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为了更好地应对夏季汛期强降雨引发的山洪灾害,建立起一套规范的防治体系,避免山洪灾害对国民经济和人民群众生命财产造成极大危害,龙口市全面实施了山洪灾害防治非工程措施建设。  相似文献   

一种特定的技术或一个技术行业具有一定的结构和体系,找到那块构成技术体系的能引发雪崩的石子儿,同样可以释放出犹如雪崩般的巨大能量,足以改变整个产业的面貌。  相似文献   

固态器件能产生纳秒甚至亚纳秒级的开关时间,利用固态器件制成的高压脉冲源,广泛应用于激光脉冲开关、探地雷达、高速相机等低功率场合.在各种固态器件中,雪崩三极管最为常用.给出了雪崩三极管在几种典型的电路条件下的雪崩特性曲线,分析了雪崩过程中工作点的移动和电路的动态过程.分别对2N5551和ZTX415两种管子进行了实验,实验电路采用15只雪崩三极管串接,获得了幅度4000V、前沿时间小于5ns的脉冲输出.实验结果表明,两种管子在开关速度和输出电压上相当,但ZTX415性能更加稳定,可靠性更好.  相似文献   

随着各种资源开发和工程建设活动等人类工程活动的力度普遍增大,给我国十分脆弱的地质环境带来了巨大的压力,地质灾害的频度和规模有逐年增加的趋势。该文就岩土工程与地质灾害的内涵、地质灾害的特征与危害以及地质灾害防治工程的主要施工技术标准及防治措施进行了全面的阐述。  相似文献   

随着中国海外出境旅游市场持续升温以及互联网及移动网普及,在线旅行社(OTA)正逐渐成为一大开拓主角,但同时存在一些短板因素,如产业链整合不足、同质化竞争、违规失信、出境服务管理不到位及海外OTA抢滩进入等。需进一步优化海外布局,提高话语权;加强线下渠道渗透、扩展产业链拓展新型产品和服务模式,满足客户需求;开创“旅游+N”,品牌和营销双赢;强化依法监管,共同开发出境旅游市场。  相似文献   

结合工程监督与管理实践经验,主要论述了膨胀土的特性、鉴别标准及工程危害,提出了在路基施工中的主要防治措施,为今后类似工程提供设计、监理以及施工参考资料。  相似文献   

就业意向是学生根据内外部环境对未来工作进行的计划和安排。通过对四所高校旅游管理大四学生的问卷调研,发现虽然大部分学生都愿意选择企业工作,但受到专业认同度不高、旅游企业用人机制不健全以及个人技能和兴趣的多方面影响,愿意选择旅游行业的学生比例仅在50%左右。在此基础上,提出理清专业定位,确立适合行业需求的人才培养目标;调整课程结构体系,适应旅游行业发展需要;加强职业素养培养和职业规划引导,促进学生宽口径就业水平;加强行业和学校之间的联系,促使企业调整用人机制等措施,从而提高旅游管理专业学生的就业能力,促进旅游管理专业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

灾害旅游在我国是一种全新的概念,是一种新的旅游类型。我国有许多可开发的灾害旅游资源,同时我国也有许多地区瞄准灾害旅游产品进行资源整合和开发。本文分析了我国灾害旅游开发的可行性,并对当前灾害旅游的开发及营销提出对策与建议。  相似文献   

提出了以雪崩管作为主开关利用Marx线路来产生高重频高压窄脉冲的方法。分析了雪崩管电路特性,提出了Marx线路下高重频运行时器件的设计要求及印制电路板(PCB)布线设计建议。研制了一台高重频高压亚纳秒脉冲源发生器装置,该装置结构紧凑,在50Ω负载系统下,能输出幅度为1 k、重复频率为800kHz、脉宽为500 ps的脉冲。在常温风冷下,该设备可长时间稳定运行。  相似文献   

昆明市西山区自然资源与人文资源丰富多样,旅游产业发展基础良好。本文在对西山区旅游产业发展的SWOT分析的基础上,提出西山区旅游产业发展的发展路径:依托昆明的高铁网络,促进旅游发展;提升景区品质,创建国家级旅游示范区;大力发展新型旅游;乡村旅游转型升级、提质增效;加强政策支持保障;多样化合作发展模式等。  相似文献   

Disasters, albeit on a small scale, are an everyday event in Africa. They contribute to depriving millions of Africans of access to basic services, often considered rights in more affluent societies. The massive amounts of aid donated during disasters, could be limited by strengthening systems of disaster preparedness beforehand. Current, disease-specific programs can not achieve this goal. The Essential Trauma Care Program of the WHO, and the International Association of Trauma Surgery and Intensive Care provides a template on which to build affordable systems of disaster preparedness.  相似文献   

郑欢  刘春杰 《商业研究》2002,(11):130-133
滑雪场建设是滑雪旅游产业发展的基础,它依托房地产开发建设,又拓宽了房地产开发市场;它对雪场周边城镇的经济发展也是有力的促动。为此,雪场及其周边城镇的房地产开发建设要围绕滑雪旅游这个中心,突出冰雪文化特色和生态特色,推动雪场及周边城镇的经济发展。  相似文献   

目前我国水库移民的生产生活条件依然普遍较差,库区和移民安置区的基础设施薄弱,经济社会发展滞后,已成为制约区域经济发展和影响社会稳定的重要问题。本文结合湖北省的实际,从运行机制、项目规划、项目建设和强化监管等方面对于如何促进库区和移民安置区经济社会发展进行了有益的探讨。  相似文献   

王庆平 《商业研究》2005,(11):51-52
随着世界经济一体化的深入和加强,生产要素在国家间的流动更为频繁,劳动力作为一种非常重要的生产要素在国家间的流动与在世界经济一体化中发挥着越来越重要的作用,为具有充分地缘优势和经济互补优势的中国东北和俄罗斯远东的发展提供了广阔的空间。但双方对经济技术发展,在法律保障、税费种类、办事程序及劳务合作等方面还存在着诸多的制约因素,应本着互惠互利、双赢的原则,采取正确的发展策略,促进经济合作的腾飞。  相似文献   


This paper examines the pattern of debt and equity portfolio flows (FPI) to the developing countries in recent years and discusses some policy and operational measures to facilitate greater FPI flows. Our analysis suggests that many countries need to adopt more aggressive measures to attract foreign portfolio investment. The major areas where improvements can facilitate FPI are identified as: political and legal environment, private sector development, improvement in macro-economic management, development of capital markets, strengthening of financial institutions, enforcement of market regulations, improvements in market operations, and effective dissemination of market information.  相似文献   

Natural disasters cause serious damage to businesses in the stricken areas and greatly affect survivors’ psychology and behaviors. Based on data from 206 survival employees in 33 affected firms in Wenchuan Earthquake, this study analyzes the impact of natural disaster on absenteeism, job satisfaction, and job performance of survival employees. Results indicate that after the earthquake, survival employees’ absenteeism and job satisfaction (including intrinsic, extrinsic, and general job satisfaction) decrease significantly, but their task performance, contextual performance, and overall job performance improve significantly. Employees’ learning and innovative performance have no significant change in comparison with that before the earthquake. The authors thus suggest that the affected businesses need to communicate with the survival employees actively, focus more on job security, compensation and working conditions, in order to maintain these employees’ job satisfaction. In addition, enterprises outside the affected areas should give priority to the recruitment of the survival employees given the same conditions, because it is beneficial to both the employing enterprises and the reconstruction of affected areas.  相似文献   

Although attention to the business risks posed by natural disasters fueled by climate change has grown, the toll that disasters have on human resources in the form of traumatic stress is comparatively neglected. It is common for more than 20% of people exposed to natural disasters to develop traumatic stress disorders that can last for years. In the workplace, traumatic stress hurts attendance, the quantity and quality of output, and relationships. Fortunately, businesses can promote employee resilience and recovery. Given the Asia-Pacific region’s high risk of natural disasters, businesses operating there should include employees’ traumatic stress in their disaster preparedness.  相似文献   

论我国现代物流发展中政府职能的合理定位   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
胡晓利 《中国市场》2007,(36):10-11
综观西方各国政府在本国现代物流业发展中的作为,其职能定位主要集中于下述四个基本方面:制定科学的物流业发展规划和统一的物流标准;建立长效的物流管理体制和协调机制;营造有利于现代物流业发展的宏观环境;加强行政指导与市场监管,创新刚柔相济的物流管理方式。我国政府相关部门在发展现代物流业的过程中既要合理借鉴,又要结合国情有所发展和创新。  相似文献   

The central purpose of this article is to report on the current practices of evaluating training and development programs in the Indian corporate sector. The data were collected from written questionnaires mailed to 252 respondent companies—127 private, 99 public, and 26 multinational corporations (MNCs). The results and discussions are based on the major drivers and key result areas of training and development; purposes, levels, instruments, timing, and designs of evaluation; serious limitations of the training system; and finally the major challenges currently faced by the Indian corporate sector in strengthening the training and development function.  相似文献   

Dragged by the U.S. subprime crisis and the soaring oil price, the global economy is slowing down, causing problems to China, the country which has continuously achieved miraculous economic growth. Apart from the accumulation of high inflation and risks of overheated economy, China is attacked by serious natural disasters ever since the beginning of 2008, including the snow disaster, the earthquake and the flood. It is obviously that China's priority now is to bring inflation under control so as to maintain the stable growth of economy.  相似文献   

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