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为深入贯彻国家质检总局"抓质量、保安全、促发展、强质检"的工作方针,紧紧围绕江苏检验检疫局"打造五区铸强局"的目标,苏州检验检疫局根据特殊监管区卫生检疫核心能力建设的战略需要,在以下5个方面实现了传染病防控工作的跨越式发展:一是形成了以风险分析为基础,以信息化平台为依托,以流程优化为手段的快速业务管理模式;二是强化传染病监测职能作用,建立卫生检疫与地方各级行政部门协调机制;三是增强保健中心为卫生检疫提供技术支撑作用,提出了出入境人员传染病监管新模式的研究;四是加强检疫查验现场卫生检疫实验室建设,满足口岸疫病疫情防控能力;五是创新卫生检疫专业人员培训方式,积极开展应急演练、技能比武、岗位能力认定等活动,提升卫生检疫把关能力和技术水平.通过以上举措,有力地推动了传染病监测事业科学发展、率先发展、和谐发展.  相似文献   

"三检"合一以来,盐城检验检疫局增设卫生检疫职能,结束了盐城地区出入境人员在异地接受传染病监测和预防接种的历史,从盐城检验检疫局的大门经常遇到笑呵呵拿到健康证明书和预防接种证书的劳务人员、船员、公务人员……然而大楼内更多了一群忙忙碌碌的卫生检疫人员.中心成立三年以来,在人手少任务重的情况下,他们共对盐城地区的出入境人员监测体检8974人次,预防接种5624人次,健康体检和监测工作量以每年超过30%的速度增加,疫情检出逐年增加,以禁止出入境疾病梅毒为例,2000年检出7例,2001年检出10例,2002年检出23例;对发现的疫情及时采取措施,有效地防止了疫情的传入和传出.  相似文献   

新冠肺炎是2019年12月在湖北省武汉市首先发现的,是由一种新型冠状病毒感染引起的以发热、乏力、干咳、呼吸困难为主要表现的急性呼吸道传染病。该病简称“新冠肺炎”,英文简称“NCP”。国务院已批准将新冠肺炎纳入《中华人民共和国国境卫生检疫法》规定的检疫传染病管理。世界卫生组织已将该冠状病毒命名为“COVID-19”,该病毒是目前已知的第七种能感染人的冠状病毒。海关总署、国家卫生健康委员会发布《关于防控新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎的公告》,依法、科学、有序、有效指导规范口岸防控新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎,保护出入境人员健康安全。  相似文献   

<正>2023年全国海关检出各类传染病49种3.1万例2023年,全国海关检出新冠、猴痘、霍乱等各类传染病49种、3.1万例。2024年,海关将强化源头管控,加强高风险特殊物品卫生检疫准入管理,构建海关生物安全监测预警平台,动态调整口岸疫情防控措施,打造“平急转换”的口岸突发公共卫生事件应急防控体系,推动口岸公共卫生核心能力强制性标准落地,坚决守牢国门检疫防线。  相似文献   

耿哲 《中国海关》2021,(1):29-32
2020年,《人民日报》、新华社、中央电视台等重点媒体报道海关工作主要集中在疫情防控、稳外贸促增长、打击走私以及自身建设等方面,主要内容如下:疫情防控严守国门统一部署严防到位2020年3~5月,媒体密集报道海关总署统一部署各地海关严格开展检疫排查,全力做好口岸检疫工作,并密切跟踪疫情发展态势,及时调整防控策略,在航空、水运、陆运等不同领域、渠道采取更加严格的卫生检疫措施。  相似文献   

[导读]中国疾控中心与浙江省宁波市鄞州区实现疾控公共卫生信息系统与区域医院信息系统连接,成为我国公共卫生信息化发展的里程碑。我国疾控系统的传染病网络直报系统(NDRS)始建于2004年,十年来,我国各地医院及时报告了我国各地的传染病疫情,改变了以往定期逐级报告方式,实时报告疫情,使传染病早发现、早干预、极大提高了我国传染病预防和控制能力,为传染病防控做出了重要贡献。  相似文献   

[目的]探讨建立科学的口岸输入性医学媒介生物防控体系的必要性,降低虫媒传染病传入风险。[方法]通过总结我国口岸输入性医学媒介生物监测及携带病原体检测研究成果,结合我国口岸卫生检疫工作需要,研究建立口岸输入性医学媒介生物防控体系的结构功能和运行模式。[结果]建立口岸局—直属局—国家质检总局输入性医学媒介生物三级专家风险评估体系模式和国家质检总局—直属局—口岸局输入性医学媒介生物三级防控处置体系模式,可分别为科学防控提供技术支持和组织保障。[讨论]建立上述三级防控体系,并保障其有效运行,对提高我国口岸输入性医学媒介生物防控工作科学水平,保障口岸卫生安全具有积极的指导意义。  相似文献   

出入境检疫处理是指利用生物、物理、化学方法,对出入境货物、交通工具、集装箱及其他检疫对象采取的消除疫情疫病风险或潜在危害,防止人类传染病传播、动植物病虫害传入传出的措施。出入境检疫处理类别出入境检疫处理类别包括:A类,熏蒸(出入境船舶熏蒸、疫麦及其他大宗货物熏蒸)B类,熏蒸(A类熏蒸除外)C类,消毒处理(熏蒸方式除外)D类,药物及器械除虫灭鼠(熏蒸方式除外)E类,热处理;F类,辐照处理;G类,除上述类别外,采用冷处理、微波处理、除污处理等方式实施的出入境检疫处理。  相似文献   

在检验检疫执法中,我们会发现:国境卫生检疫法实施细则第99条规定,卫生检疫机关应当阻止所发现的患有艾滋病、性病、麻风病、精神病、开放性肺结核病的外国人入境。食品卫生法第26条规定,凡患有痢疾、伤寒、病毒性肝炎等消化道传染病,活动性肺结核,化脓性或者渗出性皮肤病以及其他有碍食品卫生的疾病的人员,不得参加接触直接入口食品的工作。那么,开放性肺结核与活动性肺结核的区别是什么呢?肺结核是由结核杆菌引起的一种慢性传染病。按其传染性可分为开放性肺结核和非开放性肺结核。开放性肺结核是指痰內含有结核菌会传染给別人的病人,这种…  相似文献   

为进一步做好口岸新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎疫情防控工作,防止疫情经口岸传播,根据《中华人民共和国国境卫生检疫法》及其实施细则等法律法规的规定,海关总署1月26日发布《关于重新启动出入境人员填写健康申明卡制度的公告》,规走出入境人员必须向海关卫生检疫部门进行健康申报,并配合做好体温监测、医学巡查、医学排查等卫生检疫工作。  相似文献   

The purpose of this analysis was to quantify the magnitude of death and disability from drowning and near-drowning worldwide and to provide epidemiological data on which to base prevention efforts. All data are from the Global Burden of Disease 2000 (Version 1) estimates in which deaths and disabilities are based on the WHO International Classification of Diseases. Extrapolations were made by age, sex, and WHO region. The six WHO regions of the world were further divided into high-income, and low- and middle-income based on the 1998 World Development indicators. According to the GBD 2000 data, an estimated 449,000 people drowned worldwide (7.4 per 100,000 population) and a further 1.3 million Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYs) were lost as a result of premature death or disability from drowning. 97% of drownings occurred in low- and middle-income countries. Although 38% of drownings occurred in the Western Pacific Region, Africa had the highest drowning mortality rate (13.1 per 100,000 population). Males had higher drowning mortality rates than females for all ages and in all regions. Children under the age of 5 years had the highest drowning mortality rate for both sexes in all of the WHO regions except for Africa, where children aged 5 to 14 years had the highest mortality rate. World-wide, for children under the age of 15 years, drowning accounted for a higher mortality rate than any other cause of injury. Drowning is a significant problem worldwide particularly for children under the age of 15 years. Low- and middle-income countries have the highest rates of drowning and account for more than 90% of such fatalities. Primary prevention efforts should thus be focused on these countries where many children who cannot swim drown in large bodies of water.  相似文献   

Leprosy is a chronic infectious disease which, if untreated, can lead to permanent and progressive nerve damage and thus to deformities of the limbs, eyes, and face. People with leprosy have long been ostracized by society. The clinical signs of leprosy include insensitive skin lesions and thickened peripheral nerves. Untreated infectious leprosy cases are the main source of infection, transmitting the disease through nasal secretions. People with low cell-mediated immunity are at risk of developing clinically active leprosy irrespective of gender, age, or social class. The World Health Organization (WHO) has, since 1982, recommended multiple drug therapy (MDT) against leprosy, an approach capable of curing the disease within 1 year and interrupting its transmission. According to WHO, leprosy is currently a public health problem in 55 countries and more than 20% of the estimated 1.15 million cases of leprosy worldwide remain undetected. Although Sri Lanka was the first country in South Asia to provide MDT to all registered leprosy patients, first making it available in 1984, the disease continues to be transmitted due to the large number of undetected cases in the country. An ongoing social marketing program was therefore launched in 1990 by the local health ministry and the Novartis Foundation for Sustainable Development to eliminate leprosy from Sri Lanka. The program encourages people with suspicious skin lesions to seek diagnosis and care, teaches health care providers to recognize leprosy and refer cases for treatment, and helps the general public to understand that leprosy is just a normal disease. The socially marketed product is MDT, provided free-of-charge by the Novartis Foundation to all leprosy patients.  相似文献   

[目的]既保护我国畜牧业的安全,又在检验检疫口岸实现马匹的快速通关,探索建立马病毒基因芯片检测方法。[方法]采用人工拼接的方式拼接了非洲马瘟病毒核酸序列、通过分子克隆技术获得西尼罗热、马冠状病毒、马鼻肺炎病毒和马动脉炎病毒的特异基因片段,设计合成五种马病病毒高度保守的特异性核酸序列作为检测探针点制于芯片上,再用多重不对称PCR以拼接、克隆的核酸序列为模板扩增目的片段,与芯片上探针特异结合。[结果]建立了五种病毒的基因芯片快速检测方法,实现了五种马病同时检测。[结论]本研究建立的芯片快速高通量基因芯片检测方法可应用于大规模出入境马属动物的快速筛查。  相似文献   

突发公共卫生事件会冲击社会经济运行,特别是具备传染性时这种冲击的程度和范围会更深更广,而通过建立模型来模拟传染病类突发公共卫生事件,将为传染病评估和应对提供积极有效的依据。故以SEIR模型为基准,针对SEIR模型存在的不足,将重大传染病事件分为三个阶段发展三阶段模型,将相关参数由静态参数改进为动态参数,分类模拟"封城"以及传染病存在复发可能性的情形,并利用2020年新冠肺炎疫情数据进行动态模拟。对经典SEIR模型以及改进的三阶段模型分别进行参数估计和系统仿真发现,在无人为干预的自然传播情况下,传染病感染数量峰值会出现在1~2个月后;加强隔离、加大医疗资源投入能显著减小传播规模;改进的三阶段模型能对传染病类事件起到很好的预测作用,可为未来传染病评估和应对提供有效依据。由此,为有效应对传染病类突发公共卫生事件,建议从加强隔离、加大医疗资源投入、疫情后期持续关注等角度着手完善我国传染病应急防控体系,在传染病发生时能够对相关人员做到尽早隔离,提高治愈率,减少传染数量,从源头上降低突发公共卫生事件对经济的负面影响。  相似文献   

New labelling legislation in South Africa is expected to help consumers sustain a healthy lifestyle through the food choices they make. This study was undertaken to explore a sample of South African consumers' reasons for reading labels and the influence of food labels on their purchasing behaviour. The study was conducted using focus group discussions held with label reading consumers in Potchefstroom in the North West Province of South Africa. Findings suggested that these participants read food labels to assess the nutritional value, personal benefits, health attributes and product quality. Various purchasing influences were also identified, suggesting that consumers are in some cases motivated by food labels to purchase a product, or may be unresponsive to the label or indifferent by being aware of the information but not reluctant to buy a product that does not indicate essential information. Several indirect consideration factors such as situational factors (e.g. family), extrinsic (e.g. price) and intrinsic (e.g. taste) may contribute to the purchasing behaviour of some consumers. These findings are useful to propose a perceptual model of the way in which food labels influence purchasing behaviour of a sample of South African consumers and explain the role of food labels in the purchasing decision of label‐reading consumers. This information is especially significant for new packaging and labelling initiatives as it highlights the reasons why label‐reading South African consumers read label information.  相似文献   

通过考证卫生检疫创始的原因和发展进程,得出检疫起源于中世纪黑死病时期,并且欧洲社会、经济、宗教、神学等方面因素的综合作用,促进了卫生检疫的产生;检疫的场所在历史上经过了多次变迁,其称谓也随着历史的发展而有所变化。卫生检疫的内容和制度随着历史发展和社会需要逐渐完善,时至今日,海港检疫已成为世界通用的检疫方式。  相似文献   

北京海关动物隔离场承担北京口岸进境宠物的隔离检疫工作。根据隔离检疫工作中宠物的饲养和护理经验,本文总结了隔离检疫期间宠物经常出现的问题及疾病,提出相应的处理方法。  相似文献   


A holistic research project commenced in 1997 and was completed in 1999 investigating a new administrative scenario, the virtual office (VO). This exploratory and ex post facto project aimed to identify the characteristics of a virtual office environment that emerged in enterprises worldwide, due to the influence of information technology innovations. The VO is also closely related to telework: tele, meaning distance and implies that teleworkers perform their duties away from the traditional office while still maintaining their positions as corporate employees. This paper only focuses on two selected areas of the holistic project, visualizing telework supplemented by telecenters as possible VO's against the theoretical framework of the traditional office scenario as it has been known for ages. The aim was to market the concept in the Republic of South Africa where it is relatively unknown, according to the research findings that proved significantly beneficial to the socio economies of other countries-but more specifically the USA-where telework has been practiced for more than a decade. Recommendations are focused on how these two related concepts can also result in a paradigm shift for the corporate arena in the Republic of South Africa, in order to add to, maintain and develop its global competitiveness.  相似文献   


This paper compares BAT's business environment in Kenya and Uganda in light of the World Health Organization's (WHO) tobacco control initiative. It also illustrates the use of tobacco tax by Sub-Saharan African countries to address tobacco related conundrums. The comparison revealed elements of government ambivalence towards tobacco business and a possible recourse to tobacco tax to mollify global pressure against big tobacco. The paper uses the partial correlations between tobacco tax and basic economic development indicators across Sub-Saharan Africa and previous World Bank data as indicative of tobacco tax efficacy in controlling consumption in the region. It suggests that Sub-Saharan Africa may find regionally designed tax-based policy guidelines a palatable strategic alternative to global firms (such as BAT) that face a hostile global business environment. A united policy front that fits within the region's institutions can reduce complexity and create efficiencies through lower administrative costs across the region. Such action will make the region relatively more attractive (than it is currently) to foreign investors.  相似文献   

[目的]探索调整人群归因危险度评估法在口岸流行病学调查中的应用。[方法]基于回归模型的调整RR估计加入到PAR估计中,以一整套公式计算调整控制一个或多个变量后的PAR指标,评估多因素影响的口岸流行病发生频率及控制效果,并采用国际权威的统计分析标准软件SAS分析平台进行编程实现。[结果]以宁波口岸某病流行病学调查资料为数据源,对与该病相关的四种风险影响因素由计算机分别自动计算调整人群归因危险度,在校正其他三种因素的基础上,评估每种风险因素所致的危害程度,结果为风险因素A所致的危害占11.8%,风险因素B占30.8%,风险因素C占15.9%,风险因素D占38.2%。[结论]调整人群归因危险度能够评估导致口岸传染病流行风险因素的单独效应,可作为评价流行病发生与控制效果的有效评估方法。  相似文献   

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