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Employers who attempt to pay what others describe as a living wage may well undermine the opportunities available for migrants to experience economic flourishing. A market economy where profit is the prime motivation is an important contributor to the common good: this is clear in Catholic social teaching.  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article:
Kevin Dowd (1989) The State and the Monetary System.
David Glasner (1989) Free Banking and Monetary Reform.
David Gowland (1990) The Regulation of Financial Markets in the 1990s.  相似文献   

<正>在金科,企业文化是企业肌体的每一寸血管中流淌着的一种精神、是每一名员工发自内心的一份信仰。生生不息的文化,正在成为金科团队执行力的重要保障和公司持续成长的不竭动力。金科物业服务有限公司成立于1998年,公司注册资本5000万元,现有员工5200余人。目前管理规模已超过2700万平方米。自成立以来,"关爱无处不在"、"迅速反应、创造感动"的服务理念响彻全国。2008年,金科物业按照金科股份"依托大重庆,挺进长三角,开拓环渤海,扩大中西  相似文献   

陈超国执行董事——责评估部门包括中国评估部负责最终签署评估报告管理硕士——业于英国的物业发展及投资管理系毕业于香港理工大学测量学系香港测量师学会之资深会员英国皇家测量师学会之资深会员仲裁学会之注册会员自1995年开始负责中国评估部所参与的大型国企项目如下:中国银行中银集团 中外运 中国石油天然气 中国移动 中国联通 中国电信 联华超市 中国铝业 马鞍山钢铁厂 中国粮油进出口公司 北京华联超市 上海宝钢 上海电力 粤海集团 万通集团中国化工进出口公司 广东美雅集团 新亚集团 华能电力 东方航空 南方航空 山东新华制药厂 庆玲汽车 海螺水泥宝丰集团皖通高速公路 成渝高速公路 中国制药 中国民航计算机信息中心 中国航空技术进出口公司 北京人民印刷股份有限公司 东风汽车 上海电力 涟源钢铁厂等  相似文献   

Modern production systems are characterized by the growth of service industries and the increasing interdependence between services and the production of goods. Further, current research is becoming increasingly concerned with the strategic role of certain service functions in the process of economic growth. In this paper we examine these phenomena in the specific context of the economic structure and evolution of metropolitan Geneva. We begin by presenting an alternative typology of economic activity, and then employ this typology to examine three aspects of Geneva's economic structure: its configuration in 1985; its evolution over the period 1975–1985; and intrametropolitan shifts of economic activity. Finally, we compare Geneva to other metropolitan areas and cities in Switzerland, France, and Canada, in order to demonstrate the universality of the processes taking place.  相似文献   

路特斯。一个与保时捷、法拉利并称世界三大跑车制造商的传奇品牌,Elise。一个拥有精灵的名字,绚丽色彩的款式。它在轻量化的哨的街头荧光黄。心脏里却体现着纯正的专业,其实真正的品质来自于对机械的极致追求,  相似文献   

Abstract This paper provides evidence on the impact of company training, of post-compulsory education and of the UK Youth Training Scheme in the late 1980's on the earnings of 21-year-old employees in England and Wales. Earnings equations are estimated for each of seven groups of employees who have followed alternative routes from compulsory education into employment, allowing for selectivity into these routes. There are several findings, including: both high parental social class and better school qualifications help to channel people into higher status routes, while high local unemployment has the opposite effect; participation in company training in long spells substantially raises wages but short spells do not; YTS participation fails to raise, and possibly substantially lowers, wages even three years after graduation compared to those who left school at 16 and went to work and received no training; there is weak evidence that, even for those that do not enter higher education, it is better to stay on at school after 16 than go into YTS.  相似文献   

In September, 1984, Britain and China concluded the Joint Declaration on the Future of Hong Kong. The Joint Declaration guarantees the continual practice of capitalism and a high degree of autonomy for Hong Kong for a period of 50 years after 1997. It helped to rebuild confidence and caused property prices to rise. However, Annex HI of the Joint Declaration places severe restraints on the present government, limiting its ability to respond to market trends and generate funds from land sales. This paper seeks to look at some of these effects. It is argued that there is very little room for the present government to maneouvre and that even now the constraints imposed by the Joint Declaration are affecting the land market in Hong Kong. Higher land prices, a slower rate of horizontal expansion of the city and a greater intensity of land use are likely consequences of the newly imposed contraints. The recent emphasis on inner city development and redevelopment vis-a-vis a new town development strategy is in part attributable to the Joint Declaration.  相似文献   

While not uncritical of aspects of modern capitalism, John Paul II's 1991 social encyclical, Centesimus Annus , directed official Catholic teaching towards more explicit affirmation of the moral potential of free markets, exchange and enterprise. Analysis of the pre-pontifical writings of Pope John Paul's successor, Benedict XVI, suggests that an equally nuanced approach to economics and the market from the most authoritative Catholic teaching authority is likely to continue.  相似文献   

美全·22世纪流线型地标建筑,写字楼的梦想之作三峡石造型建筑,源自人文与自然的灵感峡谷,是山水嘻戏的地方,美全·22世纪,以峡谷为形,作为建筑的基本布局,以两座高塔为山,以三座低矮建筑为浅滩;以步行空间代表流动的江水,从而形成山水情景的瞬间建筑式凝固。山水情节继续演绎,石头通过水的打磨,慢慢形成  相似文献   

This paper looks at the housing sector reform in Central and Eastern Europe and examines the progress to date in housing privatization and policies aimed at improving the management and condition of the existing housing stock through the establishment and operation of the condominium form of ownership. The paper compares and analyzes approaches taken in four countries with regard to four issues: (I) the legal framework and implementation strategies; (2) the role of local government housing strategies in supporting the development of viable condominium associations; (3) property management of privatized housing; and (4) financing rehabilitation and capital repair projects for condominiums. Findings include the need for a clear legal framework, competition in the property management market, more supportive local government policies, and public sector support in tackling rehabilitation finance issues.  相似文献   

Abstract. The notion that the separation of ownership from control may create a divergence of interests between managers and shareholders has led to a large number of studies which investigate the influence of ownership structures upon a firm's financial structure and its performance. The purpose of this paper is to review and critically evaluate the literature that empirically analyses the effects of ownership and control structures on both the financial structure and the performance of the firm. In addition, further consideration is given to the dynamic relationships between ownership, control, financing and firm performance.  相似文献   

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