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随着中国进入经济发展新常态和经济转型的需要,越来越多的开发区正在从传统的招商引资和土地供应角色向创新组织者和服务提供商转化。30年来,经济技术开发区在我国经济发展中扮演了重要作用。随着中国进入经济发展新常态和经济转型的需要,越来越多的开发区正在从传统的招商引资和土地供应角色向创新组织者和服务提供商转化。我们凭借20多年对科技园区的研究,认为经济技术开发区创新驱动的新阶段,不仅要在经济技术开发区建设科技服务体系,还要在开发区发展科技服务业,更要引入科技服务集成平台,还要开展以社交化为核心的智慧园区建设,实现开发区的全球链接。  相似文献   

王一乙 《中关村》2023,(12):64-67
<正>1993年,保福科技园在中关村保福寺诞生,自此踏上了深耕科技园区建设的三十载征程。在这个过程中,他们见证了中国科技产业的崛起和发展,同时也经历了科技园区产品从1.0到4.0的迭代升级。开发建设并运营园区,保福科技园起步较早。自1993年起,保福科技园便根植中关村这片沃土,开始为科技创新企业提供全方位的办公空间和科创服务。这个起源于中关村保福寺的科技园区建设者,始终以与时俱进的科创理念、领先的前沿视野、一流的建设标准推动科技园区的建设发展。  相似文献   

<正>海淀是中国数字经济发展的引领区,“数字经济”对海淀区的经济增长贡献已经超过80%,是经济稳健发展的“密码”之一。党的十八大以来,习近平总书记多次指示北京要加快建设科技创新中心和中关村世界领先科技园区。这十年,北京坚持创新在发展全局的核心位置,以服务国家科技自立自强为使命,培育国家实验室、新型研发机构等一批国家战略科技力量,  相似文献   

海淀园今后将继续在各专业园区的建设工作中贯穿生态型科技园区建设理念,以创建国家生态科技示范园区为契机,以循环经济和生态工业理论为指导,鼓励在建设中采取有利于物质减量、资源循环利用和环境质量改善的措施,探索我国生态型科技园区的建设模式,促进工业园区产业结构优化,推进示范园区和更大区域经济的可持续发展。  相似文献   

林抚生 《中关村》2008,(11):34-37
中关村的历史也是科技园区兴起的历史,中关村的发展与此息息相关。“一区十园”的布局以及中关村软件园、生命园等诸多专业园区的兴建,是中关村20年集群式发展、产业细化的最好注脚。本期仅选取了部分科技园区作为报道重点。作为中关村科技园区的主体和核心,海淀园已成为国际技术的孵化和辐射中心,同时,中磁村科技园区的触角还延伸到北京各地。丰台园成为北京最富活力的科技型总部经济区;昌平园的高新技术产业发展为园区经济注入新的活力,北京亦庄园快速崛起而成为国际高端产业新城;德胜园立志成为北京市唯一的都市型科技园区;雍和园作为皇城根下的科技园区涌现出了一大批“胡同里的创意工厂”;通州园则把光机电一体化和金桥科技产业作为它的发展方向;大兴生物医药产业基地渐成为现代生物医药产业新城;石景山园后来居上,跃跃欲试;清华科技园聚焦核心技术,潜心培育“钻石企业”……  相似文献   

中关村的历史也是科技园区兴起的历史,中关村的发展与此息息相关。一区十园的布局以及中关村软件园、生命园等诸多专业园区的兴建,是中关村20年集群式发展、产业细化的最好注脚。本期仅选取了部分科技园区作为报道重点。作为中关村科技园区的主体和核心,海淀园已成为国际技术的孵化和辐射中心,同时,中关村科技园区的触角还延伸到北京各地。丰台园成为北京最富活力的科技型总部经济区;昌平园的高新技术产业发展为园区经济注入新的活力;北京亦庄园快速崛起而成为国际高端产业新城;德胜园立志成为北京市唯一的都市型科技园区;雍和园作为皇城根下的科技园区涌现出了一大批胡同里的创意工厂;通州园则把光机电一体化和金桥科技产业作为它的发展方向;大兴生物医药产业基地渐成为现代生物医药产业新城;石景山园后来居上,跃跃欲试;清华科技园聚集核心技术,潜心培育钻石企业……  相似文献   

为进一步加快建设郑州高新区IT产业园,郑州市将其纳入郑州市创新型产业集聚区培育计划范围,郑州市财政每年从5000万元专门用于支持园区建设创新型科技园区专项资金中统筹安排部分资金用于IT产业园区建设。  相似文献   

<正>5月29日,2023中关村平行论坛——“世界领先科技园区发展论坛”在中关村国家自主创新示范区展示中心举行。论坛旨在贯彻落实习近平总书记关于支持中关村加快建设世界领先科技园区的重要指示精神,联合世界各国园区共同研讨建设世界领先科技园区的机制和路径,推动全球化、高水平、深层次科技创新交流,一同构建开放式创新、包容性增长的新格局。科技部党组成员、副部长吴朝晖,北京市副市长于英杰出席论坛并致辞。  相似文献   

李维安 《中关村》2004,(10):30-30
现代社会经济的发展,产生了大集群观:企业集群、园区集群、城市集群。我们很多部门做了很多的调研显示,企业都愿意扎堆,扎堆就是想获得积聚和集群效应。我们中国企业园区、科技园区要上一个台阶,现在关键就要把原来的企业积聚起来扎堆干,要改善他们的企业集群,使他们基于市场细化,形成产业沟通的市场集群,而不能任由企业重复建设、产业雷同。紧接下来考虑就是园区的集群问题,所以新干线不管怎么评价,京津塘科技新干线周围,有18个园区,但是各个园区不能什么都办,也有边界范围。为什么?因为有一个认识就是园区是要计算成本的,不是无限制扩大下…  相似文献   

2007年,丰台科技园科技产业收入成功突破了1000亿元大关,110家企业收入超过1亿元,同时有4家企业荣获国象科技进步二等奖。这些数字表明,丰台科技园高新技术产业发展和自主创新能力,又迈上了一个新的台阶。作为全国第一家提出并发展总部经济的科技园区,总部经济在各界产生了深远的影响,园区每年都吸引超过150批次全国各地的考察团。  相似文献   

Graph-based entropy, an index of the diversity of events in their distribution to parts of a co-occurrence graph, is proposed for detecting signs of structural changes in the data that are informative in explaining latent dynamics of consumers’ behavior. For obtaining graph-based entropy, connected sub-graphs are first obtained from the graph of co-occurrences of items in the data. Then, the distribution of items occurring in events in the data to these sub-graphs is reflected on the value of graph-based entropy. For the data on the position of sale, a change in this value is regarded as a sign of the appearance, the separation, the disappearance, or the uniting of consumers’ interests. These phenomena are regarded as the signs of dynamic changes in consumers’ behavior that may be the effects of external events and information. Experiments show that graph-based entropy outperforms baseline methods that can be used for change detection, in explaining substantial changes and their signs in consumers’ preference of items in supermarket stores.  相似文献   

The aging of the population in Japan is a serious problem, and the reform of the public pension scheme is a major political issue. Although the 2004 pension reform was enforced to ensure a sustainable pension system in such an aging society, people remain quite apprehensive about the pension system. Consequently, various sectors have created new proposals for pension reform to overcome these problems, and it has become a recent policy debate. The objective of this article is to prepare projections for the income distribution of households containing elderly people using the Japanese microsimulation model, INAHSIM (Integrated Analytical Model for Household Simulation), and to evaluate the effect of the proposals on the living standards of the elderly. According to the simulation results, the problem of very low pension amounts for the elderly does not appear to be growing. However, changes in co-resident families of the elderly, such as the increase in the number of people living alone, may cause a decline in their standard of living. The author points out the problems of the previously proposed reform plans and proposes an alternative reform plan based on the perspective used in this paper.  相似文献   

蔡向东 《中关村》2011,(2):74-76
一国国民国旗意识的强弱直接反映其国家观念所达到的深度与热度,同时,一国国民较强的国家观念也必然表现为其对本国国旗的认同与喜爱。  相似文献   

在推动文化大繁荣大发展的时代背景下.海淀区文学艺术界联合会召开了第三次代表大会。会议审议通过了海淀文联工作报告.修订了《海淀区文学艺术界联合会章程》,选举产生了新一届领导机构。从一个区域的活动,我们看到了中国艺术的文化力量。  相似文献   

In the first stage of creating technological improvements for a democratic society, the leaders of the Society of Socionetwork Strategies have conducted statistical research on the effect of information and communication technology on the global economy. In the second stage, younger professors, based on their Positive Studies, have leapt into a multi-agent simulation of Grid Computing. In the third stage, a terra-bite scale of social data-collecting and the mining of large-scale data in our real world will be next. The next generation of scientists will share knowledge and intellectual inquiry in the fields of statistics, mathematics, and the social sciences with the help of computers connecting such scholars from all over the world.  相似文献   

This paper presents an empirical analysis of the factors determining the productivity of the software industry in Japan, using individual data from the Survey of the State of the Information Service Industry conducted in August 2006 by IPA (Information-Technology Promotion Agency, Japan). This paper focuses on the relationship between the subcontracting structure and productivity in the Japanese software industry. Software enterprises are classified as prime contractors, intermediate subcontractors, end-contractors, and independent enterprise. A comparison of their productivity levels reveals that intermediate subcontractors are the least productive. However, it is observed that the intermediate subcontractors possessing a high quality of human resources measured the proportion of employees passing the Information Technology Engineers Examination (ITEE), or the intermediate subcontractors adopting the IT skill standard which defines the skills for IT human resources clearly and systematically, has a high productivity level. It can raise the productivity in software industry as a whole.  相似文献   

郭文婧 《中关村》2012,(4):81-81
发展起来的问题、公平正义的焦虑、路径锁定的忧叹……在邓小平南方谈话20周年、党的十八大即将召开之际,人们对改革的普遍关切,标志着30多年来以开放为先导的改革进入了新的历史方位。对新时期的改革。宁要微词,不要危机;宁要“不完美”的改革,不要不改革的危机。(《人民日报》2月23日)  相似文献   

关村 《中关村》2011,(2):114-117
"文章合为时而著"。摆在读者面前的这部《北京:走向世界城市》,是以著名学者金元浦教授为主编、集纳诸多学者、专家、官员智慧撰写成的"北京建设世界城市发展战略研究报告"。为"北京建设世界城市"集思广益、出谋划策、擘画出一纸清晰可见的完美"路线图"。  相似文献   

In the discussion of corporate governance from the standpoint of economists, it is common for economists to pay more attention to the stockholders of a corporation (as stakeholders) than to the creditors. However, the behaviors of depositors as creditors should not be neglected in the management of banking institutions. The purpose of this paper is to analyze statistically the decision factors of depositors in opening an account at a particular bank with respect to corporate governance variables. My result shows that depositors with risk aversion consider banks well managed based on the following: a lower rate of external auditors, a longer time of service by the bank’s president, and the existence of a simultaneous promotion system of the bank’s president and chairperson.  相似文献   

The authors propose the effectiveness of Facebook functions in the promotion of career education. In recent years, career education in Japanese universities has differed slightly from that in other countries. Japanese students are trained to be competitive in the job-hunting process; they need to obtain the technical skills and knowledge necessary to pass a company entrance examination or a university oral interview. This practice is in stark contrast with the intrinsic meaning of vocational/career education, which is the process by which students acquire the abilities and independence required by a certain industry. This meaning is manifested in the purpose of the career education program of Hokkai-Gakuen University’s Faculty of Business Administration. The program’s purpose is to foster independence in its students rather than the acquisition of skills for the job-hunting process. The professional independence of every student is important to their career development after graduating from the university. On the other hand, it is known that e-portfolios generally encourage students to record and assess their activities. To promote the activities that students tackle in the program, we introduced an e-portfolio using Facebook. This study shows the characteristics and achievements of our e-portfolio.  相似文献   

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