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在林业血防工程建设中抑螺防病林试验示范区作为重要组成部分,文章主要从安徽省抑螺防病林试验示范区建设概况出发,分析了安徽省抑螺防病林试验示范区的有效措施和项目成效,希望能为林业血防工程建设提供参考。  相似文献   

前几天,我们在黄山太平基地召开了一次关于全国林业血防生态工程方面的会议。国家林业局副局长李育材、全国政协人口资源环境委员会副主任江泽慧、安徽省委常委.副省长赵树丛及7个省的代表参加了会议。这是我国第一个为血防而做的林业生态工程,国家对此也很重视,因为血吸虫病是我国4大流行病之一。我给温家宝总理写了一封关于林业血防生态工程方面的报告,温总理3天就批复了,这是很少见的,说明党中央、国务院始终将人民的健康挂在心上。  相似文献   

高娜 《林业经济》2012,(9):68-70
依据血吸虫病疫区类型,通过分析林业血防工程的建设模式、工程实施成效与经验,提出了建设过程中存在的问题及建议,旨在为改进新时期林业血防工程建设提供借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

文章综述了近年来有关林业生态工程成本有效性、可持续评价、建设机制、管理创新等问题的研究,归纳出我国林业生态工程成本偏高、可持续性存在隐患、机制不健全等现实问题,需要开展管理创新。提出了应该探索公私伙伴关系模式,以提高林业生态工程的绩效与可持续性。  相似文献   

我国林业生态工程建设及投资初步分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
我国生态环境与社会经济发展的矛盾日益突出,国务院已颁布了《全国生态环境规划》,林业生态工程建设作为生态环境的主体,应引起政府和社会的重视。本文通过介绍我国的林业生态工程,分析了生态工程的建设、管理、存在问题和资金的投入等,提出应加大对林业生态工程的投资力度和如何管理工程建设资金的一些建议。  相似文献   

对林业重点生态工程资金会计核算的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着林业重点工程的实施,要求林业会计工作者尽快地适应新的形势、新的任务.按照“严管林、慎用钱、质为先”的原则.强化资金管理,确保林业重点生态工程资金的合理使用.更好地发挥资金的使用效益。因此,林业会计工作人员,必须充分认识林业重点生态工程资金管理的重要性,不断提高林业重点工程资金的财务管理与会计核算水平。以下是作者根据当地实际及工程建设过程中出现的一些新变化,对林业重点工程建设资金会计核算提出的一些看法。  相似文献   

随着林业重点工程的实施,要求林业会计工作者尽快地适应新的形势、新的任务,按照"严管林、慎用钱、质为先"的原则,强化资金管理,确保林业重点生态工程资金的合理使用,更好地发挥资金的使用效益.因此,林业会计工作人员,必须充分认识林业重点生态工程资金管理的重要性,不断提高林业重点工程资金的财务管理与会计核算水平.以下是作者根据当地实际及工程建设过程中出现的一些新变化,对林业重点工程建设资金会计核算提出的一些看法.  相似文献   

林业生态工程具有自身的鲜明特点,因此,林业生态工程建设的监理应根据林业生态工程的独有特性开展工作,确保林业生态工程建设质量,使其综合效益达到最大。介绍林业生态工程的特点,分析目前我国林业生态工程建设监理现状,提出了加强林业生态工程建设监理的几点建议。  相似文献   

昆明市林业技能开发站林产值调研组与禄劝县林业局产业办共同对禄劝县9696户建档立卡贫困户,按照各乡(镇、街道)进行调查,开展现场访谈,对调查区域的贫困现状和林业生态工程的实施状况进行数据采集并整理,全面了解当地研究对象的实情,在精准扶贫过程中,林业对其帮扶的具体作用以及还需改善的地方进行相关研究,提出了对策建议。  相似文献   

从1998年起,我国将在全国范围建立林业生态环境监测网络,对全国林业生态建设工程及森林生态效益进行科学监测和评价,以提高林业生态建设效益和管理水平。林业生态环境监测网络组建的具体方法是:在现有的森林资源监测、荒漠化资源监测、野生动植物监测、湿地资源监测、森林生态定位监测的基础上,在黄河、长江生态环境林业重点治理工程建设区内,建立20个林业生态环境监测站;在天然林保护工程建设区内建立20个森林生态环境监测站,共同组成林业生态环境监测网络,为林业建设管理和宏观决策提供准确的监测数据。我国建立林业生态环境监测…  相似文献   

以安徽林业血防工程建设为研究对象,通过大量的实地调查,总结了安徽林业血防工程建设概况、特点和主要做法,为今后林业血防工程建设提供新思路和方向。  相似文献   

针对陕西省当前地质灾害防治工作中存在的问题,提出了以GIS技术为系统基础,选用B/S开发模式,以C#作为开发语言,设计了基于GIS、数据库及互联网技术的陕西省地质灾害防治信息平台,实现地质灾害应急管理、群测群防动态更新、地质灾害气象预警信息反馈、短信发布、动态监测及数据上报权限管理等功能。结果表明,该系统运行效果良好,极大的提高了地质灾害相关数据的准确性、一致性及信息实时发布与数据共享能力,为防灾减灾工作提供强有力的基础支撑。  相似文献   

针对张家界国家森林公园生态环境监测体系存在环境监测体系不健全、生物多样性保护和生态系统健康管理体系不完善、自然灾害预防体系有待改进、游客体验监测体系没有建立等问题,提出建立长期定位的环境监测保护体系、建立生物多样性保护和生态系统健康管理体系、完善自然灾害防治体系和建立游客体验监测体系等措施,完善张家界国家森林公园生态旅游区生态环境监测预警体系,保护其生态环境质量。  相似文献   

刘家荣  韦大松 《现代食品》2020,2(4):9-12,15
研发适用于滤袋式除尘器粉尘爆炸危险源信号的实时检测及预警系统。该系统综合应用工业控制、PLC控制、智能测控终端无线传输、云平台数据管理等技术。采用传感器分别监测除尘器运行时的进出风口压差、除尘器运行状态、高压脉冲喷吹压力和箱体温度。当监测信号不在系统预设的合理范围时,PLC输出就地预警信号,监测信号也可通过无线传输模块上传到云平台。运用云平台的数据分析功能,实现除尘器运行状态系统化监测和综合管理。  相似文献   

The values ascribed to industrial tree plantations are often controversial. Hence knowledge of their perceived impacts is important for improving their integration in rural landscapes. In 2016 we conducted household surveys with 606 respondents living in villages adjacent to acacia, teak and pine plantations across three islands in Indonesia (Java, Borneo, Sumatra). Results show that perceptions toward pine and teak plantations tend to differ from those toward acacia pulpwood plantations in several ways. Pine and teak plantations are perceived to have a higher number and variety of benefits and services, a higher number of positive impacts, a better environmental record, and to present more opportunities to local people for use of plantation land and products for improving rural livelihoods. In addition, we find that villagers around acacia pulpwood plantations tend to seek economic development and infrastructure to open up remote areas, yet their expectations were often only partially met. Recommendations from our analysis include: the role of the State in plantations must be clarified and potentially reinforced; the role of institutions as intermediaries is fundamental; and contributions by communities to design of management plans should be accommodated.  相似文献   

地质环境管理工作再上新台阶的总体考虑是理清思路,设计抓手,搞好布局,完善机制。主要通过地质灾害防治"十有县"、"五条线"、"五到位"建设,矿山地质环境治理恢复"年年百矿换新颜"工程,国家地下水监测工程,地质环境保护示范命名活动等,全面推进地质环境管理工作。  相似文献   

Voluntary market-based programs have been proposed as cost-effective means to reduce environmental impacts associated with agriculture. This study examines a relatively new program in Michigan USA, the Michigan Agriculture Environmental Assurance Program (MAEAP), and explores how it might serve to reduce nutrient pollution associated with intensive corn production. Interviews with corn farmers were used to explore reasons for program participation, the extent of management changes, and opinions regarding program effectiveness. Results indicate that most farmers enrolled in the program had already satisfied the majority of the requirements, therefore few changes were made that would result in environmental improvements. Interviews also revealed that in almost all cases, corn farmers were unable to market their products as MAEAP verified. Participation was largely driven by goals to avoid law enforcement and minor financial benefits through insurance discounts. Farmers indicated that a lack of monitoring and enforcement reduced the perceived effectiveness of the program. Most farmers favored direct payments through government conservation programs over MAEAP. This case illustrates the limitations of voluntary and market-based programs to address agri-environmental problems and supports the use of multiple policy approaches.  相似文献   

千岛湖区生态公益林建设和保护实践思考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
介绍了浙江省淳安县新安江开发总公司经营的千岛湖区生态公益林组织保障和管理体系建设情况;总结了护林员队伍组建、管护宣传、林分改造、森林消防与防火、控制采伐、打击破坏活动、加强病虫害监测、用好补偿资金等九大举措;分析了生态公益林在促进资源增长、改善林分结构、保护种质资源、提高固碳减排能力、涵养水源、保护水质、促进千岛湖旅游健康发展、保障新安江电站工业正常发电等多种经济、社会和生态综合效能;指出了生态公益林实践中经营与补偿、监测等方面存在的问题,提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

In this study, we combined policy analysis with landscape change modeling to simulate outcomes of alternative forest conservation instruments proposed by opposing policy coalitions. In 1992, concern over rapid land conversion to timber plantations (Pinus radiata and Eucalyptus spp.) in Chile gave rise to a protracted policy process resulting in the 2008 Native Forest Law (NFL), which subsidizes reforestation and management with native forest. To date, however, NFL has had little impact on native forest conservation. To understand how the policy process that created the NFL shaped its outcomes, we employed the Dyna-CLUE modeling approach to simulate land use changes in south-central Chile from 1993 to 2007, based on 3 scenarios: (1) enactment of NFL in 1993 when the law was originally debated, and the different configurations of subsidies and regulations proposed in the NFL policy debate by (2) the industrial forestry coalition and (3) the forest conservation coalition. We observed no major difference in native forest loss between simulated outcomes of the industry-advocated policy and the actual NFL legislation. The conservation coalition’s policy scenario increased native forest area, primarily in shrub steppe areas, but also via conversion of pine plantations if incentive payments were large enough. However, NFL payments are inadequate to make native forest management a viable economic land use alternative to industrial pine plantations, which are also subsidized in Chile. Gains in native forest cover occurred mostly on lands under ancestral indigenous claims (unrelated to the discussion of the NFL). We conclude that the NFL, even if enacted in 1993, would have been ineffective in preventing native forest loss, because tree plantations are more profitable and NFL regulations were weakened by the industrial coalition that opposed—and strongly shaped—the final legislation. Effective incentives for protecting early-successional forests and shrublands are needed to mitigate further losses and foster recovery of Chile’s native forests.  相似文献   

文章简要地分析了我国地质灾害的种类及地质灾害治理现状 ,在此基础上 ,系统地分析了我国地质灾害治理工作中存在的六个主要问题 ,如地质灾害治理缺乏统一规划、治理经费无保证、工程项目管理体系不完善、技术规程与规范不健全、工程监理队伍不适应需要、评估机制不完善等。  相似文献   

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