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银行业的改革与安全网的有效性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国银行业安全网的构建及其有效性成为影响我国金融稳定和社会稳定的重要因素。银行体系结构的不完善使得对国有银行的股份制改造和农村金融体系的制度创新成为银行业安全网构建的一个不可跨越的必要阶段。根据我国经济社会和金融市场化的特殊性,银行业安全网的构建必须坚持立足现实、循序渐进的原则。  相似文献   

经过多年酝酿和反复论证的存款保险制度即将在我国金融领域予以适用,它成为落实党的十八届三中全会通过的《关于全面深化改革若干问题的决定》有关"建立存款保险,完善金融机构市场化退出机制"的一项具体内容,并将其纳入我国的金融安全网,为我国金融市场上实行利率市场化和银行业市场退出机制等创造必要的法律前提。为此,本文以存款保险制度的法律定位为目标,分别从存款保险制度应有的法律地位和其所具有的社会保障功能入手加以分析。首先,从我国金融安全网的构建体系出发,论证存款保险应当是构成我国金融安全网的三大组成部分之一。其次,对于存款保险的制度定位进行全方位的探讨,将其定位为实现银行业间"互助共济"的政策性保证保险,以便大家准确把握该项保险制度的法律内涵和适用价值,充分发挥存款保险制度的保障功能。  相似文献   

随着中国经济社会的不断发展,特别是市场化和经济金融对外开放进程的加快,我国银行业安全网的构建及其有效性成为影响我国金融稳定和社会稳定的重要因素。然而,根据我国经济社会和金融市场化的特殊性,银行业安全网的构建必须立足现实,在遵循一般理论框架下,坚持循序渐进的原则来构建。  相似文献   

巴塞尔委员会于2004年6月公布的新资本协议是国际银行业的新"游戏规则",它形成的现代金融监管体系的"三大支柱"对于银行业的发展具有划时代的意义,特别是它强调信息披露和市场纪律约束在资本监管及整个银行监管中的重要性,这对我国银行业的发展具有非常重要的借鉴意义.本文介绍了新资本协议的主要内容和我国的实施计划,重点剖析了我国银行会计信息市场存在的主要问题及原因.  相似文献   

德国银行业风险处置方式对降低行业总体风险起到了积极作用.本文通过简要探析德国银行业风险处置机制,针对完善我国银行业风险处置机制,提出加快完善相关法律法规,尽快厘清监管部门间的职责权限、充分发挥金融安全网的作用,坚持市场化的风险处置方式、控制处置成本等建议.  相似文献   

曹荣  杨克成 《中国金融》2005,(18):41-41
随着我国金融体制改革进程的逐步加快,金融稳定成为关系到我国金融安全的突出问题。在我国,银行业的稳定是我国金融稳定的关键。我国金融安全网的构建必须体现出银行稳定的特征,为其他金融领域的改革创造一个良好的宏观环境。  相似文献   

金融稳定、金融效率与我国金融安全网制度建设   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王刚  李赫 《武汉金融》2007,(5):24-26
本文在成本—收益分析框架下,提出金融安全网的构成要素及其相互关系、构建健全金融安全网制度安排的理论依据和所需注意的问题,并在分析我国金融安全网现状及存在问题的基础上,提出了完善我国金融安全网的基本原则。  相似文献   

我国银行业发展金融工程的问题与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金融工程作为现代金融创新的重要内容,由于其对金融产品与工具的创新性开发设计,对银行业的产品开发与风险回避,起到了巨大作用,对加入WTO后的我国银行业提高竞争力也具有重要意义。然而,我国银行体制与环境的特点使得我国银行业发展金融工程还存在一些问题,这就必须深化银行业改革、适度引入金融衍生市场、促进金融工程系统化、循序发展金融新产品并加强金融工程人才建设。  相似文献   

由于政府监管的失灵和金融安全网所产生的严重道德风险问题,引起了西方学术界对金融监管体系改革的广泛争论,这一争论一直持续至今。其中,自Kane(1983)在他的对存款保险改革的六点建议中特别强调市场纪律的作用后,使银行监管的三大支柱(资本监管、银行检查和市场纪律)之一的市场纪律逐渐被大家所认识。特别是1999年《美国现代服务法案》的实施和《新巴塞尔协议》的出台,使金融监管中的市场纪律,又称市场约束,受到高度重视。  相似文献   

上世纪80年代以来,系统性银行危机波及全球,许多国家受到了严重威胁.为了避免金融危机的发生,减少金融危机的危害,世界各国纷纷建立了存款保险制度.目前,全球已经有约90个国家和地区建立了存款保险制度.实践证明,存款保险制度对保护存款人利益、维护金融稳定发挥着重要的作用.长期以来,为维护社会稳定,我国实际上是由国家承担了存款保险责任,对市场退出金融机构的储蓄存款实行优先偿付和全额收购政策,它对保护存款人利益、维护金融稳定发挥了积极作用,但是也存在市场主体过度依赖国家信用,缺乏正向市场激励,道德风险大量出现的弊端,不利于我国银行业市场化改革的深化.因而加快建立适合中国国情的显形存款保险制度已经成为我国金融体制改革和构建金融安全网的一项重要的理论和实践问题.  相似文献   

This paper argues that although financial consolidation creates some dangers because it is leading to larger institutions who might expose the US financial system to increased systemic risk, these dangers can be handled by vigilant supervision and a government safety net with an appropriate amount of constructive ambiguity. Financial consolidation also opens up opportunities to dramatically reduce the scope of deposit insurance and limit it to narrow bank accounts, thus substantially reducing the moral hazard created by the government safety net. Reducing the scope of deposit insurance, however, does not eliminate the need for a government safety net, and thus there is still a strong need for adequate prudential supervision of the financial system. Moving to a world in which we have larger, nationwide, diversified financial institutions and in which deposit insurance plays a very limited role, should improve the efficiency of the financial system. However, it is no panacea: the job of financial regulators and supervisors will continue to be highly challenging in the future.  相似文献   

This paper presents a review of the recent banking literature centred on the core themes of performance, risk and governance of financial institutions. We write this review against the backdrop of the recent financial crisis and the major changes it caused to banking sectors in many countries. Several themes emerge, but the overarching issue relates to the need to better understand bank risk-taking incentives and the implications for systemic stability. Specifically, there is a need for more work on: the role of safety net subsidies and how these relate to systemic risk; financial innovation and the adoption of new products and processes; and how innovative behaviour links to risk-taking, market returns and contagion. Future research could also be directed to provide a better understanding of the inter-connections between competition, capital, profitability, liquidity and risk.  相似文献   

Views about the value to depository institutions of the federal safety net differ widely. Resolution of the issue is important because defining the appropriate relationship between the federal safety net and financial institutions is central to the design of efficient financial modernization strategies. A heuristic model is presented of how the safety net subsidy affects the size of the banking system and the behavior of banks. The model suggests that banks should have lower capital ratios than similar nonbank financial firms. Evidence is presented that supports this prediction and that banks have organized themselves in ways that take advantage of safety net benefits.  相似文献   

黄云  王光远 《投资研究》2012,(3):156-160
金融衍生品市场在为市场参与者提供有效风险管理工具的同时,又因其强大的杠杆特性也曾给金融衍生品市场带来了灾难性的损失。本文在客观阐述金融衍生品本质特征和主要风险表现的基础上,以中信泰富事件为线索,分析了导致衍生品交易重大亏损的主要原因,从立法、市场、内控和人才等方面提出如何构建我国金融衍生品市场安全网的建议。  相似文献   

主权债务危机爆发后,欧元区迅速采取行动,不仅积极寻求国际社会援助,还将视角转入区内,以期尽快实现自救。欧洲金融稳定基金(EFSF)的建立是重要举措之一。实践证明,该机制在避免债务危机进一步蔓延方面发挥了重要作用。相比之下,近年来亚洲区域金融安全网建设虽取得了显著成绩,但在治理结构、救助程序、规模与职能以及对救助方的保障等方面仍存在诸多缺陷,制约了其功能的发挥。这就需要积极借鉴EFSF经验,不断完善亚洲区域金融安全网。  相似文献   

Financial safety nets are embedded in national regulatory systems that embrace at least three conflicting goals: maximizing aggregate social welfare, rescuing distressed institutions, and avoiding blame for things that go wrong. This paper develops a model that shows how opportunistic managers of a financial institution can use financial engineering to increase its access to safety net subsidies in a combination of overt and covert ways. Overtly, it can increase its size, complexity, and geographic footprint. These actions increase the political influence it can wield to subvert regulation. Covertly, it can increase its leverage and portfolio volatility in ways that existing monitoring technologies do not fully register.  相似文献   

存款保险制度与银行公司治理   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
存款保险制度是各国构建金融安全网的重要组成部分,但该制度在各国实施的效果并不相同,它在对金融稳定产生积极作用的同时又产生了道德风险。本文从银行公司治理出发,结合各国存款保险实施的效果,认为完善的银行公司治理是克服存款保险负面影响的重要前提,银行公司治理的改善能显著提高存款保险制度的有效性,因此,在存款保险制度即将推出的同时,强化银行公司治理具有同等重要的意义。  相似文献   

We explore the relationship between financial reforms and income inequality using a panel of 29 countries in 1975–2005. We extend panel unit root tests to allow for the presence of some financial-reform covariates and further suggest an associated but novel, semi-parametric approach. Results demonstrate that although both gross and net Gini indices follow a unit root process, this picture can change when financial reform indices are accounted for. In particular, while gross Gini coefficients are generally not stabilized by financial reforms, net measures are (more likely to be). Thus financial reforms enacted in the presence of a strong safety net would seem preferable.  相似文献   

银行审慎经营是金融稳定的微观基础,而银行治理过程中利益相关者的动态均衡是银行审慎经营的保证。市场约束是利益相关者参与银行治理的外部机制,流动性援助和存款保险是维护金融稳定的安全设施,市场约束、流动性援助和存款保险的激励兼容才能增加银行审慎经营可能性。在一定的制度设施基础上。完善市场约束,减少流动性援助和存款保险带来的道德风险,建立一个市场约束、流动性援助和存款保险激励兼容的外部框架有利于银行的审慎经营。  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the redistribution of gains surrounding regulatory relaxations in 1996 and 1997 and ultimate passage of the Financial Services Modernization Act (FSMA) of 1999. Gains in financial institution stocks may come from projected increases in efficiency, increases in the bargaining power of financial institutions, or greater access to the federal safety net. For customers seeking improved access to capital markets, gains in efficiency should result in increased benefits, but increases in bank bargaining power could increase funding costs and/or decrease capital market access. Customers may also lose as taxpayers who support the federal safety net. This paper finds evidence of potential taxpayer losses and increased bank bargaining power, especially vis‐à‐vis credit‐constrained customers for whom safety‐net subsidies are unlikely to be shifted forward. The stock prices of credit‐constrained customers declined during FSMA event windows and in event windows associated with regulatory relaxations.  相似文献   

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