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城镇化发展过程中不断提升城市承载力,促进城市人口、经济、资源环境等协调发展,实现城市可持续发展是时代的要求.内蒙古城镇化进程平稳而快速,而其城市承载力水平如何亟待关注与评价.本文从土地、水资源、科教、交通与环境等角度选取指标构建城市承载力评价指标体系,使用判断矩阵最大特征根对应的特征向量归一化值确定综合评价中各级指标的权重,并通过对比分析与评价,发现内蒙古各城市承载力水平低且不平衡以及水资源是影响城市承载力发展的短板瓶颈因素,最后提出了进一步提升内蒙古城市综合承载力的对策建议.  相似文献   

作为一种非正式的制度安排,信用共同体在解决银企信息不对称,破解中小企业融资难题方面发挥了重要作用。本文以天津农村合作银行建立的信用共同体为例,介绍了信用共同体的基本模式和特征,并从制度经济学角度加以分析,指出信用共同体的核心是声誉制度,其产生和发展源于我国制度不健全,具有一定的区域性和局部性。从长期看,需要建立更为完善的社会信用体系,才能从根本上解决信息不对称难题。  相似文献   

股权结构是城商行公司治理基石,良好的股权结构对于防范内部人控制、大股东控制问题具有至关重要的作用。城商行股份制改革逐渐步入深水区,深入研究国内城商行股权结构具有重要的理论与现实意义。通过对东部沿海36家样本城商行的案例分析,并基于股权结构异质性与治理效率文献研究的视角,结果表明,虽然多数城商行已具备相对集中且制衡的股权结构状态,但是,受地方财政分权及晋升激励制度的影响,地方政府仍然通过"胡萝卜加大棒"政策直接或者间接(通过控制链)控制城商行,这种控制在一定程度上影响城商行治理效率的发挥及经营绩效的改善,城商行距离真正的市场化运作还有一定的距离。  相似文献   

近年来城商行整体增长迅速、实力增强,成为银行体系的重要组成部分。但随着 宏观经济步入新常态、监管政策逐步收紧,城商行面临着巨大的压力和挑战。文章基于国内61 家主要城商行2010-2017年的财务数据及发展情况,分析城商行近年来经营业绩现状与趋势, 指出城商行利润增速持续放缓,并对影响城商行利润增速的贡献因子进行分解发现:规模扩张 一直是拉动净利润增长的最主要因素,但对净利润增长的拉动作用逐步在减弱;而受负债高成 本化及资产收益率下行带动息差收窄,息差因素逐步成为下拉城商行净利润增长的最主要因 素;此外,城商行资产质量下行,拨备计提在2014-2016年成为侵蚀城商行利润的一大因素, 拨备计提是仅次于规模的第二大影响因素。在此基础上,文章总结近年城商行经营发展的主要 特点与启示。  相似文献   

Water fluoridation is a controversial issue in public health. Despite the uncertainty regarding its efficacy and safety, health officials continue to communicate it as ‘unequivocally’ safe and effective. Our focus is on how health officials and policy-makers in Israel frame the issue of water fluoridation in terms of certainty while promoting a mandatory fluoridation policy. According to van Asselt and Vos, the uncertainty paradox describes situations in which uncertainty is acknowledged, but the role of science is framed as providing certainty. Our study is an analysis of documents and media articles emphasizing the paradoxical language used by official representatives on the controversial topic of fluoridation. A central contribution of this study is that we coin the term ‘uncertainty bias,’ in which policy-makers do exactly what they accuse laypeople of doing, framing uncertainty in biased terms. We found that in order to establish mandatory regulation, health ministry officials expressed information in an unbalanced format, promoting the topic of fluoridation by framing it in exclusively positive terms. This study does not focus on the practice of water fluoridation per se, and is not intended to decide for or against it, but rather, to explore how the debate regarding it is communicated. Understanding this particular case can shed light on how other controversial topics are transformed into health policy that is characterized in equivocal terms.  相似文献   

Restructuring the Scottish water industry has changed the way in which both project appraisal and capital investment decisions are performed. This article examines the project appraisal and subsequent capital investment decision in the case of a reed bed sewage treatment scheme which is compared with a more traditional scheme. Although the capital profiles of the schemes are similar there are major differences in the revenue costs. In addition, there are potential public benefits to the reed bed scheme. A comparison is made of management mechanisms in the pre-1996 water industry with that of restructured water authorities. In the pre-1996 water industry, local authorities had a broad remit which encouraged them to value these factors, in effect an implicit social account. The creation of water authorities with narrow remits and specific performance measures, constructed a framework that does not support the integration of social accounts into the decision making process. The paper demonstrates that investment appraisal is a product of the institutional framework in which the decisions are made. As that framework changes, mechanisms and measures of accountability shift in parallel.  相似文献   

旅游城市不仅是旅游目的地建设的重点,也是我国旅游业发展和世界旅游强国建设的关键.随着旅游城市之间的竞争不断升级,城市品牌在旅游城市竞争力构成因素中的地位日显重要,城市品牌可以为城市吸引优质竞争资源,获取差异化的竞争优势,为城市发展提供持续的竞争动力.内蒙古的优秀旅游城市也应走品牌化的道路,结合城市自身独特的资源优势,塑造自己的城市品牌,提升旅游城市的竞争力.  相似文献   

The literature predicts that the average skill level and productivity are higher in larger cities. Prior studies use workers’ wage or education differentials to indirectly link city size and output. This article relates city size and productivity directly, using performance data of U.S. equity mutual funds. On average, funds in financial centers perform better than other funds in terms of both gross and risk-adjusted returns, but this difference is driven only by more experienced managers. Among funds in financial centers there is strong evidence of a positive relation between performance and manager experience in a given city, especially among New York funds. More importantly, we observe performance improvements of the same manager at the same fund in financial centers but not elsewhere. Our tests provide novel evidence of knowledge spillovers and learning in cities.  相似文献   

文章主要对水权交易相关问题的研究进行了综述.主要内容包括关于解决水问题的制度回应的研究进展及述评、关于水权定义的相关研究进展及述评、关于初始水权分配的相关研究进展及述评、关于水权交易的相关研究进展及述评和政府在水权交易中的作用的相关研究进展和述评.通过对国内外学者观点的研究综述,以期为我国可交易水权制度的构建、实施和完善提供借鉴.  相似文献   

This paper explores the relationship between budgeting and perceived power in city government organizations. Data are reported from a survey of perceived budget influence in six city governments in Texas. The findings suggest that perceived influence varies by stage of budget cycle, city size, level of hierarchy, department function, and vertical vs horizontal direction of influence. For example, during budget formulation city managers were perceived as having the most vertical power. During budget implemetation, there was a perceived increase in department head vertical power and a decrease in city council power. Perceptions of horizontal power suggested that budget departments generally had greater perceived influence than operating departments for budget formulation, but not for budget implementation. The findings are used to develop a strategic contingencies model of budget-related power, and to suggest some research steps for testing the proposed model.  相似文献   

邢良忠 《中国外资》2007,(9):I0001-I0003
大连要成为真正的全球领军城市,还需要相当长的过程,但是在软件和服务外包领域,大连有机会,也有能力成为一个新领军城市。  相似文献   

虚拟水是凝结在产品和服务过程中所需要的水资源量。通过组合运用投入产出分析法与水足迹法,对长江中下游五省41个部门的虚拟水贸易进行测算,结果表明:五省中的四省以虚拟水贸易形式向其它地区输出了大量水资源,其中农林牧渔业是生产和输出水资源量最大的部门;并且省份间农畜产品的虚拟水流动存在较大差异,据此,各省份应调整进出口策略,优化产业结构和布局,综合实施虚拟水贸易策略。  相似文献   

沈阳市地处北温带,亚洲季风气候区的北缘,受季风影响的温湿和半温湿的大陆性气候。平均降水量为622.5毫米,河流水资源较为丰富。本文以沈阳市为例,介绍了沈阳市的水文概况,河流分布及水量的变化,以及当前河流水资源存在的主要问题并提出了相应的治理措施,对今后河流水资源的治理保护具有一定的现实指导意义。  相似文献   

Imagining tomorrow’s life implies, to a large degree, imagining the kind of cities we will inhabit in the future. In this framework, the smart city is actually a popular vision in discourses on urban development. This paper explores alternative ways in which citizens are positioned within different imaginaries of the smart city. The premise is that most mainstream discourses implicitly assume that smart city projects will empower and improve the lives of citizens. However, their role is often ambiguous. While some visions of the smart city are characterised by the absence of citizen’s voices, others are populated by active citizens operating as urban sensors. Furthermore there are fearful visions of a future in which citizens will be subjugated by technologies that will hamper their freedom. This paper analyses the role of citizens in four alternative smart city imaginaries. The thesis proposed is that all four imaginaries are characterised by citizens playing a subaltern role, and hence the smart city is a relatively poor concept if intended as a model of the urban life of the future.  相似文献   

A number of research papers present evidence of fee premiums paid to specialist auditors. In this paper, we explore for listed and unlisted New Zealand firms not only the question of whether such premiums exist, but perhaps more importantly why they exist. We find evidence of fee premiums for auditor specialisation defined at the city level but not at the national level. We extend testing to examine the issue of self-selection of auditors by clients; we examine several different industry classification schemes and a number of different specialisation measures; and we consider the issue of portfolio specialists. We find from these additional tests that self-selection does not account for the existence of specialisation premiums; various alternative classification schemes all result in premiums at the city level; and portfolio specialists also earn fee premiums when portfolio specialisation is measured at the city level. We find that these specialist premiums apply most consistently to larger client firms and to low-risk firms. We consider various explanations and conclude that this result is consistent with non-specialist auditors providing discounts to attract desirable clients. Desirable clients – those that are large or low risk – are not able to negotiate fees as successfully with auditors who have differentiated themselves via industry specialisation.  相似文献   

我国城市商业银行规模扩张的动机与效应研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对我国城市商业银行1998年到2007年的规模扩张情况的描述性统计分析基础上,本文利用年报数据对城市商业银行规模扩张的经济效应做了实证分析,剖析了城市商业银行规模扩张的行为动机与行为逻辑,得出了我国城市商业银行的规模扩张并非为了追求规模经济而是对现行环境和自身经营机制的被动适应的结论。因此,要引导我国城市商业银行理性扩张,必须同时解决好外部环境问题和自身经营机制问题。  相似文献   

随着资本监管要求日益严格、进行业务扩张、参与国内外竞争以及提高公司治理水平的需要,城市商业银行普遍面临着资本补充的压力。利润转增、发展中间业务、上市等是商业银行资本补充的主要方式和途径,但是城商行却面临许多约束性条件。徽商银行、北京银行、齐鲁银行资本补充的成功实践给我们带来了更多启示。因此,综合考量各种内外部因素,探索最适合自身状况的补充渠道才是城市商业银行资本补充的战略选择。  相似文献   

近日,国务院批准黑龙江省绥芬河市为中国首个卢布使用试点市,中外居民可用卢布在该市银行存取款、支付服务和购物。这是我国首次允许一种外币在特定区域行使与主权货币同等功能,有助于人民币和卢布间的汇率形成机制,为推进未来人民币在俄相关城市流通和卢布在我国更多边境城市使用做出了示范,这不仅标志着中俄创新金融合作模式,也是促进两国贸易往来和加强经济合作的重大举措。吉林省等中俄边境地区,如何借鉴绥芬河经验,并利用有利时机,扩大与俄经济合作无疑已经提上议事日程。  相似文献   

This study demonstrates the effects of framing safety precautions on the presentation of a controversial product (recycled water [RW]) to the inhabitants of two Greek towns by asking them whether they would visit various configurations of a public park irrigated with RW. The same questions are posed in an additional version augmented with a safety alert. Among many others, results mainly show that willingness to visit (WTV) a park irrigated with RW or willingness to pay for RW decrease when respondents are confronted with the safety statement that ‘the irrigated parts are isolated and have been properly marked for the visitor so that he/she does not come into touch with RW’. Moreover, WTV does not decrease when there is previous experience with the park. The upgrade of RW from secondary to tertiary treatment is valuated only when safety alerts are present. The paper yields promotion insights useful for relevant utilities, organizations, and governments which are interested in forming a social marketing mix for this product while contributing to the theoretical and empirical understanding of framing effects with their experimental demonstration in the two case studies.  相似文献   

Pricing Residential Amenities: The Value of a View   总被引:17,自引:3,他引:14  
This study provides estimates of the value of the view amenity in single-family residential real estate markets. A focus on Bellingham, Washington, a city with a variety of views, including ocean, lake, and mountain, allows for differentiation of the view amenity by both type and quality. Results from a hedonic model estimated for several recent years suggest that depending on the particular view, willingness to pay for this amenity is quite high. The highest-quality ocean views are found to increase the market price of an otherwise comparable home by almost 60%; the lowest-quality ocean views are found to add about 8%. For ocean views of all quality levels, the value of a view is found to vary inversely with distance from the water.  相似文献   

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