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通过国有林区林权制度改革,改变国有森林资源国有国营的单一模式,推进森林资源经营机制转换,建设森林资统分结合的经营和理新机制,是推进国有林区全面改革的重要实践。  相似文献   

通过国有林区林权制度改革,改变国有森林资源国有国营的单一模式,推进森林资源经营机制转换,建设森林资统分结合的经营和理新机制,是推进国有林区全面改革的重要实践。  相似文献   

国有林权制度改革时期应加强森林资源资产化管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沈玉贤 《中国市场》2009,(10):39-40
以全国唯一的国有林区林权制度改革试点单位伊春市的林权制度改革为例,阐述了林权制度改革时期加强森林资源资产化管理的重点内容。  相似文献   

林业资源型城市是森林资源高度开发而形成的一种城市类型,为我国经济的发展贡献了重要力量。随着森林资源的大量开采,森林资源存量迅速下降。长期的计划体制使林业资源型城市的产业结构单一,经济发展能力弱,竞争能力差,在新的经济形势下陷入举步维艰的困境。1998年,为了避免森林资源的过度消耗加剧,导致生态环境进一步恶化,国家启动了国有林区天然林资源保护工程(简称"天保工程"),减少木材采伐量。2015年3月7日,中共中央、国务院要求区分不同情况有序停止重点国有林区天然林商业性采伐,这直接导致林区主要收入的大幅下降,仅靠国家的财政补贴难以维持林业企业的正常运转以及居民的正常生活,因此,林业资源型城市转型迫在眉睫。金融对经济发展的推动作用十分显著,因而能够促进经济的可持续发展,为经济转型提供保障。林业资源型城市的转型需要金融支持以保证转型成功。  相似文献   

国有林区在上个世纪中后期为我国经济社会的建设和发展提供了大量的木材资源,但随着人们对生态环境意识的增强,保护森林成为国有重点林区工作的重点。目前,国有林区存在人口流失、老龄化严重,民生问题突出,分流人员安置困难,管理体制落后的问题。国有林区的改革必须加快鼓励人才及劳动力流入,加大对民生方面财政投入,合理安置分流人员,改革林区管理体制。  相似文献   

浅谈国有林场经营管理的现状及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了加强对国有林场林地使用权流转的监管,防止国有森林资源资产流失,我们必须切实做好国有林场经营管理工作,确保林区管理和国家生态建设用地的长期稳定.本文就国有林场经营管理的现状进行分析,并建议性的提出加强国有林场经营管理的有效对策.  相似文献   

导语:在我国,国有林区有着很大的特殊性,其产业主要涉及对森林资源开发所产生森林的采伐业以及木材的加工业等。在国有林区的产业发展中,为了更好地满足国家生产和建设,其产业长期存在对自然林资源的过度开发与利用,且其产业呈现出结构单一、生产和管理粗放等特点。为了更好地实现国有林区产业的良性发展,需要做好产业转型工作。本文针对我国国有林区产业转型困境解析与路径选择进行了研究,希望对其产业转型提供帮助。  相似文献   

刘勤帮 《现代商业》2013,(15):53-53
随着国家天保工程和"十二五"规划的实施,木材产量大幅调减,内蒙古大兴安岭林区面临着经济如何发展的困境。如何大力发展森林经济,充分利用好国有林区森林资源,将资源优势转化为经济优势,实现林区保生态、促发展、惠民生的目标,是当前林业企业管理者思考的主题,也是林区抢抓战略机遇、实现富民兴林的迫切需要。  相似文献   

市场制度是一个比较宽泛的概念,为了能有效地解决国有林区的市场化问题,将国有林区林业市场制度主要限定于包括"健全的林业市场体系和有效的市场机制"两大基本方面,这是从国有林区林业市场改革实践的具体现状出发来确定的。本文主要探讨林业市场改革化的几点认识。  相似文献   

对森林资源的现状和存在的问题,进行了分析和论述.提出国有林区森林资源可持续发展的关键是科学合理地经营和管护,并具体指出在伐区、一般公益林区和商品林区应采取的不同策略.  相似文献   

目前,林权改革已在我国如火如荼地展开了,但是作为林权改革核心的林权流转仍缺少定量化的研究,尤其是林权流转方面还存在着诸多问题,如林权流转起步晚,规模小;林农对流转缺乏积极性,供给不足;市场信息不对称,地方政府失范;森林资源评估体系缺乏,流转受到技术限制。将实物期权理论应用于林权流转的过程,将林权流转买卖双方即收即付的交易进行改良,将其分解为两个期权的交易,综合运用实物期权理论和二叉树定价模分析买卖双方的交易策略研究结果发现,交易机制在设计时必须对砍伐率进行控制,而预期对买卖双方的交易策略起着决定性的作用。  相似文献   

我国森林质量不高,单位面积蓄积量指标远远低于世界林业发达国家水平;林龄结构不合理,可采资源继续减少,这对后备资源培育构成极大威胁.因此,我们必须加强森林限额采伐工作.本文从分析森林采伐中存在的问题入手,进一步提出了森林采伐合理化的有效对策.  相似文献   

The Brazilian Amazon deforestation is the context for this article, approached as a crime against humanity and wildlife. Recently, Amazon forest fires have also worried most of the economically developed nations, generating criticism and demanding that the Brazilian Government be more active in preventing fires and deforestation. It is necessary to guarantee the wellbeing and health of millions of animal species that live in this habitat, avoiding their extinctions and encouraging the preservation of the forest and its inhabitants. Agribusiness, together with illegal timber trade, are blamed for most of the deforestation. In this paper, we present and discuss Brazilian Amazon deforestation data, addressing the role of agribusiness as dependent on good environmental governance. We argue how stewardship behavior needs to become a path to stop deforestation and wildlife eviction and we reflect on what marketers in Brazil and the world can do to better protect the Amazon rainforest. We conclude that the Government, companies, and society must be coresponsible for the protection of the Amazon rainforest through conservation transparency, dialogue, environmental awareness, and sustainability in production and consumption practices.  相似文献   

集体林权主体改革后,森林保险成为提高林业风险抵御能力、应对林业生产风险的重要保障机制。随着林地确权工作的深入推进和非农就业趋势的演化,这两项因素都可能对林业保险的需求产生重要影响。本文通过2018年福建、浙江和辽宁三省465个农户的调研数据,采用IV Probit模型和分组回归模型,分析非农就业对农户森林保险需求的影响及林地确权对其调节作用。研究表明:非农就业对农户森林保险需求有显著的负向影响;非农就业对农户参加森林保险的影响受到林地确权的调节作用,已确权农户非农就业对农户参加森林保险的负向影响趋势减弱;按照非农就业、林业依赖度和林种结构对农户分层,林地确权对非农就业水平低、林业依赖度高和商品林为主的农户森林保险需求作用显著。林地确权对异质性农户的差异化影响为后续瞄准目标群体完善森林保险政策提供决策支持。  相似文献   

This paper empirically analyses whether full ownership separation strengthens rail in comparison with other transport modes — a major goal of European and national transport policies. Data from nine European countries in the period 1994–2009 are evaluated, with the end result that the positive effects of full separation cannot be confirmed. On the contrary, full separation significantly reduces the share of rail in passenger transport, while in the freight segment, the regressions yield ambiguous results.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigate the relationship between ownership control position, national culture, and selection of conflict resolution strategies (CRS) of multinational corporations (MNCs) in their attempts to solve conflicts with local partners in international joint ventures (IJVs). The empirical evidence is based on a survey of 89 Nordic MNCs. The results show that MNCs select their CRS depending on their national culture and their ownership control position in IJVs. In addition, interesting results were found related to the interaction effects on the choice of CRS of national culture and ownership control position as well as of the trust between partners and national culture.  相似文献   

赵振军 《财贸研究》2007,18(4):23-33
综观国内20年来关于农地制度的研究,意识形态限制和国情把握始终是制约研究进展的瓶颈。按照"大力发展混合所有制经济,逐步使股份制成为公有制的主要实现形式"的思想,实行国家与个体农民共同所有的农地股份制,不仅可以有效克服当前农地集体所有制的弊端,而且兼顾了主流意识形态要求和人多地少的基本国情下农地制度承载的多重社会功能,对于调动农民生产积极性,保障国家土地安全,推进现代农业发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

This study investigates potential moderating effects of firm's experience levels in the relationship between cultural distance and foreign ownership mode choice. Using the well established Japanese FDI data base, it is found that higher levels of experience, particularly decision-specific experience (prior experience with a particular ownership structure mode), mitigates potential impacts of uncertainty and costs caused by the high level of cultural distance, thus uncovering one possible answer to the ‘national cultural distance paradox’ reported in the literature. These findings reinforce similar findings of interaction effects between key variables and cultural distance in studies involving other important strategic decisions of the MNC. The ‘decision-specific experience-moderated cultural distance’ variable, and not the ‘absolute cultural distance’ variable, is found to be an important determinant of a firm's foreign ownership mode choice. Furthermore, this variable dominates the other experience-moderated cultural distance variables (international business experience and host county experience-moderated cultural distance variables) in the ability to discriminate between full ownership and shared ownership modes. Based on this moderated cultural distance measure, we find strong evidence that cultural distance is positively associated with full ownership of Japanese foreign manufacturing entities.  相似文献   

The notion of full asset ownership is important in economics, for example, in recent work on the boundaries of the firm. Much of this work has been taken up with the issue why it matters who owns an asset. However, recognizing that assets have multiple attributes, and that these may be subject to capture in a world of positive measurement and enforcement costs, implies that the notion of full asset ownership is problematic. New property rights theorists sidestep these issues by implicitly assuming that residual rights of control are perfectly enforced (i.e. full asset ownership obtains). We discuss the notion of property rights and ownership in a setting characterized by positive costs of enforcement, and suggest that in such a setting, the new property rights model is a part of a more overarching perspective, which also includes older contributions to property rights economics.  相似文献   

共享单车企业向消费者收取押金的性质与线下交易之押金性质不同,应被认定为债之关系,消费者在交付押金后无法保有其所有权,仅享有对共享单车企业的债权返还请求权,因而其只能向共享单车企业主张返还,不可任意穿透债的相对性原理而及于第三人。在此前提下,倘若企业破产后消费者仍无法追回其全部押金,除可适用公司法人人格否认制度向股东追偿等少数情形之外,该损失应依私法自治原则,由消费者个人承担。  相似文献   

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