences are only affected under special circumstances. This paper is part of Doctoral Dissertation completed at the University of Illinois.  相似文献   

In 1977 the Supreme Court ruled that lawyers could not be prevented from advertising their prices for routine services, thus outlawing a long standing restriction imposed by the legal profession on its own members. This decision prompted a ferocious controversy (even for lawyers) over the proprieties of advertising legal services, not to mention the effect that “marketplace ethics” might wield on the delivery pricing, and quality of services offered to the great lay public. This article looks at how legal consumers are affected by the kind of high-volume, low-priced delivery of routine services that can only be offered profitably through aggressive marketing. Then it discusses how one firm used segmentation strategy and a consumer orientation to introduce the clinic concept on the East Coast. Finally, some implications of the immediate future of lawyer marketing for marketing professionals are analyzed.  相似文献   

Attention has focused on a call for a ban on premium offers in children's television ads. Key considerations for proposing a ban was reflected in the FTC's statements regarding the confusion and difficulties of choice when the injection of a premium becomes the selling point rather than product merit. The sparsity of previous research in this area led to this exploration of television advertising viewing of different commercial content as it affects the “consumer learning process” of a child. This basically involves a continuum of learning, from the simplest recall of specific marketing-oriented elements such as identification of product or sponsor to the more complex level of understanding the use or value of a particular product or service. Trends noted in this study give additional insight to the marketing practitioner concerning the types of elements a child can assimilate and to the child's understanding of the message.  相似文献   

广告人格既涵容广告人的人格 ,也涵容广告活动的人格化特征 ,前者是广告个体特征 ,后者为广告群体人格特征 ,二者的统一与互补是为广告人格。广告人格是制约广告活动、广告行为和广告作品的一个具有决定性意义的重要变量。广告人格是在众多广告活动中产生和形成的 ,借助广告行为和广告作品体现出来的。广告人格具有鲜明的社会性和时代性 ,社会主义广告道德构成我国广告人格的重要内核 ,对培养和树立广告理想人格具有重要意义。  相似文献   

广告英语中各种修辞榕的运用赋予广告语言形象生动、简洁幽默、新颖别致、富有韵律和节奏感等特点.充分展示了修辞格在广告英语语言中特有的魅力。广告英语的翻译主要有音译法、直译法、意译法、创译法等。  相似文献   

跨文化广告传播中的语用失误研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着经济全球化时代的到来,跨文化、跨国度的广告越来越多。作为广告的主体和传播介质,语言成了跨文化传播中的首要障碍。本文从社会语言学和跨文化传播的角度着手,对跨文化广告传播中的语用失误进行分析,并且就如何规避和减少这一失误提出应对策略,为越来越多走出国门的中国企业提供借鉴。  相似文献   

随着网络的普及,电子商务的蓬勃发展,越来越多的企业开始关注网络广告。我国的网络广告近年来发展也很迅猛:但同时还存在着一系列的问题,如网络广告的思想观念滞后、网络广告人才培养不尖端、针对网络广告的法律法规不全面等等。本文针对这一系列的现状问题进行了比较深入的剖析,提出了一些解决网络广告瓶颈的相关对策和建议。  相似文献   

Considerable research explores advertising’s role in influencing consumer perceptions and behavior. However, advertising’s impact on another key audience—the sales force—has been largely overlooked. Drawing from social identity and expectancy theories, and using survey and objective performance data across multiple wholesalers, the authors demonstrate that a salesperson’s perception of brand advertising has a significant effect on salesperson effort and performance by positively influencing the extent to which the salesperson identifies with the brand and his or her expectancy that such effort will generate results. These effects are moderated by internal communications and brand size. Model results suggest that advertising’s role may extend beyond “pull” to “push” by motivating salespeople to exert more effort on behalf of a brand. As a result, firms should take steps to proactively manage salesperson perceptions of brand advertising while also considering this dual role when assessing advertising effectiveness and efficiency.  相似文献   

广告翻译应以语言为基础.只有掌握了广告的语言学特点.才能使广告翻译准确且充分地表现出源语文本的信息和特色.英语广告作为一种应用广泛的信息栽体,其语言有很多独特性现象和有趣的特点.从语言学角度分析.英语广告的特点主要体现在词汇、句法和修辞等方面,研究并掌握这些特点对搞好英语广告的翻译或撰写是十分重要的.  相似文献   

Although interest regarding gender role portrayals in advertising has persisted for many years, the degree of gender stereotyping in advertising, possible changes of gender stereotyping over the years, and the nature of the relationship between gender stereotyping in advertising and role changing developments in society have not yet been studied in previous research. To address these issues, this study provides a meta-analysis of the research on gender roles in TV and radio advertising based on 64 primary studies. The results show that stereotyping is prevalent in advertising. Stereotyping occurs mainly related to gender’s occupational status, meaning gender equality in advertising is least likely in an area that is the primary concern of gender-related politics. Stereotyping in advertising has indeed decreased over the years, although this decrease is almost exclusively due to developments in high masculinity countries. The results of a correlation analysis and a simultaneous equation model show that gender stereotyping in advertising depends on gender-related developments and value changes in society rather than the other way around. These results provide for the first time empirical support for the mirror argument over the mold argument in the long-standing debate about advertising’s consequences for society. The findings further provide implications for researchers, public policy makers, and marketing practitioners.  相似文献   

Advertising is one of the institutions which cut across cultures, and this study assesses comparative differences and similarities between the U.S. and Yugoslavia in their attitudes toward advertising as an institution. The comparison is effected through replication in Yugoslavia of the Bauer-Geyser Study. The findings indicate that advertising in Yugoslavia is not a salient issue, although there is a greater homogeneity of salience of other specific issues than in the U.S. More U.S. respondents expressed a need for change in advertising; more Yugoslav respondents were indifferent toward advertising. The reasons for liking and disliking advertising also differed in the two samples. The implications are that the intensity of advertising in the U.S. has made it a salient irritant to at least a minority of consumers, whereas in Yugoslavia there is an immediate need for improvement in the creative aspect of advertising.  相似文献   

基于参与度理论与社交媒体特点定义消费者社交媒体参与度与它的四个维度:意识、产生情感、产生理性思考、认同。建立社交媒体广告内容分类标准,收集二手数据后使用方差模型分析品牌社交媒体广告内容对消费者社交媒体参与度的影响。结果显示社交媒体广告内容类型显著影响消费者社交媒体参与度,新产品内容效果最好,其次是促销、游戏/抽奖、社会责任内容。此研究结果不仅可丰富消费者行为视角的品牌社交媒体广告相关理论研究,也可为品牌设计社交媒体广告内容营销提供管理建议。  相似文献   

随着零售商业观念的革新,现代零售广告传播,从观念到模式也发生了相应的激变和创新.新的传播技术、观念是现代零售广告传播的开放性的原发动力,随着现代通讯技术和广告制作技术的进步而不断创新,并通过传播观念、形式、类型等渠道达到传播模式的革新.一段时期内,零售革命带来广告传播模式的变革,会在传统传播模式的基础之上,对新的技术和观念兼容并蓄,并存发展.  相似文献   

在经济全球化的今天,广告已步入千家万户,渗透到人们生活的方方面面.而作为广告家族中的广告英语,经过长期的发展,已逐步从普通英语中独立出来而发展成为非规范化的专门语言,用词造句与普通英语有许多差异.它们不仅具有很高商业价值,而且具有一定的语言研究价值和欣赏价值.本文试从广告的定义和功能入手,通过大量的实例分析广告英语的词汇、句法、修辞三个方面的语言特点,并结合实例浅析其翻译策略.  相似文献   

广告产业的良性发展,对于促进相关产业发展具有重要意义。近年来,我国广告产业发展迅速,但仍然存在规模小、竞争力弱、创意不足、秩序乱等问题。针对这些问题,提出了促进广告产业发展的对策。  相似文献   

广告产业与国民经济具有高度关联性,国民经济的发展会带动广告产业的繁荣,广告产业的发展会拉动消费增长促进经济繁荣。随着我国国民经济发展战略的提出和产业结构调整,湖南广告产业迎来了新的发展机遇。加快湖南广告产业的结构调整与产业升级,全面提升湖南广告产业竞争力,规范广告产业市场秩序,是推动湖南经济转型的重要保障。  相似文献   

现今社会,广告设计的表现形式已经是百花齐放、多姿多彩,但是插画作为广告内容的一种表现形式依然具有一定的优势。本文从广告插画的基本诉求功能开始,分析插画在平面广告设计中的艺术展现,以及它未来的发展趋势,由此展现现代插画艺术的独特魅力。  相似文献   

英语广播广告是一种有内涵的实用文体,其形式、语言、内容必须要引人注意,通俗易懂。它应具有吸引力、具有说服力、趣味性,同时便于记忆,使人印象深刻,因此英语广播广告语言有别于其他文体的独特风格。论文就其词汇、句法和修辞等文体特征进行阐述和分析,从中总结出一些英语广播广告的用词、修辞等规律。  相似文献   

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