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美国专家预测21世纪初信息技术革命最近,美国一专家小组采用德尔菲问卷调查形式,从计算机硬件、软件及信息服务三个方面对下一世纪初的信息技术革命进行了预测。现归纳如下:1.计算机硬件(1)2000年光学计算机将商业化,美国市场营业额为370亿美元。(2)...  相似文献   

相信许多国内的读者和我一样,起初多是从一些知名企业的口中了解到德国海德汉公司及其产品的。在采访德国海德汉(天津)光学电子有限公司总经理贾江扬先生(以下简称贾总)之前,我对海德汉的印象是:他是一家专做精密测控系统的专业企业,产品单一但技术含量应该算得上是行业领先。对贾总的采访,让我对海德汉有了更加全面深入的了解,同时也对“德国制造”以及象贾总这样有过多年留学德国经历现在作为德资企业(主要是制造企业)代表在中国市场发展的归国人员的了解更深了。  相似文献   

在处理全球卫星导航系统(Global Navigation Satellite System,GNSS)卫星信号时,针对模数转换器(Analog-to-Digital Converter,ADC)量化位数不同导致输出的信号信噪比下降的问题,推导了阵列天线波束形成后输出信号的信噪比理论计算模型,分析了ADC量化位数对阵列天线抗干扰GNSS接收机的性能影响。在7阵元天线且ADC量化位数为10的条件下,理论模型分析和数据仿真结果表明最大抗干扰能力约为85 dB。通过确定ADC量化位数与抗干扰GNSS接收机抗干扰能力之间的关系,其结论为工程应用中抗干扰GNSS接收机的ADC选型和设计提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

提出了一种高速全数字卫星信号模拟源的平台实现方案,该方案以在线可编程门阵列 (FPGA)和高速模数转换器(DAC)为平台设计核心,采用了DAC与FPGA高速接口设计、并行 编码调制设计、数字白噪声生成设计、速率分级设计、DSP接口设计等设计手段,实现了高 速编码和并行调制,完成了高速DAC全数字中频信号直接合成、实时宽带信道模拟、超宽带 数字高斯白噪声生成等技术的研究与工程实践。  相似文献   

李伟 《消费导刊》2014,(2):151-152,154
本研究采用绩效任务测试和主观评价相结合的研究方法,探究了高温条件(32℃)下噪音类型(语言噪音、交通噪音、办公噪音)及强度(50db、70db)对抗语义干扰能力的影响。采用的实验任务为:斯特鲁普字色干扰测验。结果:(1)高温条件下,噪音类型会影响抗语义干扰能力,其中办公室噪音的影响最大。噪音强度对其无显著影响。(2)高温条件下,噪音类型和性别对主观感受均有影响。其中办公噪音环境下的身体不适最强。噪音强度对其无显著影响。结论:高温条件下噪音类型对抗语义干扰能力及主观感受均有显著影响,其中办公室噪音的影响最大,而噪音强度对其无显著影响。  相似文献   

李伟 《消费导刊》2014,(1):151-152
本研究采用绩效任务测试和主观评价相结合的研究方法,探究了高温条件(32℃)下噪音类型(语言噪音、交通噪音、办公噪音)及强度(50db、70db)对抗语义干扰能力的影响。采用的实验任务为:斯特鲁普字色干扰测验。结果:(1)高温条件下,噪音类型会影响抗语义干扰能力,其中办公室噪音的影响最大。噪音强度对其无显著影响。(2)高温条件下,噪音类型和性别对主观感受均有影响。其中办公噪音环境下的身体不适最强。噪音强度对其无显著影响。结论:高温条件下噪音类型对抗语义干扰能力及主观感受均有显著影响,其中办公室噪音的影响最大,而噪音强度对其无显著影响。  相似文献   

庞万红  赵勋 《中国报业》2009,(10):32-35
传媒上市公司作为传媒产业通过资本市场求发展(融资)和借机制(公司治理)的“急先锋”,其经营业绩是传媒产业发展状况和发展前景的重要“风向标”。 金融危机爆发以来,传媒上市公司受影响程度怎样?运营绩效如何?本文通过对传媒上市公司成长性、获利性、偿债能力及财务状况进行分析,以期对传媒企业改善经营、提高资金运作效率有所启发。  相似文献   

在构建“双循环”的新发展格局下,从住房公积金“隐藏”的收入视角探讨居民消费升级具有重要现实意义。文章基于2015年和2017年中国家庭金融调查数据(CHFS),实证研究了住房公积金对居民消费升级的影响效应。研究结果表明:(1)从总体上看,住房公积金显著促进了居民生存型消费和发展享受型消费,且对后者的影响程度更高;(2)从异质性上看,住房公积金对低收入群体和中西部地区居民消费升级的促进作用更大;(3)从影响机制上看,住房公积金通过家庭住房的财富效应成为促进居民消费升级的重要驱动力。文章认为在改革和完善住房公积金制度的背景下,要高度重视其“隐藏”的收入功能,在持续发挥好其住房保障功能的同时,也需充分释放其在促进居民消费升级方面的政策外部性。  相似文献   

司徒微微 《浙商》2013,(12):94-94
高倍聚光光伏发电技术寻合作 浙江聚恒太阳能有限公司是一家专注于高倍聚光光伏发电技术开发(聚光组件及高精度跟踪器)及系统集成的中外合资企业,公司成立于2011年2月.注册资本4800万元。公司开发的高倍聚光产品涉及聚光组件、高精度追踪系统等,除电池片设计外,其他关键技术如聚光系统(透镜及二次光学)、散热系统、跟踪系统均自行设计,全面掌握了聚光光伏发电系统的多项核心技术,拥有聚光光伏发电系统完整的知识产权。现需风险投资1亿元。  相似文献   

针对一种4 Gsample/s 12 b模数转换器(Analog-to-Digital Converter,ADC)中的接口电路发送器的设计难度大的问题,基于吉比特收发器(Gigabit Transceiver,GTX),遵循JESD204B子类1标准,设计并验证了一种四字节并行发送器。采用四字节并行方案实现8B/10B编码器和加扰器,将系统时钟由1 GHz降至250 MHz,降低了设计难度;通过添加均衡指示位,提高了电路最大工作频率。基于赛灵思ZC706开发板,完成了该发送器与接收端IP的联合验证。实验结果表明,接收数据与发射数据一致且通道间数据无偏移,该发送器满足4 Gsample/s 12 b ADC接口电路的传输带宽需求。相同处理效果下,相比单字节、双字节设计方案资源占比更少。  相似文献   

采用ADC+FPGA+DSP模式设计了一种正弦调频连续渡雷达数字中频信号处理机。该处理机利用了数字接收机和恒虚警检测(CFAR)原理实现了目标多普勒信号提取、检测和存储,具有体积小、功耗低、可靠性高等特点,且具有一定的灵活性和可扩展性。介绍了处理机各组成部分的功能及参数选择,并分析了处理机所用的恒虚警检测算法。测试结果表明,该处理机克服了采用模拟接收电路的固有缺点,提高了通道一致性和测量精度。  相似文献   

角位置是深空探测航天器导航定位的重要观测量信息,相对于获取航天器距离、速度信息的统一载波测量体制,甚长基线干涉测量(Very Long Baseline Interferometry,VLBI)技术的原始数据量呈几何式增长,海量数据的实时、准实时处理对航天器高精度导航定位提出了新的挑战。依托中国深空网干涉测量中心,论述了基于高性能集群平台环境的航天器干涉测角数据相关处理系统的设计实现,并利用探月工程的实测数据进行了验证分析。分析结论对推进我国深空网干涉测量信号处理中心建设、优化相关处理系统资源配置具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

本文对入世后上海出口战略重新选择的原因、构想及其立论基础作了探索,并对入世后上海实施新出口战略从出口贸易形式、出口市场、出口销售、出口组织和政府职能等方面提出了对策。  相似文献   

某型测量船承担着国家级试验的海上测量和控制任务,虽然目前在分系统或系统设计上考虑了一定的信息综合处理要求,但从整个系统的设计上还存在可以改进的地方。本文中结合信息融合技术的发展和应用,探讨了该型测量船对其信息处理平台进行系统重构的初步设想。  相似文献   

Thailand has experienced rapid economic growth over the past two decades. Economic expansion has contributed to an increase in demand for managers and professionals. Changes in legislation to promote gender equality in employment and educational opportunities for women have been implemented. These changes have contributed to Thai women's improved status. The aim of the paper is to assess this progress of women in management in Thailand. There is some evidence suggesting that social class, in addition to education, may play an important role in explaining Thai women's advancement to managerial positions. The contribution examines the changes in legislation and the influence of cultural values, education, and gender on women's access to managerial positions. It identifies the barriers to women's progress and pays attention to social class as another key determinant of women's advancement in management.  相似文献   

在我国推进城镇化加速发展的过程中,土地不但要作为农民最重要的生产资料,也要成为农民最重要的财富来源,农村土地制度的创新和发展,是未来中国经济制度红利释放的关键点之一,也是我国经济继续前进的重要动力。我国发展农地金融既具有相当程度的可行性,也面临着许多制约因素,其主要体现在农地抵押存在法制障碍,缺乏完善的农地使用权流转机制,缺乏公平科学的农地估价体系,农业保险存在缺位,农村社保发展不完善等方面。发展农地金融服务,国家必须完善农地法律体系,创新农村土地流转机制,建立科学的农地价格评估体系,加大农业保险建设,建立完善的农村社会保障体系等。  相似文献   

Even though there is an established body of research concerning nonconscious memory processes and how they may influence preference formation, the importance of this work for understanding consumers' responses to product designs has been largely overlooked. Although evidence that product design can have a significant influence on consumers' reactions to products continues to grow, the process(es) by which responses to designs are formulated has received relatively little attention. The primary purposes of this article are to develop a nonconscious processing explanation of consumer response to product design and to focus attention on the area of design processing. A conceptual basis for understanding product design response formation is provided by research relating to various aspects of nonconscious processing (e.g., mere exposure, implicit learning). The implications of the proposed approach for consumer behavior and marketing are explored. Finally, several suggestions for future research directions are discussed. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Evidence that a variety of psychological dispositions vary systematically with social class has been reported in the marketing literature over the last 50 years. However, recent work has been extremely limited. Research progress has been stifled because of poor conceptual specification and lack of an integrative framework capable of grounding these dispositions in theory. This article draws upon the psychology of coping—specifically harnessing hope/hopelessness theories—to develop a much‐needed framework. This will facilitate clear conceptual specification of the psychological dispositions where social class distinctions have been proposed, and specify the relations between each of the dispositions. The term cognitive capital is introduced to capture the idea that one's mix of psychological dispositions operates as a system that can be thought of as an important type of resource that is gradationally distributed with social class level. This cognitive‐capital system impacts life chances and quality‐of‐life outcomes via the predominant pattern of coping responses that are employed in dealing with the many adversities, threats, and challenges that life typically presents. The framework provides academics with a vehicle to progress understanding of these psychological phenomena, marketing communicators with an enriched picture of class‐based distinctions, and public policy makers with an understanding of levers that contribute to social inequality. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The record to date of trade and development cooperation between the European Union and the ACP countries has been rather disappointing. Evidently, neither the non-reciprocal trade preferences granted to the ACP countries nor the support for development projects have led to much progress in terms of economic and social development. Can the implementation of the EU's present reform proposals be expected to safeguard the future of the Lome system and of the ACP countries in the new millenium?  相似文献   

《Business History》2012,54(5):721-739
This study examines Weber's Protestant Work Ethic and its power in explaining the business ethos and progress of a leading Scottish papermaking firm, Alex Cowan & Sons Ltd. of Penicuik, which existed independently from 1779 to 1965. Beginning with a summary of the Protestant Work Ethic, as outlined in Weber's thesis of 1904–06, a review of key debates around it is given, followed by details of some recent works which demonstrate its continuing relevance for historical scholars as well as the shortcomings of some recent studies which have sought to test it in detail. A brief outline of the business progress of Cowan's papermaking business then follows, after which key aspects of Weber's thesis are tested against the firm's experience. The study concludes that Weber's thesis adequately describes the motivation and progress of the firm and its owners, providing detailed empirical evidence which supports the Weber thesis and justifies further detailed studies.  相似文献   

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