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This paper examines the causal relationship between FDI and economic growth by using an innovative econometric methodology to study the direction of causality between the two variables. We apply our methodology, based on the Toda‐Yamamoto test for causality, to time‐series data covering the period 1969–2000 for three developing countries, namely Chile, Malaysia and Thailand, all of them major recipients of FDI with a different history of macroeconomic episodes, policy regimes and growth patterns. Our empirical findings clearly suggest that it is GDP that causes FDI in the case of Chile and not vice versa, while for both Malaysia and Thailand, there is a strong evidence of a bi‐directional causality between the two variables. The robustness of the above findings is confirmed by the use of a bootstrap test employed to test the validity of our results.  相似文献   

本文从我国服务业外商直接投资与服务业增加值、国内生产总值作为一个系统中相互决定和相互依存的内生变量角度构造动态模型,以此分析相互联系的变量间的互动关系和内在影响机制,并分析随机扰动对变量系统的动态冲击。本文的实证研究结果表明,我国服务业外商直接投资、服务业增加值、国内生产总值三变量之间在5%的显著水平上存在一个协整方程。同时,服务业增加值与GDP保持双向的Granger因果关系。在三变量的因果检验中,服务业外商直接投资是引起国内生产总值增长的Granger原因,但国内生产总值不是服务业外商直接投资变动的Granger因,即服务业外商直接投资与GDP不存在双向的因果关系。  相似文献   

The literature on the relationship between foreign direct investment (FDI), financial market development (FMD) and economic growth focuses mainly on two aspects: the relationship between FDI and economic growth, and the role played by FMD in that linkage. The literature is almost silent on the relationship and the direction of causality between FDI and FMD. Although it has been established that FDI contributes more to growth in countries with a more developed financial market, it is not clear how FDI and FMD interact with each other. The aim of this paper is to fill this gap in the African context. Particularly, in Africa, where stock markets experience low liquidity and less transparency, FDI can be an impetus for financial market reforms and serve as a mechanism to improve the transparency and the depth of the financial markets. Also, well‐functioning financial markets can help channel foreign investments more efficiently into productive sectors, and therefore create more value for investors, hence making the countries more attractive to FDI. In short, both FDI and FMD will impact each other simultaneously, which is confirmed by our findings. We document a bidirectional causality between FDI and FMD. Furthermore, the multivariate regression results of the system of simultaneous equations also confirm the positive relationship between FDI and FMD in Africa. We also find that FDI contributes to economic growth in Africa after controlling for endogeneity between FDI, FMD and economic growth.  相似文献   

FDI、国际贸易及我国经济增长的协整分析与VECM模型   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
本文利用我国1983-2004年的经济数据进行实证检验,根据协整理论建立向量误差修正模型(VECM)。实证结果说明外国直接投资、国际贸易与经济增长间具有长期均衡关系,且我国国内生产总值的增长与外国直接投资有双向因果关系,但相互影响的程度不同;我国为出口导向型经济增长国家且外国直接投资对国际贸易具有促进作用.  相似文献   

本文以新开放条件为背景,采用协整理论、脉冲响应函数和Granger因果检验方法就外资、外贸与长三角区域经济增长关系进行了实证分析,结果表明:(1)无论是短期,还是长期,FDI和出口都推动了经济增长,而进口只在短期内促进了经济增长,长期促进作用并不显现。(2)在短期内,FDI的经济增长效应和贸易效应存在较大的差异,前者明显大于后者。(3)FDI、出口与经济增长存在长期双向因果关系,进口只是经济增长的短期单向原因。文章最后提出相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

我国出口贸易对经济增长影响的实证分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
李丽  杜凌 《财贸研究》2007,18(4):44-49
本文分别利用1983-2003年的年度数据和1995-2004年的季度数据,运用协整检验及Granger因果检验等方法对我国出口贸易对经济增长的影响进行双变量和多变量的实证分析,结果显示,我国出口与经济增长之间不存在长期稳定的动态均衡关系,但是它们之间存在互为因果的反馈性联系,说明我国现阶段的经济增长是出口导向型的,文章对产生这种现象的原因进行了解释并且给出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the simultaneous causal relationship between investments in information and communication technology (ICT) and flows of foreign direct investment (FDI), with reference to its implications on economic growth. For the empirical analysis we use data from 23 major countries with heterogeneous economic development for the period 1976–99. Our causality test results suggest that there is a causal relationship from ICT to FDI in developed countries, which means that a higher level of ICT investment leads to an increase inflow of FDI. ICT may contribute to economic growth indirectly by attracting more FDI. Contrarily, we could not find significant causality from ICT to FDI in developing countries. Instead, we have partial evidence of opposite causality relationship: the inflow of FDI causes further increases in ICT investment and production capacity.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the causal relationships between exports, FDI and economic growth among the ASEAN5 countries. We have used a three-stage procedure based on unit root, co-integration and causality tests applied to the panel data from 1981 to 2013. The results reveal that there is a bi-directional causal relationship between FDI and growth in the long run, while there is a unidirectional causal relationship from FDI to exports in the short run. Our results also confirm that the export-led growth (ELG) and FDI-led growth hypotheses hold true in the long and short run. To reinforce the FDI inflows, authorities should continue the progressive reduction of barriers, and increase the sophistication of quality exports to compete in the global market. This paper is the first of its kind to analyze the role of both FDI and exports in the ASEAN5 economies using panel analysis.  相似文献   

本文运用协整分析、Granger因果关系检验和VAR模型分析等方法,针对我国物流基础设施水平对吸引物流业FDI的影响进行了实证分析。研究结果表明,两者存在协整关系和单向Granger因果关系,物流基础设施水平对物流业FDI流入的贡献率达到38.4%,揭示物流基础设施水平对物流业吸引FDI的影响程度,为进一步提升吸引外资水平、促进我国物流业发展提供参考。  相似文献   

开放经济中,最主要的国际经济关系是国际投资和国际贸易,二者都对东道国的产业有技术上的影响。文章运用面板单位根检验、协整检验以及误差修正模型等现代计量经济学方法,考察外资和进出口对中国整体技术水平的影响。结果显示FDI和技术进步互为长期和短期因果关系,对外贸易是技术进步的长期和短期原因,没有证据显示外商直接投资和进出口有长期稳定关系。  相似文献   

马涛 《国际贸易问题》2008,3(6):109-115
在产品内国际分工的条件下,中间产品贸易在全部贸易中的比重日益提高,尤其我国工业行业的中间产品贸易更是发展迅速。基于中间产品贸易,国际生产体系的新格局导致了生产向垂直专业化方向发展,依据Hummels等(2001)对垂直专业化比率的计算方法,测算到工业行业出口贸易的垂直专业化程度。本文检验了外国直接投资与垂直专业化生产和中间产品贸易之间的关系,得出外国直接投资分别与垂直专业化生产和中间产品贸易具有单向的因果关系,并且三者之间存在着长期稳定的协整关系。  相似文献   

FDI对东道国通货膨胀影响分析——基于中国的实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
构建基于外商直接投资与通货膨胀的模型,运用Johansen协整检验、Granger因果检验以及脉冲响应函数等方法,检验外商直接投资对我国通货膨胀的影响。研究表明,外商投资与通货膨胀存在长期协整关系;外商直接投资是通货膨胀的原因;外商直接投资变动率能在较短的时间内对通货膨胀产生冲击,并且时滞较长,而外商投资企业工资率的改善和劳动力的变动对通货膨胀的冲击的强度弱一点。最后文章提出了简要的政策建议。  相似文献   

外国直接投资对我国制造业技术溢出的渠道研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
外国直接投资(FDI)对内资企业的技术溢出有不同的渠道效应。本文首先利用Malmquist指数方法测算出了我国制造业全要素生产率(TFP),并将TFP分解成技术进步指标与技术效率指标,利用脉冲响应函数和Geweke分解检验分别动态模拟了FDI对技术进步与技术效率两种渠道的影响程度,以及FDI与两者的因果关系。研究表明:FDI对制造业生产率的溢出机制主要是通过对技术效率的提升表现出来的,但对技术进步的促进作用不明显。  相似文献   

1998-2010年江苏省引进FDI与碳排放的相关性评估   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
概述了1998-2010年江苏省引进FDI的规模和结构特征,应用Kaya恒等式评估了1998-2010年江苏省的年度碳排放量。应用单整检验和EG两步检验法,证明了江苏省FDI规模与碳排放量存在协整关系。利用格兰杰因果检验,证明了滞后期为1-3时,江苏省FDI变化是碳排放量变化的原因,但碳排放量变化不是江苏省FDI变化的原因。从产业结构看,江苏省第一产业FDI的变化与碳排放变化不存在因果关系;江苏省第二产业FDI的变化从长期看是碳排放量变化的原因;不论是短期还是长期,江苏省碳排放量的变化均是第三产业FDI规模变化的原因。  相似文献   

Given the economic conditions in Iran and the need to accelerate its economic growth, there is a rising interest in examining the variables that fuel its GDP growth. The scant literature on economic growth in Iran is composed of only a few scholarly studies that investigate this nation's GDP growth. However, none of these studies has examined the causality between GDP growth and its determining elements. The purpose of this study is: (1) to determine the economic variables that contribute to Iran's GDP per capita growth over time, and (2) to examine the causality between foreign direct investment and the relevant variables that are included in the model. To achieve these goals the study uses a model that is based on the postulates of de Mello. The results indicate that: (1) the major determinants of GDP per capita growth in Iran are value added growth and domestic investment growth; (2) there is no causal relationship between foreign direct investment growth and GDP per capita growth in Iran in either direction; and (3) there is no causal relationship between foreign direct investment growth and value added growth in Iran in either direction.  相似文献   

产业关联视角的FDI出口溢出效应:分析与实证   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章从产业关联视角切入,基于已有研究梳理了FDI之东道国企业出口溢出效应发挥作用的机制,构建了一个FDI-出口溢出机理系统,据以提出实证模型并做了相应检验。研究揭示,FDI出口溢出借助产业关联的三个机制发生,但三个机制效应各异。引入中国28个制造行业相关数据的实证检验显示:FDI借助后向关联机制产生的出口溢出效应最为显著,借助水平关联机制的出口溢出效应仅在低技术企业中显著,而借助前向关联机制的出口溢出效应则为负;动态上,FDI后向关联出口溢出效应呈渐增态势,水平关联出口溢出效应则逐渐减弱。  相似文献   

本文概述了1998—2011年江苏省生产性服务业FDI的规模和行业特征,发现生产性服务业FDI与制造业具有相同的增长趋势。利州}办整检验和Granger因果检验表明,江苏省生产性服务业FDI与制造业产值之间存在长期稳定的均衡关系,且当滞后期为1时,生产性服务业FDI规模的变化是制造业增加值变化的原因;应用多元线性回归模型对江苏省生产性服务业进行分行业的实证研究。最后,阐述了生产性服务业FDI对制造业影响效应。  相似文献   

靳涛 《国际贸易问题》2006,288(12):69-72
本文在现有国内外研究的基础上,依据我国改革开放20多年来的实际数据,针对基础设施投资与外国直接投资(FDI)之间的相关性进行了协整检验和格兰杰检验,结果发现:二者之间不仅存在协整关系,还存在单向的格兰杰因果关系,即FDI是带动基础设施投资的格兰杰原因,而基础设施投资并不是引致FDI增加的格兰杰原因。本实证检验还用事实证实了目前许多地方政府以增加基础设施投资来吸引外商投资的盲目性。  相似文献   

运用基于误差修正模型(ECM)的因果关系检验对中国的进口和经济增长之间的关系进行分析,结果显示进口与经济增长之间存在长期均衡关系,进口对经济增长具有促进作用,进口与经济增长具有双向因果关系。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the causal relationship between environmental quality, Foreign Direct Investment and economic growth using simultaneous-equation panel data VAR model a panel of 17 MENA countries over the period 1990–2012. Our empirical results pointed out that there is a unidirectional causality running from both FDI stocks and CO2 emissions to economic growth. They also indicate the existence of unidirectional causality running from economic growth to CO2 emissions. However, the results support the occurrence of unidirectional causality from FDI stocks to CO2 emissions. Our empirical result confirms the hypothesis of neutrality for the Environment-GDP link. There is bidirectional causality from CO2emissions and economic growth, and a bidirectional causal relationship between FDI stocks and CO2 emissions. For the global panel, we show that the existence of a unidirectional causality running from FDI stocks to economic growth; a bidirectional causality between economic growth and CO2 emissions; as well as a bidirectional causality between FDI stocks and CO2emissions.  相似文献   

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