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发展研究倍受各界重视,然而存在不少误区。在评述发展理论及发展观演变的基础上,认为现有发展理论在发展导向和发展动力等方面存在创新的空间,构建了创新性的发展框架。认为发展是以人的自由全面发展为中心或根本,以经济、政治、文化、生态、社会等发展为支撑,以福利为目标导向,以创新作为驱动力。发展可理解为增进人民福利的过程,发展研究应当坚持以福利为导向。有关思想有助于消除现有发展研究的误区,理解发展研究的内容,从而促进未来发展研究的深化。  相似文献   

Integrating two disparate functions in organizations—marketing and information services (IS)—has become a critical business concern due to the increasing use of information technology (IT) to find and open new markets, deliver improved services to customers, and streamline internal marketing processes. This study appears to be the first to empirically examine the dynamics of bringing these distinct groups of specialists together. We investigate potential antecedents, consequences, and contingencies of IS-marketing integration, drawing on theories of complementarity and competence. Through a survey of IS and marketing executives, we learn that integration is facilitated by trust between the two functions and the interaction between IT strategic intent and customer orientation; it is impeded by a gap in top management knowledge of IT versus marketing. We also find that integration fosters the much-coveted capabilities of developing and introducing innovations (innovativeness) as well as responding flexibly, swiftly, and adroitly to opportunities (strategic responsiveness). Additionally, we determine integration is bounded by market dynamism. In sum, integration between marketing and IS can be enhanced via managerial efforts, and the relationship is profoundly beneficial to businesses.  相似文献   

顾客导向是小企业成功的一个重要因素,尽管只有相对较少的经验证据来支持这种说法。通过对相关文献回顾,提出了顾客导向与绩效关系研究的一个综合模型,并以风险承担、创新和机会导向作为调节变量分析对这种关系的影响。这一模型的提出,为后续顾客导向与绩效关系研究提供了新的视角,扩展了相关理论的探索。  相似文献   

基于激励理论,针对劳动合同缺失或者不完善的小企业,探讨心理契约履行、分配公平感、薪酬满意度和情绪耗竭之间的关系.以广州理发美发企业的非技术型员工为例,采用结构方程模型(LISREL8.70)对196个样本进行数据拟合,结果显示:心理契约履行对薪酬满意度有显著正向影响,薪酬满意度对情绪耗竭有显著负向影响,分配公平感在心理...  相似文献   

特色竟争战略立足于培育和提升区域特色产业,其内在要求是以特色形成低价格优势,差异化优势,以各具特色实现区域协调发展。以产品低成本为取向的比较优势和以产品差异化为取向的竟争优势共同构成特色竟争的理论支撑。两者是统一、互补的。因为差异化优势与低成本优势是同一问题———竟争力的两个侧面。决定竟争优势的因素也是创造比较优势的重要条件。比较优势理论和竟争优势理论分别适用于解读要素禀赋不同地区和相同地区间的分工与贸易。  相似文献   

职业教育要以职业活动为导向,才能使教学内容尽可能贴近真实工作,培养符合企业需要的高素质技能人才,而情境作为教学的重要载体,直接影响教学效果和教学目标的实现。在构建项目化课程情境时,情境的选取与设计应根据工作的职业特性,体现典型性、全面性,还要结合教育规律,以学生为主体,具备趣味性特征,同时要根据行业企业的变化,及时更新和完善。  相似文献   

定位 ,是竞争性企业的一项重要工作 ,由于非竞争性企业所提供的产品质量和服务水平直接影响到竞争性企业的竞争力 ,所以 ,搞好非竞争性企业的市场定位至关重要。  相似文献   

资本的视角与劳动的视角--企业理论研究的两种角度   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
资本的视角是指将资本视为企业核心要素,以资本为中心来建构企业理论,维护资本所有者利益的研究角度。劳动的视角是指将劳动视为企业主导要素,以劳动为中心来建构企业理论,维护劳动者利益的研究角度。企业理论研究必须有明确的价值取向,其选择应该结合当代中国发展的历史背景和潮流;必须充分考虑中国特色社会主义的发展方向,其基本价值取向应该是劳动视角的;劳动视角与资本视角之间存在和谐共处的可能性和空间,应该在坚持劳动视角的前提下兼顾资本视角。  相似文献   

Social coupons as a marketing strategy: a multifaceted perspective   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Social coupons are fast emerging as a popular marketing tool for businesses, an attractive shopping tool for consumers using them and a profitable business model for the social coupon service providers. But does the popularity of social coupons extend into providing short- and long-term profitability and new customers for the businesses? Through an analytical model, this paper answers the following questions: (1) Are social coupons profitable for businesses? (2) Can businesses influence social coupon profitability? (3) How can businesses recover the shortfall in profits from the coupon launch? (4) How long will it take for businesses to recover the shortfall in profits from the coupon launch? Using data from three different businesses, we find that social coupons in their current form are not ideally suited to ensure customer acquisition and yield profits for the businesses. Additionally, we discuss possible areas where social coupons might work. Several research questions for future testing are offered to explore this new area of marketing.  相似文献   

There is an often overlooked substitute for exchange in the marketplace. Organizational units in the form of house-holds and businesses can create, consume and/or use goods and services internally and thus avoid markets. This article offers a unified discussion of why organizations engage in internal as well as external exchange activity, with the objective of encouraging marketing theorists to integrate internal exchange into the discipline. By addressing internal exchange activity, scholars should be able to construct more comprehensive theories of macromarketing, competitive strategy, and perhaps even a general theory of marketing.  相似文献   

基于母合框架的公司多元化战略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
多元化是企业发展的一种重要途径,关于企业多元化动因的解释很多。从母合优势的角度,分析了实现多元化经营的条件,为企业进行多元化决策提供了一个新的视角,并对比分析了母合优势与核心竞争力及母合优势产生的根源。  相似文献   

成就目标导向是成就动机研究的前沿课题,是目标设置研究的延伸。成就目标就是个体在追求成就的过程中在头脑中形成的一种愿望状态。它是认知因素和情感因素的复合体。两种成就目标导向,即学习目标导向和成绩目标导向对个体的成就行为起着决定性的作用。成就目标导向研究主要集中在对成就情境下个体所采用占优势的成就目标类型及其对个体认知、情感和成就行为的影响,主要集中在教育、体育和工作管理领域。  相似文献   

小微企业是我国实体经济的重要构成和吸纳劳动就业的重要渠道,也是企业家创业的依托和成长的主要平台。小微企业实施管理创新是提升其运行质量、促进其长期健康发展的十分关键的举措。本文阐述了小微企业实施管理创新的现实意义,系统地分析了小微企业管理中存在的主要问题,在此基础上就小微企业如何实施管理创新提出了七个方面的具体建议。  相似文献   

流通产业已成为我国的基础产业和先导产业,现代化和国际化是我国流通产业的发展方向。但对流通产业发展具有应用理论研究职能与人才培养作用的现代流通学科建设在我国还处于起步阶段。本文以流通学科建设中流通概念的确立、流通学科建设视角、流通行业涉及范围、流通学科建设的研究方法、流通学科框架体系等基本问题为纲目,对国内外既有学术观点与研究成果进行了系统性梳理并阐述了自己对该学科建设走向的思考。  相似文献   

论我国企业的核心竞争力   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
一个企业能否在竞争中获胜 ,取决于企业的核心竞争力。我国企业核心竞争力弱的原因主要是 ,企业技术创新能力差 ,不能适应入世后的市场游戏规则 ,企业家素质低 ,企业管理水平低 ,等等。必须采取相应的措施 ,大力提高我国企业的核心竞争力 ,在国内外的市场竞争中站稳脚跟。  相似文献   

以公共产品理论及相关概念为基础,分析了垃圾管理市场化必须具备的条件,提出了城市垃圾管理公司的组建模式及其内部业务流程设计,并比较研究了两种新的收费载体的可行性和特点.  相似文献   

根据教育部专业规范,结合黄石理工学院教育实际,文章论述了地方性应用型院校信息与计算科学专业的培养目标、科学定位、课程建设等内容。重点对怎样形成专业特色进行了一些探讨,同时通过对2届毕业生在用人单位表现情况的调查,证明了这些探索思路是正确的,方法是可行的。  相似文献   

电子商务产业集群建设问题探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
电子商务产业集群建设可以帮助集群企业降低成本、提高效率。其组成以网商为核心,包含网货供应商、网商、网络营销咨询机构、技术服务机构、物流服务机构、网络支付服务机构以及人才服务机构等部分,其建设要点在于循序渐进,培育网商龙头企业,带动产业链发展,以及建设创业型的产业集群,建设实体的或虚拟的电子商务产业集群等。  相似文献   

The domain and theories of marketing have been expanding since the origins of the discipline. Since the 1970s marketing science has been organized around the exchange paradigm. Marketing concepts apply to all forms of exchange, whether it is goods, services, personages, places or ideas, and whether it is between individuals, for-profit and nonprofit firms, governments and NGOs. Marketing theories evolved from a firm oriented view to encompass the exchanging dyad. More recently the paradigm expanded to a network level of explanation, and relational theories have come to the fore. But even as the field struggles to grasp its new fields of explanation, there is a Kuhnian shift happening at its boundaries. The shift significantly bends the marketing worldview as well as the theoretical tools and methodologies we use to study it. In this paper we develop a three-tiered explanation of the emerging field of marketing—its subphenomena (consumer experiences and sensory systems), its phenomena (marketing networks), and its superphenomena (sustainability and development).  相似文献   

通过分析审计发展的过程,始终抓住其作为受托经济责任发展的实质,以图解的方式直观的反映出审计的发展方向——公司治理导向审计的合理性。公司治理导向审计是结合公司治理框架(包括内部控制,内部审计等)进行的外部审计,是对“行为”的审计。审计的发展印证了从“对行为的审计”到“对会计信息的审计”再到“行为的审计”的回归,即公司治理导向审计是审计的回归。  相似文献   

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