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李明  彭川 《会计研究》2021,(1):26-43
商誉资产在企业合并报表中的地位极其重要,但会计界对商誉的后续会计处理问题一直颇存争议.本文通过对“持续经营假设”内涵的深入分析,论证了商誉资产是消耗性资产这一命题,并从理论合理性、实务可操作性及会计方法导致的经济后果等多个方面,分析比较了减值测试及摊销处理两种方法的优劣.鉴于目前准则体系中缺乏有效计量无形资产的方法,减值与摊销在度量商誉真实价值及其变动方面的有效性都有不足.但摊销不仅能够消除仅减值模式下的不良经济后果,还可以在合理成本下实现理论上及实务上的增量效益.因此,有必要重新引入商誉摊销处理.  相似文献   

商誉会计理论在企业并购中显得越来越重要,传统商誉的确认原则对于企业自创商誉不予确有违会计原则,商誉的计量方法取决于商誉性质的认识,如果将商誉视为净资产的收购价格与其公平价值之差,则商采用间接计量方法;如果将商誉视为企业的超额收益能力,则商誉采用直接计量方法,商誉摊销方法有直接冲销法,分期的摊销法和永久保留法,负商誉之所表现为负值,是因为收购公司的商誉未入帐。  相似文献   

商誉这一概念是随着企业产权有偿转让行为的发生才在企业财务会计中出现的。近年来,随着企业改制、购并、资产重组和股份合作等经济业务的发展及知识经济的兴起,商誉有关问题受到理论界和实务界的关注。人们对商誉会计问题也存在许多争议.如商誉能否确认,自创商誉如何计量,正、负商誉本质问题,商誉能否摊销及如何摊销等?本文试对商誉性质作一新的认识,并进而对商誉确认问题提出自己的看法.  相似文献   

关于商誉问题的探讨   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
20世纪90年代以来,全球的并购浪潮风起云涌,而一起成功的收购活动往往会导致巨额的收购溢价。从会计处理的角度来讲,其结果表现为巨额商誉资产(仅考虑购买法下的处理)的确认以及以后会计期间巨额摊销费用的发生,这导致许多企业在并购以后要报告巨额亏损。举例来讲;时代华纳的并购案中,140亿美元中的80%是为商誉而支付的,即使选择了长达40年的摊销期限,时代华纳每年所要注销的商誉价值仍要高达2.75亿美元,这导致其在并购以后的第一年报告了2.17亿美元的净损失,于是商誉资产到底要不要确认,如果确认的话要不要摊销,再一次成为争论的焦点。  相似文献   

商誉理论面面观   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
重构商誉理论的基石是把商誉的性质定义在“能带来超额收益的经济效益的经济资源”上,只要企业存在这种能力就应立即确认,企业的胀表上应及时反映这种能力的变化;负商誉在我国目前有着某些特殊意义。从而,无论是外购商誉还是自创商誉,都必须加以确认和再确认,也必须摊销和这期地或不定期地对它的价值进行调整;合并商誉是企业外购商誉的一种,在我国已经将它埋藏在“合并价差”中,是欠妥的,必须改革。  相似文献   

吴斌 《上海会计》1996,(8):36-38
论商誉价值摊销法──按超额利润率比例摊销上海财经大学吴斌在中西方会计理论界,围绕商誉价值的摊销,历来颇有争议,归纳起来主要有以下四种摊销观:需要摊销观、无需摊销观、重新评价观以及按利润比例摊销观。然而,这四种观点在会计理论或实务上均存在一些缺陷。本文...  相似文献   

随着上市公司商誉“暴雷”现象的发生,商誉减值成为会计实务研究的热点问题之一。企业并购会产生高溢价的商誉,会计核算中计提大额的商誉减值会影响企业未来的发展。基于A公司收购多家公司并进行业绩承诺导致高额商誉减值的案例,分析了商誉减值的成因、影响,以及减值法与摊销法下各自的经济后果,并提出相关的改进建议。  相似文献   

常月琴 《会计师》2011,(2):35-37
<正>合并商誉,也叫外购商誉,是指企业在合并过程中,预期被购并企业因其存在的优越条件使其在未来时期获利能力超过可辨认资产正常获利能力的资本化价值。在企业合并中,合并报表要反映合并商誉,而对于如何处理合并商誉,各国会计界在理论上有不同的理解,在实务上也存在着很大的区别。购买法和权益结合法的主要区别之一就是是否对合并商誉进行确认,只有在购买法下才涉及合并商誉问题。商誉根据  相似文献   

罗俊琦 《财政监督》2013,(12):13-14
商誉作为一种不可辨认的无形资产。既可以降低企业金融风险.又可以为企业带来未来超额收益.对企业生存和发展至关重要。随着知识经济的深入发展,商誉会计理论发展滞后、理论与实务相背离等问题越来越引起人们的重视,加强对商誉会计理论和实务的认识与探讨具有重要意义。本文从商誉会计的理论出发概述了商誉会计的发展历程.基于与国际比较的视角分析了我国商誉的会计处理.并进一步针对商誉会计的现状提出了几点改进思路。  相似文献   

企业购并中的商誉及其会计核算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
商誉的价值计量和会计处理是企业购并过程中经常发生的问题,企业购并过程中是否存在商誉,如何认识商誉,商誉可否计量,如何进行会计处理是这一问题争论焦点。本区分外购商誉、外购负商誉、自创商誉等几个方面,介绍了对上述问题的研究进展,以期服务于企业购并的实际工作。  相似文献   

This study examines the value relevance effects of changes in goodwill accounting in a European setting. International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) 3 replaced accounting rules that emphasized goodwill amortization over short useful lives which kept goodwill balances low. Goodwill accounting under IFRS 3 largely relies on manager fair value estimates of acquired business units. Using Swedish data, we show that goodwill amortizations were not value-relevant prior to the adoption of IFRS 3. However, impairments reported in addition to amortization were significantly related to stock returns during that period. In contrast, under the impairment-only regime prescribed by IFRS 3, impairments are no longer statistically related to stock returns.  相似文献   

The issue of whether small and/or private companies should be allowed to use simplified accounting standards in financial reports has concerned the accounting profession for decades. It has been argued that preparing financial reports in accordance with the large volume of promulgated standards contained in generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), some of which are relatively complex, has put a significant strain on the resources of small/private business. Moreover, information produced and presented in accordance with at least some accounting standards within GAAP may not be relevant for the users of small/private companies' financial statements. In this paper we look at differential reporting in Canadian GAAP, which gives nonpublicly accountable enterprises the ability to opt out of certain CICA Handbook requirements with unanimous consent of the shareholders. We look at lobbying activity in response to the proposed differential reporting standard and at nonpublicly accountable company experience with the differential reporting opportunity in the period since the standard was promulgated.  相似文献   

李兴 《中国外资》2013,(20):125-126
随着改革开放30多年来的快速发展,小企业在我国国民经济中占有非常重要的地位,是促进市场竞争和发展市场经济的基本力量。但是,我国小企业整体经济效益偏低偏差,经营管理水平相对不高,很重要的一个原因就是相当一部分小企业仍采用手工记账模式而没有实施会计电算化。本文正是基于此背景,详细阐述了我国小企业会计电算化系统实施现状及存在的主要问题,分析了影响小企业会计电算化系统实施的因素,并据此提出了一些促进小企业实施会计电算化系统的对策和措施,以便提高中国广大小企业的整体竞争力。  相似文献   

Re-engineering, popular in today's business world, emphasizes work simplification — analyzing tasks to identify and drive out unnecessary procedures — so as to accomplish the end result in less time. It is appropriate to apply re-engineering to accounting education, especially to topics that require considerable classroom time to cover and present unnecessary difficulty for the student to understand. Considerations of premium, discount and their amortization complicate the teaching of bond liabilities. Yet these concepts are totally unnecessary — they are artificial constructs of the accountant, not real events. By re-engineering the approach to teaching bond liabilities, we can eliminate these complications and simplify the task for both professor and student. Using an approach built around the amount borrowed, market interest rate, and repayment pattern, together with a one-size-fits-all amortization schedule, enables the topic of bond liabilities to be taught effectively, in less time and with fewer pages of text material than currently employed.  相似文献   

The recent decision by the Financial Accounting Standards Board to eliminate pooling accounting for acquisitions raises several important questions: Does the choice of “purchase” or “pooling” affect firm valuations? How do differences in goodwill and its amortization affect cash flow and price/earnings multiples? How has the market reacted to purchase and pooling acquisition announcements? The authors' new research suggests that the market already judges mergers and acquisitions based on fundamental economics, not on GAAP earnings. In a study of 1,442 large acquisitions in the 1990s, the authors find that, in the first month after the announcement of pooled transactions, the acquirer's stock fell by an average of almost 4%. By contrast, the market reaction to purchase acquisitions was extremely favorable, with a 3% positive abnormal return in the first month. But what about the ongoing effect of goodwill amortization on values? In the second part of their two-part study, the authors report that the P/E multiples of acquirers reporting increases in goodwill amortization increase significantly following the acquisitions, and that the increases in P/E are large enough to offset the negative impact of goodwill amortization on earnings. Moreover, the authors also tested for and were unable to find any evidence of a market bias against balance sheet goodwill as an indicator of future amortization charges. The authors thus conclude that changes in accounting for acquisitions should not be a concern for acquirers, and that the elimination of pooling should have no lasting impact on corporate strategic decisions or M&A activity. Nevertheless, they do suggest that companies with significant goodwill would benefit from making their amortization transparent in their financial statements by, for example, breaking out amortization from depreciation on their income statements.  相似文献   

抓住机遇 巩固成果 全面推进我国的会计改革   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
近十年来,我国的企业会计改革取得了重大进展,在国际上得到了广泛认可,与国际会计准则委员会所倡导的会计国际化的宗旨是一致的。然而,从目前情况看,会计人员整体素质尚不能完全适应会计改革的要求,《企业会计制度》及相关会计准则的实施范围还不广泛,还存在一些执行中的问题。面对加入WTO,我们应当抓住有利时机,巩固成果,全面推进我国的企业会计改革。  相似文献   

"营改增"通过打通增值税抵扣链条、消除重复征税等,对企业税负降低和专业化分工会产生一定的促进作用,进而能够显著提升企业价值。而交通运输业由于"营改增"前后适用税率差异较大,且固定资产更新周期较长带来的进项抵扣不足,使得"营改增"对其企业价值的影响程度反而不及现代服务业。与私营企业相比,国有企业更容易受到政府政策干预或扶持,对税收政策的敏感性不及私营企业,即"营改增"对私营企业的企业价值的影响程度显著高于国有企业。鉴于"营改增"对企业价值的促进作用,国家应继续优化增值税体系,保持税收政策在促进企业价值提升时政策红利的延续性;在推行增值税改革的过程中,要增加配套税收优惠政策,以弥补政策效应对某些行业激励不足的短板;此外,要加快国有企业改革,营造公平的营商环境,促进税收中性原则的有效发挥。  相似文献   

依据最低工资数据与上市公司微观数据,研究最低工资标准调整对企业经营绩效的影响及其作用机制.研究表明:最低工资标准上升提升了企业经营绩效,而且在竞争程度高的行业、民营企业、小规模企业最低工资标准上升对企业经营绩效的提升作用更显著.机制检验显示:一方面,最低工资标准上升会倒逼企业增加科研投入,用技术替代劳动,提升企业经营绩效;另一方面,会产生效率工资效应,提高企业经营效率,提升企业经营绩效.  相似文献   

业务外包时刻存在于企业的生产过程中,特别是随着业务外包中技术和知识含量的提高,外包决策和管理能力已经成为企业核心能力的重要体现和组成部分,所以从核心能力的视角研究业务外包过程具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

国有及国有控股企业经营盈利时总想少上缴给国家财政,而出现亏损时总能得到国家财政补贴。本文分析了我国国有及国有控股企业“利挤税”式的税收不遵从的内生机制,并通过利润分配、利润弥补亏损、存货计价和固定资产核算的会计处理来实现。只有通过体制改革使我国经济社会发展中不需要存在的国有及国有控股企业民营化、需要存在的国有及国有控股企业财政化,才能消除“利挤税”分配机制。  相似文献   

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