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整合风险管理(Integrated Risk Management),是对影响公司价值的众多风险因素进行辨识和评估,并在全公司范围内实行相应的战略以管理和控制这些风险.整合风险管理是对传统的可保风险管理的超越,它的目标是把公司面临的所有风险都纳入到一个有机的具有内在一致性的管理框架中.  相似文献   

本文旨在研究和评价澳洲航空公司的外汇风险管理。本文首先描述澳洲航空的公司背景,然后具体分析该公司的外汇风险管理并最终提出一些提高外汇风险管理的建议。本文分为3个部分:第一部分概述该公司所面临的折算风险和经营风险;第二部分将细化这些风险并探究其根源;第三部分3探究和评估澳洲航空公司用以归避和减小这些风险的战略。  相似文献   

本文旨在研究和评价澳洲航空公司的外汇风险管理。本文首先描述澳洲航空的公司背景,然后具体分析该公司的外汇风险管理并最终提出一些提高外汇风险管理的建议。本文分为3个部分:第一部分概述该公司所面临的折算风险和经营风险;第二部分将细化这些风险并探究其根源;第三部分3探究和评估澳洲航空公司用以归避和减小这些风险的战略。  相似文献   

魏国雄 《银行家》2007,(7):69-71
公司治理和风险管理之间存在着密切内在的联系,公司治理结构是风险管理的一个基础平台,公司治理机制是风险管理最基本的机制,风险管理是公司治理的重要内容和目的。银行公司治理的核心,主要是提高风险掌控能力,研究银行的公司治理,必须要研究银行风险管理战略和目标。  相似文献   

正组织风险管理的新思维是风险评估公司战略结合在一起当组织出现财务危机的时候,CEO们都会将其注意力从危机管理转向战略发展上。作为战略发展计划的一部分,风险管理也是董事会要求达成的必要部分。通常,内部审计部门都被要求对现行风险管理体系的健全性提供确认服务,而对于建立可持续性风险管理流程的挑战就是要发现一种具有可操作性的、实效性的识别和管理风险的方法。  相似文献   

在经济全球化迅速发展的时代背景下,公司之间的竞争越来越激烈,导致公司的财务状况也面临着许多难以预见的风险。因此,实现财务风险集成管理是集团公司确保财务安全、实现财务风险管理协同整合效应的基础条件。所谓的财务风险集成管理一种整体的、全局性的和动态性的财务风险管理体制。它的导向和目标是以集团公司整体发展战略和财务管理,综合运用各种管理方法和信息技术手段,在财务风险管理中应用集成管理的思想,将风险管理理念、财务风险管理目标、财务风险管理过程和风险管理组织一体化。  相似文献   

我国担保公司行业规模发展迅猛,但担保的代偿率过高,风险损失过大,其风险管理能力不能保证业务规模的稳健发展。担保公司要具备相应的风险管理能力,这是决定担保公司持续发展的根本。形成良好的风险管理机制的关键在于制定与公司战略相匹配的风险管理策略,建立客户资信评估体系、落实反担保措施、完善操作流程和内控制度并加强企业风险文化的建设,形成风险控制的长效管理机制。  相似文献   

吴坚隽 《上海保险》2007,(10):47-49
全面风险管理理念在当前企业风险管理中扮演着重要角色,根据美国COSO委员会2004年9月对于企业全面风险管理(ERM)的定义,企业全面风险管理是一个过程,这个过程受企业组织的董事会、管理层及其他人员的影响,应用于战略制定并贯穿在整个企业之中,……从而为组织目标的实现提供合理的保证。可见,风险管理战略是整个全面风险管理体系的出发点和核心要素。在ERM框架下,管理者必须以风险环境和股东风险偏好为基础制定风险战略。战略过程首先是把企业的环境信息流作为输入,然后管理者对所面临的动态风险进行评价、分析以及划分风险等级;在对外部…  相似文献   

袁敏 《新会计》2023,(7):23-27
本文以硅谷银行为案例,分析了公司破产前的资产负债情况,认为资产负债表管理不当带来的风险,是公司破产的重要原因。随着美联储的大量印钞,硅谷银行的资产负债表急剧扩张,但有限的净资产无法支撑巨额负债,而大量的客户存款被大量运用到期限超过10年的持有至到期的证券上,直接产生了“期限错配”“风险错配”的后果,导致硅谷银行破产。因此,应将风险管理提高到战略高度,建立健全风险管理体系,通过资产负债表管理,将风险管理落到实处。  相似文献   

部分管理者将应收账款风险管理放在在各项企业管理的第一位,战略、生产管理等只能位居其次.本文在对应收账款风险、影响的分析,提出应收账款风险防范与管理的有效对策.并通过对目标公司收款管理的总结,提出对公司应收账款风险防范的管理建议.  相似文献   

We assess the state of knowledge about crisis risk and its implications for risk management. Data that became available after the global financial crisis show that some types of crises are predictable when accounting for interactions between risks. However, other types of crises do not seem predictable. There is no evidence that the frequency of economic and financial crises is increasing. While data show that an economic crisis is more likely following a political crisis, there is no comparable evidence for climate events. Strategies that increase firm operational and financial flexibility reduce the adverse impact of crises on firms.  相似文献   

Risk perception and risk management in Norwegian aquaculture   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This exploratory study seeks to provide empirical knowledge about fish farmers' risk attitudes, risk sources and risk management tools by presenting the results from a survey among Norwegian fish farming companies. The results show that fish farmers think of themselves as only moderately risk averse compared, for instance, to crop and livestock farmers. The most important sources of risk are considered to be future salmon prices, institutional risks and fish diseases, while keeping costs low is the most important risk management tool.  相似文献   

企业风险管理中的风险沟通机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王东 《保险研究》2011,(4):62-69
ERM是当今企业风险管理的核心标准,风险沟通是风险管理的重要方法,但企业风险沟通的研究尚不完备。本文将社会公共领域的风险沟通理论与COSO框架下的企业风险管理相结合,提出了一个风险沟通的理论假说,以全面风险感知、相互信任、伙伴关系和双向沟通模式作为该假说的四大支柱,以全面综合的方法,从企业内部(纵向)和企业外部(横向)两个维度构建了企业风险沟通体系,期望能够为企业层面的风险沟通发挥积极的作用。  相似文献   

The importance of risk perception and risk attitude for understanding individual’s risk behaviour are independently well described in literature, but rarely combined in an integrated approach. In this study, we propose a model assuming the choice to implement certain risk management strategies to be directly driven by both perceptions of risks and risk attitude. Other determinants influence the intention to apply different risk strategies mainly indirectly, mediated by risk perception and risk attitude. This conceptual model is empirically tested, using structural equation modelling, for understanding the intention of farmers to implement different common risk management strategies at their farms. Data are gathered in a survey completed by 500 farmers from the Flanders region in Belgium, investigating attitudes towards farming, perceived past exposure to risk, socio-demographic characteristics, farm size, perceptions of the major sources of farm business risk, risk attitudes and the intention to apply common risk management strategies. Our major findings are: (i) perception of major farm business risks have no significant impact on the intention of applying any of the risk strategies under study, (ii) risk attitude does have a significant impact. Therefore, rather than objective risk faced and the subjective interpretation thereof, it is the general risk attitude that influence intended risk strategies to be implemented. A distinction can be made between farmers willing to take risk, who are more inclined to apply ex-ante risk management strategies and risk averse farmers who are less inclined to implement ex-ante risk management strategies but rather cope with the consequences and diminish their effects ex-post when risks have occurred.  相似文献   

In financial groups, enterprise risk management is becoming increasingly important in controlling and managing the different independent legal entities in the group. The aim of this paper is to assess and relate risk concentration and joint default probabilities of the group’s legal entities in order to achieve a more comprehensive picture of a financial group’s risk situation. We further examine the impact of the type of dependence structure on results by comparing linear and nonlinear dependencies using different copula concepts under certain distributional assumptions. Our results show that even if financial groups with different dependence structures do have the same risk concentration factor, joint default probabilities of different sets of subsidiaries can vary tremendously.
Stefan SchuckmannEmail:

The growing importance of risk management programs and policies in health care organizations has given rise to a new organizational figure, the risk managers. This paper seeks to better understand their role by looking at their risk work as a form of institutional work. From an inductive study of hospital risk managers in the Quebec health care sector, we provide a situated account of the risk work or ‘the effortful pattern of practices’ accomplished by hospital risk managers at the intra- and extra-organizational levels. The results show that they engage in two broader recursive forms of institutional work. At the intra-organizational level, it is by building bridges, autonomizing teams, legitimizing risk work, and pragmatizing interventions that hospital risk managers contribute to democratizing the risk management practices in their organization. At the extra-organizational level, it is by networking with colleagues, hybridizing knowledge, shaping identity, and debating solutions that they contribute to articulating a professionalization project. We argue that the recursive relationship between these two forms of institutional work, namely democratizing and professionalizing risk management, demonstrates how the risk work done at one level facilitates the risk work accomplished at the other. The paper provides three contributions. First, it opens the black box of the hospital risk managers’ roles by showing the complexity of their risk work, instead of formalizing expectations about their role in a normative way, as is generally the case. Second, this research provides evidence about how actors with limited collective power and resources such as hospital risk managers participate in disseminating risk management programs and policies. Third, the paper offers a multi-level understanding of the ways by which hospital risk managers work to institutionalize risk management program and policies. The paper ends by discussing the importance of gaining a better understanding of the risk managers’ role and their institutional work.  相似文献   

We provide the first evidence on the effects of executive compensation on corporate risk management for insurers. Our unique data set allows the construction of a new, more complete measure of corporate risk management behavior. Specifically, we include hedging-driven usage of not only derivatives but also insurance. To address potential endogeneity, we utilize a difference-in-differences approach, based on the implementation of FAS 123R that required firms to expense stock-based compensation at fair value. We find that the decline in the convexity of executive compensation following FAS 123R led firms to significantly increase corporate risk management, primarily through increased demand for insurance.  相似文献   

基于全寿命周期的保险产品风险管理问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
财产保险公司作为经营财产风险的微观经济实体,不仅要承担和转化被保险人的风险,同时还需要防范和化解自身风险。作为保险公司风险的承载体——保险产品,则成为其风险管理的出发点和立足点。目前我国财产保险公司的风险管理比较浅显,仅仅停留在承保前对保险标的风险和以往事故的简单分析层面上,并没有从保险产品的全寿命周期角度进行风险管理。本文基于产品全寿命周期思想,以财产保险产品为研究点,在分析我国财产保险业发展阶段的基础上,结合经济起飞理论,验证全寿命周期思想对于财产保险产品风险管理的重要作用。  相似文献   

Health care organizations are environments with high management complexity and subject to a constant exposure to risks. Enterprise risk management (ERM) has been studied and applied in different economic environments with the aim of improving organizational performance. However, the health sector still suffers from a lack of attention in this context, in particular with regard to the need for a high degree of financial transparency and for the establishment of process-orientated management, and this provides the motivation for the study described in this paper. An ERM model for health organizations is proposed, based on a systematic literature review and on seven case studies in Brazilian hospitals. An approach to economic risk assessment using indicators such as the cash flow at risk and the variability of costs and receipts from the proposed model is suggested. The health organizations involved in the case studies all interpret ERM as a source of information contributing to corporate governance, and the indicators listed provide constructive data for improvement-driven decision-making. Given the interest expressed by the organizations involved, further application and validation of the proposed model in subsequent studies is suggested.  相似文献   

The need for fairness in risk management is frequently expressed in the risk literature. In this article, fairness is connected to the procedure for decision‐making. Two models for procedural justice in the management of risks are discussed, one that focuses on a hypothetical thought experiment, and one that focuses on actual dialogue. The hypothetical approach takes John Rawls’ theory of justice as a starting point. The actual inclusion approach employs Iris Marion Young’s theory of inclusive deliberative democracy. With Rawls’ theory, important issues concerning risk distribution are emphasized, and a parallel between social primary goods and risk management is drawn. The hypothetical reasoning should mainly serve as a guide concerning risk issues that affect people who cannot be included in the decision procedure, such as future generations. However, when the affected can be included, an interactive dialogical reasoning is to be preferred. Here, Young’s theory is fruitful. It aims at fair decisions by fulfilling conditions of inclusiveness, equality, reasonableness and publicity.  相似文献   

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