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本文主要通过从企业文化的视角对我国民营企业发展的现状及弊端进行了分析,提出了注重“有形”与“无形”企业文化的建设的协调统一,完善企业文化的内涵;在共性中突出个性,努力创造独具特色的企业文化;树立“以人为本”的管理理念;提高民营企业家的素质,塑造良好的企业文化形象等一系列的措施来加强和改进我国的民营企业文化建设。  相似文献   

林建 《商场现代化》2005,(8):171-172
本文主要通过从企业文化的视角对我国民营企业发展的现状及弊端进行了分析,提出了注重“有形”与“无形”企业文化的建设的协调统一,完善企业文化的内涵;在共性中突出个性,努力创造独具特色的企业文化;树立“以人为本”的管理理念;提高民营企业家的素质,塑造良好的企业文化形象等一系列的措施来加强和改进我国的民营企业文化建设。  相似文献   

民营企业家具有设计企业文化、推动企业文化、变革企业文化的牵引力;企业文化具有促进民营企业家成长、培育民营企业家品质、塑造民营企业家形象的驱动力.正确认识和发挥两者之间的相互作用力,对推进民营企业的可持续健康发展具有重要的现实意义.  相似文献   

刘亮轩 《中国工商》2004,(7):128-132
喧闹一时的“杨斌事件”.今年爆发的“铁本事件”,都让我国民营企业家饱受各方责难,我国的民营企业家不乏创业精神和企业家精神,但频频发生的触雷事件凸显了我国不少民营企业家严重缺乏“法律风险”和“法律边界”意识.结果他们走的每一步棋都为日后的失败埋下了地雷。  相似文献   

上海工商联曾作过一个调查:“民营企业最缺少什么?”40%以上的企业家把“缺少文化”放在首位。显然,中国的民营企业家已经意识到了自己的差距。民营企业要想做大做强。必须注入更多的文化思维和智慧。那么,什么是民营企业的文化呢?  相似文献   

王成竹 《中国工商》2001,(2):148-150
上海工商联曾作过一个调查:“民营企业最缺少什么?”40%以上的企业家把“缺少文化”放在首位。显然,中国的民营企业家已经意识到了自己的差距。民营企业要想做大做强,必须注入更多的文化思维和智慧。那么,什么是民营企业的文化呢?  相似文献   

《商界名家》曾做过《中国企业家生态警示录》的专题报道(见《商界名家》2003年10月号),对“转型时期的企业家之死”、“中国企业家非正常死亡”、“中国民营企业家生态现状”等方面均有详细披露,业界反响强烈。而让我们痛心与不安的是,在2005年的头3天,又有赵恩龙、徐凯两位民营企业家以“自杀”这种极端方式先后结束了他们的生命,再次向我们凸现了民营企业家生态问题的严重性、长期性和复杂性。  相似文献   

中国非公有制企业从业人员达一亿人以上,民营企业家在防治“非典”的战役中责任重大。自全国工商联发出“民营企业家投身到防治‘非典’战役”的号召以来,各地民营企业积极响应,迅速行动起来,各地民营企业家纷纷捐款捐物,群起抗击“非典”。  相似文献   

针对目前民营企业遭遇的发展瓶颈和政府新出台的相应政策,从树立理念、创建社会文化环境、完善政策及法律制度、加强制约机制及民营企业家自身建设等方面着手,思考民营企业家如何适应后危机时代的挑战,以推动作为企业决策者和执行者的民营企业家的成长,从而正面影响民营企业的发展进程。  相似文献   

民营经济是共同富裕建设的基础力量,民营企业家的获得感与信心对其参与共同富裕建设的积极性与责任感起着关键作用。本研究通过对691位民营企业家的问卷调查,探讨民营企业家获得感对未来扩大企业投资规模的影响。结果发现,民营企业家获得感越强,越愿意扩大企业投资规模,投资积极性越高;受教育程度较高、担任政协委员和行会商会代表的企业家,其获得感对一年期投资积极性的作用更加突显;信心和幸福感是获得感影响投资积极性的两个中介因素,民营企业家获得感越强,经营发展信心越大,幸福感越高,未来越倾向于扩大企业投资。未来应着力在增强民营企业家获得感、提升民营企业家信心和优化营商环境等方面促进民营企业高质量发展,助力共同富裕顺利推进。  相似文献   

We conceptualize entrepreneurs' success in acquiring resources as the outcome of a socially embedded process of pursuing legitimacy, which in turn encompasses their ability to meet field incumbents' expectations about conformity and innovation. Drawing from Bourdieu's theory of practice, we specifically discuss entrepreneurs' ability, when entering a business field, to simultaneously conform to existing field arrangements (i.e., to "fit in") and to be perceived as innovators (i.e., to "stand out"). A possible paradoxical relationship marks entrepreneurs' ability to meet both of these expectations; we discuss the role of entrepreneurs' cultural and symbolic capital in this process. In addition, two contingency factors may influence how entrepreneurs' ability to fit in and stand out affects their resource acquisition. First, the contribution of the two facets of legitimacy to resource acquisition is influenced by the maturity of the field the entrepreneur enters. Second, entrepreneurs' resource acquisition may be enhanced by their ability to artfully navigate the possible conflicting demands to fit in versus stand out through impression management.  相似文献   

物流产业集群创新能力影响因子分析与评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
创新能力是物流产业集群发展的动力基础。分析物流产业集群特征,从技术创新能力、知识创新能力、创新环境能力、管理创新能力四个维度,建立物流产业集群创新能力影响因子评价指标体系,并运用灰关联分析方法,以武汉市为样本,对影响武汉物流产业集群创新能力的关键因素进行分析和评价。  相似文献   

This study investigates the influence of human capital, social capital, and cognition on nascent entrepreneurs' export intentions. The results indicate that while human capital and social capital influence the level of intended export, cognitive characteristics, such as self-efficacy and risk aversion, do not seem to influence entrepreneurs' intended level of export. The study makes three original contributions to international entrepreneurship research. The first one is the focus on “Real” Born Globals, i.e. entrepreneurs who express export intentions in the prefounding phase. The second is the focus on the individual-level factors rather than firm-level factors that explain export. Finally, the effect of experience is investigated from a path-dependency perspective rather than a “the-more-the-better” perspective. Our study suggests that it may be productive for researchers to look further into the concept of intention, as entrepreneurs' decision to internationalize presupposes a conscious intention of carrying out the action. Thus, the factors influencing the decision to internationalize may have been present prior to the founding of the venture.  相似文献   

This study examines the role of transfer mechanisms, including replication and adaptation, in knowledge transfer from the cooperative competency perspective. This study tests the hypotheses in a sample of 120 knowledge transfer cases. The results indicate that transfer mechanisms relate positively to cooperative competency with partnering firms, which then improves knowledge transfer performance. The results provide evidence that cooperative competency plays a mediating role between transfer mechanisms and knowledge transfer performance. The findings of this study contribute to the theoretical development of a conceptual model for explaining the interrelationships among transfer mechanisms, cooperative competency, and knowledge transfer performance. The empirical evidence of the Sobel test in line with Baron and Kenny's procedure and bootstrap analysis supports the process-oriented view and indicates that cooperative competency mediates the effects of transfer mechanisms on knowledge transfer performance. Finally, this study discusses the managerial implications and highlights future research directions.  相似文献   

底线心态是指为确保底线结果而忽略竞争优先事项的一维思维。文章在创业环境下考察了底线心态,基于角色理论以及个人特征影响信息可及性的观点,分析了创业者道德意识在创业者底线心态与创业团队承担的社会责任间的中介效应,并进一步探讨了道德认同的调节效应。基于212名创业者样本数据进行实证检验,结果表明:创业者底线心态会通过创业者道德意识间接影响创业团队社会责任,创业者道德认同负向调节这一间接效应。文章通过关注创业团队社会责任的个人层面影响因素,即底线心态,深化和拓展了创业团队社会责任微观基础的理论研究。  相似文献   

This paper examines the innovative ability of small firms in the semiconductor industry regarding their exploration of technological diversity and their integration within local knowledge networks. Through the analysis of patent data, we compare the innovative activity of start-up firms and larger firms. We find that small firms explore new technological areas by innovating in less crowded areas. The analysis of patent citation data reveals that small firms are tied into regional knowledge networks to a greater extent than large firms. These findings point to the role of entrepreneurial firms in the exploration of new technological spaces and in the diffusion of their accumulated knowledge through local small firm networks.  相似文献   

在深入分析现有核心竞争力结构研究的基础上,从类生命视角出发,解读制造企业核心竞争力的内部结构。通过企业核心竞争力与生物体遗传物质DNA的类比,构筑制造企业核心竞争力的双螺旋结构,逻辑推演出制造企业核心竞争力DNA的构成。其中知识和信息作为两条双链,能力、技术、文化、资源分别作为双链上的四种碱基,能力与技术形成一对碱基对,文化和资源形成一对碱基对。并对制造企业核心竞争力DNA复制和变异的遗传特性进行详细分析,推演企业核心竞争力演化的基本路径,以期能够创新核心竞争力的研究视角,完善企业核心竞争力的理论研究,促进制造企业核心竞争力的有效提升。  相似文献   

International expansion requires specific management methods to adapt to differences between cultures, thus requiring global strategies that ensure efficient diversity management. The increasing diversity in the workforce is thus gaining more importance in determining knowledge of efficient and better business performance. The results of the study illustrate the importance of cultural diversity and the high benefits for companies. The key findings are a high degree of creativity, a practical understanding of the market, better access to international markets, a high degree of linguistic diversity and efficient innovation management. The starting point of cultural diversity lies in the respective corporate cultures.  相似文献   

国有企业公司化改制中的“内部人控制”问题的实质是企业经理人员在激励和约束不对称的条件下,企业家的行为扭曲。他们将自己的创新能力从市场的开拓和产品的开发等创新活动中转移到寻找制度的漏洞,利用制度的不完全性和改革的不彻底性,侵占国有资产。因此,国企改制的目的,就是要矫正企业家行为,为企业家的成长设计出相应的激励和约束机制。其中财产抵押制、年薪制和股票期权制在整合国有资产与企业家利益中具有极为重要的作用。  相似文献   

Knowledge context and entrepreneurial intentions among students   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The current paper analyzes the role of the individual and regional knowledge context in forming university students?? entrepreneurial intentions. As access to knowledge resources is crucial for the growth and survival of knowledge-based start-ups, we argue that an individual??s decision in favor or against becoming an entrepreneur should critically depend on the multilevel context providing her with access to strategically relevant knowledge. A unique dataset for German students and regions allows us to analyze a variety of personal and regional determinants of entrepreneurial intentions among students. At the individual level we find that role models facilitating the transfer of tacit knowledge and the expectation that strong ties will provide know-how and know-who positively impact entrepreneurial intentions. At the regional level we find that a high regional start-up rate in knowledge-based industries and a high growth rate of regional knowledge production positively influence entrepreneurial intentions.  相似文献   

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