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巩少伟 《商场现代化》2006,(29):110-111
随着我国药品分类管理制度的实施,我国药品市场结构开始发生变化,非处方药作为一种特殊商品展现出了十分广阔的市场前景。文章从OTC药品市场的特点分析入手,分析了广告在OTC药品营销中的重要作用,以及OTC药品广告定位策略研究的理论基础,在此基础上提出了OTC药品广告定位的具体策略。  相似文献   

随着我国药品分类管理制度的建立,一个全新的市场——OTC市场在新世纪的中国已经形成,并展现了十分广阔的市场前景。文章从OTC药品市场的特点分析入手,分析了辽宁省OTC药品生产企业实施CIS战略的必要性及实施中存在的问题,提出了辽宁省OTC药品生产企业实施CIS战略的具体策略。  相似文献   

OTC药品具有使用方便、安全有效的特点,适合患者自我药疗。而促进OTC产业的发展则需要实施科学的药品分类管理制度。但是,我国实行药品分类制度的时间相对较短,尚未形成一套完善的针对OTC药品市场的管理制度。因此,借鉴国外经验,对建设我国OTC药品市场具有重要的意义。本文梳理了美国、英国、德国和澳大利亚等国的OTC药品管理制度,并对完善我国OTC药品市场建设进行了相关思考。  相似文献   

李高波  苗盼 《市场研究》2006,12(8):52-54
自2000年1月1日药品实施处方药(Rx)和非处方药(OTC)的分类管理以来,我国医疗消费市场掀起了一场OTC的消费热潮,OTC药品消费成为我国整个药品消费的重要组成部分。现今,OTC的市场营销面临一个全新的发展阶段:市场已经完全成为买方市场,消费者在市场中占有绝对主动,市场充分细分,单一的OTC药品难以独占市场,出现产品和品牌多样化趋势;生产商之间的竞争层面提高,专业化、品牌化、科技化趋向明显;消费者素质的不断提高,形成了自己的对药品消费的明确评判标准,市场主体由卖方转向买方。营销环境的巨大变化,使OTC药品营销工作日益艰难,生…  相似文献   

2000年元月国家卫生部推出了药品分类管理办法,其中医药分家和药品分类制度的全面推广特别引人注目。药品分类制度的推出不仅使药品市场逐步规范同时也使更多的生产处方药的药厂看到了另一个巨大的市场空间,那就是非处方药市场(OTC市场)。许多医药厂家推出了适应OTC市场销售的新品种,  相似文献   

从2000年1月1日起,我国对药品开始实行<处方药和非处方药的分类管理>,这对老百姓是一件新鲜事,更是一件好事.OTC即非处方药,简单说就是指消费者对普通疾病,自己去药店买药治疗.由于我国实施OTC不久,加上一些医药企业自身的先天不足和短期行为,导致目前市场上鱼龙混杂、良莠不齐,出现了少数不和谐的现象.我们在消费时,要擦亮眼睛,不被假象迷惑.  相似文献   

张洁 《江苏商论》2004,(5):49-50
由OTC和Rx所界定的是两个完全不同的药品市场区域。OTC市场是一个特殊的顾客群体:OTC是一种特殊的消费品。OTC的营销是一个特殊的营销领域,其成败在很大程度上和消费者教育的成效相关,OTC营销中的消费者教育活动必须充分考虑OTC市场的特殊性和OTC产品的特点,精心策划,周密组织,有效实施。  相似文献   

陈步州 《商业科技》2013,(30):44-45
非处方药(OTC)因为其质量、包装等方面高度的标准化,使得其可以进入多样化的渠道进行销售。特别是网络营销,这正成为OTC药品销售的新兴策略。本文就目前OTC药品网络销售在我国发展的市场情况进行了分析,为当前普遍的OTC网络营销策略并提出新的策略,分别从提供实体药店网购体验,建立实体药店联盟,开发与推广OTC药品移动终端软件,构建新型网络购药流程等方面来对OTC药品网络销售的具体策略进行阐述。希望这些策略能够对从事B2C网络销售OTC药品的企业有所帮助,为医药商品网络销售提供指导。  相似文献   

我国非处方药(OTC)流通渠道模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,我国OTC药品年销售额已超过400亿元人民币,年平均增长速度超过20%,成为世界上增长最快的市场。与此同时,各种体制的医药商业公司蓬勃发展起来;许多制药企业成立了自己的销售公司;外资药店攻城掠地;其他行业巨头大举入侵,使得OTC市场的流通渠道经历着前所未有的巨变。本文在分析OTC流通渠道模式的基础上,针对OTC厂商提出一些渠道建议。  相似文献   

企业产品的营销活动几乎都离不开广告,成功的广告策略对于企业来讲,不仅能迅速开拓新的市场,还能提高企业的市场份额,增加消费者的认知、刺激购买,提升产品品牌、树立企业形象。广告策略的准确性和前瞻性直接与产品的营销成功与否息息相关。为了抢得市场先机,有抱负的企业会选择以强势广告策略占领竞争的制高点,它们要通过广告攻城掠地。我国大部分企业广告策略的运用都存在很多不足,缺乏长期的广告策略和整体计划,使得很多品牌往往昙花一现。本文通过浅析我国OTC药品市场现状,结合OTC药品电视广告的信息策略、创意策略和媒介策略等一般理论,通过分析,得到以下见解:OTC药品电视广告应具有可识别性的功能诉求;广告应幽默而不哗众取宠;合理整合媒体;OTC电视广告应树立长期的发展目标。  相似文献   

基于博弈论的OTC金融衍生品市场监管必要性分析表明:在政府行政监管、行业协会自律管理及市场参与者内部控制的博弈中,单凭市场本身的内部调节机制并不能完全发挥持续稳定市场的效力,政府监管职能对规范市场行为有重大作用;行业自律组织监管是市场监管中不可替代的有机组成。应加强OTC衍生品市场内部控制与风险管理,完善行政监管机制,提高行业协会自律监管能力,特别是加强金融机构表外业务风险的监管,以保证金融机构的稳健经营。  相似文献   

Based on the Elaboration Likelihood Model, the current study investigates information types that are cross-promoted in Japanese pharmaceutical advertising. The results from a quantitative content analysis of OTC drug brands' TV commercials broadcasted in Japan between 2014 and 2015 and their corresponding product websites (n = 150) show that Japanese OTC drug promotions feature more informational cues in the latter; cues such as price, safety, quality, components, and guarantees/warranties are particularly prominent. Furthermore, product websites tend to focus more on rational appeals, whereas TV commercials emphasize emotional appeals. No difference is found between these media types regarding celebrity and noncelebrity endorser usage.  相似文献   

世界资本市场的发展历程表明,资本市场与一国经济社会发展相伴相生,脱离经济社会需求的金融发展会带来灾难;资本市场代表着市场化资源配置方式,但诚信缺失和非理性因素也会带来市场失灵;金融危机对全球化时代的资本市场发展和监督提出了新的挑战,对世界经济金融格局将产生深远影响。我国的资本市场存在着市场发展水平不高、投资回报未能充分体现、法制建设和监管需要加强、国际竞争力不强等问题,应该采取措施完善市场体系,加快场外市场建设;提高监管水平,改革监管体制;强化投资者保护机制,加强投资者教育;推动社会保障和养老体系与资本市场的良性互动发展。  相似文献   

耿凡  卞鹰 《中国市场》2007,(45):59-61
本文旨在为非处方药网络DTC营销策略提出建议。通过文献收集和资料分析后,本文初步得到以下结论:(1)全球OTC市场中,我国以11%的增长率成为增长最快的地区;(2)2006年我国网络营销市场规模突破60亿;(3)超过80%的城市居民对一些可自我识别的疾病或某些慢性疾病进行自我药疗;(4)截至2007年1月,我国网民总数为13700万人。基于此,本文认为电子邮件营销,网络DTC广告和DTC网站这三种网络DTC营销方式的发展前景看好。  相似文献   

当前OTC市场存在进入壁垒低,产品同质化严重,市场竞争激烈等问题.政府部门应继续完善药房、药店的监督管理法规并保障其执行;继续加大对药剂师的认证与培训工作的力度,杜绝社会上一些不良风气对药剂师的侵蚀,以提高其在消费者心目中的地位,更好地指导消费者合理用药.企业应把平价大药房和社区药房作为现阶段的营销重点,更多地运用媒体广告来向消费者传递信息,同时,努力把握消费者购买决策的全过程,以期在各个阶段都能有效地对其施加影响.  相似文献   

《Journal of Retailing》2021,97(4):697-714
This research presents a retail analytics application which uses machine learning (ML) to identify and predict under- and overperforming consumer packaged goods (CPGs) using retail scanner data. Essential to measuring market performance at the SKU level is the relationship between distribution and market share (the velocity curve). We validate that ML can reproduce the velocity curve, and ML is further used to predict underperforming, in-line performing, and overperforming SKUs relative to the velocity curve, based on a range of variables (SKU features) at a point in time. Our ML approach can correctly predict 83% of SKUs as under-, in-line-, or overperforming based on their characteristics. The research analyzes 9,321 SKUs of 2,565 brands across seven product categories of CPGs which were sold in 8,117 stores from 49 different retail chains of five different retail channels located in the US states of California, New York, Texas, and Wisconsin. The retail stores comprise convenience stores, drug stores, food stores, liquor stores, and mass merchandise retail stores. The data is Nielsen retail store scanner data for the calendar year 2014. The relationship between distribution and market share is a market-wide proxy for the ratio of relative sales in a category to, for example, aggregate shelf space, a key retail productivity metric. We further find indications that the distribution of SKUs across different store sizes, the stores’ category specialization, the line length of the brands, the overall performance of the parent brand, and sales consistency are the most important characteristics for the prediction of market share performance beyond the velocity curve. The methods and results presented will help CPG marketers (suppliers and retailers) understand which SKUs are under-, in-line-, or overperforming and the potential factors contributing to that performance. Optimizing assortments and portfolios is essential to decrease failure rates of individual SKUs. ML approaches can evolve to complementary support tools for such management problems.  相似文献   

Based on experiences from the financial crisis, it was decided at the G20 summit in Pittsburgh in 2009 that OTC derivatives transactions should be predominantly cleared through central counterparties (CCP). CCPs contribute to a reduction of systemic risk. The global clearing volume of OTC interest rate, equity and currency derivatives is approximately USD 400 trillion per year. In light of the upcoming Brexit, the question arises as to whether or not the clearing of euro denominated OTC derivatives, currently performed primarily by the London based clearing house LCH Clearnet, should remain in the UK due to economies of scale available to LCH Clearnet as the current European market leader. On the other hand, CCPs are of increasing importance for financial stability in the eurozone, particularly because of potential spillover effects on monetary policy if a systemically important CCP experiences financial distress. Hence, a relocation of euro OTC derivatives clearing from the UK to the EU would ensure direct supervision by European authorities. Opponents of a relocation are concerned about decreasing market liquidity and capital efficiency alongside higher transaction costs due to market fragmentation. The analysis presented in this paper shows that the existing relocation cost estimates of up to USD 100 billion are far too high; realistically, they can be expected to amount to just USD 3.2 billion over a period of five years.  相似文献   

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