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黄金价格波动的决定因素探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄金属于国际流通的特殊商品,市场的开放也为我国带来国家金价的机遇和风险,充分认识黄金价格的影响因素,科学根据这些影响因素分析和预测黄金价格走势,才能在黄金投资时做到有的放矢,把握好价格变化的趋势而进行操作.  相似文献   

蒋立群 《时代经贸》2007,5(12X):117-117,119
黄金属于国际流通的特殊商品,市场的开放也为我国带来国家金价的机遇和风险,充分认识黄金价格的影响因素,科学根据这些影响因素分析和预测黄金价格走势,才能在黄金投资时做到有的放矢,把握好价格变化的趋势而进行操作。  相似文献   

影响黄金价格的因素多种多样,其中最重要的莫过于黄金的计价单位——美元,而美元指数这个反映美元在国际汇率市场的综合指标无疑为金价走势提供了重要参考。本文通过研究影响美元指数变化的一系列因素,透视出这些因素对美元走势的影响以及它们如何通过美元指数传导给黄金。  相似文献   

张明 《金融评论》2013,(4):33-47
全球黄金价格在2001。2011年期间大幅上涨,但在2012~2013年间显著回调。从名义价格来看,2001~2011年的金价上涨幅度显著超过20世纪70年代末至80年代初的幅度,但从实际价格来看,2011年的黄金价格尚未超过1980年的黄金价格。全球黄金供应量相对稳定,且相对于黄金存量而言规模太小,因此全球黄金价格波动主要受到需求、尤其是投资需求变化的影响。本文建立了一个以投资需求为主体的全球黄金价格波动的分析框架,发现通货膨胀率、实际利率、全球金价与美国CPI的比率以及美元汇率这四个指标,与全球黄金价格的走势关系最为密切,用来预测未来黄金价格走势的能力也最强。通过运用这一分析框架,认为2013年下半年与2014年,全球黄金价格在波动中下行仍是大概率事件。  相似文献   

本文通过总结国际黄金价格近200年的高低起伏变动走势,以及标志性重要事件,从市场环境和政治环境两大方面,具体分析影响黄金价格走势的因素,并在此基础上对黄金价格未来走势进行预测。  相似文献   

黄金一直以来被视为对冲通货膨胀的重要工具,两者之间存在着密切联系,通过观察2003年7月至2013年6月的数据发现,黄金价格和通货膨胀走势大体相同,并对黄金价格和通货膨胀的相关性做了实证分析。分析结果表明,CPI和黄金价格之间存在着长期均衡关系,并且两者互为因果、相互引导;在短期内,二者之间的长期均衡关系对黄金价格的调整具有负向引导作用,而对CPI的变动具有正向调整作用。  相似文献   

1994年世界黄金价格走势中国银行国际金融研究所殷小茵1.世界黄全产量低于需求,有利于黄金价格上升据统计,西方国家黄金产量在1985年至1990年期间平均每年增长7%,但在1991年和1992年每年只增长2.5%。与此同时,黄金的需求量在不断增长。制...  相似文献   

一、1971年,美国放弃黄金官价,黄金丧失了在国际货币体系中的核心地位;二、80年代开始,黄金价格基本上一直走下坡路;三、1996年荷兰抛出300吨黄金,比利时抛出200吨;四、1997年7月3日澳大利亚中央银行宣布该行已卖掉其247吨黄金储备的三分之二,国际市场黄金价格大幅度下跌;五、1997年11月7日在瑞士银行大量抛售黄金及美元吸引力增强等因素的影响下,伦敦市场黄金价格跌至每盎司308.25美元,为12年来的最低点。12月9日伦敦黄金市场上的黄金价格跌至每盎司281.15美元;六、1998…  相似文献   

本文对我国黄金矿业股价与股市行情、黄金市价的关联性作了OLS回归分析。结果显示,我国股市行情、黄金市价的变动这两个因素在很大程度上决定了黄金板块的走势,且黄金价格对黄金股价的影响有一定时滞性。据此,本文对投资者提供了相应建议。  相似文献   

国际黄金价格的大幅波动催生了巨大投资机会,在国内市场形成了一股股黄金投资热潮,本文介绍了黄金属性、影响黄金价格的主要因素、黄金投资优势、黄金投资品种及适用对象,并说明了黄金投资的注意事项,为我国个人投资者投资黄金提供了全面参考.  相似文献   

Termination of the Washington arrangements of 1968, whereby the participating countries agreed not to sell gold in the private gold market, resulted in two changes in international monetary environment. First, the market price of gold deviated from its official price. Second, countries were allowed to auction off gold component of their reserves. The supposition was that such changes will lower the demand for international liquidity. Using a simultaneous equation model of demand for and supply of reserves, it is concluded that indeed market price of gold exerts negative effects on the LDCs demand for reserves which is similar to the results obtained for DCs in the previous studies. [420]  相似文献   

黄金价格、中国黄金储备与通货膨胀关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张炳南 《当代经济科学》2012,(1):75-82,126,127
文章通过格兰杰因果检验了黄金价格、人民币实际有效汇率、国内货币供应量与通货膨胀的关系。研究认为,黄金是对抗通货膨胀的有效工具,黄金价格上涨、黄金储备增大、国际石油价格和大宗商品价格上浮对通货膨胀有持续的拉动效应;货币供应量与通货膨胀之间存在短期与长期效应不一致的现象。提出密切关注黄金价格、增加国家黄金储备、建立黄金价格预警机制等措施。  相似文献   

The Asian crisis and the creation of the euro have jump-started once again discussion of exchange rate systems, currency areas, and international monetary reform. The role of power in the international monetary system is discussed and its relevance to analysis of the new euro area as an instigator of change in the power configuration of the system. The dollar, euro, and yen areas have achieved a high degree of price stability, but international efficiency is seriously undermined by exchange rate gyrations of these three currencies. The best path to international monetary reform leads through a new international currency called the INTOR based on a G-3 monetary union platform possibly linked to gold.  相似文献   

This study examines the short-run and long-run inflation hedging effectiveness of gold in the United States and Japan during the period of January 1971 to January 2010. Previous research has shown in the long-run that inflation tends to appropriately increase the price of gold in the U.S., leading to gold's popularity as an asset in portfolios to reduce the risk against sudden inflation. However, gold is only partially effective in hedging against inflation in Japan. This research found that the rigidity between the price of gold and the consumer price index affects the inflation hedging ability of gold in the long-run. The gold price is characterized by market disequilibrium induced by the price rigidity, causing the price of gold to be unable to response to changes in the CPI. To explore the inflation hedging ability of gold in the short-run, this study further examines the price rigidity in low and high momentum regime. It is found during the low momentum regimes that, gold return is unable to hedge against inflation in either the U.S. or Japan. However, during high momentum regimes, gold return is able to hedge against inflation in the U.S., while the price rigidity in Japan causes the price of gold to not fully hedge against inflation in the short-run.  相似文献   

Who upholds the surging gold price? Conventional wisdom suggests that the depreciation of the exchange rate, inflation and economic turmoil are the suspects. Nonetheless, while these factors cease, why does the gold price still stay around hikes? The gold market belongs to a global arena. Different from other commodities, its participants include the national central banks worldwide. However, surprisingly, the role played by these tremendous market participants’ gold holdings on the gold price has been ignored in past empirical works. This research focuses on central banks’ gold holdings to explore who upholds the surging gold price. Several interesting outcomes are derived. First, our empirical evidence shows an inverse phenomenon relative to news reports from the mass media that the gold holdings of central banks worldwide in fact continuously descend. Second, the mainstream countries of the world have not played a main role in the rising trend of the gold price in the recent decade; instead, newly emerging industrialized countries’ central banks’ gold holdings show their significant power in explaining causality to gold price fluctuations. Third, the reason for the persistent gold buying behaviour of emerging economies may be because the increase in the gold price delivers a kind of short squeeze effect to the central banks of emerging countries.  相似文献   

通过对黄金价格和欧元兑美元汇率价格的线性比例分析和黄金价格与欧元兑美元汇率价格变动率的相关性分析,得出黄金与欧元兑美元汇率的价格之间具有线性相关性,且大部分时间里黄金价格和欧元兑美元汇率价格在变动趋势上具有一致性。分析国际黄金、欧元兑美元汇率价格变动的数理关系,不仅可以充实目前贵金属领域学术研究匮乏的基础,而且也可以为投资者投资黄金市场提供决策参考。  相似文献   

中国黄金期货与黄金现货价格的实证分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
意旨探索中国黄金现货价格对黄金期货价格形成的作用机制。借助ADL模型和共同因子贡献法进行实证分析,研究了中国黄金期货价格与黄金现货价格的关系。研究表明,中国黄金期货价格与现货价格长期趋势是一致的,但是短期存在比较大的偏差,同时中国黄金期货和现货价格波动率序列之间有较高的依存度。由此中国黄金期货市场已具备一定规避风险的功能。  相似文献   


With the connivance of Parliament, was the Bank of England's over issue of banknotes inflationary? The inflation stemmed from military subsidy and Peninsula campaign payments, as well as food imports, far in excess of Britain's export earnings to cover these capital transfers (particularly when crimped by the Continental Blockade), and not merely from domestic credit over issue. Neither domestic money creation nor the fiscal theory of the price level best explains the imbalance in Britain's international accounts during the Napoleonic Wars. This deficit stemmed from domestic production shortfalls in essentials (above all food production) and contractual obligations such as military spending/subsidies relative to the pound's international purchasing power which emanated from the ability of Britain to sell exports and replace imports with domestic output (raise food production internally). These types of highly inelastic transactions tended to operate independently of domestic money creation, fiscal policy (taxes) or price developments (inflation). This article tracks England's bullion debate, which concerned whether gold prices rose (and hence sterling's exchange rate fell) because military capital transfers overwhelmed the balance of payments, or because the Bank of England over issued paper money after the gold cover was removed in 1797. The issues herein are not antiquated because the primary issues in monetary debates for two centuries have concerned the cause of inflation and deflation, and whether the domestic money supply or the balance of payments is responsible. Determining actual causation is critical for the proper solution: monetary deflation, or domestic and international restructuring of trade and investment.  相似文献   

This paper shows that commodity prices can be predicted from cross-market information by establishing long-run cross-market commodity price equilibrium models, which are characterized by a linear relation between prices across different markets. Using data from five representative commodity markets (oil, copper, gold, corn, and cattle) during the period 2005–2018, we demonstrate that oil and industrial metal markets have formed a long-run price equilibrium with other markets across different commodity families. However, agriculture and gold markets do not tend to have long-run price equilibrium relations with other commodity markets. Furthermore, we show that the absence of a price equilibrium is due to the cross-market liquidity interference effect. After we control for the liquidity effect, long-run cross-market commodity price equilibrium relations are reestablished for agriculture and gold markets. These results can aid in demonstrating that liquidity can capture most of the missing information that is not reflected in price dynamics in less liquid markets, such as agriculture and gold markets. Therefore, less liquid commodity price predictions require both prices and liquidity levels from cross-markets, while liquid commodity prices (oil and metal) can be predicted based solely on cross-market prices.  相似文献   

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