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厄尔尼诺-南方涛动(ENSO)影响可再生能源的生产和消费,从而对可再生能源股市产生冲击。本文探讨了ENSO对中国、美国和欧洲可再生能源股市的动态影响。主要结论如下:一方面,看涨和看跌市场下的可再生能源股市对ENSO冲击的响应存在较大异质性;另一方面,ENSO对中国可再生能源股市的影响最大,美国次之,欧洲最小。这些发现不仅可以拓展监管部门和投资者对ENSO冲击的认识,同时也可以提供有效管理可再生能源领域极端气候风险的科学依据,保证能源体系绿色低碳转型的平稳过渡。  相似文献   

一、问题的提出西藏位居我国上风上水的关键区位,直接影响到长江流域季风梅雨的发生与过程,对我国旱涝分布的气候格局和生态演变有明显的作用,不仅是中国的"江河源"和"生态源",也是我国乃至北半球气候的"启动器"和"调节器"。2009年2月18日,国务院第50次常务会议  相似文献   

文章通过相关性计算得出,太阳黑子对广州降水的影响比南方涛动对广州降水的影响显著,相关系数分别为0.507和0.388,都通过了99%的显著性检验。同时,统计了1950年以来的ENSO事件,并与广州降水作了对应分析。得出结论,ENSO暖事件将使广州降水量减少;相反,ENSO冷事件则使广州降水量增加。  相似文献   

文章通过相关性计算得出,太阳黑子时广州降水的影响比南方涛动对广州降水的影响显著,相关系数分别为0.507和0.388,都通过了99%的显著性检验,同时.统计了自1950年以来的ENSO事件,并与广州降水作了对应分析.得出结论,ENSO暖事件将使广州降水量减少;相反,ENSO冷事件则使广州降水量增加.  相似文献   

“我的目标是使生活在北大西洋两岸的野生鲑鱼恢复到原有的种群数量。要达到这一目标,我们必须加强对海洋鱼类的保护。如果鲑鱼和其他海洋鱼类的数目有所增加,我们便能够更好地保护整个海洋食物链。”  相似文献   

云南北高南低的地势和错综复杂的地形,加上印度洋西南季风和南太平洋东南季风以及青藏高原气团的交替影响,形成了从热带到极地的相对完整的气候类型,因此植物资源非常丰富,拥有1.6万种高等植物,其中可供观赏的奇花异卉、美叶良木至少有2500多种。因此.云南是一个名副其实的花卉王国。这不仅是世界上观赏植物宝贵的种质基因库,也是云南发展花卉产业的资源保障。  相似文献   

美国的水产养殖业见闻美国东临大西洋,西临太平洋,南临墨西哥湾,沿海滩涂辽阔,海岸线长达21576公里,内陆水域丰富,总水面达5亿多亩,大部分地区属温带和亚热带气候,光照充足,气候适宜,有利于发展鱼虾贝藻类的养殖。长期以来,美国对水产养殖并不怎么重视,...  相似文献   

北京的7月1日已是炎热季节的开始,我同中国审计考察团一行12人在这个时候前往一个四面环海、冬无严寒、夏无酷暑的四季常青岛——英国考察绩效审计,算是一庄幸事。英国位于西北欧,西临北大西洋和爱尔兰海及凯尔特海,东濒北海,南通英吉利海峡,北过大西洋可达冰岛。故此,自古以来,海运是英国的生命线。在这个玫瑰花飘香的国度,有24万平方公里土地,居住着5759万人。这里的人们曾创造了人类历史神话:生产出世界上首台蒸气机及其机车,把世界带进了一个新时代。它也曾统治着比其本土大百倍的殖民地,成为“日不落帝国”而显赫一时。因此,不列颠民族…  相似文献   

里下河地区东临黄海,气候温和湿润,季风盛行,四季分明,雨水充沛,日照充足,无霜期长,气候特征恰好为白蚁的繁殖蔓延提供了适宜的环境条件,这个区域被江苏省政府列为白蚁危害严重地区之一。白蚁种类及分布1.白蚁主要种类。里下河地区危害比较严重的白蚁种类主要有:黄胸散白蚁、黑  相似文献   

格陵兰位于北美洲东北部,是北冰洋和大西洋之间冰雪覆盖的一个岛国。这个国家4/5的面积在北极圈内,是全球人口最稀少的地方。岛上气候寒冷,年平均气温在0℃以下,最低时达-70℃。格陵兰也是世界上的第一大岛屿,隔海峡与加拿大和冰岛两个国家相望。  相似文献   

Catastrophe bonds are the most successful alternative risk transfer tools in transferring catastrophic insurance risk to capital markets. This research provides empirical insights about the predictive power of catastrophe bond spreads in forecasting catastrophe arrival frequency as a test of the catastrophe bond market’s price discovery efficacy. Primary-market data for cat bonds, catastrophe arrival frequency data for hurricanes and windstorms, and climate variable data for Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation, North Atlantic Oscillation and CO2 change rate are collected over June 1997 to March 2013 to examine this power. The calibration results show that cat bond spreads convey valuable incremental information as measured by the Akaike Information Criterion. Furthermore, in an out-sample test for hurricanes prediction, merging the conventional climate variables approach with our market-based forward-looking predictions reduces prediction errors by about 3% over the sample period. As the catastrophe bond market continues to grow with increasing trading volume, a needed ingredient to enhance market efficiency, we would expect this measure of improvement to accentuate.  相似文献   

A bstract . Marginality and development of North Atlantic maritime communities are viewed in theoretical perspective. The ecological, technological and community circumstances are similar, while the political and economic frameworks within which the communities are incorporated vary. The components of modernization are discussed and the process of structural differentiation is stressed as it produces a heterogeneous set of economic sectors thereby establishing the conditions for the evolution of marginality. The properties of traditional as opposed to modern systems are examined in a critique of the standard orthodoxies of development planning. A position is developed which states that a restructuring of the ties of economic interdependance is a necessary prerequisite for effective development. Tradition and its persistence in the North Atlantic are viewed as an adaptive response to a situation of persisting disadvantage.  相似文献   

We investigate the moderating role of an individual's social value orientation (which refers to self‐ versus other‐regarding preferences) and of climate strength (which refers to the extent of agreement among group members on group norms and values) on the relationship between work group cooperative climate and affective commitment among professional employees. We develop two plausible but opposite hypotheses on the moderation effect of social value orientation, one based on the behavioural assimilation assumption and the other on goal transformation theory. We argue that the work group's climate strength is an important contingency factor that affects which of both contradictory predictions holds. In a sample of 209 academic employees of a Belgian university, we find support for our arguments. Specifically, a cooperative climate enhances the affective commitment of employees with a prosocial value orientation (as predicted by the behavioural assimilation argument) but only when there is strong consensus among group members about the group's climate (high climate strength). Conversely, for those whose social value orientation is towards the self rather than others, a cooperative climate enhances affective commitment (consistent with goal transformation theory), especially when the climate is not agreed upon (low climate strength). These findings underscore recent claims that the predictive power of different theories in organizational behaviour depends on an individual's motives and values. We discuss the implications of our findings for the management of work groups consisting of employees with different social value orientations.  相似文献   

Abstract . Fluctuations in the harvest of menhaden off the U.S. Atlantic coast, a common property resource, have caused competition and conflict among the small number of companies, two large and several small, which operate in the fishery. With no strong central management, the resource is not being exploited to the optimum and increased fishing pressure and effort bring, cyclically, a peak catch followed by contraction in catch and industry. The industry, state agencies and federal offices disagree on corrective measures. Restriction of the fall harvest off the North Carolina coast to replenish the stock would call for an extraordinary sacrifice by the North Carolina industry—costing it between $4.4 and $6.8 million to provide increases between $6.6 million and $8.4 million in gross revenues for the rest of the industry from Maine to Florida. This raises problems of equitable sharing of the burden. A bioeconomic computer model quantifies short and long run impacts that must be faced.  相似文献   

Recent research finds evidence for convergence among the North American equity markets and argues that this is generated by the North Atlantic Free Trade Accord (NAFTA). In this paper, we re-examine these conclusions and show that the documented cointegration property among the NAFTA equity markets was in fact confined to a sub-period in the late 1990s. We argue that the comovement was caused by the global boom in information technology shares and the resulting change in the sector mix of the value-weighted benchmark indexes used in prior work. We present evidence supporting this alternative hypothesis using an updated data set that includes global industry indexes. Our results have implications for transmission of information across global equity markets and international portfolio diversification.  相似文献   

This paper estimates a Ricardian model of farmland value across the counties of the semiarid Southwestern United States. Compared to previous contributions, we focus on one climate zone and include the presence of extreme weather events and of farm subsidies in our analysis. We also control for heterogeneity and for various types of spillover effects. Once calibrated, the model is used to project changes due to future climate conditions. We find that the probability of a decrease is great in highland counties while an increase or decrease is equally probable in lowland counties where climate impacts farmland value less.  相似文献   

黄建武  陆胤昊 《价值工程》2010,29(20):221-222
洞庭湖的演变,是自然与人类共同作用的结果。研究了洞庭湖的形成及历史演变过程,据其受自然因素及人类活动的不同影响,从全新世开始,把洞庭湖的演变分为三个阶段:近1万年以来至约200年前、近200年至建国前、建国以来。在分析荆北荆南地质演变规律以及江湖关系和泥沙冲淤的基础上,将荆江与洞庭湖看做一个完整的系统加以分析,并将影响系统的各因子进行分类:地质构造、江湖关系与水沙冲於、全球气候变化、人类活动,得出了近阶段小时间尺度内洞庭湖的演变是受人类活动影响为主的结论。  相似文献   

Cities around the world have recently started to become ‘proactive’ initiators of climate strategies containing both mitigation and adaptation elements. The experience of these first movers has been studied and documented both empirically and, to a lesser extent, theoretically, primarily for cities in the global North. This symposium addresses related knowledge gaps by exploring case studies of urban regions in the global South confronting their projected climate change challenges, showcasing the experiences of Delhi, Santiago de Chile and Bogotá. Its specific aim is to explore the urban social response to nature change, the adaptation challenges faced by cities across the world and current practices of urban adaptation. Further, the symposium seeks to understand to what extent and in what respect current conceptual frameworks — which highlight urban ecological security and vulnerability — provide a useful context/framing to assist cities in confronting their challenges and to explain their actions. This introductory article examines current knowledge of the theory and practice of urban climate response. It introduces the concepts of ecological security and vulnerability and discusses the adaptive capacity of cities and how they are starting to respond to the emerging challenges of climate change. It concludes with a synthesis of the case articles and highlights some of the findings.  相似文献   

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