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笔者从产业集聚的视角建立产业集聚、溢出偏向性与工资不平等之间的研究框架,利用2001年~2011年20个制造业产业的面板数据,运用联立方程估计等方法进行检验,发现三个产业集聚考察指标中仅产业间集聚度对溢出偏向性的影响最直接、最显著,除此以外溢出偏向性还受所有制性质和贸易开放度的影响。研究结果进一步表明,产业集聚也对工资不平等产生影响。产业内集聚度与产业间集聚度的提升加剧了工资不平等。因所有制和贸易开放度偏向的FDI溢出效应对工资不平等产生积极、显著的正面影响,当然工资不平等的程度递增也受技能劳动力的相对供给及研发投入等因素的正面影响。  相似文献   

本文从空间集聚理论角度,利用2005-2010年我国我国省会城市为样本,分析产业集聚与地区工资差距的内在联系.研究表明:(1)制造业集聚对地区工资水平的影响为正的显著性,且对地区工资水平影响力较大.(2)高新技术产业聚集对经济增长以及工资差距都有显著影响.(3)产业聚集对经济增长产生正效应,当聚集程度进一步加大时,聚集效应产生的负的外部性反而会抑制经济的增长.  相似文献   

初始工资、运输成本和外部规模经济是劳动力空间流动和经济区域集聚的重要驱动力量。通过1980—2007年29个省市的面板数据实证研究证实了工资差异对经济集聚的影响,东部沿海地区的工资增加对经济集聚的作用显著,而内陆地区工资变动的集聚效应尚不明显。因此工资增加对沿海地区的集聚效应是有效率的,对内陆地区的集聚效应是非效率的,内陆地区的经济集聚受到开放程度、城市化水平等多种因素的制约。  相似文献   

本文基于新经济地理学的分析框架,利用2003-2012年中国285个地级及以上城市的统计数据,运用空间杜宾模型实证检验了中国城市生产性服务业模式选择的经济增长效应。结果显示,中国城市生产性服务业的专业化集聚、多样化集聚与经济增长都存在显著的空间相关性。生产性服务业集聚模式选择对经济增长的影响效应受到行业结构、地区差异和城市规模的约束:低端生产性服务业集聚的中小城市选择专业化集聚模式可以促进经济增长,而高端生产性服务业集聚的大城市和特大城市更适合选择多样化集聚模式。生产性服务业的多样化集聚模式在全国层面和区域层面(东部、中部、西部)都能够推动经济增长,而生产性服务业专业化集聚对中部地区的经济增长也能存在显著的正向影响,这得益于生产性服务业专业化集聚对经济增长的空间溢出效应。提升市场潜力和人力资本不仅对本地区经济增长具有显著的正向影响,而且对周边地区经济增长也存在明显的促进作用和空间溢出效应。  相似文献   

总部经济的地理特征就是总部集聚。本文建立了一个全新的空间经济学模型,深入阐释总部与工厂分离的机制。模型分企业总部集聚和企业总部在南北地区均匀分布的两种情形,细致地探讨了跨地区运输成本、企业总部和工厂之间的交流成本以及地区间税收政策差异这三个因素相互影响、共同作用于工厂选址的机理。在其他条件不变的情况下,运输成本的降低将导致企业倾向于在总部集聚地区设立工厂;而无论运输成本高低,只要交流成本和外围地区劳动力工资上涨,更多的企业趋向于在总部集聚地区设厂;只有当外围地区的劳动工资降低或税率降低,更多的企业才趋向于在外围地区设厂。本文也再次验证了税收竞争的南部有利性与整体"竞次"(race to bottom)局面:一个地区的税收优惠政策不仅会对当地的企业产生影响,更会对总部集聚地区的其他企业利润产生负面影响。  相似文献   

现有关于我国区域差异原因的研究大多忽视了地区间的要素流动和集聚经济效应对地区经济差异的影响.本文将要素流动和集聚经济效应纳入一个统一的框架下来考察我国区域差异的变化情况,通过将外部规模经济效应纳入新经济地理学模型,建立了同时涵盖外部规模经济效应、本地市场效应和要素流动的集聚经济模型.数值模拟的结论也显示,在要素流动条件下,当外部规模经济效应和本地市场效应达到一定水平时,经济活动趋于完全集聚是稳定均衡,这说明如果考虑集聚经济效应,地区间的要素流动不但不能使得区域差异趋于收敛反而会促使区域差异不断拉大,从而很好的解释了1990年以来我国区域差异扩大的特征事实.  相似文献   

许妍 《经济师》2023,(8):10-11
我国进入高质量发展阶段后,地区收入不平衡问题日益突出,首要问题是地区间工资水平差距。文章采用2011—2020年中国省级面板数据,运用固定效应模型,实证分析区域创新能力、技能集聚对地区工资差异的影响。  相似文献   

文章基于1978-2007年包括中国等发展中国家在内的跨国数据探讨结构变化的增长效应,通过扩展MRW(1992)模型得出结构变化与部门间工资比的关系,并着重考察结构变化和工资差异对经济增长的影响。研究发现:(1)当部门间劳动边际产出存在差异时,劳动的重新配置有助于经济增长。(2)结构变化率和工资差异与经济增长正相关。(3)在发展中国家或地区,结构变化的增长效应最大,物质资本的影响次之;在发达国家,人力资本的增长效应最大,结构变化的影响不显著。  相似文献   

陈博 《经济经纬》2012,(5):17-21
笔者借鉴了新经济地理学的分析框架,使用我国176个地级城市的面板数据检验地区工资与市场潜力之间的联系,检验结果证实地区工资与市场潜力是正相关的。地区工资对市场潜力的弹性系数在0.75~0.77之间。人力资本、外商直接投资和自然地理条件对地区工资亦有影响。同时发现临近高市场潜力的地区,工资水平会随着时间推移而提高,但这种影响在地理范围上比较有限。  相似文献   

本文基于新经济地理学理论,建立包含三个部门的地区贸易模型,推导出可估计的市场潜力方程,并以1985~2008年为样本区间,探讨市场潜力、就业密度与我国地区工资水平的关系,实证研究结果表明:市场潜力的增加对工资增长的贡献最大,人力资本的增加对工资增长的贡献也很显著,进出口总额的增加也能促进工资水平的增长,而就业密度却与工资水平呈显著的负相关关系,外商直接投资与工资水平呈弱负相关关系;市场潜力的增加对工资增长的贡献效应在西部地区高于中部地区,中部地区又高于东部地区,而人力资本的贡献效应则恰好相反;就业密度的增加对工资增长的负效应在东部地区高于中部地区,中部地区又高于西部地区。  相似文献   

本文基于中国282个地级行政区域1999—2004年的面板数据,通过使用动态面板数据的计量方法对地区市场潜能、就业密度与其工资水平之间的关系进行了实证检验。我们发现,在控制住其他影响因素后,市场潜能外部性对地区工资水平存在显著为正的影响,而就业密度对工资水平的影响却是非线性的,只有就业密度高于某个"门槛"值时,它对工资水平的偏效应才显著为正。  相似文献   

The paper is an empirical cross-section study of the retirement decisions of American white men between the ages of 58 and 67, predicated on the theoretical notion that an individual retires when his reservation wage exceeds his market wage. Reservation wages are derived from an explicit utility function in which the most critical taste parameter is assumed to vary both systematically and randomly across individuals. Market wages are derived from a standard wage equation adjusted to the special circumstances of older workers. The two equations are estimated jointly by maximum likelihood, which takes into account the potential selectivity bias inherent in the model (low-wage individuals tend to retire and cease reporting their market wage). The model is reasonably successful in predicting retirement decisions, and casts serious doubt on previous claims that the social security system induces many workers to retire earlier than they otherwise would. The normal effects of aging (on both market and reservation wages) and the incentives set up by private pension plans are estimated to be major causes of retirement.  相似文献   

Estimating Krugman’s Economic Geography Model for the Spanish Regions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper estimates Krugman’s (J Polit Econ 99:413–499, 1991) economic geography model using data from the Spanish NUTS 3 regions. The econometric formalization endogenously determines wages in a region as a function of income and wages in other regions. The specification adopted also allows us to study the relation between the agglomeration of economic activity, increasing returns and market access. The first result obtained is that the Spanish economy exhibits a spatial wage structure: wages in a region are positively determined by income and wages in neighboring regions. In second place it is found support for the structural relations of the underlying theoretical model, indicating the importance of scale economies and transport costs in shaping the Spanish economic geography.  相似文献   

文章构建城市舒适性与住宅价格、工资理论关系模型,利用1999-2006年城市面板数据进行实证分析,结果发现:城市舒适性对住宅价格和工资的影响效应具有明显的区域差异性,其中东部地区的影响效应要高于西部地区.由于住宅价格和工资之间不会因城市舒适性的差异而相互进行补偿,表明我国住宅市场和劳动力市场的溢价发现与调整机制还不健全,这两个市场尚有进一步完善的空间.为实现本地区住宅市场和劳动力市场的稳定发展和城市居民福利水平的最优化,地方政府在制定经济发展政策和城市发展政策时应充分考虑这种差异性.  相似文献   

In this paper the link between labour market flexibility andinnovation is analysed paying particular attention to the differenttechnological regimes of economic activities and the differentgeographical areas of the Italian economy. A dynamic panel dataspecification is used to assess the endogenous relationshipbetween patents, included as a proxy for innovation, and jobturnover and wages, which represent labour market indicators.Our results show that higher job turnover only has a significantand negative impact on patent activities in regional sectorsof Northern Italy, while blue and white collar wages have beengenerally found to have a positive and significant impact oninnovation.  相似文献   

The paper explores the effects of economic integration on trade, wages, and welfare when market sizes differ. A duopoly model with two‐way intraindustry trade in similar products and with unionized labor markets is employed. It is confirmed that, for a wide range of different relative market sizes, integration leads to higher wages, employment, and welfare. However, where market sizes differ widely, the reduction of trade barriers leads to a reduction of wages, employment, and—in some circumstances—welfare in the country with the large market.  相似文献   

Many studies examine the relationship between crime rates and various economic and/or sociodemographic variables in high income countries, but similar efforts for middle and low income countries are less common. Utilizing an 8‐year panel data sample for all 32 states in Mexico, this study assesses the impact of Mexican labor market and deterrence variables on various Mexican crime rates. The principal results indicate that: (1) State gross domestic product (GDP) per capita has ambiguous effect on crime rates under different conditions. Both wages and unemployment rates are negatively linked with crime rates. (2) Although the Mexican judicial and public security systems are widely believed to be ineffective, increased federal police forces and incarceration rates are associated with lower crime rates, but higher public security expenditure per capita is associated with higher crime rates. (3) The impacts from labor market and deterrence variables presented in (1) and (2) continue to hold under the Fox administration as well as for non‐border states. Their respective impacts diminish, however, under the Calderon administration as well as for border states because of the small number of observations. Overall, the results indicate that increasing average wages, federal police forces, and incarceration rates would have significant impacts on reducing crime rates in Mexican states. (JEL O54, K42)  相似文献   

This study examines the urban population of tourism practitioners'perceptions of economic,environmental,and social impacts on cultural,convention,and sport tourism may have in Haikou and Sanya,Hainan,China the study uses a modified Urban Tourism Impact (UTI) to examine economic,environmental and social perceived impacts.Analysis of the data includes testing three models of structural relationships between tourism impacts and support for development in each of the tourism market sub-divisions through a confirmatory factor analysis.The results of this study show that the positive economic impacts consistently exert influence on predicting support for tourism development in all three models.However,the social impacts play a greater explanatory role with all three market segment,the negative environmental impacts play a role in determining support for .sport tourism only.Dif ferences have been found with those with a higher education level in predictmg support for cultural tourism,but not Convention or sport tourism.  相似文献   

We study how local leaders matter for economic growth by examining the impacts of exogenous transfers of leaders across China’s provinces on land transactions in the primary market. We find that new provincial leaders attract investment in industrial land from the provinces of their previous positions. The leaders’ impacts are greater when their freedom to deploy their business connections in the land market is greater. More importantly, we find evidence of positive impacts of land transactions on economic growth, which should bode well for the careers of the local leaders, albeit there is some evidence of rent seeking among officials especially when they are too old for further promotion.  相似文献   

尽管中国在经济转型过程中取得了令世人瞩目的经济增长速度,但随之而来的是不断扩大的工资收入差异和持续扩大的工资收入差距引发了广泛关注.一般认为,工资差距过大对社会公平和正义造成伤害,并直接影响中国经济和社会的可持续发展.基于家计调查数据并使用经济计量模型分析方法,本论文对中国在过去二十年日益增长的工资差距进行实证分析并探讨影响工资差距的主要因素.研究表明,政府对劳动力市场机构特别是工资政策改革是引发工资差距不断扩大的原因之一.本论文指出,劳动力市场机构的变化不是造成工资差异扩大的唯一因素;其它重要因素包括劳动力市场歧视以及制度性障碍,如中国现行的户口政策造成的劳动力市场分割等.本论文还从政策层面对减少工资差异提出建议.  相似文献   

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