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斯密认为绝对地租是自然力生产的,李嘉图等同了价值和自然价格,便否认绝对地租的存在;马克思说明农业资本有机构成较低,比工业多年生产的剩余价值便转化为绝对地租,他并说明农业资本有机构成不较低时,取代原来的绝对地租的地租如何决定;考茨基对农业资本有机构成较低表示怀疑,并认为农业资本周转时间较长抵消了农业资本有机构成低的作用;杨学成认为绝对地租原来只是劣等地才有的,后来随着形势的发展,中等地和优等地也有了。为了统一地解决非农用地的绝对地租和农业资本有机构成不优于社会资本平均构成时的绝对地租问题,他提出了绝对地租来源和形成新解;这些都是可以商榷的。  相似文献   

何金龙 《经济师》2005,(8):18-19
在资本有机构成不变假设下,马克思再生产理论认为经济能得到静态的短期均衡,在该均衡条件下经济以“常量”增长;放弃该假设,并对扩大再生产模型进行动态化扩展,则发现经济总是伴随“经济周期”、“就业下降”等非均衡状态,即市场要素不能出清,从而经济增长率下降成为必然。引入现代宏观经济学分析手段,避免经济非均衡发展,必须调节资本有机构成比例,这正是宏观经济长期均衡的条件。  相似文献   

基于马克思主义经济学资本有机构成理论,构建物化技术进步的农业生产函数,探究农业资本有机构成影响农业经济增长的理论逻辑。运用1978—2020年的中国省际面板数据进行实证分析,并检验农业技术进步和农业产业集聚机制。研究表明:1978年以来,中国农业资本有机构成呈上升趋势,并趋向于完全由农业资本存量变动主导;农业资本有机构成对农业经济增长的影响呈现倒“U”型特征,存在最优农业资本有机构成及其决定的最优农业经济增长路径;现实农业资本有机构成与最优农业资本有机构成还存在明显差距,提升农业资本有机构成对于促进农业经济增长仍有可观空间;在中部地区、平原丘陵地区、农业资本有机构成较低地区、非粮食主产区、农业经济规模或农业资本存量较高地区,提高农业资本有机构成能发挥更大的作用。促进农业技术进步、提升农业产业集聚水平有利于增强农业资本有机构成对农业经济增长的作用,但并不会显著改变两者之间的倒“U”型关系特征。  相似文献   

我国农业节水灌溉市场非均衡研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
灌溉用水市场均衡是理想状态,非均衡是经常状态.本文首先构建节水灌溉市场均衡模型,然后再构建了农业节水灌溉市场的非均衡模型,并提出节水灌溉市场非均衡度指标以衡量非均衡程度.造成我国农业节水灌溉市场非均衡的主要原因有:国情、水质恶化、水的使用效率低、节水灌溉设施落后、节水灌溉技术落后、认识上的落后、水市场还未建立起来、缺乏激励机制等.对此,我们要努力解决农业灌溉市场的非均衡.  相似文献   

运用translog模型检验了农地流转制度变化对农业可持续发展的影响效应,并结合中国"三农"问题的发展现状和农业可持续发展的要求,分析了农地流转常态化中农地流转制度改革的出路,即农村土地流转制度发展应有利于实现土地资源的市场化流转机制、充分激活资源的资产和资本属性,促进建立各类市场主体均可参与的地权资本化、经营多元化以及治理现代化的流转制度体系。  相似文献   

论我国农业技术进步路线的选择   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
农业技术进步具有三条不同的路线选择,必须依据农业的基本国情和农业发展战略的要求,因地制宜,择宜而取。我国是发展中的农业大国,发展农业的社会条件和自然条件复杂多样,因此,从根本上说,我国农业应该选择“非均衡、动态式、综合性”技术进步路线。这是具有我国特色的农业技术进步路线,是实现我国农业可持续发展的必要条件。  相似文献   

本文基于村庄政治介入不足状态下地权竞争的分析发现,多宗族的存在与制衡有助于稳定地权并提高其可交易性.即使宗族力量对比失衡,弱者反抗和政治介入也能够有效限制宗族对地权稳定性的不利影响,甚至加固地权稳定性.利用2016年中国劳动力动态调查数据实证研究结果显示:(1)宗族间的相互制衡会使得农地调整更容易按照村民诉求进行,农地承包经营权证书发放率和农地流转率也更高;(2)当村庄农业劳动力占比提高及村庄处于偏远山区所表征的农地重要性提高时,宗族力量对比失衡对地权稳定性和农地流转的抑制性会被有效削弱;(3)随着政治介入,宗族按照势力配置村庄地权并抑制农地流转的行动逻辑将被有效限制.此外,宗族力量对比失衡与地权稳定性的负向关系仅出现在南方地区,具有典型的区域差异性.本文强调,宗族间的相互制衡、宗族面临弱者反抗和政治介入时的自我约束,均具有稳定地权和促使村庄资源合理配置的作用.这对于祛除宗族糟粕、取其精华,发挥其对党领导的乡村治理现代化的助益作用具有借鉴意义.  相似文献   

郁德强 《经济纵横》2012,(8):111-113
区域经济非均衡发展在很大程度上来自资源禀赋、产业集聚程度、发展战略参差性而形成的核心竞争力的差距。然而,从动态思维的角度看,形成核心竞争力的因素并不是固定不变的。从动态的视角分析其变化趋势,可以为区域核心竞争力的培育寻求不竭的动力源,从而促进区域经济的均衡发展。  相似文献   

马克思经济学“辩证均衡”理论体系初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
均衡和非均衡分析是现代经济学的两种基本分析范式。研究发现,马克思经济学包含一个局部均衡、一般均衡、非均衡及其相应的微观均衡、宏观均衡、静态均衡和动态均衡组成的理论体系。依次对应的是:第二含义社会必要劳动时间——局部均衡理论,平均利润率理论——一般均衡理论,简单和扩大再生产理论——静态一般均衡和动态一般均衡及以之为基础的宏观均衡和非均衡理论。与现代均衡理论不同的是,马克思的均衡理论是涵盖所有均衡和非均衡形式的、统一于价值规律的、逻辑一致的辩证体系;其均衡的具体途径和内容与现代均衡非均衡理论有本质的差别,尽管在某些量的方面可能相同。  相似文献   

随着我国农业现代化的推进,农业保险却未得到相应发展。农业保险市场处于低水平均衡现状,呈现供给不足、有效需求缺乏的"双冷局面"。文章用非均衡理论分析农业保险市场的这一状况,并做出解释:农业保险制度缺失;农业保险"消费"具有正外部性但市场"有效需求不足";农业保险"生产"具有正外部性但"供给有限";信息不对称导致市场失灵。在此基础上分析造成农业保险市场低水平均衡发展的三方面原因:农户非正规风险规避机制、农业保险市场信息不对称、农业保险交易费用过高。并提出相应的解决路径。  相似文献   

Recent work showing that a sounder financial system is associated with faster economic growth has important implications for transition economies. Stock prices in developed economies move in highly firm‐specific ways that convey information about changes in firms’ marginal value of investment. This information facilitates the rapid flow of capital to its highest value uses. In contrast, stock prices in low‐income countries tend to move up and down en masse, and thus are of scant use for microeconomic capital allocation. Some transition economy markets are coming to resemble those of developed economies, others those of low‐income countries. Stock return asynchronicity is highly correlated with the strength of private property rights in general and public shareholders’ rights in particular. Other recent work suggests that small entrenched elites in low‐income countries preserve their sweeping control over the corporate sectors of their economies by using political influence to undermine the financial system and deprive entrants of capital. The lack of cross‐sectional independence in some transition economies’ stock returns may be a warning of such economic entrenchment. Sound property rights, solid shareholder rights, stock market transparency, and capital account openness appear to check this, and thus contribute to efficient capital allocation and economic growth.  相似文献   

文章在依据经典马克思主义经济学基本假定条件构建地租理论基本模型的基础上,根据现时代经济发展变化的实际拓展了这一理论的基本假定条件,即将劳动主观条件的变化引入地租理论模型,考察了技术进步对劳动客观条件和主观条件同时发生作用这一内涵资本有机构成变化对地租理论模型的影响。文章还在马克思劳动价值理论基础上引入虚拟价值的范畴,并在新假定条件下重新构建了地租理论模型,从而进一步发展了地租理论。最后,文章根据这一新的理论模型,对人类有效使用土地自然资源和维持土地资源可持续发展进行了探讨,为我国房地产经济有序健康发展、以及政府有效调控房地产市场提供了理论支持。  相似文献   

建筑业由于其项目管理要求,就其工作性质而言具有很强的工作范围不确定性、工作内容一次性、工作地域分割性等特点,决定建筑业农民工人力资本在资本取得、价值实现、基本权益保障等方面都具有一定的特殊性.在文献梳理基础上,本文借鉴人力资本产权理论提出建筑业农民工人力资本产权权能结构包括所有权、收益权和发展权三种权利束.在此基础上,研究三类权利束的特征:在所有权方面表现为投资主体的非系统性、在交易过程中弱抵押性和制度失衡引起的基于所有权的基本权利受损;在收益权方面表现为先天弱势资本导致的产权主体交易能力低下、折价交易以及交易的被动性;在发展权方面表现为人力资本定价的滞后、人力资本价值折损高风险以及人力资本价值提升的曲折.  相似文献   

This paper shows that insecurity of property rights over agricultural land can have large efficiency and equity costs because of the way it affects matching in the tenancy market. A principal-agent framework is used to model the landlord's decision to rent when he takes into account the risk of losing the land to the tenant and when contract enforcement is decreasing in social distance with the tenant. These effects are quantified for the case of local land rental markets in the Dominican Republic. Results show that insecure property rights lead to matching in the tenancy market along socio-economic lines, severely limiting the size of the rental market and the choice of tenants for landlords, both with efficiency costs. Social segmentation reduces access to land for the rural poor, with high equity costs. Simulations suggest that improving tenure security would increase rental transactions by 21% and the area rented to the poor by 63%. Increased property rights security is hence beneficial not only to asset owners, but also to those with whom they might interact in the market.  相似文献   

本文借鉴制度经济学研究方法,将中央政府的若干治理手段嵌入到地方政府地价决定函数中,对财政收入最大化与地方政府地价竞争的治理策略做比较制度分析。本文认为,地方政府在地价决定中具有产业间边际财政总收入均等化的动机,适度提高农地征收价格以及服务业税负,有助于压缩地方政府的恶性竞争空间。产业性税收优惠政策可能只对那些租赁而不是持有地产的经营者才有效,可以考虑适度增加住宅所有者的税负来实现“增税降费”的财政收入结构调整,同时继续维持对营业场所以租赁为主的知识密集型服务业的税收优惠。  相似文献   

This study investigates how the transfer of rural land contract management rights in China has influenced the choice of rural workers to work in cities in the long run. Using data from the Rural Household Survey and Migrant Household Survey from the China Household Income Project in 2007, 2008 and 2013, we find that rural land transfers and the subsequent human capital effect are found to play important roles in farmers’ decision to give up agricultural work and relocate to work in urban areas. Our findings indicate that the Chinese government should accelerate the implementation of policies that promote the separation of ownership rights, contracting rights and management rights of contracted land and continuously improve the rural land property rights system.  相似文献   

This note discusses the numerical examples of land saving and capital saving agricultural improvements Ricardo provided in the chapter on the rent of land in the Principles. Especially his illustration of the second kind of improvements met with fierce criticism. It is argued that Ricardo was not wrong in any substantive sense and that he could only be criticized for having changed the definition of rent as regards the timing of its payment from post to ante factum.  相似文献   

Most of the world’s ocean fisheries are severely lacking in private property rights in the underlying natural resources or their close complements (e.g. harvesting volume). Therefore, according to standard property rights theory, these fisheries should be highly wasteful of potential economic rents from these resources. The question is whether this economic loss can be empirically verified and, if so, how large it is. This paper explains the concept and develops the analytical theory of economic and natural rents. Building on this and utilizing global fisheries data, the paper proceeds to estimate a global fisheries model, obtain numerical estimates of the rent loss in the world’s ocean capture fisheries and provide reasonable confidence bounds for this loss. It is found that the global fisheries rent loss constitutes almost certainly a large fraction of the landed value of the global landings. The mean estimate of this loss is well over 50% of the value of landings.  相似文献   

Possibly the earliest contribution to the theory of differential rent is contained in C.-F.-J. d'Auxiron's Principes de tout gouvernement (1766). Two years later, in 1768, another discussion of the phenomenon of extensive differential rent appeared in the physiocratic periodical Ephémérides du citoyen, probably written by J.-N.-M. de Saint-Peravy. This article, while remaining a short and isolated contribution, indicates how differential payments for the use of land can be incorporated within a value theory in which normal prices reflect necessary costs of production and how differential rent can be reconciled with the explanation of rent as a return on capital.  相似文献   

我国传统农业现代化的困境与路径突破   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
传统农业向现代农业转变的逻辑起点和经济基础是农业生产发展,然而目前我国农业生产发展内含着多重困境.本文论述了实行农业规模经营和集约经营对我国传统农业改造的作用,分析了我国传统农业现代化过程中面临土地产权制度和农业投资困境的约束,提出了改革农村土地产权制度和合理确定农业投资主体,增加农业投入的路径.  相似文献   

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