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风险投资家不仅为创新型中小企业提供了股本支持,而且还运用自身丰富的管理经验、专业能力及社会网络,向创新企业家提供其所缺乏的管理服务。风险投资这一创新的投资方式,使其成为推动创新型中小企业发展的不可替代的力量。要发挥风险投资在推动创新型中小企业发展中的巨大作用,必须遵循风险投资交易的规律,一方面要大力发展我国的风险投资业,另一方面要增强创新型中小企业吸纳风险投资的能力。  相似文献   

推动中小企业创新,从中小企业外部来看,不仅需要政府在政策上提供财政金融支持,而且需要政府自身转变职能、推进管理创新、提高行政效率;从中小企业内部来看,要树立创新意识、建立学习型企业、加强企业制度创新、提高组织效率,以及培育创新型企业文化。  相似文献   

风险投资对新技术企业的发展起到了积极的促进作用。作为一种股权投资和特殊的以资形式,风险投资不仅仅对高科技公司产生作用,同样对民营中小企业的发展可以提供巨大的推动力。文章先提出如何正确认识风险投资和民营中小企业,然后分析民营中小企业发展的以资和管理瓶颈,最后提出风险投资如何在以资和管理两方面起推动作用。  相似文献   

本文根据熊彼特创新理论.指出技术创新是推动经济发展的基本动力和重要源泉。当前我国技术研发经费不断增长,创新能力有所提高,但产学研脱节.企业自主创新能力不足。要想激发企业技术创新的热情.关键要发展风险投资妥善解决广大企业融资难问题.塑造良好的市场环境.培育富有创新精神的企业家阶层,推动中小企业进行技术创新。这样才能提高我国自主创新的能力.促进经济社会健康发展.  相似文献   

本文结合武汉中小企业的发展现状,通过对武汉中小企业营销现状及转变与创新营销模式的必要性进行分析,详细论述了品牌营销、合作营销、绿色营销和网络营销等创新型营销模式对武汉中小企业的可持续发展的重要作用。这些研究结果将为武汉中小企业的营销策略、政府决策和风险投资提供有效的参考依据,为武汉中小企业既好又快的可持续发展提供有力的保障。  相似文献   

马鹤丹   《华东经济管理》2010,24(4):122-124
在我国中小企业创新成长的过程中,融资贷款困难、信息化程度低、管理方式落后、人力资源不足等问题一直制约着其发展,因此文章提出基于孵化器与风险投资互联的中小企业创新成长的系统模型,分析系统要素之间的相互关系,探讨基于孵化器与风险投资互联的大连中小企业创新成长系统的动力机制。  相似文献   

<正>为全面贯彻中央关于深化科技体制改革、加快实施创新驱动发展的决策部署,加快创新型甘肃建设,进一步激发各类创新主体活力,甘肃省持续加强创新能力建设,大力推动“科创+产业”发展模式,支持和引导全省广大中小企业专注核心业务、打造核心能力,培育壮大了一批科技型中小企业,成为全省创新引领经济社会发展的“源头活水”,为甘肃经济高质量发展提供了有力支撑。  相似文献   

浙江创新型企业和风险投资产业对推动技术进步、扩大就业和提供先进的产品和服务等发挥了重要的贡献,并对浙江省新兴产业的孕育与发展具有关键作用。创新型企业依靠风险投资成长,而风险投资则通过创新型企业的成长而增值。促进浙江创新型企业和风险投资的联动发展,形成高效平衡的生态经济系统是浙江实现经济增长的战略发展目标。本文运用共生度指标实证分析判断浙江省创新型企业和风险投资的的共生关系,得出了双方处于非对称互惠关系的结论。  相似文献   

宋圭武 《发展》2014,(11):5-5
正中共甘肃省委书记王三运在中共甘肃省第十二次代表大会的报告指出,坚持创新驱动取向,创新是推动发展的不竭动力,是转型跨越的强大引擎。甘肃要实现转型跨越发展,要建设好丝绸之路甘肃段,必须要实现创新驱动。一、建设一流创新型政府。创新型政府,必须是一个服务型政府。必须要不断改进服务质量,提高为社会服务的基本能力。要市场归市场,政府归政府。政府要为市场发挥资源配置决定作用提供更好的服务。创新型政府,也必  相似文献   

近年来,经济全球化的迅猛发展给世界各国带来了巨大的商机,特别是为各国数量众多的中小企业提供了广阔的发展空间与机遇.而风险投资作为全球认可的催生大量创新产业群的有效工具,对各国高科技型中小企业的发展起到了很大的推动作用.  相似文献   

不论是在发展中国家还是在发达国家,中小企业近十几年来都得到充分发展,并对世界各国经济与社会发展起到重要作用。本试从经济理论与实际出发,分析中小企业存在与发展的原因和重要意义,以期望为我国中小企业发展战略与发展方向提供借鉴意义。  相似文献   

陈兴淋  徐桂华   《华东经济管理》2006,20(11):97-99
小企业是市场经济的基础性成分,促进小企业的生成与发展是市场经济内在的要求.文章在对小企业与小企业成功标准界定的基础上,提出了小企业成功的要素模型.  相似文献   

The present paper maintains that initiatives to promote and support small businesses need to focus on those with growth potential rather than on the small business sector as a whole, and that the human factor, especially entrepreneurial intentions and behaviour, is the overwhelming force in small business success. Empirical evidence shows that many entrepreneurs setting up businesses in the informal economy of South Africa have little business acumen. The majority of informal businesses operate as survivalist entities with limited development and growth potential. The paper suggests that only between 10 and 15 per cent of informal entrepreneurs have sufficient business skills to expand and develop their businesses. These should be the focus of policy initiatives. Separate collective support measures should be designed to make the business environment more hospitable to low-potential informal businesses.  相似文献   

科技型小微企业发展的关键是解决融资问题。现阶段我国银行贷款在科技型小微企业融资中起着关键作用,但银行传统信用评估体系并不适用于科技型小微企业,不能有效解决信息不对称问题,必须构建科学的科技型小微企业成长性评价系统。该系统分为评价体系和评审体系两部分,其中评价体系包括战略管理、研发创新、价值创造和社会支持4个一级指标,30个二级指标,评审体系包括企业家、管理团队、技术水平、企业管理4个一级指标、38个二级指标,各指标通过不同方法进行无量纲化和赋权。该系统的建立为评价科技型小微企业成长性、促进银行科技金融发展搭建了基础平台。  相似文献   

The article considers the problems of the transition from the stage of making innovation decisions during the implementation of fundamental research and the exploratory studies for the practical development, creation, and introduction of innovations. It is noted that many of the accumulated problems were inherited from the Soviet times and that some emerged after the disintegration of sectoral research. It is proposed to use the experience of developed countries (Japan, South Korea) in addressing these issues with allowance for the specifics of the Russian applied sector. The suggested approach is called the “two-way innovation transition” where, on the one hand, the key role is assigned to management companies, which are set up as public-private partnerships and on the basis of chain organization provide the implementation of innovation projects and support the setting up of small innovation businesses, and, on the other hand, the promotion of a state-funded wide network of engineering centers oriented to the application of licenses and patents, including foreign ones, as well as to the maintenance of the imported technical facilities, equipment, and technologies.  相似文献   

SMEs (small and micro enterprises) in developing countries are in general financially depressed; business owners thus resort to other financial instruments (here, personal credit cards) when access to bank loans is prohibited. By investigating two different types of SMEs (namely, informal businesses and formal SMEs) in China, we find that SMEs turn to credit card debt as a substitute when they fail to obtain bank loans. Specifically, we find that households with informal businesses are more likely to use credit cards when their businesses are financially constrained. We also find that when financially constrained, formal SMEs are more likely to carry credit card debt and are also carrying more. This relationship persists after selection issues are addressed. However, credit card debt and bank loans are hardly perfect substitutes as these two instruments may function differently. Consistently, we find that even with bank loans, formal SMEs still carry substantial credit card debt. Additionally, compared to those with no fund need and thus no bank loan, formal SMEs with bank loans are carrying more credit card debt.  相似文献   

We investigate the effects of succession from an elderly to a nonelderly small business manager using firm-level data for Japan. The number of elderly small business managers has increased in Japan with the aging of the population; therefore, succession to younger managers has become an important policy issue. We make use of data for 2001–2015 for 188,021 small businesses, of which 77,773 at some point have a manager aged 60 or older and 8711 of these transition to a manager of under age 60. First, we investigate the relationship between firm performance and manager age. Performance is found to be lower for firms with elderly managers. Second, we estimate the determinants of succession in small businesses with elderly managers, showing that larger, less leveraged, more cash-rich, and profitable firms are more likely to transition to younger managers. Our results imply that more poorly performing firms are less likely to replace elderly managers, suggesting that such firms are not selected by young managers. Third, we examine post-succession performance using propensity score matching. Succession from elderly to young managers is shown to have positive effects on sales, employment, assets, return on assets, capital investment, and cash holdings. These results imply that succession improves firm growth. Furthermore, young successors tend to accumulate cash holdings implying that they are more risk averse and/or face tighter credit constraints than their predecessors.  相似文献   

本文通过概述农业科技园区的环境,从基础设施、优惠政策和管理服务三个方面研究了农业科技园区如何为了满足需要,向内驻企业提供相关服务,以便于指导园区为内驻企业提供优质的服务,达到园区和内驻企业共同进步的目的。  相似文献   

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