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企业的主体性分析范式--基于"浙商"和中国企业的视角   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
从“浙商”和中国企业的视角看,存在对企业分析范式的传统性与现代化、普遍性与特殊性、企业家与企业、生产力与人的发展、经济与文化协调等多重矛盾统一的规定.以及循着超越发展的要求。但是,现有的企业分析范式不能完整和充分地适应这种要求.存在局限性。适应“浙商”和中国企业循着超越发展要求的是企业主体性分析范式,其假设前提是个人和共同利益的最大化,其研究平台是完整的主体性理论,其参照系是相关性与自主性的动态协调.其基本方法是科学分析与人文分析等的统一。企业主体性分析范式具有一般应用原理、特殊应用原理和典型应用原理,关键在于假设前提以及相关和自主的特性、内容与结构关系的不同。  相似文献   

This paper estimates the growth contributions of telecom services by public and private sectors and distinguishes it from the information technology services. Socio-economic determinants of demand for telecom services are estimated for fixed and mobile phones in the framework of a Logit model and using data from a small-household sample survey in India. Estimation results show a significant negative impact of price and a positive impact of income variables; distinguish the importance of social caste, education level, nature of occupation, age of household head and family size between fixed and mobiles phones and offer evidence for substitutability of mobile phones for fixed phones. These results add to the empirical knowledge of socio-economic determinants of telecom demand and have implications for selective design of policies towards promotion of higher demand and attainment of higher economic growth by fixed and mobile services in India and other developing countries.  相似文献   

文字是人类文明进步不可缺少的基本工具,它既是语言的载体,也是信息化社会的基础。拉丁字母文字从一万多年前的原始文字到现代表音的字母文字,经历了漫长的原始文字、古典文字和字母文字三大阶段,文字形态的每一个变化,在保有历史痕迹的同时,也实现了更加快速有效传达信息的目的。各个时代不同的文字书写工具和载体作为媒介指导了信号的传递,并直接影响到当时的文字形态和信息传达。古登堡铅活字印刷术的发明带来了信息传递的重大技术变革,使得文字形态进入印刷文化阶段;印刷油墨和纸张作为文字的新载体在世界范围内推广,陆续产生了现在依然有影响力的诸多拉丁字母文字。铅字字模印刷文字形态的一致性,使得固定形态重复出现时的文字可识别性大大提高,形成了规范的印刷品文字形态,使文字的易读性和可读性明显优于形态相对不固定的手写体,使信息能够被更加清晰准确地传递,对更好地实现文字的功能具有重要意义。随着信息化社会的发展,印刷文字扮演着越来越重要的角色,拉丁字母文字印刷体形态如何更好地传达信息必将得到更大的关注和更深入的研究。  相似文献   

阐述了工程监督管理制度与规范、监督培训机制、信息化管理等所取得的创新成果,以及监督在勘探开发中发挥的重要作用。分析了工程监督目前在勘探开发、施工队伍监督等方面遇到的挑战,提出了要加快培养中级、高级监督人才,满足勘探开发日益复杂的需要,实现工程监督的实时动态化管理。利用工程技术与信息化管理网络一体化技术,充分发挥监督的现场作用,实现安全生产。  相似文献   

随着石油供应对外依赖程度的增大,我国的石油安全问题越来越突出。我国是海洋油气资源比较丰富的国家,在陆上石油生产增长缓慢和海外石油引进受到限制的条件下,大力开发海洋油气对确保国家石油安全具有十分积极的意义。必须在充分认识和分析我国海洋油气开发的现状与所遇障碍的基础上,实施积极务实的海洋油气开发战略。  相似文献   

动植物吉祥纹样是渗透于生活之中的艺术,它历史悠久,具有质朴的生活情趣和独特的艺术风格,成为中华民族民间文化艺术的明珠。文章主要考察了江南大学民间服饰传习馆中的数百种藏品,从我国传统动植物结合纹样在民间服饰中的外观体现谈起,着重论述了动植物结合纹样在头饰、上装、下装、鞋子的上体及其所要表达的吉祥观念,最后阐述了动植物吉祥纹样在现代服装设计中的运用。  相似文献   

This paper analyses the beliefs of teachers regarding the demonstration as a signature pedagogy in design and technology, where there is a limited body of literature outlining the theory and practice. The demonstration is multifaceted, and effective teachers adopt and adapt a range of skills and values to scaffold learning, including teacher modelling and explaining. The study explores the subjective beliefs of seven practicing teachers through Q Methodology; comparing and analysing the responses of the participants’ subjective beliefs and values, using 62 statements relating to teacher modelling and explaining, developed and refined with teacher educators, and representing the concourse of opinions and perspectives. The sample is purposive, comprised of practicing teachers who are engaged with mentoring trainees in Initial Teacher Education. The findings will represent a snapshot of subjective values of practicing teachers, as part of a discourse on signature pedagogies in design and technology education.  相似文献   

为全面保障集气处理站人员和设备安全,提升油气站场智能化水平,基于信息化和物联网技术设计并实现了油气站场运行异常全息管控系统.利用过程安全管理和完整性管理技术建立风险识别管控机制,并构建状态监测、火气监测、腐蚀监测、位移监测、工艺监测和视频监控等多个功能模块,再结合三维全息技术,建立全场景的三维全息数字场站.结果显示,系...  相似文献   

This essay traces the genesis and evolution of research pertaining to the interplay between cognition, action, and outcomes in industries and business markets and offers suggestions for the advancement of theory, research, and practice. Through a process of autobiographical self-reflection, covering the period from the mid-1980s–present, the author offers his views on developments and progress, first at a philosophical level, and then in terms of theory development and empirical advances, the development and application of methods for mapping actors' representations of strategic knowledge, and what this body of work has contributed and might contribute, going forward, to the design and evaluation of intervention tools and practices to aid strategic adaptation.  相似文献   

研究不同国家间的科技研发效率及其影响因素对于比较不同国家间的科技资源配资效率、制定科技研发效率提高的相关政策具有指导意义。本文利用亚洲 12 个一带一路国家科技研发的两投入、两产出指标测算这些国家的科技研发效率及其影响因素。结果表明:这些国家技术进步率的提高带动了科技研发效率的上升;发展中国家科技研发表现出明显的后发优势。经济规模与科技研发效率之间呈现“U”型关系,金融深化程度、人力资本水平、健康人力资本和产业结构与科技研发效率之间存在显著的正相关。最后本文提出对策建议。  相似文献   

A framework for the analysis of partnership at work is presented, emphasizing the principles, practices and outcomes of partnership. A survey using matched samples of 54 UK management and employee representatives found a link between partnership principles and practices, between practices and ratings of employee attitudes and behaviour, between these and estimates of positive employment relations and quality and productivity, finally between productivity and sales and profitability. The findings support a mutual gains model but show that the balance of advantage is skewed towards management and reflects generally low management trust in employee representatives.  相似文献   

This study examines the inter-relationships between network ties as social capital and knowledge resources as human capital, in the internationalization of law firms. Using a qualitative case study methodology, this study is based on primary data collected from Australian law firms and corporate client organizations, and compares and contrasts the views of lawyers and clients on building social and human capital. Our study finds that the relative importance of strong ties diminishes as professional services globalize and weak ties become viewed as more prominent for successful internationalization. The main findings indicate three different sets of inter-relationships between social and human capital: complementary, supplementary and compensatory. We discuss the complementary and supplementary effects of strong and weak ties and three different types of knowledge resources (technical, market and client-specific knowledge). We also argue that knowledge resources of technical and market knowledge can compensate network ties in the internationalization of firms. Examining social and human capital between law firms and clients provides important theoretical and practical insights into understanding the internationalization of professional service firms.  相似文献   

哈萨克斯坦成品油市场浅析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
杨超  郭沂 《国际石油经济》2012,20(5):59-63,111,112
哈萨克斯坦成品油消费量呈逐年增长的趋势,但受哈国炼厂技术设备陈旧、轻质油品产出率偏低以及哈国政府对成品油经营实施许可管理等因素的影响,哈成品油市场一直处于供需失衡的状态.近年来哈国政府逐渐强化对成品油市场的宏观调控,使得该行业呈现计划经济与市场经济共同交互的形态.为规范成品油市场,哈政府陆续修订、颁布了一系列财税和法律政策,加强对市场的监管.哈成品油市场呈现需求增长迅速、消费区域相对集中两大特点.存在的主要问题:炼厂开工率低和加工深度不足导致市场供需失衡;市场机制受到人为扭曲;成品油物流基础条件较差;成品油流通环节中间商泛滥.未来哈国政府将增加石化行业投资,提高原油加工深度,扭转供需结构失衡状况,并在“俄白哈关税同盟”框架下推进成品油共同市场的建立.  相似文献   

为了优化沥青路面材料的减振降噪性能,延长路面的使用寿命,对现有沥青材料进行改性优化。选用硅藻土和玄武岩纤维作为改性剂对沥青材料进行复合改性,依据孔隙率、阻尼比、矿料间隙率、吸声系数、流值变形量、马歇尔稳定度、沥青饱和度7个参数确定复合改性沥青材料的配比,制备出硅藻土与玄武岩纤维复合改性沥青材料。分别对硅藻土单掺杂沥青材料、玄武岩纤维单掺杂沥青材料和硅藻土与玄武岩纤维复合改性沥青材料进行了力学特性试验,分析其物理性能,并对不同沥青混合料的减振降噪性能进行了对比测试。结果表明,硅藻土和玄武岩纤维复合掺杂最佳配比:油石质量比为5.5%,玄武岩纤维掺杂比为0.3%,硅藻土掺杂比为7.5%。复合材料的减振降噪性能优于普通沥青材料,与其相比,最优配比下的新型复合材料吸声系数峰值高出38.89%,吸声系数均值高出30.30%。复合改性沥青材料具有良好的减振降噪性能并且具有显著的高温稳定性和低温抗裂性,研究结果可为同质路面材料的进一步优化提供参考,对于提高道路的服务能力具有实际应用价值。  相似文献   

为解释不同区域工业企业RD活动投入规模、结构和绩效之间的关系,找出区域工业企业RD活动的差异和特点,利用数据包络分析方法(DEA)的C2 R模型和BC2模型,构建了由2个投入指标和3个产出指标构成的区域工业企业RD投入产出绩效评价指标体系,运用详实的统计数据对2014年和2010年中国部分省市区工业企业的RD投入产出绩效进行了DEA测度及分析。结果表明,中国区域工业企业RD投入产出绩效的技术效率小于规模效率,各省市区工业企业RD投入产出绩效的技术有效性与规模有效性呈现很强的正相关关系。各省市区要根据自身的经济、技术基础,因地制宜地制定提高其工业企业RD投入产出绩效的有效对策。  相似文献   

塔河油田采油一厂“三基”工作领导小组及成员,经过现场考察、听取群众意见和建议,提炼出了具有石油石化特色的“三基”工作“一字诀”文化.精细描述和概括了“三基”工作的内容与要求,提升了“三基”工作的渗透力。  相似文献   

产业结构升级是推进城市化的重要动力之一,本文结合引力模型和现有的文献基础,推导了产业结构升级对城市化影响的非线性关系。具体来说,把产业结构升级划分为产业结构合理化与产业结构高度化两方面,而把城市化划分为人口城市化与生产率城市化两方面。研究发现,产业结构高度化对人口城市化的影响以及产业结构合理化对生产率城市化的影响呈倒“U”型关系,而产业结构高度化对生产率城市化的影响表现为正“U”型关系,产业结构高度化对生产率城市化的影响不显著,并对其原因予以解释。同时,本文加入了市场机制与政府调控对其影响的直接效应与调节效应,发现产业结构高度化与产业结构合理化通过市场机制作用于人口城市化与生产率城市化的作用要强于通过政府调控机制作用于城市化的效果,同时,产业结构高度化比产业机构合理化通过市场机制与政府调控作用于人口城市化与生产率城市化的作用要强,并得出了相应的政策启示。  相似文献   

Growing popularity of robotics education motivates developing its didactics and studying it in teacher training programs. This paper presents a study conducted in the Department of Education in Technology and Science, Technion, in which university students and school pupils cope with robotics challenges of designing, building and operating computer-controlled mechanisms. The university students were involved in developing robot prototypes and related instructional materials, and assisted in teaching robotics and guiding projects to middle school and high school pupils. The study focused on behaviors of the two groups of learners and aimed to elicit and analyze typical characteristics of learning in the developed robotics environment. We collected qualitative data on learning through robot design and experimentation activities and, by means of the ground theory method, elicited and analyzed typical behavioral characteristics of students’ and pupils’ learning: self-confidence, help, collaboration, interest, seriousness, self-dependence, learning effort, responsibility, coping with learning pressure, learning through observation, and perseverance. As found, the behavior characteristics evolve in the course of robotics studies and their evolution can give indication on the development of the desired competences.  相似文献   

The article draws on the University of Leeds research project Technological Capability in Young Children. The research objectives were to identify and characterize capability in design and technology for children aged 5–11; to document features of progression in capability within the domains of graphicacy, evaluation skills and the handling of tools and equipment; and to identify and investigate factors which contribute to the development of a technological knowledge base in primary school classrooms. The research perspective relates to previous studies of contextual and developmental features of capability and the development of practical intelligence. Data sources include fieldnotes and video recordings of children working on tasks defined by their teachers as design and technology activities; interviews with the teachers and children about the outcomes of the activities; and contextual data such as availability of materials, resources, use of teacher time, and classroom organization.Analysis of classroom recordings, together with teacher and pupil interviews, revealed a learning environment which presented teachers with new dilemmas and children with opportunities to demonstrate previously unnoted capabilities and deficiencies, particularly in graphicacy, evaluation processes and the manipulation of tools. The findings are exemplified through analysis of critical incidents.  相似文献   

本文将碳排放作为非期望产出,采用非径向、非角度的SBM模型测度了1997~2014年长三角地区的碳排放效率水平,比较了碳排放效率的动态变化,并计算了碳排放效率的改进空间。研究发现:从效率值来看,上海、江苏、浙江的碳排放效率值存在显著差异,上海的碳排放效率均值接近于DEA有效值,且显著高于江苏与浙江。从投入与产出冗余率来看,长三角地区各省市均存在一定程度的冗余,上海的要素投入冗余率最小,能源配置与劳动力配置冗余是造成江苏与浙江碳排放效率低的主要原因。  相似文献   

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