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长三角地区经济一体化的关键在于制度建设。长三角地区政府间互动行为是该地区经济一体化制度建设的关键因素。文章在现有研究成果的基础上,提出了一个基于政府间磋商机制的长三角地区经济一体化制度建设的概念模型,该模型包括制度供给、制度竞争、制度变迁三个维度,从而为长三角地区经济一体化制度建设提供了一个基本框架。  相似文献   

由市场金融制度替代计划金融制度,一直是我国金融改革的目标取向.在已有的金融改革过程中,我国金融制度变迁没有象经济制度变迁一样走诱致性和强制性交互演进之路,而是选择了政府主导型的强制性制度变迁模式.……  相似文献   

陈衡哲 《上海房地》2009,(10):13-15
住房金融指围绕住房建设、流通、消费和维护等发生的货币信用行为以及由此产生的各种机制。我国经过近30年的努力已经初步构建起极具中国特色的住房金融制度,即以强制性储蓄型的住房公积金制度为核心、合同契约型政府支持和资本市场共同辅助的住房金融模式。  相似文献   

高昕 《经济界》2014,(4):23-29
新型农业经营主体是农业经营体系的重要基础。当前,我国各类新型农业经营主体受制于农业要素市场的约束,市场发育程度普遍不高。以市场决定和政府有为的优化结合培育新型农业经营主体有其自身的逻辑追求和价值取向。为此,市场机制和政府调控应立足国情,注重差异,激活农村土地、金融、劳动力等要素市场的活力,构建新型农业经营体系,培育新型农业经营主体。市场要充分发挥在资源配置中的决定性作用,完善农业现代市场体系;政府要转变农业支持方式,加强农业发展顶层设计。  相似文献   

商品房用地制度变迁与制度创新框架   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在我国改革开放和城市住房制度改革的历史背景下,我国商品房用地供给制度变迁的模式为:中央政府进行基本土地制度供给、地方政府竞争制度创新进入权,并通过对基本土地制度的市场化运用而不断进行制度创新.地方政府进行的是"放权获利"式的改革,随着改革的深入,地方政府没有更多的可放之权,中央政府必须提供新的制度框架,地方政府才有继续...  相似文献   

诺思开创的制度变迁路径依赖理论对理解一国经济制度变迁提供了一个有效的分析视角。制度变迁选择何种方式,主要受制于一个社会的利益集团之间的权利结构和偏好结构。本文基于制度变迁路径依赖理论,以农村金融制度改革为例分析了中国金融制度经历的从计划向市场的改革变迁历程,指出了其中所存在的典型特征:政府主导型、强制变迁性、渐进转型性。这种政府供给主导型的强制性金融制度变迁具有强势路径依赖的特征,并锁定在低效率状态。未来,必须引入新的变量来实施动态的制度变迁,从而才能达到更为高效的路径替代。  相似文献   

从公共经济学角度看,农业金融是一种具有利益外溢特征,即正外部性的产品。金融资源稀缺性要求政府政策支持以促进公共金融产品的提供。目前我国农村金融服务体系的现状及其存在的主要问题是:正规金融——支农功效不断弱化,农村金融有效供给严重不足;民间金融——金融活动活跃,尚欠规范;其他农村金融——基本空缺。构建和完善农村金融服务体系的对策为:培育多元化的农村金融市场;构建农村金融市场稳健发展的外部服务体系;构建农村金融服务体系需要产业支撑作保障。  相似文献   

优化金融生态环境对中原经济区建设中吸引资金集聚和提升经济发展质量具有重要意义。经济基础较差和增长效益低、金融发展水平滞后和结构失衡、社会信用体系不够完善以及政府不当行为是制约中原经济区金融生态环境发展的主要因素。优化中原经济区金融生态环境的基本路径在于统筹政府和市场的作用、夯实区内经济基础、培育多层次融资体系和加强中介体系建设与信用体系建设。  相似文献   

本文借鉴制度变迁的基本理论,从动态视角(2001—2011)研究内部控制对财务重述的治理作用。研究发现:相对于诱致性变迁,强制性内部控制制度变迁更有助于抑制上市公司财务重述行为的发生;在强制性制度变迁阶段,随着政府强制力的增强,内部控制对财务重述的抑制作用更明显。  相似文献   

陈玉玲  顾芹 《当代会计》2021,(1):114-116
京津冀协同发展背景下,为推进京津冀要素市场一体化发展,金融机构通过一系列金融项目给予大力支持,对要素市场供给中金融支持项目审计的研究具有现实意义,且能够为金融政策和措施发挥实效提供参考.文章以京津冀要素市场一体化及金融支持项目概况为基础,结合风险识别阐述了金融支持项目审计的要点.立足全局,结合审计要点提出了京津冀要素一体化进程中金融支持项目审计的对策.  相似文献   

诺斯应用现代产权理论说明制度变迁与经济增长的关系,指出制度变迁是经济增长的重要因素之一,有效率的制度促进经济增长和发展,无效率的制度则会抑制甚至阻碍经济增长和发展。发展中国家普遍面临维持经济增长与提高经济效率两大难题,问题根源在于其基本制度框架普遍缺乏发展市场经济的制度背景。因此,在发展中国家,必须发挥政府的"主导"作用,制订一套公开、透明的规则体系,防止寻租、以权谋私和欺诈行为,为市场经济运作创造出公平合理的制度环境,以利于实现市场经济的顺利转型和高效运作。  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2022,46(4):101041
Financial sector development is a multidimensional process that plays a vital role in the economic growth and development of a country. This study investigates the effect of institutional quality on multidimensional financial sector development, and its dimensions, such as, depth, access, and efficiency. We used a panel dataset of 85 emerging and developing economies from 1996 to 2018 for analysis. Our findings based on 2SLS estimation demonstrate that institutional quality has a significant positive effect on the progress of the financial sector, especially its depth, access, and efficiency. The breakdown analysis shows that most of the key components (control of corruption, government effectiveness, regulatory quality, rule of law, and voice and accountability) of institutional quality enhance the financial sector development. Our empirical results are robust across alternative measures of institutional quality, split-sample analysis, alternative instrument, and estimator. This paper also offers useful policy implications to the stakeholders in emerging and developing economies.  相似文献   

This research examines the influence of government financial support on new firms' performance. Extant empirical research on the topic has found mixed results, which warrants an exploration of the theoretical basis for the impact of support policies on new firms' performance. Grounding the theoretical model in the resource-based view and institutional theories, this study contends that performance outcomes – e.g. revenues or profits – should not be the first outcomes of public policies to be examined. Instead, competitive advantage formation is suggested as a link between support policies and new firms' performance. Using new firms from the USA, we examine the impact of government financial support measures – government loans, guarantees and government equity – on firms' overall competitive advantage and more specific types of competitive advantage based on innovation, licensing-in, marketing and human capital. Controlling for family funding, bank financing, equity of business angels and venture capitalists, industry, size as well as entrepreneur's characteristics, the results reveal that government guarantees and government equity have a direct effect on new firms' competitive advantage and only an indirect impact on performance. Our results suggest to policy-makers to focus on helping new firms build the necessary capabilities to compete successfully in the marketplace.  相似文献   

Universities have lapsed into an‘abject state of financial dependence on central government’from which they should be reclaimed. Moreover, they are no longer intellectually independent. A 'single, simple financial reform’would make a great difference: universities need to determine the costs of their activities, charging accordingly, and government should once again offer students scholarships which would cover the greater part of the‘basic costs’of their courses.  相似文献   

随着教育事业的不断发展,高等学校办学经费已经从过去的单一财政拨款发展到多渠道、多方位的筹资体系,而财务制度并没有随之同步建立,财务监督也暴露出很多问题。鉴于内部审计的不足和政府审计的缺位,本文提出高校应引进审计制度,确立“三位一体“的会计监督体系,以完善高校财务预算管理。  相似文献   

We analyze the conditions of emergence of a twin banking and sovereign debt crisis within a monetary union in which: (i) the central bank is not allowed to provide direct financial support to stressed member states or to play the role of lender of last resort in sovereign bond markets, and (ii) the responsibility of fighting against large scale bank runs, ascribed to domestic governments, is ensured through the implementation of a financial safety net (banking regulation and government deposit guarantee). We show that this broad institutional architecture, typical of the Eurozone at the onset of the financial crisis, is not always able to prevent the occurrence of a twin banking and sovereign debt crisis triggered by pessimistic investors’ expectations. Without significant backstop by the central bank, the financial safety net may actually aggravate, instead of improve, the financial situation of banks and of the government.  相似文献   

“流”视角的长春市蔓延特征与作用机理分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
各种"流"是城市内在空间结构组织的微观主体,为城市蔓延特征及其作用机理的分析提供了一个更为动态、微观和系统的分析视角。据此,基于"流"视角,以长春市为例,运用弹性系数测度其蔓延程度,用紧凑度、破碎度和轴带扩展度分析其蔓延扩展方式,并从产业、空间结构、体制环境和地理区位的演变等方面透视了"流"之于长春市蔓延的作用机理。最后从政府绩效考核体系、征地制度、分税制、财政转移支付等视角提出对策措施。  相似文献   

The article is designed to (a) provide a theoretical framework for analyzing reforms in the role of the state; (b) assess the Latin America experience in improving the efficiency and effectiveness of core government functions at all levels of government (e.g. human resource management, financial management, tax and customs administration and cross-sectoral service delivery though excluding a detailed treatment of sector-specific areas such as education and health); and (c) examine the experience to date in Latin America of successfully implementing institutional reforms with respect to (i) private sector development (legal reforms to facilitate private transactions as well as provide a regulatory role for government in the face of market failures and their enforcement) and (ii) poverty alleviation particularly with respect to reforms in the social security system as well as the introduction of social investment funds.  相似文献   

解决中低收入人群的基本住房问题是实现社会公平的基本国策之一。为了有效地实施保障性安居工程,通过构建数学模型研究在财政补贴率相同的条件下,住房消费补贴与住房供给补贴的成交价格、成交量与社会福利情况,可以发现这两者之间存在较大的差别,前者的成交价格、成交量和社会福利都高于后者,但前者比后者的财政补贴额更多。如果提高财政补贴率,那么前者成交价格会不断提高,而后者成交价格会不断降低,成交量都会呈现扩大趋势。成交价格、成交量和社会福利不但与财政补贴率及其补贴方式有关,也与住房的需求弹性和供给弹性有关。研究结论的政策意义在于,如果在政府财力有限、住房价格上涨压力较大的条件下,应当采用住房供给补贴;如果在政府财力相对宽松、住房价格上涨压力相对较小、依靠住房拉动经济增长的压力较大的条件下,则应当采用住房消费补贴,同时它还能实现公平与效率兼顾的目的。无论是采用住房消费补贴还是住房供给补贴,都应当增大供给弹性,减小需求弹性。  相似文献   

The post‐2001 financial crisis era in Turkey gave rise to twin booms in housing construction and credit markets, both of which suffered from the subsequent debt crisis. The financial transformation of the economy in conjunction with state‐led urban legislation reform had significant effects on the housing market in terms of commodification of housing, countrywide construction activities and substantial increases in household debt and construction company loans. The changing role and function of the state as a direct provider of housing can be regarded as actually existing neoliberalism providing favourable conditions for financialization, as it ushered in the commodification of housing. The Turkish government, together with the government‐backed housing agency, metropolitan municipalities and publicly owned real‐estate investment company, has been active in nationwide housing construction and urban regeneration projects. This article argues that there is a lack of synchrony between the commodification of housing and the financialization of the household sector owing to the institutional setting of the mortgage system and structural macroeconomic problems. Rather, housing commodification has been accompanied by the financialization of the corporate sector through a steep rise in the external debt burden of construction companies.  相似文献   

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