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《Journal of the Japanese and International Economies》2000,14(1):43-72
This article identifies the determinants of three modes of foreign market entry into distribution activities—arm's-length contracts, joint ventures, and wholly owned subsidiaries—and assesses the impact of unique institutional structures on the decision. We examine 310 Japanese manufacturers' entries into the U.S. market and find evidence that keirestu affiliation significantly increases the likelihood that contracts are chosen, suggesting common keiretsu membership by manufacturers and general trading companies mitigates agency problems in contractual delegation of foreign distribution activities. Regading the choice between joint ventures and wholly owned subsidiaries, relaxed capital and information constraints increase the likelihood that keiretsu firms establish wholly owned subsidiaries. J. Japan. Int. Econ., March 2000, 14(1), pp. 43–72. Anderson Graduate School of Management, University of California, 110 Westwood Plaza, Los Angeles, California 90095-1481; A. T. Kearney, 222 West Adams, Chicago, Illinois 60606 Copyright 2000 Academic Press.Journal of Economic Literature Classification Numbers: E23, L22, L14. 相似文献
A translog multi-product cost function is estimated jointlywith a derived input cost share equation to obtain estimatesof overall economies of scale and augmented overalleconomies of scale for the United Kingdom building society industry.The augmented measure takes into account inducedchanges in the number of building society branch offices asthe outputs vary. The parameter estimates are then used to computethe derivatives of the marginal costs of each product to testfor product-specific economies of scale and economies of scope. 相似文献
Sajid Anwar 《Global Economic Review》2013,42(4):381-396
Abstract This paper attempts to highlight some of the challenges faced by the Singaporean economy in general and the manufacturing sector in particular. Statistical analysis is used to demonstrate the role of human capital and foreign investment on manufacturing output for the period 1980–2004. The paper shows that a long-run relationship exists among the real manufacturing output per-unit of employment, real foreign investment per-unit of employment and real human capital per-unit of employment. The paper also provides time series forecasts for the growth rates of real output, productivity and investment in Singaporean manufacturing sector. 相似文献
R. Anton Braun Julen Esteban-Pretel Toshihiro Okada Nao Sudou 《Japan and the World Economy》2006,18(4):441-463
This paper constructs a consistent set of quarterly Japanese data for the 1960–2002 sample period and compares properties of the Japanese and U.S. business cycles. We document some important differences in the adjustment of labor input between the two countries. In Japan most of the adjustment is in hours per worker of males and females and also in employment of females. In the U.S. most of the adjustment is in employment of both males and females. We formulate, estimate, and analyze a model that makes the distinction between the intensive and extensive margin and allows for gender differerences in labor supply. A weak empirical correlation between hours per worker and employment in Japanese data is a puzzle for our theory. 相似文献
对日本经济研究的文献近年来呈不断萎缩趋势。本研究通过综述发表于2006年的659篇关于日本经济的核心期刊论文,回答了"谁在研究日本经济、研究的主要内容、怎样研究"等3个主要问题。可以发现,国内学者的研究兴趣不但取决于日本经济状况,还受中国国内的热点经济问题影响。 相似文献
Sukkoo Kim 《Explorations in Economic History》1999,36(4):1
The modern multiunit enterprise has been touted by historians and economic historians as a major and important phase of organizational change and a significant source of growth. However, most studies concerning this phenomenon have been based on a sample of the very largest enterprises. This article utilizes data on a complete sample of firms provided by the pioneering works of Thorp (1924) and Thorp et al. (1941) and the Census Bureau's Enterprise Statistics and other census sources to document and examine the rise of modern multiunit firms in U.S. manufacturing over the twentieth century. The analysis of the data suggests that the modern multiunit firm arose to take advantage of economies of marketing rather than those of scale and scope. 相似文献
Daniel P. Rich 《Atlantic Economic Journal》2010,38(2):157-168
This paper provides a link between long-standing labor demand elasticity estimates in U.S. manufacturing and recent studies
of wage patterns and labor demand shifts in response to technical change and international trade. We document asymmetric changes
in labor demand elasticities including an absolute and relative increase in own-wage elasticity of demand for production workers.
Separate estimates of substitution and scale responses imply that skill-biased technical change dominates increased product
market competition as a source of the observed changes in labor demand elasticity. 相似文献
从中国劳动关系发展现状来看,我国劳动关系集体化转型的趋势日益显著。现阶段,制造业企业成为集体性劳资冲突的多发地,在制造业企业建立并推行集体谈判制度,尤其是工资集体谈判制度,以解决集体性劳资冲突,实现劳动关系和谐发展,将会是必然趋势。以往的实证研究表明,集体谈判制度的推行势必会提高员工工资水平,增加企业劳动力成本。在中国制造业劳动力成本上升、企业利润增速放缓甚至减少的背景下,集体谈判制度全面推行势必会给制造业企业带来困难。 相似文献
本文通过构建劳动力需求和供给模型,考察了影响美国制造业就业的主要因素,并基于最优消费决策条件的经验数据测量模型(K-R),重点研究了人民币实际汇率变动对美国制造业就业的影响;然后通过实证研究全面分析了1981~2011年度人民币实际汇率和美国国内因素对美国制造业就业的影响。研究结果表明:无论短期还是长期,美国制造业技术进步率上升和人均资本存量增加均能够显著拉动制造业就业增长;从长期来看,人民币实际汇率贬值和美国实际利率下降能够在一定程度上促进制造业就业增加;但从短期来看,美国制造业实际工资率上升对制造业就业的正向影响更加显著。 相似文献
日本在伪满时期殖民教育的经济分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
资源匮乏与国内市场的约束是日本近代殖民侵略的经济根源,而世界经济大危机的冲击则使20世纪30年代的日本彻底走上了军国主义道路。本研究对日本在中国东北地区的殖民教育体系进行了经济史学分析,指出伪满时期日本的殖民教育在本质上服务于殖民侵略和殖民统治,并具有明显的经济意图。对伪满"新学制"毕业年限、学科设置和课程设置的进一步考察表明,日本殖民教育所谓的"客观贡献"实际上是日本在中国东北发展殖民经济、扩大侵略战争的必要手段,是对维持殖民统治的"客观贡献"。 相似文献
In this article, we test the view, widely held among both academics and practitioners, that speculative bubbles have characterized the time series behavior of U.K. house prices in recent times. We motivate our empirical analysis using a stylized overlapping-generations model which generates a housing demand function of the form assumed by a large literature, illustrating how rational bubbles may arise as a solution to the house price determination equation. Employing two recently developed econometric techniques specifically designed to test for rational bubbles, we then provide empirical evidence for the existence of bubbles in U.K. house prices over the sample period 1983-2002. 相似文献
日美金融危机的比较分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
1995年爆发的日本金融危机和2007年爆发的美国金融危机,是战后全球最严重的两次金融危机.这两次金融危机在产生的主要诱因、直接原因以及救助措施等方面,都表现出共同的特征;但在金融机构不良资产的结构、危机程度及其影响范围以及政府应对危机的反应速度和救助依据等方面,则有不同之处.中国应汲取日美金融危机的教训.防止经济陷入过度泡沫、保持人民币汇率稳定以及规范金融产品创新行为和加强金融监管. 相似文献
一、目前欧美关系的三个特点及其经济竞争的四个领域 冷战后的欧美之间,无论是在军事、政治还是在经济贸易领域,都依然是一种相互合作与竞争的关系.然而,这些关系的总体框架却在发生深刻变化,如今已不再是"共同的威胁"而是多种多样一致的利益、经常矛盾的各自利益和纷繁复杂的全球问题把欧美联系在一起.这就使目前的欧美关系具有三个特点.一是军事、政治与经济关系的不匀称性. 相似文献
This paper offers an empirical test of the Simon's proposition: Do conservative governments make a difference in monetary policy? Using quarterly data on the inflation rate and the GDP gap, the authors test the hypothesis during the tenure of two regimes: conservatives and non-conservatives, and for two countries, the U.S. and the U.K. Under the assumption that the monetary authority followed a Taylor rule, they evaluate monetary policies pursued by alternative regimes in the two countries. Alternatively, they assume that the monetary authority adjusts money growth in response to deviations of inflation and GDP from their target levels. The estimation results were mixed. The Simon's hypothesis was supported in the U.K. during the Thatcher regime, but not in the U.S. during the Reagan's tenure. The findings for the U.S. in contrast to those obtained for the U.K. indirectly validate the Simon's contention that monetary policy in the U.S. is subject to manipulation by interest groups“Perhaps the ultimate test of the conservative status of government is its willingness to pursue stable monetary policy.”William E. Simon, 1980, p. 8 相似文献