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文章简要介绍在城市规划测量中建筑物的定位测量以及放样后的校核.建筑物放样前,一般先做好建筑物的主辐线控制坐标.  相似文献   

民用建筑是指为人们生活居住以及社会公共活动提供空间场所的非生产性建筑,作为建筑工程施工的重要基础环节,施工量测是在工程施工之前将建筑物按照设计图纸的比例尺寸和高程进行实地定位测量和放样的必要程序,本文针对民用建筑工程的施工量测操作工艺要点进行了简要分析.  相似文献   

林涛 《中国电子商务》2014,(22):246-246
随着国际市场竞争的日益激烈,建筑企业必须对建筑工程测量引起高度关注,建筑工程测量的数据可以为建筑施工提供依据.然而,面对现代测量技术的不断涌现,在建筑工程测量中采用数字测量技术,提高测量的精准度,以保证整个建筑施工质量.本文对建筑工程测量中数字测量技术的应用进行分析.  相似文献   

建筑工程的定位测量关系到工程的定位、工程质量以及工程的施工进度.定位测量工作是现代建筑工程施工的基础指导,对建筑工程施工质量有着重要的影响.加强建筑工程定位测量的实施与管理是现代建筑工程施工企业管理重点中的重点,是避免重要经济损失的关键工作.本文就建筑工程的定位测量实施与管理工作进行了简要分析,为工程测量与施工企业提供更多的参考资料.  相似文献   

工程测量贯穿于整个施工过程,在工程建设中具有无可替代的作用.深制认识建筑工程测量工作的重要性,了解并掌握影响其测量质量的各项因素,将有助于提高测量工作质量,进而保证建筑工程的施工质量.本文结合工程实际介绍了几种常见的建筑工程测量方法及其工程应用.  相似文献   

主要针对解决线路工程测量中经常碰到的圆曲线主点放样采用传统的手工计算标定要素,再用传统光学仪器进行放样时计算量较大,放样工作繁杂而不灵活这一实际问题进行解决,结合现代工程施工放样主要是采用全站仪进行,为了能够减轻计算的工作量,而c#语言也是比较易学易用的计算机语言,所以将两者的结合应用进行阐述。  相似文献   

gps具有测量精度高,实时性好,速度快等优点,随着其迅速发展,目前已广泛应用于各个行业,特别是在公路勘测和施工放样具有明显优势,文从中主要阐述了gps-rtk技术在公路路测量中的应用情况.  相似文献   

随着设计单位对高速公路设计控制点的日益规范化、标准化,如何进行施工前的中线放样和水准测量,本文主要探讨高等级公路导线控制测量与恢复定线问题.  相似文献   

公路测量前的中线放样是施工前的一项重要步骤.成功的中线放样对公路工程的标准化与规范化具有重要的意义.施工单位进场后.由设计单位进行交桩.而后使用全站议或光电测距仪配经纬仪,对导线点进行复核联测.在进行导线点坐标复测计算时,以前面两个导线点和最后两个导线点为已知边进行方位角闭合计算,以监理要求的允许闭合差衡量其是否闭合.  相似文献   

gps-rtk技术已经被广泛应用到测绘各个领域中,在地形图测绘、地籍测量、施工放样以及水下地彤测量等方面均表现出卓越的效率、精度以及不受通视条件限制等特点,本文就ps-rtk定位技术在三维物探放线的优缺点做了简单阐述.  相似文献   

长期以来 ,以证券市场为代表的我国资本市场一直处于低效弱效状态 ,这一市场态势已成为当前提升我国金融体系国际竞争力、深化经济体制、社会保障改革与金融市场应对加入WTO的最大障碍。我们的社会各界特别是政府部门应在借鉴外国高效的资本市场监管基础上 ,从立法与政策上采取得力措施进一步完善市场参与主体约束机制 ,改进入市股权所有制成份结构 ,准许国有法人股入市流通 ,健全市场信息披露制度 ,充分发挥市场价值规律 ,形成内在的价格均衡机制 ,降低平均交易成本 ,增强投融资效率 ,从而提高我国的资本市场效率 ,为提高我国金融体系国际竞争力、深化经济体制、社会保障改革 ,为应对加入WTO后的金融环境扫清障碍。  相似文献   

按照对效率与公平偏好的不同,初次分配效率与公平的政策组合有四种类型:"轻效率,轻公平"型;"轻效率,重公平"型;"重效率,轻公平"型;"重效率,重公平"型。不同社会发展阶段收入分配政策的制定实际上是对这四种政策组合的选择,以选择能带来最大化效用的分配制度。用分粥模型形象地对效率与公平的各种政策组合进行模拟,并根据收入分配效用函数对效率与公平政策组合的效用选择状况进行分析,结果表明,在初次分配"重效率"目标不变的前提下,消除收入分配不公平、减少贫富差距的关键在于同时建立初次分配"重公平"的机制。  相似文献   

Approaches to child labour in the supply chain   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper examines the difficulties of dealing with child labour in the supply chain. It begins by identifying a number of the factors which make global supply chains so difficult to manage. It goes on to outline a framework of different approaches that can be taken to managing the supply chain with relation to child labour, moving from national and international regulation, through to the role of NGOs and the companies themselves. Focusing on an 'engagement' strategy for dealing with child labour, the paper traces a case study of Adidas-Salomon and its attempts to implement their 'standards of engagement' in this area with relation to one of their supplier factories in Vietnam. The research draws on the direct involvement of one of the authors who visited the site and was able to interview staff and observe the operation in practice. Her findings are supported by wider work on the implementation of corporate approaches to human rights at a range of companies interviewed by another of the authors. The paper aims to highlight the issues needing to be addressed for companies considering the 'involvement' approach to child labour. It also aims to develop theory on our understanding of different approaches to corporate rights.  相似文献   

Eight months ago, as the risk of sovereign default in Greece fi rst emerged, the Intereconomics Forum invited a number of contributors to examine the options available to EU policymakers. As the threats to European Monetary Union resurface now, six of the same authors return in this issue’s Forum to reassess the situation, in particular with regard to the EU’s recent policy responses to the ongoing crisis. Whereas both optimists and pessimists could support their views with strong arguments eight months ago, the EU’s current predicament has shifted the prevailing sentiment strongly toward the pessimistic view. From the Irish bailout to the precarious status of Portugal, not to mention the potentially disastrous situation looming in Spain, our contributors are uncertain whether EU policymakers are up to the challenge of defending the euro. As evidence of this, several point to the EU Council’s October decision to establish a permanent crisis resolution mechanism to ensure an orderly state insolvency procedure, which did little to calm markets. Nonetheless, most of these economists still see ways for the EU to escape the crisis without being forced to abandon the common currency.  相似文献   

毛泽东认为,舆论宣传和新闻工作是为革命党人的革命事业服务的,它通过宣传革命、打击敌人、教育人民以唤起和鼓动人民参加与支持革命。为实现这一目标,从事革命的舆论宣传和新闻工作者应该利用各种舆论手段宣传党的路线、方针和政策,并适应革命形势的发展变化而确定一定时期和阶段的宣传工作重点.以良好的写作技能写出文风活泼、使人爱看的文章。  相似文献   

This paper represents the attempt to define a methodology that can evaluate the degree to which companies' information systems correspond to needs determined by the objectives of sustainability the firm imposes on itself. The result is the creation of a general model which define the correct approach to evaluating information systems – a model which should be adapted to the specificity of each single company which intends to adopt it. In the chart indicated, we obviously have not considered activities connected to the implementation of the survey system, which are particular to each company's situation. The first part of the paper consists of an overall introduction to the approach that has been used to assess the (MIS) of Granarolo, one of the Italian companies involved. The case study contains a profile of the company, the analysis of its MIS referred to the three dimensions of sustainability, and an evaluation of the strong points and issues to be developed. This approach to evaluate the gap between desired requirements of an information system for sustainability and current data available in a firm, has proved its consistency and usefulness. It helps to understand where data are, which dimensions, spheres, stakeholders account for and what is the level of integration between different information systems existing in the firm.  相似文献   

Complaint management and the role of the chief executive   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aim of this paper is to encourage a new stream of research into complaints and the role of the chief executive officer (CEO). The objectives of this paper were firstly to assess the intensity of dissatisfaction driving customers to complain directly to the CEO and secondly to ascertain if the reasons for complaining to the CEO were different to those of complainants using ‘normal’ channels. A leading financial services company in the UK provided access to its complaint letters and its CEO. Based on analysis of a sample of 100 letters sent to the CEO and 100 standard complaint letters, it was found that customers complaining directly to the CEO have a significantly greater intensity of dissatisfaction. However, unexpectedly, despite the greater positional power of the CEO, the reasons for complaining to the CEO were little different to the reasons for using the ‘normal’ channels. Interestingly most of the complainants to the CEO had multiple reasons for complaint suggesting that complaints to the CEO are motivated by multiple underlying service failures.  相似文献   

Although the courts have ruled that companies are legal persons, they have not yet made clear the extent to which political free speech for corporations is limited by the strictures legitimately placed upon corporate commercial speech. I explore the question of whether or not companies can properly be said to have the right to civil free speech or whether corporate speech is always de facto commercial speech not subject to the same sorts of legal protections as is the right to civil free speech. In the absence of clearly defined legal precedent, I emphasize moral reasons for determining the appropriate limits of corporate civil free speech. Appealing to arguments typically used to justify individual rights to civil free speech, I examine the extent to which this sort of justification may or may not be legitimately extended to corporations. I conclude that corporate rights to civil free speech must be restricted because granting rights of free speech to institutions may, in practice, undermine the moral rationale and practical feasibility of guaranteeing rights of civil free speech to individuals. Furthermore, I argue that granting corporations full rights to civil free speech will undercut attempts to develop good moral character in corporate institutions by undermining the efforts of watchdog organizations.  相似文献   

近年来,中央政府要求流入地政府承担农民工子女义务教育责任的强制性制度安排,使农民工子女义务教育问题得到一定程度的解决。但流入地政府为减少负担往往采取卸责行为,导致农民工子女义务教育仍然存在一些比较严重的问题。因此。需要积极推动相关制度的改革。  相似文献   

李新安 《国际经贸探索》2007,23(6):25-29,78
入世后过渡期结束的过程,也是我国加大开放,融入全球化的过程.该过程为中部地区通过加速区际贸易和引入外部直接投资,发展外向型经济,接受技术外溢,实现经济跨越式发展提供了重要渠道和契机.中部地区应充分利用对外开放的技术传递作用机制,通过市场与政府的协同作用,建立可持续的自我快速发展机制,实现自身崛起.  相似文献   

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