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国际货物买卖合同制度在<联合国国际货物销售合同公约)中有着重要和不可忽视的地位.而其中预期违约问题更为觉和复杂.国际货物买卖合同中的预期违约理论来源于英美法系,随着现代国际经济交往的发展,英蔓法律中的预期违约制度时大陆法系的合同立法产生了巨大影响,并在国际货物买卖合同发挥日益重要的作用.本文通过对预期违约的定义.构成要素,法律定位,产生后果和弥补方式对现代国际买卖合同的影响和现实评价的概述,来从宏观上了解该制度.  相似文献   

张薇 《商业研究》2005,(12):189-192
预期违约制度是英美法系传统的制度之一。《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》也对预期违约制度做了规定。在大陆法系框架内,一般是通过不安抗辩权制度来实现预期违约制度的功能。在对《美国统一商法典》和《公约》做比较分析,并就英美法系预期违约制度和大陆法系不安抗辩权进行比较的基础之上,对我国合同法中的预期违约制度做评述,并对如何完善提出建议。  相似文献   

陈淑明 《现代商业》2011,(2):257-258
不安抗辩权是同时履行抗辩权、不安抗辩权和后履行抗辩权这三种抗辩权制度当中最为重要的一种,也是较难掌握和理解的一种。它有极深的法律渊源,在各大陆法系国家的民法典中均有规定,同时也能在英美法系国家的法律制度中找到与之相类似的制度。作为一项防御性的权利,它赋予双务合同中先履行方当事人在遇到对方有难为给付对价之虞时可以暂时中止履行自己义务的权利,并产生阻却对方提起违约之诉的法律效力。到目前为止,我国的不安抗辩权在定义、效力范围等方面都还需要完善,本文中就这些问题提出了笔者的看法。  相似文献   

预期违约(Anticipatory breachof contract)亦称先期违约,是违约行为的一种客观表现形式,包括明示预期违约和默示预期违约两种。作为对约定履行期限未至的合同当事人利益的保护,预期违约制度为英美法系的国家所独有,它与缔约过失责任、实际违约责任共同构成完善英美法系国家的合同责任制度。由于预期违约制度允许受害方(即非违约方)尽早采取对策,最低限度地减少其所受之损失,并迅速了结他们之间的债务或赔偿纠纷,从而能及时从原有的合同关系中解脱出来,故有利于对受害方利益的极大保护和现实的经济流转。  相似文献   

预期违约制度与不安抗辩权制度分别源于英美法系和大陆法系,两种制度在实践中都发挥着保障权利人利益和交易顺畅的作用,但两者之间的矛盾和冲突也时常发生,如何协调和完善两种制度的利用对于充分发挥制度的优越性,更好的实现制度的价值有着重要的意义,通过对这两种制度的对比,从而找寻最适当的方法平衡两种制度的关系显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

预期违约制度起源于英国合同法,如今已被包括我国在内的大多数国家所接受,因而在国际贸易中有着重要影响。预期违约有多种表现形式,不同的形式有不同的构成要件,其法律后果也就大不相同。但我国合同法学对预期违约的分类并未达成一致意见,因此笔拟对这一问题作初步探讨。  相似文献   

我国《合同法》在借鉴英美法的基础上规定了预期违约制度。但是 ,还存在着对预期违约行为的认定困难、预期违约与不安抗辩权在适用上产生混乱等不足之处。作为《合同法》应该对预期违约制度进行完善。预期违约分为明示和默示两种形态  相似文献   

王运祥  龚佳 《国际经贸探索》2001,17(1):62-65,78
本文探讨了英美法系中合同不能如约履行时,当事人可以援用的三种救济方式,即法院判定的金钱赔偿(包括预期赔偿、依赖赔偿和归还)、强制履行和议定赔偿,以及对违约补救的限制情况,分析了这几种赔偿方式的依据、效率与经济功能,并论述了我国企业在签订涉外商务合同时应注意的相关问题。  相似文献   

我国《合同法》分别在合同履行保障制度、违约处理制度方面引进了欧洲大陆法系的不安抗辩权制度和英美法系的预期违约制度,一定意义上克服两大法系相关制度的缺陷。本文对合同制度中的不安抗辩权制度和预期违约制度进行研究,对我国合同法在这两种制度立法设置上的不足进行分析。  相似文献   

我国加入WTO以来,经济全球化的进程进一步加快,商品全球化已经成为世界经济发展不可扭转的趋势。为进一步规范国际贸易行为,《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》《合同法》,PICC等都对国际贸易中的预期违约行为作出了相关规定。不管是国内还是国际法律,都在国际贸易中发挥着不可替代的作用,然而,这些法律均存在不足之处。针对这一现状,文章对国际贸易中使用较为广泛的PICC,《合同法》以及《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》进行比较,并不足之处提出建议。  相似文献   

从法律的角度看新公共管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
二十世纪七十年代末八十年代初首先启端于英美国家的新公共管理已经成为概括西方公共管理最新发展趋势的一个学术概念,并且在理论上和实践上得到了迅速发展。但是,新公共管理理论或者称之为新公共管理改革基本上都发生在英、美、澳、新西兰等盎格鲁-撒克逊体系的国家。本文试图从法学的角度找出其原因。英美法系和大陆法系之划分是法学中公认的法律分类法;而新公共管理中的核心思想是利用私法契约采提供公共服务。本文通过对两大法系和契约制度的分析,认为作为大陆法系的我国基于政治法律传统应该选择法治国家模式进行政府管理改革。  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been considerable pressure on corporations doing business in South Africa to divest and withdraw from that country. While this moral view espouses withdrawal, this article seeks to provide insight into the practical consequences of divestment. One of the questions addressed is how does foreign divestment affect Black South Africans, those who are supposed to benefit from a divestment policy. Paul Lansing is Associate Professor of Business Law. Previous articles have appeared in the New York University Journal of International Law and Politics, Harvard International Law Journal, The International Lawyer, The Journal of Corporation Law and others Sarosh Kuruvilla is a Ph.D. Candidate at the University of Iowa.  相似文献   

The harsh consequences of the American plant closing epidemic in recent years on workers, their families, and their communities, has raised widespread ethical and moral concerns. In the early 1970s, a diverse group of academics, social activists, public policy analysts, and special interest organizations developed a number of legislative proposals designed to restrict closings by law. The proposals encountered many formidable obstacles in an increasingly hostile free-market environment. The business community was itself moved to assume some of the burdens precipitated by closures either unilaterally or through collective bargaining. At the same time, powerful business interests tenaciously fought the enactment of mandatory closing restrictions into law. Nevertheless, through a prolonged and tortuous odyssey, the requirements of advanced notice and worker severence pay have now begun to root in law. Their success stands as evidence of a continuing American public policy receptivity to ethics-driven concerns. Dr. Peter E. Millspaugh is an Associate Professor of Business Legal Studies at the School of Business Administration, George Mason University, located in Northern Virginia outside of Washington, D.C. His articles and book reviews have appeared in: Academy of Management Executive, New England Law Review, Saint Louis University Law Journal, University of Toledo Law Review, Pacific Law Review, The Uniform Commercial Code Law Journal, Business Law Review, The Labor Law Journal, The Corporation Law Review, Business and Society, The Detroit College of Law Review, The Real Estate Law Journal, The Journal of Corporation Law, Business Horizons, The University of Baltimore Law Review, The Journal of Labor Research, University of Detroit Journal of Urban Law, Loyola International and Comparative Law Journal, Seton Hall Legislative Journal, Arizona Journal of International and Comparative Law, Business and Society Review, The Government Accountants Journal, Public Contract Law Journal, The University of Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law and numerous Proceedings of national and regional conferences of the American Business Law Association.  相似文献   

A large U.S. government investigation into arms procurement procedures with corporate contractors has recently led to guilty pleas to fraud and illegal use of classified documents. Operation Ill Wind has brought public attention to the criminal and unethical conduct of large defense contractors in their dealings with the government. This article will review how the defense contract bidding process operates and why illegal activity has been able to compromise the process. We will offer proposals to improve the process in light of the present inquiry.Paul Lansing is Professor of Business Law at the University of Illinois. Previous articles have appeared in the Harvard International Law Journal; New York University Journal of International Law and Politics; the Journal of Corporation Law; the Journal of Business Ethics and others.Kimberly Burkard received her M.B.A. from the University of Iowa.  相似文献   

公司人格否认制度是对公司有限责任传统观念的现代修正。正如在特定情况下否认公司独立人格是对股东有限责任“特权”的限制一样,该制度本身也需要设立一定的准则加以约束。通过对公司人格否认制度的分析,探讨适用该制度的若干限制以及一人公司如何采取积极的措施规避人格被否认,防止债权人滥用公司人格否认制度,维护一人股东的合法权益,是目前需要解决的问题。  相似文献   

本文从国别立法比较的角度解读《合同法》第308条规定,剖析该条规定在海运实践中因与《海商法》并存的法律选择、托运人作为唯一的权利主体以及变更解除合同行为属性等问题可能产生的法律预测功能丧失或者运作不正常导致的司法风险,提出完善立法、补充司法解释等观点,希望有益于《合同法》第308条适用风险的降低和化解。  相似文献   

A central concern within contemporary socio-economics has been on the relationship between national institutional configurations and societal outcomes. In this paper, we assess the relationship between legal origin and a range of correlated indicators of social responsibility, focusing on socially responsible investing and voluntary charitable giving. We found that in Common Law contexts, lower levels of social responsibility than in Civil Law contexts, other than in the area of charitable giving, where the converse was the case. We explore the reasons for this distinction, and for the different patterns encountered in post-socialist Central and Eastern Europe. Based on the findings, we identify directions for future research.  相似文献   

集体土地所有权的准确定性是改革和完善集体土地所有权制度的切入点。既有的定性都不具有法理和实践上的可行性。只有大胆借鉴英美法系的联合所有制度,重构大陆法系的共有形式,才能对集体土地所有权予以准确定性。新的共有形式——集合共有,与集体土地所有权性质具有内在的一致性。以集合共有规则来解释和处理榘体土地所有权,既待合学理和逻辑的要求,更贴近中国的实际。  相似文献   

违约责任是《合同法》中一项非常重要的制度,是基于合同而发生的经济责任,其形成具有经济方面的原因。从经济学角度分析违约责任问题,结合效率违约理论,提出完善《合同法》的相关举措。  相似文献   

The franchisee is usually the most vulnerable part of the franchise relationship, and should therefore receive greater protection from the legal framework. In this regard, the franchisor's pre-contractual disclosure duty has evolved in its legal status. Whereas its original purpose was to ensure transparency in the market, it now serves to protect the franchisee. In this paper, we compare the franchisor's obligations established by the legal framework in Spain with those set out in the Model Law drawn up by The International Institute for the Unification of Private Law.  相似文献   

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