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个体伦理责任是风险社会制度安排的关键。脱离了具体的个体主体,有可能使伦理责任处于一种失衡的状态。在技术风险视域下,个体承担伦理责任以个体内在的责任自觉为基点,以个体可选择的自由度大小为基准,以个体占有资源和分享因技术带来的利益多少为权重,按比例、合理分担伦理责任。  相似文献   

基于个体层次分析了个体行政人员在政治社会的多元化发展的当下,所面临的价值选择的尴尬困境,并指出制度控制有其难以克服的局限性,从而提出行政伦理在调控行政行为中具有重要的价值。同时,进一步从公共伦理培养和职业伦理培养两个方面,论述了个体层次上的行政伦理构建。  相似文献   

从创业团队层面的情景因素出发,将伦理管理融入团队管理,提出了用以衡量和评价创业团队伦理氛围的概念——创业美德。基于初创企业"四方位模型",从创业个体、创业组织、创业环境和创业过程的视角出发,依据社会契约理论和利益相关者理论,以创业美德的本质、结构、问题和挑战为主要研究问题,提出了创业美德的多层次形成及作用机制模型,阐述了该研究架构的理论依据和需要验证的假设命题,以期为研究创业美德形成的主要影响因素及其作用机制奠定坚实的理论基础和形成具体可行的研究思路。  相似文献   

基于职业教育的特点和培养目标,高职高专生涯发展教育不能只停留在课堂理论教学,而应追本溯源,回归本质——传道、授业、解惑.结合高职高专学生特点,开展有针对性的个体化职业咨询,帮助其找到职业目标、整合自身资源、提升个体职业竞争力,应成为生涯发展教育的组成部分.  相似文献   

汪洪艳 《当代经济》2018,(2):120-121
绩效考核政治在组织中是无法避免的.考核者不同政治动机下员工个体的创新意愿或行为也不同,并呈现出促进或抑制的双刃剑效应.组织应进一步完善绩效考核目的、内容、程序、反馈,以及提升领导管理能力和职业伦理素养来尽可能降低绩效考核政治对员工创新行为的抑制作用,并最大化发挥其促进效应.  相似文献   

《成本会计》课程是高职高专会计类专业核心课程之一《成本会计》对学生专业职业核心能力的培养和职业素养的养成起明显支撑作用.本文对高职高专《成本会计》课程从培养专业技能型人才的要求出发,按基于工作过程分解与重构《成本会计》课程的内容做一些探讨  相似文献   

王帆  沈玉芳 《经济师》2008,(12):29-31
文章从发达国家和发展中国家微观个体的角度分析了经济全球化过程中的利益重新分配。通过给不同职业分别按照:社会需求、难度、独特性、受全球化正面影响、受全球化负面影响五项指标打分,并对其进行层次聚类分析。得到五大类职业类别,这五大类职业在经济全球化过程中分别会受到不同的影响,也就伴随着不同的利益重新分配方式。  相似文献   

论"经济人"的经济伦理德性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
“经济人”的经济伦理德性是“经济人”在经济交往中自觉克服短期的、片面的谋利冲动,为获得长远的、完整的利益而做出的价值选择。经济伦理德性往往表现为以追求精神利益、声誉收益最大化为目标,通过将人文价值渗透到经济交往活动中,通过非正式的价值规范结成网络组织,形成相互尊重、相互信任的人际关系,从而积累社会资本,最终为企业创造获得长远的、完整的经济利益的机会和条件。  相似文献   

黄滢  彭德元  付琴 《当代经济》2005,(11):55-56
企业社会责任,是指企业不仅应社会之要求实现其经济上的使命,即完成其为股东利益服务的经济责任,并且能遵守法律,重视伦理,致力于公益事业,即增进股东利益之外的其他所有社会利益,包括雇员(职工)利益、消费者利益、债权人利益、社区利益、社会弱者利益及其他社会共同利益。美国学者阿尔奇·卡罗尔(Archie B.Carroll)将其归结为企业的经济责任、法律责任、伦理责任和慈善责任之和。  相似文献   

基于利益相关者的企业伦理决策模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
夏恩君  薛永基  刘楠 《技术经济》2008,27(4):103-108
在决策中引入伦理因素有利于更好地调整企业与相关利益者的关系,增强企业的核心竞争力,从而促进社会和谐进步。本文首先回顾了西方学者从心理和行为上对伦理决策模型的研究成果,然后从管理科学的角度提出了基于利益相关者的企业伦理决策模型构建思路;从主要的社会利益相关者、次要的社会利益相关者、主要的非社会利益相关者和次要的非社会利益相关者四个方面构建了企业伦理决策指标体系,建立了实用的数学计量模型,并对该模型进行了实例分析;最后指出,基于利益相关者的伦理决策模型简洁、实用,易被各方面接受,可以用以辅导决策。  相似文献   

加强师德师风建设创建高校和谐环境   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
师德师风是教师的职业道德修养及其表现出来的思想和工作作风,师德师风建设是教师队伍建设的核心内容,是加强和改进学校德育工作、促进高校和谐发展、提高教育质量的关键环节.和谐校园的创建是构建和谐社会的重要组成部分,和谐校园的创建必须有一支高水平、高质量、高素质的和谐教师队伍,而良好的师德师风又是建设高水平教师队伍的前提.  相似文献   

人文素养和民族精神是构建和谐社会的重要内容。人文素养对弘扬和培育民族精神起着重要影响和作用,弘扬和培育民族精神又体现在人文素养当中。实现中华民族伟大复兴,需要通过人文素养教育弘扬和培育民族精神。要针对高校大学生人文素养缺乏的现象,构建大学人文精神,加强人文素质教育,提高大学生人文素养水平,更好地弘扬和培育民族精神。  相似文献   

财经职业道德是社会主义道德的重要组成部分,贯彻落实科学发展观是构建和谐社会、实现全面小康社会目标的必然要求,也是财经职业道德建设的重要内容。加强财经职业道德建设,必须以科学发展观作指导。按照科学发展观的要求,坚持财经职业道德建设的基本原则和要求,坚持诚信服务的道德建设目标,提高“以人为本”的财经服务意识,促进经济又好又快发展。  相似文献   

The development of China's rural township, village, and private enterprises (TVP), in which real wages have grown at around 11% per annum over the past decade, is one of the most remarkable achievements of China's economic reform. This achievement has taken place despite relatively rigid control of labor mobility and job assignment by local authorities. Individual firms, however, have considerable influence over wage determination. This study applies human capital theory to explore the wage setting process in this sector. It is found that the impact of both labor market experience and education reflect labor productivity rather than sociopolitical rules of wage setting. The paper employs a logit model to investigate the links between education and occupational attainment. The relationship between wages, education, and occupational attainment, for those who find jobs through their own efforts, is similar to that of western market economies. Although education does not affect wages of those assigned jobs it affects their occupational attainment.  相似文献   

高职院校要适应社会对高级技术应用性人才的需求,坚持走产学研结合的道路。通过加强实践教学,强化对学生岗位职业能力的培养,办出高职教育的特色,为社会和地方经济的发展提供优质的高职教育服务。  相似文献   

民办高校大学生的公德教育应尽旱抓起,长抓不懈。大学生的公德教育不是小事,“千里之堤,溃于蚁穴”,我们应该从大学生进校园那天起,就培养他们的公德意识和公德观念,让大学生把“诚实守信、勤俭节约、爱护公物、团结友善、遵纪守法”作为自己最高的行为准则,养成良好的公德,成为即掌握了科学知识和技能,又有良好公德的高素质人才。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to associate elements of Aristotle's view of a "good society" with the development ethics standpoint of a "good society." For Aristotle, the vehicle to "eudaimonia" and to a "good society" is "politics." We argue that development ethics provides an ethical response to the question "what is good society" based on Aristotle's key concept of "eudaimonia." The Aristotelian vision for a "good life" can be perceived as a precursor and a contributor to development ethics perspective for a "good society."  相似文献   

在教师市场上教师的声誉至关重要,而职业道德是教师声誉的核心,在制度完善时教师有遵守职业道德以维护其声誉的动机,而在制度有缺陷时则会诱发败德行为的产生。建设良好的教师职业道德,应同时从完善外部环境和提高教师自身的满意度两个方面入手。学校工会基于其地位的特殊性,应在教师职业道德建设中发挥特殊作用。  相似文献   


A rapid rise in women’s education levels, an increase in the age at marriage and an increase in the age at which they have their first child are key features of demographic transition in any country. Education is considered to be an essential component in this process because increases in educational attainment are likely to significantly affect both age at marriage and the duration between marriage and first birth - in particular increasing both the age at marriage and the time to first child. This paper uses individual level unit record data from Pakistan to examine the effect of education on the age at marriage and on the duration between marriage and first birth. We jointly estimate educational attainment, age at marriage and duration between marriage and first birth allowing for household level unobserved heterogeneity. We find that educational attainment increases the age at marriage but does not have a statistically significant effect on the duration between marriage and first birth. However, there is a threshold level of education that must be attained before educational attainment starts having an effect on the hazard of marriage.


Contrary to understandings that treat ethical considerations and economic thinking as separate if not antagonistic issues, we advocate a holistic view that links business ethics to consequentialist economic concepts and their concern about how scarce means should be used for the attainment of (given) ends. We believe that business ethics students will profit from a development of business ethics theory that facilitates an outcome-based evaluation of business strategies anchored in the economic concepts of externalities, game theory, equilibria, efficiency, transaction costs, and diminishing marginal utility. We outline how moral judgments about (socially irresponsible) business behaviors, which often lack theoretical grounding and self-critical examination, can be made both more consistent and transparent through a systematic application of these theoretical concepts. We furthermore point out that, in this evaluative exercise, business ethics analysts should make all assumptions explicit to meet their task of facilitating informed public debates and informed moral choices.  相似文献   

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