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创新 户外广告魅力的永动机   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李娜 《广告大观》2005,(7):87-88
近年来户外广告飞速发展,跃居为广告领域的新宠。究其原因,当然离不开其自身固有的一些特点,如先天优势、成本优势等等。对于普通受众而言,提起户外广告.通常会想到户外广告牌和海报,这些传统户外形式依然是户外广告的坚实基础,创造着户外广告60%的收益。但随着各种新技术、新思维的出现,户外广告也在进行着一场没有硝烟的革命。  相似文献   

九牧王一遵循的户外广告投放原则是:尽量从受众的角度去换位思考,而环境因素、表现形式和信息传递三者结合是成功的秘诀。  相似文献   

客户在进行户外广告投放时.常常会遇到这样的问题究竟何时投放户外媒体.投放什么类型.投放多少投放多久怎么投放影响户外广告效果的因素有哪些.这些不仅是广告主关注的问题也同样是户外广告公司或代理公司所关心的问题。  相似文献   

户外广告对于塑造企业品牌形象、扩大品牌影响力、促进产品销售具有明显的作用,因此各大企业都会把户外广告当作广告传播的重要载体,力争通过创新的广告创意、优质的媒体渠道和精准的投放策略实现广告传播效果的最大化。中信银行总行营业部历来重视户外广告的投放,近年来户外广告的投放几乎占到全部广告份额的四分之三.  相似文献   

饶文瀚 《中国广告》2006,(11):154-159
我们幸逢一个全新的时代——新经济时代。新经济在给我们带来了前所未有过的方便与享受的同时,也正在以未曾有过的速度改变我们的原有生活方式和媒介接触习惯。因此,新经济是一个消费者挑战媒体的年代,消费者的购买行为方式呈现出前所未有的易变特性。这对原有的广告传播方式提出了新挑战。新媒体(包括户外广告)凭借其多样化应运而盛,让广告市场有了更多的机遇和选择。与其他媒体所不同的是,户外广告最基本的特征是具有双重优点,在高覆盖率下,它不但可以让受众对广告产品有即时反应,还可以在多次信息重复后对受众产生长期影响。户外广告的本…  相似文献   

城市的发展推动了户外广告的发展,目前户外广告的发展正在由传统媒介向新兴媒介过渡,新媒体的发展一方面给户外广告的发展带来了更多的机会,但同时也加剧了市场竞争。再者,由于广告受众的认知在不断地提高,对于广告的要求也在不断地提高,在这种情况下,如何使户外广告能够更好地进行传播以及达到良好的营销效果是广告主所必须考虑的重要问题,通过良好的营销传播策略,一方面可以使户外广告更好的发展,另一方面也可以促进城市的良好发展。基于此,本文通过对城市户外广告营销传播策略的研究,首先阐述了城市和户外广告的关系,然后就目前城市户外广告的发展现状进行了分析,接着对于城市户外广告营销传播存在的问题进行了总结,最后针对这些问题提出了相应的对策,旨在为城市户外广告的营销传播提供一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

户外广告在我国正以前所未有的速度增长,这除了户外广告固有特点及不断改进的原因外,媒体环境越来越纷繁复杂,广告主传播方式多元化、整合化也是重要的原因。在越来越多企业选择户外广告的背景下,广告主面临的眼球竞争愈加激烈,如何运用户外广告也就成为一个亟需重视的问题。除了户外广告的覆盖面以及诉求点越来越具针对性,力求减少那“浪费的另一半”外,广告主也注重户外广告与其他媒体的结合使用,根据企业自身实际状况,将户外广告设置在适宜的位置上。不仅广告主走向理性化投放,在户外广告公司专业化的进程中,也涌现了诸多既具相当规模又独具特色专长的户外广告服务机构,为企业量身定制媒体策略,作为战略伙伴与企业并肩战斗。本期焦点选择了部分有代表性的户外广告主与户外媒体服务机构,希望通过这些一线工作者的观点与案例阐述,对广告主运用户外广告有所裨益。  相似文献   

陈刚 《广告大观》2004,(7):135-135
中国户外广告在1990年代以来获得高速发展,2003年,中国的户外广告投放已达到近130亿元人民币,投放额在十三年间增长20倍,年均增长率28%。.而在2000年到2005年之间户外广告的营业额更是在62亿元的基础上翻了一倍.  相似文献   

何炳庆 《国际广告》2011,(10):94-94
如今越来越多的户外媒介开始为其广告添加互动的元素.甚至做到点对点地贴近促销场地。我们也可以看到许多“现场展示手段”出现在户外广告中.这些广告融人人们的日常生活.保证在受众接受的广告信息量超载的情况下.也能以独特的形式勾起他们的兴趣。  相似文献   

居官玉 《中国广告》2003,(10):51-52
"大形象在户外"这句在业内曾经很流行的话语,道出了户外广告的特质和价值。近年来,随着我国广告业的迅猛发展,户外广告制作呈现出前所未有的繁荣景象:路牌、招贴、广告亭、壁画、公共汽车候车亭和车厢壁等户外广告随处可见。就形式而言,总体上,目前户外广告仍呈现以喷绘为主的发展局面。就制作方面而言,户外广告的制作可以说是包罗万象,而且分工越来越细,专业化程度也越  相似文献   

城市户外广告媒体资源市场化配置研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市,外广告媒体资源市场化配置是市场经济发展的必然要求,本文基于公共资源的视角,分析城市户外广告媒体资源市场化配置的寻租风险、商业风险和道德风险,通过完善户外广告管理系统,建立有救的产权交易机制,以及系统性的政府立法等,来提高城市户外广告资源的经济效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

Joe Camel     
Dialogue about the use and impact of Joe Camel has dissipated since RJ Reynolds retiredthe advertising campaign in 1997. However, Joe Camel remains important for advertising because of its controversial and prominent use as a worldwide celebrity presenter. Using a historical lens equipped with before, during and after Joe Camel data, we examine Camel print advertising performance, adult brand usage, market share and advertising/promotional spending from 1986 to 2003. Our research suggests that, though Joe was an ideal celebrity endorser who attained excellent print recognition scores, his direct effect on sales in the short and longer term is unclear considering that Camel’s overall market share stayed mostly the same during the Joe Camel campaign. In the end, Joe may have met his demise like any other celebrity endorser whose bad behaviour threatens to cause negative associations that could prove harmful to a brand.  相似文献   

张涛 《中国广告》2010,(5):125-127
新媒体广告近些年发展迅速,改变了整个媒体市场的格局。越来越多的资金流入新媒体平台,创造了一个又一个广告业神话。然而,在新媒体广告发展如此欣欣向荣的同时,我们也应该认识到其中隐藏着的危机。本文试总结近些年来我国新媒体广告中存在的问题,分析其产生的原因,并给出解决的几点建议。  相似文献   

In this article it is argued that West Germany has developed into the largest advertising market with the highest productivity per employee in Western Europe. We observe a continuous increase of net advertising turnover during the 1970s. Some extraordinary characteristics of the German advertising market (such as the structure of the TV advertising market and the printed media industry), which set it into sharp contrast to other European advertising markets, are discussed. Furthermore, we analyse the relationship between advertising and the business cycle movement (procyclical v. anticyclical advertising strategies) and we find that the majority of German business firms still pursue a procyclical advertising strategy although evidence seems to prove that an anticyclical advertising policy adopted during recessions will result in higher market shares and strengthened market positions of advertised brands.  相似文献   

The objective of the research was to establish the various effects of the marketing instruments on the market shares of fast-moving consumer goods. The marketing instruments analyzed were price level, price changes, promotion, advertising, and media mix. Within the analysis the integrated effect of the distribution pattern had to be taken into account. The analysis of 186 brands and the data gathered over 7 three-month periods was taken from two models loosely based on Koyck. The results can be used to estimate the effectiveness of the marketing tools under scrutiny and their declining marginal revenue in the German market. A number of different efficiency ratings can be detected between the separate product categories under analysis. For marketing managers there are three particularly interesting points: (1) Brands with a low price index have only relatively small market advantages in comparison with expensive brands; (2) but price changes lead to very strong movements in the market shares; (3) in the case of brands with a small share of the advertising spent, both print and TV advertising have a similar effectiveness. With a larger share of advertising, the TV effectiveness declines because of saturation effects.  相似文献   

This study describes the perceptions of Japanese advertising professionals regarding the evolution of advertising planning and execution over a three-decade period. Senior management and creatives from 18 of Japan’s top agencies participated in extensive in-person interviews to compare the traditional nature of Japanese advertising with that of the US, and to explore factors that may have caused a shift in the style of Japanese advertising since the 1980s ‘bubble economy’. A grounded theory approach was utilised as an interpretive methodology. The study finds that the dramatic recession experienced during Japan’s ‘lost decade’ indeed had a strong influence on the nature of Japanese advertising. Along with additional factors such as changes in the media landscape and the adoption of American-born audience measures, economic uncertainty during the 1990s pushed adverting agencies towards a more direct and persuasive selling approach. This trend contrasts sharply with a general societal shift from materialist to post-materialist values in Japan during this period.  相似文献   

This study presents an empirical analysis of the usage of limited media resources, gratification of user expectations, complementarity between different types of media, and the competitive relationship of media, based on new media in China, specifically Wechat, Weibo, and Renren. In this study, previously un-researched areas of the difference between old and new media as well as competition among the new media are analyzed so as to suggest strategies for increasing the market share. The results showed that (1) Wechat, a service which has converged the positive attributes of old and new media, provided a high level of user gratification by meeting user’s diverse requirements, while Weibo beat other social media regarding information seeking because its network structure has advantage on extensive information acquisition. On the other hand, Renren was less competitive than Wechat and Weibo, but it still had its place as an information seeking media because of the plentiful amount of information such as pictures and videos. (2) There was keen competition among the media that provided high levels of user gratification. (3) Old media were competitively superior in media richness, equivocality reduction, and the social relationship, while new media were competitively superior in information seeking and remediation of media. The conclusions suggest that, for social network service/site-based new media to obtain the advantage in the media market, they need to provide users more diverse communication functions and a platform for more meaningful communications.  相似文献   

Consumers’ attitudes toward advertising ethics are of interest to marketers who understand that negative attitudes can be harmful to brands. Today advertisers increasingly depend on internet advertising. This study compares attitudes of Millennials (the first generation to use digital media more than traditional media) toward internet advertising with attitudes toward advertising in traditional media. Similar to previous generations who had more negative attitudes toward TV advertising, which was their most frequently used medium, Millennials’ attitudes appeared to be more negative toward internet advertising. Thus, we conclude that advertisers must work to engender positive relationships with Millennials through more ethical internet advertising and other innovative strategies.  相似文献   

Two opposing schools of thought on how advertising works have emerged. One, known as the ‘strong theory’, holds that advertising plays a centrally important part in the economic system of a country and is therefore a formidable market force. This view is generally associated with North American scholars and practitioners. An opposing view is that advertising is a rather weaker force, capable only of gently nudging or reminding consumers, rather than actually persuading them. This paper reports on a study of Australian advertising practitioners' beliefs in the power of advertising. Findings suggest that opinion overall is more weighted towards the strong theory, particularly among creative personnel. However, educational background/field of study, age and agency experience play significant roles in determining a practitioner's theoretical orientation. Business faculty graduates are more inclined towards the weak theory, while mass communications, journalism and art school graduates lean in the direction of the strong theory. Furthermore, younger practitioners, and those with less than seven years' agency experience, are more inclined towards the strong theory, but as they age and gain more experience, they tend towards a weak theory orientation.  相似文献   

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