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文章基于波特假说从理论推导视角研究环境规制作用下的企业技术创新路径及动态演化过程。(1) 基于经济学的供给和需求理论, 阐释环境规制对企业创新价值的提升作用, 打破了边际效用递减和边际成本递增的传统规律; 结合环境规制对需求和供给的影响, 重塑技术创新的供给和需求曲线,运用均衡模型求解企业的最优供给量, 结合供给和需求曲线的位移变化, 研究环境规制下企业技术创新的动态演化路径; (2) 分析了包括企业技术开发和技术转化两阶段的技术创新动态价值链整合, 研究企业绿色工艺创新和绿色产品创新相结合的技术创新动态模式; (3) 从演化经济学的视角, 探讨了政府环境规制、企业技术创新和公众环保监督的混合策略均衡动态演化博弈过程。  相似文献   

创意型企业产品特征及其生产决策研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文讨论了精神产品的特点,界定了准精神产品、泛精神产品和创意型企业的概念,分析了精神产品的价值形成过程及其与物质产品价值形成的差异。文章指出创意型企业的人力成本、宣传成本和研发成本在总成本中占的比例都较高,并讨论了它在生产可能性曲线、供给曲线和生产决策等方面特殊的特点和规律。  相似文献   

在西方经济学中,规模经济理论研究的是规模变动#与其投资效益变动规律的科学。规模经济是指工厂或企业规模与产品最低成本之间的关系。若工厂或企业规模扩大,单位产品成本递减,则称之为规模经济性。它表现为长期平均成本曲线向下倾斜,当长期平均成本曲线下降到最低点时,即  相似文献   

王海荣 《冶金财会》2006,(10):33-33
<正>在钢铁联合企业中,烧结工序是初始工序的居多,2005年约为90%左右。烧结矿成本占生铁成本的48.6%~66%,而生铁成本又占各工序生产能力相对均衡企业最终产品钢材成本的60%左右,即烧结矿成本占钢材成本的30%~40%,比重大。加之,烧结矿成本中原燃料占90~95%,其中,主要是外购原燃料。所以,优化烧结矿成本必然成为钢铁联合企业成本工作的重要部分。  相似文献   

论无边界企业   总被引:53,自引:25,他引:53  
传统经济学认为企业是有边界的,企业的边界在于边际成本等于边际收益之处。本文认为,随着信息技术的发展,企业边界可趋于无穷。这是因为,在信息经济条件下,企业随着边界扩张,边际成本递减、边际收益递增,边际成本曲线和边际收益曲线无法随着企业规模的扩大而相交于一点。对无边界企业来讲,企业边界不再是指物质边界,而是指能力边界,企业边界的大小,取决于自身核心能力的强弱。企业要想成为无边界企业,必须将自身的核心能力打造成价值模块,并融入全球价值网络当中。无边界企业有着不同的具体形式,但是不论哪种形式,都是基于核心能力运作的,价值网络是核心能力的集大成。  相似文献   

笔者认为,企业作为一个独立的经济体,其是否履行社会责任以及履行社会责仔积极性的大小受到多种因素的制约,企业在追求经济价值和社会价值的博弈中,必然包含一个成本和收益分析的过程.本文,借助于博弈论的分析方法,从企业、行业、社会及利益相关者等多角度分析了企业履行社会责任的激励约束机理和相应的成本收益,并结合实际,提出了企业履行社会责任的有效模式或途径.  相似文献   

美英日自然垄断型企业改革的共性研究   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
自然垄断的基本含义是由一家企业垄断经营最有效,这是与自然垄断型企业的成本条件及所面临的需求特征共同决定的,如果在自然垄断领域中存在多个竞争者,形成寡头垄断局面,则有限的需求特征共同决定的,如果在自然垄断领域中存在多个竞争者,形成寡头垄断局面,则有限的需求就要在几个厂商之间进行分割,这时每个厂商的产量必然要小于垄断者的产量,而由于自然垄断成本持续递减特征,竞争厂商的成本必然要高于垄断者的成本,竞争厂商会通过进一步提高价格的方式来弥补成本,获取超额利润,将成本提高的负担转嫁给消费者,因此,自然垄断是由某些特殊领域的规模经济规律与市场有限需求共同决定的,在典型的自然垄断领域中引入竞争从经济角度看并不具有合理性,这时就应该由政府出面对市场进入进行干预,让一家企业独家垄断,赋予特定企业的垄断经营权,但如果同时赋予其收费或价格决定权,就有可能造成价格歧视、寻租等不利于提高资源配置效率、损害消费者利益的现象,所以,自然垄断常常使政府陷入一种社会福利与企业利益取舍的两难困境境,面对这种两难选择,折衷的方式就是允许企业垄断整个自然垄断领域,但要对基治理(Governance)。  相似文献   

蔡述艳 《中国电业》2006,(10):55-57
近年来供电企业积极探索新的成本控制模式,努力强化成本管理工作,取得了一定的成效,但也存在一些问题。本文对供电企业成本管理现状进行了细致的分析,同时提出了具体的改进对策。 成本是企业各项经营活动的经济反映和最终归宿,成本控制是企业管理的一个永恒主题。如何构建一个适合电网企业特点的成本管理模式,有效地控制成本费用支出,提高企业经济效益,是目前供电企业必须解决的重点课题。笔者结合个人工作经验,就供电企业成本管理谈谈自己的看法。[编者按]  相似文献   

狄为 《工业技术经济》2005,24(2):134-135
战略成本管理是成本管理信息用于战略管理,促进主要管理职能履行的发展形态。在波特的三个基本战略中,有一个半战略是以成本领先为基础的。成本领先战略的核心是企业通过一切可能的方式和手段,降低企业的成本,成为市场竞争参与者中成本最低者,并以低成本为竞争手段获取竞争优势。造船企业成本领先战略应将实现预定成本目标与改善成本结构相结合,应避免引发成本管理措施的实施和企业战略选择之间的冲突,还必须有成本管理方法措施融入的思想。  相似文献   

井购是市场经济体制下的一种产权交易活动,是并购双方在追求各自利益最大化前提下所进行的信号博弈过程。由于企业井购双方信息不对称性所导致的逆向选择,企业并购市场会出现分离均衡、混同均衡和准分离均衡三种状态,其中只有分离均衡是最理想和最有效率的均衡。文章建立了目标企业与并购企业之间的信号传递博弈模型,提出克服并购双方信息的不对称性和对目标企业进行合理估价是实现分离均衡的最有效方法。  相似文献   

本文选取2009~2013年中国医药行业上市公司作为研究样本,分别对技术学习的企业内部投入成本与社会外部投入成本对企业创新绩效的影响进行了实证分析,同时探讨了技术学习的两种承担方式之间的关系。研究结果表明,技术学习过程中的企业投入与社会投入均对企业创新绩效产生显著正向影响,技术学习的投入越大,企业创新绩效越好。但政府以税收优惠与财政补贴等政策方式分担企业技术学习成本的效果并不显著。  相似文献   

We address the problem of coordinating aggregate planning decisions and short-term scheduling decisions in supply chains with dual supply modes. We consider long lead time, less expensive sea shipments that are based on demand forecast, and responsive but costly air shipments that are based on revised forecast closer to the demand period. The planning problem determines the sea shipment order quantity and inventory level, while the scheduling model determines the schedule and quantity of air shipments. Results from our numerical experiments suggest that our model leads to consistent cost improvements over a wide range of operating scenarios.  相似文献   

A semiconductor supply network involves many expensive steps, which have to be executed to serve global markets. The complexity of global capacity planning combined with the large capital expenditures to increase factory capacity makes it important to incorporate optimization methodologies for cost reduction and long-term planning. The typical view of a semiconductor supply network consists of layers for wafer fab, sort, assembly, test and demand centers. We present a two-stage stochastic integer-programming formulation to model a semiconductor supply network. The model makes strategic capacity decisions, (i.e., build factories or outsource) while accounting for the uncertainties in demand for multiple products. We use the model not only to analyze how variability in demand affects the make/buy decisions but also to investigate how the correlation between demands of different products affects these strategic decisions. Finally, we demonstrate the value of incorporating demand uncertainty into a decision-making scheme.  相似文献   

This article addresses a rental fleet sizing problem (RFS) in the context of the truck rental industry, subject to uncertain customer travel time and nonstationary customer demand that is dependent on geographical location, time, and the economic cycle of the industry. We integrate tactical (asset purchases and sales) and operational (empty truck movement and vehicle assignment) decisions, with the explicit incorporation of an asset age factor, to achieve lower cost solutions. Typically, the length of time horizon and number of locations under consideration are quite large, which makes the RFS model computationally challenging to solve. Aggregation procedures are employed for location clustering and end-of-horizon effects are examined through demand scenario-based analyses. For the reduced time–space networks, decision analyses are conducted for the RFS model to provide insights into the truck rental business regarding asset movement decisions and asset procurement/disposal decisions over time and locations.  相似文献   

创新资源的有效配置是促进企业创新发展的核心要素,然而,我国企业创新资源配置水平和效率普遍偏低,亟需构建科学的资源配置优化体系以应对企业快速增长的创新需求,由此,本文在对企业创新资源配置关键要素分析的基础上,构建了企业创新资源配置原始模型和逆优化模型,并结合X企业的实证研究对模型进行求解验证。结果表明:企业创新资源配置逆优化模型能够客观反映X企业的实际创新资源配置水平,通过模型的求解能够大幅优化企业创新资源配置的结果,同时为企业提供具体的优化建议。  相似文献   

In this paper, after surveying short-term two-echelon supply channel coordination methods, we present an extended version of the newsvendor model in which the supplier has to fulfil all demand of the customer, even if this calls for an additional setup of production. Given uncertain demand forecast, the solution is an optimal production quantity that minimises the expected total cost including setup, inventory holding and obsolete inventory costs. Then, the model is studied in a decentralised setting where the customer has private information about the demand forecast, while the supplier knows the various cost factors. We suggest such a coordination protocol and payment scheme that provides both partners the right incentive for minimising the total cost: the customer is interested in sharing her unbiased demand forecast and uncertainty, while the supplier's rational decision concurs with the overall optimum. Hence, local decisions based on asymmetric information coordinate the channel in the global sense. The results are also demonstrated by taking some real-life test cases from an industrial study that motivated our work.  相似文献   

To attract and keep customers, companies, especially those in e-business, are increasingly offering free shipping to buyers whose order sizes exceed the free shipping quantity. In this paper, given the supplier offers free shipping and the retailer faces stochastic demand, we determine the retailer's (i.e., the newsvendor's) optimal order quantity and the optimal selling price simultaneously. We consider two different ways in which price affects the demand distribution, namely price only affects the location or scale of the demand distribution. We explicitly incorporate the supplier's quantity discount and transportation cost into the models. The transportation cost function is very general, which includes those most commonly used in the literature. We numerically examine the impacts of free shipping, quantity discount, transportation cost, and demand variance on the retailer's optimal order quantity and pricing decisions. We find that even though the retailer faces uncertain demand, free shipping can effectively encourage the retailer to order more of the good and can benefit the supplier, the retailer, and the end customers. An increase in transportation cost or a decrease in purchase price will induce the retailer to order more of the good and decrease the retail price. With increasing demand variance, the retailer should order more of the good. We also find that the newsvendor can cope with demand variance by taking advantage of free shipping.  相似文献   

This research provides a new perspective to investigate the broadband diffusion in eight states of the U.S. by studying the two-stage entry decisions, namely, upgrading and subsequent product decisions, by the cable television system operators, one of the early dominant players in the broadband market, and examines the role of competition, market characteristics and firm heterogeneity in the cable company's decisions in a dynamic setting. Comparing the empirical results of the decision models of both stages can give new insights into the dynamics of broadband diffusion. The empirical results show that the subsequent product decision is affected more by the demand determinants, while the upgrading decision is affected more by the cost determinants. The results also indicate that policies which aim to reduce the entry cost such as a low city fee can largely encourage firms to upgrade the network, while subsequent policies that help boost the demand can help firms diversify into new digital services early. The effectiveness of competition policy in the broadband diffusion is confirmed in both stages. Strategic responses by cable firms to the presence of RBOCs are more noticeable in the second-staged product decision than in the first-staged upgrading decision.  相似文献   

Lot-sizing and capacity planning are important supply chain decisions, and competition and cooperation affect the performance of these decisions. In this paper, we look into the dynamic lot-sizing and resource competition problem of an industry consisting of multiple firms. A capacity competition model combining the complexity of time-varying demand with cost functions and economies of scale arising from dynamic lot-sizing costs is developed. Each firm can replenish inventory at the beginning of each period in a finite planning horizon. Fixed as well as variable production costs incur for each production setup, along with inventory carrying costs. The individual production lots of each firm are limited by a constant capacity restriction, which is purchased up front for the planning horizon. The capacity can be purchased from a spot market, and the capacity acquisition cost fluctuates with the total capacity demand of all the competing firms. We solve the competition model and establish the existence of a capacity equilibrium over the firms and the associated optimal dynamic lot-sizing plan for each firm under mild conditions.  相似文献   

供应链环境下库存控制的研究已经成为趋势,区别于常规的单目标库存控制的研究,本文以工业润滑油供应链为依托,提出了在供应链背景下考虑供应链库存成本最小化和客户平均需求满足率最大化为目标的库存控制研究思路,构建了多目标库存控制模型。最后将所建的供应链视角下多目标库存控制决策模型进行实证分析,为目标供应链上的企业做出生产、销售等决策提供依据。  相似文献   

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