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Technological Regimes and Sources of Entrepreneurship   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper concerns the technological determinants of entrepreneurial behaviour. By applying a typology of technological regimes, which describes the nature of the technological environment in which firms operate, this paper examines the sources and obstacles to entrepreneurial entry related to the process of technical change. Two major points are suggested. First, innovation in technologies of high or increasing opportunities is not always associated with entrepreneurial behaviour, but can enhance the competitive advantage of existing firms. Second, opportunities for entrepreneurship are shaped by the nature of knowledge underlying different technologies. These points are illustrated using U.S. patent statistics classified by technical field and sector of firm's principal product activity. Different combinations of sources of technological entry barriers and technological opportunity are identified in science-based technologies, chemical technologies, core technologies in complex systems, product-engineering technologies and process-engineering technologies. This paper argues that such a characterisation of the dynamics of knowledge accumulation is important for interpreting the variety of dynamics of industrial competition.  相似文献   

科技成果转化效果是影响科技与经济融合发展水平的重要因素,技术开发、技术服务、技术咨询是科研院所利用其科技成果为各类主体提供服务、推动其科技成果流向有需要主体的重要方式,实践中存在科研院所因对“三技”与“科技成果转化”二者关系把握不准,而在适用相关政策时无所适从的问题。本文在回顾我国技术市场发展历程、深入分析相关法律法规和政策文件的基础上,结合笔者在科研机构工作经历和调研走访情况,基于技术转移体系视角提出科技成果转化是目的,“三技”活动是手段,并不能想当然认为“三技”就是科技成果转化的观点;最后指出科研院所要充分用好科技成果转化政策发挥“三技”对创新的激励作用,应聚焦合理划定纳入科技成果转化范围的“三技”活动这一问题,进一步完善科技成果转化相关管理制度。  相似文献   

欠发达地区企业工业化有利于科技成果的商品化和产业化,是城市化的原动力,也是企业国际化的基础,国际化竞争反作用于工业化进程。国际化在资金筹集、技术创新、产品销售、人才培养、信息传递等方面给欠发达地区企业带来新的发展机遇,主要包括技术联盟、与大型企业联盟和企业间共生等发展模式。欠发达地区企业在工业化进程中,力图产品国际化、市场国际化、资金国际化、人才国际化的同时,应注意盲目跟风、融资困难、对外发展机遇欠缺以及与本土化的关系等问题。  相似文献   

战略性新兴产业:从政策概念到理论问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
贺俊  吕铁 《财贸经济》2012,(5):106-113
适用于传统产业及其产业政策的理论分析工具不能简单应用于有关战略性新兴产业及其产业政策问题的研究。对战略性新兴产业的经济学属性进行抽象和提炼,从而完成问题的概念化和操作化,并在此基础上提出恰当的理论分析框架,是推进我国战略性新兴产业问题理论研究的起点。战略性新兴产业是处于从技术培育到产业化再到产业进入者数量达到最大值之间这一时期的产业,刻画这类产业经济学特征的两个重要维度分别是主导技术成熟度和市场成熟度。本文提出了一个具有一般性和自洽性的战略性新兴产业理论分析框架,其基本逻辑是,首先识别影响战略性新兴产业发展绩效的主要技术性、经济性和制度性因素,然后研究这些关键因素之间的相互适应性和动态匹配性,最后分析这些要素和互动主要发生在国家、产业或企业的哪个层次和位置。  相似文献   

长江三角洲区域一体化发展作为国家战略,亟需尽快完善区域协同创新体系,勇当科技产业创新开路先锋,力争成为全国重要的创新策源地。其中,如何通过创新链和产业链的深度有效融合,加快实现创新科技成果的产业化,汇聚产学研的创新力量,从根本上消除科技经济“两张皮”的问题,是长三角区域夯实自身核心竞争力,代表国家参与国际竞争与合作的有效路径。因此,本文首先就长三角区域各个城市科创产业融合发展情况进行分析。接着以集成电路产业为例,聚焦集成电路产业的科创产业融合态势,对产业基础和优势进行概述,就其产业链的薄弱点进行梳理,同时围绕产业链中的问题,以及今后产业与科技创新发展有效融合的着力点提出建议。最后,针对长三角区域整体科创产业融合发展提出相应的路径模式。  相似文献   

论流通产业的战略性地位   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
刘子峰 《财贸研究》2005,16(2):39-45
面对工业化高级阶段以及经济全球化条件下产业国际竞争的挑战,我国需要重新界定流通产业的地位。本文通过产业关联度、国家经济安全、经济增长贡献率、就业贡献率等指标分析,提出了新形势下流通产业不仅是先导产业和基础产业,更是战略性产业的观点。  相似文献   

目前中国的工业化腾飞与经济全球化紧密相连.在中国开拓市场,就无异于进入了国际市场,也就是在与国际资本进行激烈竞争.在中国的工业化腾飞阶段,中国的企业家要培养全球化意识;在中国实现工业化之时,中国的企业家更要具有全球化意识.只有这样,才能在经济全球化之中将中国的企业做大做强,才能将中国的工业化产业做大做强.经济的全球化也是资本的全球化.在经济全球化的大背景下,中国的资本市场必须更加对外开放,这既是中国经济对外开放的最新要求和中国经济进入全球化运动的关键举措,也是中国在工业化腾飞阶段更好地履行加入世界贸易组织协议的基本要求.  相似文献   


This paper discusses a number of interrelated topics relating to the economics of innovation diffusion that merit further research and study. These topics encompass: how innovations are not just technological, may be horizontal or vertical, and may develop over time; the role in the diffusion process of complementarities across and substitutability between different technologies and innovations; how the many different sources of innovation other than R&D are given insufficient attention in the literature; the international dimensions of the diffusion process with emphasis on cross-country effects; the role played by different market structures in the industries supplying goods embodying new technologies; the imbalance in the relative emphases upon intra- and intra-firm diffusion in the existing diffusion literature; the need for more research on the relationship between firm performance and the diffusion of innovations, and government policy on diffusion.  相似文献   

Study related to the extractive sector still plays a limited role in the mainstream international business (IB) and management literature, with even less focus on ongoing liberalization and digitalization in the industry. This article was motivated by the question of how collaboration between foreign and indigenous oil and gas (O&G) companies can support small‐sized and medium‐sized indigenous technological development. The main contribution of this article is the development of a model that explains how different actors can cocreate value in the ecosystem of the O&G industry through digital technologies. A three‐stage qualitative–interpretive method based on interviews with industry experts was adopted to build three vignette case studies. This article proposes what companies and the government could do to increase the competitiveness of the local economy, diversify from O&G into high technological industries, and support industrial development through information and communication technologies (ICT).  相似文献   

Innovative technologies in Industry 4.0 are transforming retail environments and encouraging the digitalization of the retail process. From the retailer's point of view, the adoption of revolutionary technologies has led to the expectation of cost savings and increased revenue. Furthermore, various technological innovations, such as automation, are creating more valuable experiences for consumers. New technologies have also impacted the academic study of retailing through enabling researchers to employ new and more advanced research methodologies. The purpose of this special issue is to address the following question: What is the impact of 4th industrial revolution technologies both in the retail industry and academia? To find out the answer, 58 empirical and theoretical articles were received and reviewed, and 11 articles were finally accepted for inclusion in the special issue. We believe these 11 articles have contributed to the understanding of the theories and practices in the retail industry under the ongoing 4th industrial revolution.  相似文献   

本文认为,东北老工业基地改造的总体思路是以信息化带动传统的工业化,走新型工业化道路。产业集群一方面为走新型工业化道路提供了产业整合的路径,另一方面为科技创新奠定了良好的基础。文章提出,要提高对发展产业集群的认识,加强产业集群发展的规划引导,研究制定扶持产业集群发展的政策措施,充分发挥政府的重要作用;要支持配套企业加快新产品开发步伐,逐步提高其自主技术创新能力,促进跨国产、学、研合作。  相似文献   

We examine the impact of technological change on the stability of climate coalitions and explore how international cooperation on abatement affects the incentives of signatories to invest in R&D to reduce emissions. We compare the case of no technological change with exogenous technological change and induced technological change. In the latter case R&D investments are endogenous. We find that the highest equilibrium pay‐offs are achieved in the case of induced technological change. Furthermore, the formation of a climate coalition boosts R&D investments in carbon abatement technologies in signatory countries.  相似文献   

现阶段,我国已迈入工业化的中后期,支柱型产业也已初具规模。所存在的主要问题是生产性服务业内部结构不合理,部分高端生产性服务业发展较慢,高端生产性服务业资金投入不足,人才缺乏。技术研发仍然以模仿为主,产业结构附加价值低,位于“微笑曲线”的底部。我国应积极发展高端生产性服务业,加快实现经济转型的步伐。在信息服务业和商务服务业方面,要积极承接国际服务外包,促进信息服务和商务服务的迅速发展,加快与国际接轨;在金融业与科技服务业方面,需要更注重集聚区效应。同时,要注重产学研相结合,加强与高校及科研机构的联合,强化集聚效应,拉动相关生产性服务业的发展。  相似文献   

In the economic literature, there is a debate on whether technological and non-technological innovations share the same determinants. As a result of this debate, two opposing views have emerged: the distinctive view argues that the determinants of both technologies are different; on the contrary, the integrative view considers that both types of technologies share determinants. The main objective that we pursue in this study is to test which of the two views is prevalent in the service sector of the Spanish economy. Analyses were performed using data from Spanish Technological Innovation Panel for the period 2008–2012. To perform hypothesis tests, the approach of complementarity was used. Our findings indicate that neither of the two approaches has been fully accredited, although the distinctive view is more prevalent. However, this radiography of relations tells us that companies can achieve further increases in productivity if technological innovation and non-technological innovation are implemented simultaneously.  相似文献   

聂婴智 《商业研究》2013,(1):156-162
反垄断法中对反竞争行为的制度性规制是市场经济追求的公平、自由竞争秩序的体现与维护。但是在农业领域,农业产业化的发展却需要适用农业豁免制度来保障。通过对美国农业豁免制度及其在农业产业化过程中存在的公共选择现象的解读,本文论证了作为我国农业基本发展方向的产业化经营模式,需要走坚持竞争理念、依循豁免制度、执行产业政策的推进路途。在反垄断法及其豁免制度的管控与保障下,农业产业化的发展不仅可以更好地实现农业主体的经济利益追求,而且对提升我国整体农业的国际竞争力也大有助益。  相似文献   

毛广雄 《商业研究》2006,(21):79-83
新型工业化是推进欠发达地区工业化进程和提升产业竞争力的必然选择,这是因为新型工业化所涉及的信息化程度、科技发展、经济效益、资源消耗、环境污染和人力资源充分利用等相关变量,都可以促进欠发达地区产业竞争力的提高。因此,欠发达地区应该坚持走以新型工业化提升产业竞争力之路,实施信息化带动工业化战略、以后发优势改造和提升产业比较优势战略、产业竞争优势导向战略、产业集群战略、产业可持续发展等战略,实现跨越式发展。  相似文献   

中国产业结构的演变轨迹、σ-收敛性与空间集聚格局   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李金华 《财贸研究》2006,17(2):7-16
随着经济的发展,第一产业在社会生产总量中的比重不断下降,第二产业、第三产业的比重则不断上升,社会的主导产业将由第一产业转移到第二产业,再转移到第三产业。中国产业结构演变的轨迹显示:现代中国的主导产业是第二产业而不是第三产业,中国的产业结构还处于由低级阶段向高级阶段演变的过程中;中国产业结构存在σ-收敛性,中国的第三产业还没有得到长足发展,中国经济仍处在工业化中期阶段,还未进入完全工业化时代;中国产业的空间集聚与地域的资源存在明显的相关关系,具备显著的地域特色。  相似文献   

技术创新对国际贸易的影响研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
技术创新是科学技术进入社会生产的基本方式,也是科技进步促进经济社会发展的基本途径。技术创新对国际贸易的影响,主要表现在技术创新诱发产业结构升级,促进国际分工深化,使以国际分工为基础的国际贸易得到发展;通过生产技术和产品技术的改进和发展,提高国际贸易产品的竞争优势;通过高附加值、高技术含量产品的比重上升,改进国际贸易产品结构;通过电子商务等技术的广泛应用,提高国际贸易的效率和效益。技术创新对国际贸易具有长期增长和促进效应。  相似文献   

A growing body of research on international entrepreneurship suggests that new ventures have succeeded in entering international markets by creatively exploiting their tangible and intangible technological resources. Using the resource-based view of the firm, this paper explores the impact of leveraging selected tangible and intangible technological resources on the speed and degree of sales internationalisation among US software new ventures. Even though R&D investments are not significant predictors of the speed or degree of sales internationalisation, technological networks and technological reputations are. The interactions of networks and reputation with R&D spending are also positively and significantly associated with higher sales internationalisation. Technological networks also interact positively with R&D spending to expedite sales internationalisation, but the interaction of these investments with technological reputations is not significant. The results show that intangible technological resources play an important role in the internationalisation of software new ventures' sales. The implications of the findings for future international entrepreneurship research are discussed.  相似文献   

"科学技术是生产力"是马克思主义的基本原理。我们常讲,技术革命为工业化进程开拓了全新的领域并缔造了新兴的市场环境。同时,技术创新也改变了原有的生产与生活方式。1988年9月5日,邓小平同志在会见前捷克斯洛伐克总统胡萨克时提出了"科学技术是第一生产力"的重要论断。从此,中国开始全面重视技术驱动与技术升级对产业发展所起到的重要带动作用。反观会展业,技术在会展领域所起到的作用也十分明显。  相似文献   

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