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中国旅游产业与经济增长相关关系的灰色关联分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
吴利 《工业技术经济》2010,29(4):136-140
旅游产业与经济增长的关系是旅游经济学研究的一个焦点.本文利用邓聚龙于1982年创建的灰色系统理论,分析中国旅游产业与经济增长之间的关系.通过研究发现:旅游产业与经济增长具有很强的关联性.通过加大旅游产业投入,提高旅游服务质量,开发旅游产品,打造旅游品牌.优化旅游产业结构,发展乡村旅游等方式,促进旅游产业发展,进而推动整个经济增长.  相似文献   

旅游营销探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国经济的持续高速增长,旅游观念已深入人心。旅游业内部的无序竞争空前高涨,旅游营销可加强对旅游业的科学管理,本文就旅游营销的相关知识进行探讨,以期能使我国旅游业得到长足的发展。  相似文献   

江山 《IT经理世界》2012,(Z1):112-113
酒店控们往往见多识广,淡然看待生命却又对一切充满好奇,在谨慎地体验酒店浓缩的社交生活同时,也被世界窥探和议论。酒店总是跟旅行和出差联系在一起,然而就是有那么些人,习惯了酒店里提供的临时温暖,恋上了被众人日夜伺候的感觉,倔强地把家安在酒店里面。当然你要有足够的银子才能支撑起这样奢侈的生活方式,这一点,从古至今都是一样。酒店控大都是自由的向往者,一生要么事业辗转起伏,要么感情经历丰富曲折,旅行是他们生命中随时可能发生的事情,所以心神难以安定,酒店是他们临时歇脚并保持起码尊严的领地。他们在这里用餐,会客,被众多服务人员呵护,在谨慎地体验酒店浓缩  相似文献   

作为朝阳产业的旅游业近年来发展迅猛,带动了酒店业的迅速发展,星级酒店数量不断增长,对酒店人才需求强烈。高校向酒店输送实习生成为缓解酒店员工高流失率的有利途径,而高校旅游管理专业及酒店专业酒店实习是高校人才培养计划的重要组成部分。高校、酒店及学生作为酒店实习中三方相关的利益主体,彼此之间存在一定的冲突,如何缓解或消除冲突对高校酒店实习管理意义重大,也关系着酒店业的健康发展。  相似文献   

在销售大势不好的2014年,体验营销为中国卡车业创造了亮点。福田戴姆勒卡车凭借体验营销一跃成为国内卡车营销的领导者,身后追随者众,甚至不乏昔日排在它前面的品牌。各地推介会升级为客户体验会体验营销是指企业通过采用让目标顾客观摩、聆听、尝试、试用等方式,使其亲身体验企业提供的产品或服务,让顾客实际感知产品或服务的品质或性能,从而促使顾客认知、喜好并购  相似文献   

在相对保守且单一的客车市场营销方式中,体验营销是最与时俱进的一种。市场竞争的加剧,导致厂家越来越重视用户对产品和服务的体验和感受,通过让消费者亲身体验产品和服务的性能品质,从而促使消费者认知、喜好并购买的体验营销方式,逐渐被各行各业所接受并应用,客车行业也不例外。  相似文献   

最近,一种全新的房地产投资业态——产权式酒店引起了投资者的关注,这种兼具地产投资、酒店经营投资、休闲产业投资特性的投资方式目前正从北京、广州、秦皇岛等热点旅游城市向长沙蔓延。有人别出心裁地把这种酒店叫做新概念酒店。  相似文献   

体验式营销和工业产品的结合会碰撞出什么样的火花?这样的营销方式与平常我们所见到的体验式营销又有何不同?一个纺机企业为何对这种营销模式情有独钟?对这些问题,鹰游纺机有限责任公司总经理迟玉斌给出了他的答案。几年前,联想推出了全新的商用电脑——开天系列,这一系列的电脑被追随者评价为联想用全面客户体验理念打造的精品。联想认为,在全面客户体验时代,不仅需要对用户进行深入和全方位的了解,还应把对使用者的全方位体验和尊重凝结在产品中,让用户感受到被尊重、被理解和被体贴。由此,体验  相似文献   

房地产营销在中国有了很好的发展,多种样态的营销模式不断涌现,其中的现象和规律值得我们去研究。现在有一种体验营销的新方式正在受到房地产业的广泛关注。一、体验营销的引入现在很多行业都在使用体验营销,例如在IT业,IBM、惠普、索尼都是体验营销的先行者,而体验营销的原理完全可以借鉴到房地产行业。消费者对房地产品的了解已经不满足于简单、呆板的数据资料介绍,而更注重实际的体验感受。近年来,一些房地产企业或营销机构已经开始在产品设计和市场营销活动中融入这种理念,倡导”体验消费”。体验经济学家派恩指出:“所谓体验就是指人…  相似文献   

现今,体验营销已被越来越多的人所熟知,在移动终端领域,以苹果公司为主的终端型企业纷纷将视线移向体验式营销这一新兴的营销手段,尝试改变传统的顾客购买模式和消费习惯。本文以苹果公司的体验营销为例,通过体验营销的五个维度分析苹果的营销之道,对移动终端体验营销作一分析,提出营销策略与建议。  相似文献   

We examine how quality competition affects the relationship between market size and industry structure at the product level using evidence from the U.S. hotel industry. Starting in the early 1980s, quality competition for business travelers became more based on variable and less on fixed costs, and became less scale intensive. Since then, market size increases have been met by more, but smaller, hotels in business travel destinations but continued to be met by larger hotels in personal travel destinations. Our results illustrate how the way consumers benefit from increases in market size depends on how firms compete.  相似文献   

Organizational learning is central to a number of strategic theories. Recent arguments, however, identify risks associated with learning from own experience in the form of overattention to the short term and local conditions. The experience of the industry may offer opportunities for organizational learning that the experience of the organization does not, because industry experience is more varied, and not tied to the path-dependent history of any one organization. We investigate the influence of own experience and of two types of industry experience on the failure rates of U.S. hotel chains. The two types of industry experience are operating experience, which is a discounted sum of the units operated by U.S. hotel chains in the history of the industry, and competitive experience, which is a discounted sum of the number of failures of U.S. hotel chains in the history of the industry. We find that (a) organizations initially benefit from their own experience, but are harmed in the long run, (b) generalist organizations are more weakly affected by their own experience than specialists, (c) organizations benefit from their industry’s operating experience, accumulated both before and after the organization’s entry, and (d) organizations benefit from their industry’s competitive experience, but only after the organization’s entry. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

随着服装市场竞争的日益激烈,终端卖场在服装品牌运营中发挥的作用越来越显著;五感体验作为体验营销的分支之一,已经越来越受到企业的重视。而目前我国服装卖场营销中的五感体验的现状是:实践领先于理论。本文则探讨了五种体验在服装卖场营销中的应用,从而为服装卖场营销中的五感体验的应用提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

The success of the first product is of paramount importance for the future development of the new venture. Developing and launching a first product in the Chinese market is even more challenging than in a well‐developed market economy because of weak enforcement of intellectual property laws, a general consumer distrust of new products developed by Chinese firms, and the immediate threat of copycat. This article develops a mediated moderating model to examine first product success in Chinese new ventures, in which product‐positioning strategy (conceptualized as the degree of product differentiation) mediates the impacts of marketing resources, technical resources, and founding team startup experience on product success (conceptualized as timing of product launch and product market and financial performance). Furthermore, we argue that founding team startup experience moderates the impact of marketing and technical resources on building strong product‐positioning strategy. We test our conceptual model using a sample of 909 new products developed by 909 Chinese new ventures in a two‐step selection model. The empirical results provide important insight for new ventures' first product development. Product differentiation does not mediate the impact of marketing resource on product success; but it fully mediates the impact of technical resources on timing of product launch and partially mediates the impact of technical resources on product performance. Marketing resources have significant direct positive effects on both product performance and timing of product launch. Surprisingly, the impacts of marketing resources on product differentiation and product performance are negatively, not positively, moderated by founding team experience. When the founding team has nine years or less startup experience, an increase in marketing resources leads to a significant increase in product differentiation; and when the founding team has more than nine years of startup experience, an increase in marketing resources will not lead to an increase in product differentiation. The impact of marketing resources on product performance is smaller for founding teams with more prior startup experience than those with less prior startup experience. The impacts of technical resources are not moderated by founding team startup experience. Technical resources positively affect product market and financial performance directly as well as through its positive impacts on product differentiation. However, technical resources can negatively affect timing of the product launch because developing a highly differentiated produce can potentially delay the launch of the product. Therefore, new ventures have to be mindful in managing the available resources to succeed in the first product development.  相似文献   

Transaction specific investments (TSIs) are investments that a marketing channel firm makes to create value for a particular channel relationship. TSIs transform the relationship by creating barriers to exit or lock-in situations because the investing party cannot leave the relationship without incurring substantial costs. This situation may compel the investing party to engage in opportunism to recoup the value of the specific investments, particularly when they are not satisfied with the relationship. We argue, therefore, that relationship satisfaction may serve as an important safeguard when TSIs have been made. Further, we argue that monitoring ease will interact with the moderating effect of relationship satisfaction on the relationship between TSIs and opportunism. Data were collected from 296 hotel general managers and 37 hotel headquarters' field representatives in the U.S. and Canada to test these possibilities. We found that relationship satisfaction indeed serves as an important safeguard, particularly when the partner has difficulty in monitoring the firm.  相似文献   

Key Account Management (KAM) and Revenue Management (RevM) have been widely practiced in the service industries for more than three decades, but the effects of RevM on KAM remain largely unknown. This paper addresses this neglected area of study in the marketing field by presenting a framework for KAM and RevM integration that aligns the potentially conflicting management priorities of the two. The study uses an international hotel company as a research context to investigate, first, how a long-term relational approach to KAM may have been affected by RevM short-term revenue maximization goals, and, second, how KAM could be facilitated by RevM through an integrated approach to yield optimization from perishable products and from key accounts. The proposed framework is the first attempt of its kind to amalgamate KAM and RevM, involving critical analysis to assess comprehensively the revenue and the relationship value of a key account.  相似文献   

市场营销学是一门综合性和应用性很强的学科,当代营销环境的复杂性,使得企业的营销决策变得更难,企业也对营销人才提出了较高的衡量标准。新的环境对于营销的教学也提出了更高的要求,如何优化营销教学的效果,成为当代大学教师必须思考的问题。笔者在自己多年的教学经验基础上,提出了如下观点:一、与时俱进,不断优化教学能力;二、理论联系实际,优化教学内容;三、注意教学周期的特点,多角色定位,优化教学模式;四、运用现代教育技术,完善教学手段。  相似文献   

Potential intercity travel reduction by the substitution of teleconferencing is examined by analysing studies of business travellers' attitudes towards teleconferencing and the experience of organizations with operational teleconferencing systems. Important findings are cited, but neither the attitudes nor operational experience indicate a trend towards a travel reduction. It seems that teleconferencing first needs to be used as a supplemental form of communication before being accepted as a viable substitution for intercity business travel.  相似文献   

体验经济时代的消费需求及营销战略   总被引:73,自引:0,他引:73  
本文通过对近十几年社会经济发展变化的描述,指出体验经济到来是必然的,在解析消费需求变化趋势的基础上,提出企业在体验经济时代所应该采取的营销战略,笔者试图通过对营销理念,营销重点以及营销手段等方面的创新,改变企业在新经济时代所面临的营销困境,并且,引用大量企业营销的成功案例予以证明。  相似文献   

Developing products and business processes to serve subsistence marketplaces (or the roughly 4 billion poor around the world referred to as the bottom of the pyramid) is a significant challenge for businesses. Despite the importance of subsistence marketplaces, most product development educational curricula have been focused on relatively resource‐rich and literate consumers and markets. We teach an innovative year‐long product development course which includes an international immersion experience and which covers a broad spectrum of learning from understanding poverty, to consumer behavior, to product development and engineering design specifically for subsistence consumers. This unique course represents a pioneering effort to focus attention and create knowledge about product development, marketing, management, and engineering practices for subsistence marketplaces. Our two‐semester course sequence for graduate‐level students in a variety of business and engineering disciplines and industrial design combines in‐class pedagogy with experiential learning and results in useful and marketable product concepts and prototypes. Working on projects with multinational companies or startups, students identify an opportunity of general need, conduct field market research to better understand subsistence consumer needs and contexts through an international immersion experience, develop a product concept, convert the concept to a workable prototype, and develop a manufacturing plan, marketing strategy, and overall business plan for the product. Overlaying the content found in a typical new product development lab course we develop a contextual understanding of subsistence marketplaces, setting the stage for new product development. A central aspect of the learning experience is travel to subsistence markets for actual immersion in the context and to conduct market research. Our course is at the confluence of two of the most important issues facing humanity, subsistence and sustainability. Lessons learned here can also be extended to other radically different contexts, such as future scenarios involving severe energy shortages or climate change consequences. Such educational initiatives provide challenging learning experiences in preparing students for the unique demands of the 21st century.  相似文献   

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