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中国的世界遗产管理之路——黄山模式评价及其更新(中)   总被引:27,自引:4,他引:23  
徐嵩龄 《旅游学刊》2003,18(1):44-50
第二部分 黄山模式的更新为了应对上述挑战 ,黄山模式有必要更新。本章逐次讨论黄山模式更新的 4个方面 ,它们是 :建立符合国际遗产条法和我国相关法规的遗产质量管理指标体系 ;在旅游管理中真正落实“景区游 ,区外居”方针 ;经营体制由“单纯的市场导向”改变为“多使命指导下的市场操作” ;行政建制应重新调整 ,第一理顺与周边社区的关系 ;第二理顺与皖南经济乃至安徽经济的关系。5 建立质量管理指标体系5 1 旅游对遗产质量的影响现时黄山在遗产质量上出现的问题 ,是与尚未建立完备与恰当的遗产质量管理指标有关的。文化与自然遗产的…  相似文献   

徐嵩龄 《旅游学刊》2003,18(4):30-37
本文从遗产的价值特性和权属特性以及遗产事业使命出发。讨论遗产旅游业的经营制度选择。本文认为:遗产区的“遗产的旅游展示类服务”事务应由遗产单位进行非营利性经营;遗产区外的“非遗产展示类旅游服务”事务(行、住、食、购、娱等)应交由旅游公司、当地政策、周边社区进行营利性经营;当遗产区内的“非遗产展示类旅游服务”事务规模较大时,可以特许经营方式交由非遗产单位进行营利性经营。本文进而评论了“四权分离与制衡”主张的不合理性,并且认为,中国遗产旅游业经营制度中的“中国特色”应表现在对“贫困地区遗产公益性”、“遗产区门票的价格定位”、“门票优惠”、“遗产区旅游收益的分配”、“让利于地方”等五个方面问题的具体处理上。  相似文献   

文章首先分析西湖模式的制度内核及其6项意义,并与黄山模式详细比较,从而表明西湖模式基本正确处理遗产保护与旅游利用,公益性经营与营利性特许经营,政府—企业—社区、政府—企业—游客等关系,比较全面展现其经济、社会、文化和遗产保护以及政治的正面影响.其次,提炼西湖模式具有普适意义的三点启示,即制度平台选择的基础重要性,遗产服务的非营利性经营与遗产原真性和完整性保护原则,现时旅游经济学教科书用于指导中国遗产旅游的诸多缺失.这些缺失主要表现为:未能区别遗产与非遗产类旅游资源,未能接纳遗产的特殊产权性质,未能认识遗产保护的独特要求以及独特的可持续性理解,使得教科书难以正确处理门票、供需、游客权益以及旅游收益分配等问题.最后,提出创建中国遗产旅游经济学的概念性框架:①遗产旅游经济学的观念、概念和方法,应能与遗产经济学、文化经济学和旅游经济学“无缝对接”;②对遗产地的遗产类资源与非遗产类资源给予有区别的恰当的旅游经济学处理;③在遵循遗产经济学和遗产保护原则基础上,重新处理遗产旅游涉及的各项问题.  相似文献   

遗产旅游与社区参与——以北京慕田峪长城为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章以慕田峪长城为案例,探讨了世界遗产地旅游发展与当地社区的关系.自1988年开始发展旅游以来,慕田峪长城已经成为北京著名的长城旅游景区.慕田峪村紧邻旅游区,村民也广泛参与到景区旅游发展当中.通过2008年12月对慕田峪景区经营小商铺的村民进行的问卷调查,文章评估了世界遗产地评定和旅游发展对当地的影响.同时,通过对慕田峪村管理人员的访谈,了解当地遗产保护、旅游管理和社区参与的现状.研究表明,受访者高度认可了世界遗产地评定对旅游和社区发展的促进作用,以及旅游对社区经济和社会文化的积极影响.然而,社区居民也逐渐认识到旅游对环境的一些负面影响.研究结果有助于加深对中国世界遗产地旅游发展和社区参与关系的理解.  相似文献   

党的十八届三中全会提出要“建立国家公园体制”,但我国挂牌试点的汤旺河国家公园、普达措国家公园等与其对应资源类型的景区经营并无区别,高价门票等景区诟病依然存在.与强调保护的自然保护区不同,国家公园强调保护与利用兼顾,即强调全民所有的文化与自然遗产资源的公益性利用问题.  相似文献   

俱乐部旅游:实施、意义与前景   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
曹娟 《旅游学刊》2004,19(1):37-41
本文根据实地调研,讨论国内新近出现的一种新的旅游方式——俱乐部旅游。文章首先分析这种旅游方式成功实施的三要素,即相关主体、旅游线路设计、物质准备及费用;其次,从旅游者、当地社区、旅游组织者以及旅游目的地生态环境和遗产保护等角度,对俱乐部旅游进行收益分析,并同时与其他旅游方式进行效益比较;第三,通过讨论俱乐部旅游与“大众旅游”、“自助旅游”、“另类旅游”以及“活动旅游”等旅游概念的关系,对其进行学术定位;最后,从俱乐部旅游的易行性、潜在的参加者群体、与户外健身运动的关联性、以及中国户外运动资源等4个方面,指出俱乐部旅游在中国的发展前景。  相似文献   

K.  Thirumaran 《旅游学刊》2013,(12):8-9
过去几十年来, 可持续性理念已经成为旅游各个方面的主导力量。文化是其中广受学者与业者关注的特殊领域。基于社区的文化或遗产旅游一直受到诸多内部与外部因素的影响。随着可持续理念的引介, 我们得以开始思考遗产或文化活动的持续性和为子孙后代保护这些遗产或文化活动的内在架构。给定可持续性原则与文化演化之间的边界, 一个隐含的逻辑将浮出水面, 即所有给定的事情、活态文化实践都应在限定社区参与范围内被“博物馆化”。其中, 社区参与是为了使东道社区在为旅游者表述其遗产与为其营生增加收入之间实现良好的平衡, 并能得到适当的管理。  相似文献   

开发张家界旅游西线的战略意义及可行性   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
覃儿健 《旅游学刊》2000,15(2):50-53
作为世界自然遗产的张家界核心景区,已出现过度开发现象。自然环境正遭受着严重的毁损为此,联合国教科文组织已作出“黄牌”:警告。从张家旅游的可持续发展和张家界旅游资源的有效保护考虑,开发与张家界主景区相应的张家界旅游西线,不仅十分必要而且切实可行。  相似文献   

旅游发展背景下遗产资源管理是目前学术界与实践领域争论的一个焦点。其核心包括两个方面:(1)遗产资源是否一定要政府管理,政府怎样管理?(2)风景与遗产资源是否可以由市场来经营,怎样经营?究其理论实质,这两种争论实际上是规避公共资源“公地悲剧”的两种模式——政府强权干预与产权明晰化(私有化)的争论。文章在评述近年来国内关于遗产资源管理争论的基础上,认为这两种观点并不是对立的非此即彼的关系,而是解决问题的两种途径,其关键在于合适的制度安排。文章还提出了公共选择与制度分析的方法研究这一问题的框架。  相似文献   

晋城市地处太行山、王屋山、中条山三山的交界处,是华北平原和黄土高原的“分水岭”,由此形成了极为罕见的自然地理景观。同时悠久的文明又赋予了晋城丰厚的人文遗产。以下仅向您推荐部分主要的景区景点:  相似文献   


Strong growths in the Australian event management industry, ongoing technological changes and the internationalization of the market place has spurred the need for appropriately educated and trained event managers and for a re-evaluation of educational and job training curriculum to meet these new challenges. In order for Australia to position itself as a world leader in event management, it is important to provide consistent high professional standards and event managers that not only meet, but exceed the demands of the industry. While there is some literature that focuses on the tourism and leisure job market (Crossley, 1992; Keung & Pine, 2000), and a small but developing literature base that focuses on event management training (Harris & Jago, 1999; Hawkins & Goldbatt, 1995) relatively little consideration has been given to a national agenda for event management skilling.

To provide an indication of current employer requirements, a nationwide study of job advertisements in event management has commenced. The aims of the study are to further the understanding of the educational needs and training requirements of the industry; to ascertain the learned skills and personal attributes sought from event managers; to determine the compatibility of industry demands with current educational and vocational provisions; and to suggest post-secondary institutional avenues through which event management education and training needs can be pursued. This is an ongoing study and it is hoped that it will contribute towards a broad scale understanding of the event management job market. More importantly, however, it can be used as the basis for curriculum evaluation and training needs, and create a better understanding and compatibility between event management education and industry practice.

This paper reports the preliminary results from a content analysis of approximately 100 web-based job advertisements. E-mail alert accounts were established with several search engines to gather a sample of event management related job advertisements from around Australia. An analytical framework was devised for the analysis of the advertisements themselves. The results reveal several interesting trends including the geographical concentration of the event management job market, the range of industries that require event management specialists or event management skills, and a series of required skills and key attributes of event managers. The results of this study establish a platform from which to develop a classification of event management skills required by the industry.  相似文献   

This research investigates the impact of lodging professionals' management philosophy practices on career success. The study assesses the practice of management philosophies and examines if these practices differ among respondent groups, as well as explores the influence of practiced philosophies on career success. Findings indicate that differences exist among respondents based on age, property affiliations, and position. Moreover, executives who instill in employees customer-centeredness and engage in open sharing of information with employees experience relatively high monetary success. However, results suggest that lodging professionals' practices of these management philosophies are not rewarded until reaching senior status.  相似文献   

This paper refers to evidence from studies of young adults conducted in eight different ex‐communist countries from 1993 onwards, but it is based primarily on data gathered in Ukraine, Georgia and Armenia in 2002. The evidence is used to chart the disintegration of the intelligentsia strata that were consolidated under communism. Members were highly educated and were unified by an intelligentsia lifestyle that included the consumption of state‐subsidized high culture and typically involved interest and participation in public affairs. The evidence that is presented shows that under post‐communism higher education graduates continue to be distinguished by their consumption of high culture. However, their occupations are more diverse in terms of work and market situations. Many, especially those in the more intellectual occupations, have been impoverished, state subsidies for their lifestyles having been withdrawn or reduced, making their lifestyles more expensive. The better‐off are now even more exposed to and involved in the new consumer cultures. This paper explains how the cessation of the intelligentsia’s reproduction as a lifestyle group, and the spread of commercial leisure, will have contributed to the post‐1989/91 decline in political interest and activity among young people in the former communist countries of eastern Europe.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to propose an enhanced yield management (YM) model that was developed based on the previous models and to test the applicability on five-star lodging properties in Turkey to identify the related problems. The proposed model overcomes some of the limitations of previous ones. It was specifically developed for full service, upscale hotels, namely for five-star lodging properties with or without a computerized yield management system (CYMS). Examination of the actual implementation stages provided useful insight in determining the applicability and the problems related to the application of the model. Findings indicted that the proposed YM model can be used by all upscale properties (with or without a CYMS) to manage their revenue and yield. Findings suggested that the application of the model is likely to improve the operational and financial performance for both type of properties.  相似文献   

杨云 《旅游学刊》2006,21(2):82-88
经过20世纪80年代以来20多年的学术研究和实践,国外接待业人力资源管理已成为一个较成熟的研究领域.本文分战略性人力资源、招聘和选拔、流动、培训和开发、薪酬管理、绩效评估、工作设计与参与和管理者开发等8个主要研究议题,对国外接待业人力资源研究进展进行了较系统的评述.目前综述国外接待业人力资源研究进展的文献尚不多见,国内接待业人力资源研究尚不全面和深入,本文综述将为国内相关研究提供有益借鉴.  相似文献   


Tourism can be interpreted as a system of different companies, which are often situated in different regional, geographical, political, economic and cultural backgrounds. Because of the tense interaction between customers and employees in tourism firms, understanding of the system plays a significant role to establish a high service quality. Furthermore customers have to offer trust to tourism firms, since the tourism product is characterized by high intangibility before consumption. Additionally trust building is hampered due to the diversity of people in tourism and the different firms in tourism, which have to cooperate. This paper analyzes trust building in tourism and presents strategies to improve trust.  相似文献   


The primary objective of this study was to examine how perceived risk could be managed in the destination choice context. Relationships among risk perceptions, uncertainty (information quality), and price premium were explored by using ordinal logistic regression. Eight types of perceived risk were investigated: health/life risk, financial risk, personal satisfaction risk, social risk, time risk, technical risk, political risk, and terrorism risk. Findings showed that perceived risks were decreased by information quality but various patterns were identified for different types of perceived risk. Results additionally suggested that travelers were willing to pay extra for products and services if more safety and security are provided. Managerial implications for how the findings can be incorporated into risk management strategies are also presented in this paper.  相似文献   

Of all the needs and observable trends that will go into the new economic structure of restaurants, there are three, which will predominate. First, restaurant companies will identify themselves as custom retailers, not as factories manufacturing meals. As part of this realization will come the acceptance that restaurants are primarily retailers of two consumer products: time and customer experience. Second, competition in this retail environment is based on finding a point of differentiation for the consumer. This differentiation, the transformation of products from simple commodities into unique, monopolistic offerings, is built on the principles of brand management. Third, no restaurant enterprise will be able to survive, much less compete, if it does not transform itself into a knowledge-based system whose primary management function is to accumulate, secure and maximize intellectual capital.  相似文献   

Application of revenue management practices to the theme park industry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Revenue management (RM) has been an essential strategy to maximize revenue for many capacity-limited service industries. Considering the common industry characteristics of traditional RM industries, the nature of the theme park industry suggests potential for enhancing revenue by exercising a variety of RM techniques. This study suggests practices for theme park operators for successful RM application. In addition, this study examines how customers perceive RM practice in the theme park industry compared to a traditional RM industry, hotel industry. The findings indicate that customers seem to perceive RM practice in the theme park industry as relatively fair practices as similarly perceived for the hotel industry. The findings are encouraging for the theme park industry because a relatively similar level of its customers’ perceived fairness of the RM practice compared to the hotel industry suggests that adoption and implementation of the RM practice has great potential to become successful as it has been in traditional RM industries, such as hotels.  相似文献   

Despite the magnitude of scholarly understanding of firm performance, there has been no robust statistical meta-analytic review of antecedents of firm performance in hospitality and tourism journals. Therefore, this study conducted Hunter-Schmidt random-effects meta-analyses on the relationships between firm performance and its predictors based on Kaplan and Norton's balanced scorecard framework. This study identified fourteen antecedents of firm performance, and all proposed relationships were significant. This study also examined the moderating role of culture on the relationships at continental- and national-approaches by adopting sample z-tests and meta-regression. This study found the moderating role of culture on seven relationships at the continental-level comparison and identified corresponding cultural dimensions responsible for the degree of the relationships. This study expanded the literature on firm performance and contributed to strategic and financial management literature. Based on findings, the authors presented several important practical implications.  相似文献   

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