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一、2012年外贸形势更加严峻、任务更加艰巨 中央经济工作会议对2012年的形势已经做了深入的分析、科学的判断,世界经济形势总体来说十分严峻,不稳定和不确定性在上升,国内的经济发展中不平衡、不协调、不可持续的矛盾和问题仍然很突出。2012年1~2月我国进出口数据也进一步证明了这一判断。1~2月我国的对外贸易进口、出口增长了7.3%,增速大大低于2011年同期,尽管有积极性,但也反映出我国外贸形势的复杂性。我们分析,影响外贸发展的因素是错综复杂的,既  相似文献   

<正>一、2012年外贸形势更加严峻、任务更加艰巨中央经济工作会议对2012年的形势已经做了深入的分析、科学的判断,世界经济形势总体来说十分严峻,不稳定和不确定性在上升,国内的经济发展中不平衡、不协调、不可持续的矛盾和问题仍然很突出。2012年1~2月我国进出口数据也进一步证明了这一判断。1~2月我国的对外贸易进口、出口增长了7.3%,增速大大低于2011年同期,尽管有积极性,但也反映出我国外贸形势的复杂性。我们分析,影响外贸发展的因素是错综复杂的,既  相似文献   

今年以来,随着国家扩大内需、促进外贸稳定增长政策的逐步落实,以及国际经济环境的好转,美国、欧盟等主要出口市场回暖,我国进出口总体保持了较快增长。但从下半年趋势看,世界经济形势不稳定、不确定性因素仍然很多,国际贸易竞争进一步加剧,我国面临的贸易摩擦形势更加严峻,外贸增速可能明显低于上半年。  相似文献   

祖祎 《北方经贸》2013,(12):8-9
目前,世界经济继续趋于下行,今后一段时期的外需可能比2013年上半年疲软,外贸形势仍然严峻.我国外贸发展的形势是:欧债危机旷日持久,欧洲主权债务风险上升;贸易保护主义抬头,中国成众矢之的;市场重心有所变化,优化布局初见成效;进口商品平稳增长,保障国内经济运行.解决对策是:要创新外贸转型发展新思路;促进引进来和走出去的协调发展;坚决反对国际贸易保护主义行径;强化企业内部管理,提高自身的核心竞争力等.  相似文献   

进入2012年,世界经济形势总体上仍十分严峻复杂,欧美经济复苏的不稳定性、不确定性依然存在;国内经济发展中不平衡、不协调、不可持续的矛盾和问题仍很突出.的确,影响外贸发展的因素愈发错综复杂,我国外贸企业愈面临空前挑战.  相似文献   

同志们: 今天,我讲两个方面,一是当前外贸形势,二是做好第112届广交会筹备工作. 一、形势严峻,任务艰巨 今年以来,外贸形势十分严峻,任务十分艰巨. (一)当前外贸形势复杂严峻 今年上半年,我国外贸增长8%,同期,欧、美、日外贸分别下降1.4%、增长6.3%、增长7.3%,金砖国家中的俄罗斯、巴西、南非分别增长3.3...  相似文献   

近年来,尽管我国机电产品出口额已跃居世界前列,但形势仍然非常严峻。特别是此次源自美国、进而波及全球的次贷危机,严重地扰乱了全球经济秩序,这势必会波及以出口为引擎的中国外贸。因此,本文从供给、需求等方面,界定技术性贸易壁垒的内涵,深入分析影响中国机电产品出口的因素,进而为企业、政府提供相关政策建议。  相似文献   

2008年爆发的国际金融危机目前还远未结束,我们应该清楚地认识到我国外贸还面临着严峻的外部环境和经济形势:金融危机已从金融机构危机转向政府债务危机;各国为应对这场危机进行的产业调整并未收到预期效果;由于货币发行过滥造成的全球通胀问题仍旧十分突出;世界经济总体形势很不乐观,发达国家经济增长非常困难;我国外贸环境正在发生重大变化,发达国家可能会对我贸易政策进行全面“围剿”。再此估价基础上,应促进我国外贸政策的调整并为我国出口企业敲响警钟。  相似文献   

当前,世界经济正深度调整,国内外发展环境错综复杂,我国进出口形势持续严峻,增速明显放缓,制约进出口发展的困难增多。加快转变外贸发展方式、培育外贸竞争新优势的任务紧迫。在国内外各种因素交织的形势下,预计2013年全年进出口增速将略高于上年水平。  相似文献   

<正>努力实现出口和消费稳增长、多增长2012年以来,由于世界经济复苏明显放缓,国外需求严重不足,中国外贸受到较大冲击。面对严峻的外贸形势,我国及时出台一系列促进外贸稳定增长、优化外贸结构的政策措施,包括加快出口退税进度、改善贸易融资服务、扩大出口信用保险覆盖面、提高贸易便利化水平、  相似文献   

The growing importance of regional integration, particularly in the Triad of Western Europe, North America and the Asia-Pacific region, is not always regarded as positive, but is also criticized because of the dangers involved for free world trade. What effects on world trade are to be expected? Can the new world trade order limit the possible risks?  相似文献   

Trade between eastern and western industrial nations amounts to barely 4 p.c. of the total foreign trade of the latter, yet the interest in this part of world trade is disproportionally great. A number of many-sided studies have been devoted to East-West trade, and their results have given sufficient knowledge of the special difficulties which accompany East-West trade transactions.  相似文献   

解读我国的对外贸易依存度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
外贸依存度反映的是一国经济对他国经济或对世界经济相互依赖的程度。本文在准确把握外贸依存度内涵的基础上,指出我国外贸依存度的现状和特征,进而分析了外贸依存度被高估的因素,最后提出我国今后为降低外贸依存度应采取的经济发展战略。  相似文献   

In the past few years, there has been an increase in the ‘ethical consumer’, characterized by more reflexive values like solidarity, social responsibility, multiculturalism and ecology. This idea has found support in the appearance and development of proposals like fair trade, along with others, such as responsible consumption, the recycling business or sustainable development. In a parallel way, also during the past few years, various analysts have pointed out that the phenomenon of globalization is changing not only the aspect of the world but also our way of perceiving it, which is progressively becoming a ‘global orientation’. In the framework of these two tendencies, this paper examines the extent to which ‘global orientation’ is also a characteristic of consumers of fair trade products. The paper presents a two‐phase exploratory study. The first phase, of a quantitative nature, showed the greater global orientation of Spanish consumers of fair trade products, and it obtained a typology of them. This typology showed, however, that not all the clusters of consumers of fair trade products have a high global orientation, which reveals that the relationship between this dimension and the consumption of fair trade products is not a direct, straightforward one. The subsequent qualitative study examined the components of this global orientation in each of the three clusters where the consumption of fair trade products was the highest. The results showed that the purchase of fair trade products is influenced by the ‘global orientation’ of the consumer, although other factors, such as a sense of social responsibility and trust in international non‐governmental organizations, can condition this influence.  相似文献   



The impact of the financial and economic crisis on world trade and trade policy  相似文献   

Diana Brand 《Intereconomics》1992,27(6):274-281
The grouping together of neighbouring countries to form free trade areas or economic and monetary unions currently constitutes a phenomenon occurring in all regions around the world. How far has the bloc-building process progressed? How will the development of world trade be affected by this process during the 1990s? How can companies respond to the developments in the global marketplace?  相似文献   

We examine the effect of a country's governance environment on its propensity to trade. Using an updated framework of governance environment, we classify countries based on the dominant mode of governance into three types: (1) rule-based (strong public rule of law), (2) relation-based (weak rule of law and strong informal network based on private relations), and (3) family-based (absence of both public rules and private network). We then examine how different governance types affect trade patterns among 44 countries representing 89% of world trade. We find that overall, rule-based countries trade more than relation-based or family-based countries. A large positive effect on trade flows exists between two highly rule-based countries and between two relation-based countries. Any trade relationship involving a family-based country negatively affects trade flows, even between two family-based countries. Our study contributes to the trade literature by examining the effects of different types of governance environment on trade flows and more successfully explaining why some countries still trade almost nothing even after scholars and policy makers have convincingly proven that freer trade leads to higher welfare for a country.  相似文献   

The sudden shock of the fivefold increase of the price of oil in the autumn of 1973 has been reflected since in the world trade by structural changes in its composition by categories of goods and its regional distribution. How has the international trade coped with this shock, and which more recent tendencies can be observed in the structure of world trade, not least as a result of cyclical impulses?  相似文献   

The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) that is to take effect at the beginning of 1994 will create a free trade area between three economies which differ substantially in terms of size and stage of development. What were the reasons that led the unequal partners, the USA, Canada and Mexico, to enter into closer trade integration? What will be the economic consequences for the countries involved and for world trade?  相似文献   

A simple two-country model is constructed in order to show how imperfect competition can form a basis for trade. Under the assumption of Cournot-Nash behaviour, it is demonstrated that trade will lead to a bilateral welfare improvement when countries are identical in all respects. When countries differ in size, trade will always increase total world real income, but the large country may experience a welfare loss. Increasing returns to scale in the production of the monopolized good complicates the situation further, but it generally remains true that trade increases world real income.  相似文献   

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