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第一步:产品的定位 新产品上市前,首先必须对产品有一个准确的定位:1、确定产品的特性:是休闲食品、方便食品,还是保健食品等。  相似文献   

甲醛含量是纺织品皮革化学安全性指标中最重要的指标之一,同一件服装里既有纺织品又有皮革的产品越来越多,需要对此类产品进行测试及综合评估,因此本文对ISO 14184-1:2011纺织品游离水解的甲醛(水萃取法)和ISO 17226-2:2008皮革甲醛含量的化学测定——第2部分:比色分析法进行对比分析。并讨论在甲醛测试过程中应注意的一些问题。  相似文献   

产品特点:1、可对不同行距的玉米进行收获,适应性强、安全可靠;2、采用前置式割台,宽度大于配套主机宽度,可自行开道,液压升降,操纵性好:  相似文献   

棉机织物:秘鲁对进口产品进行反倾销立案调查、木制卧室家具:美国商务部对中国产品作出反倾销终裁、咔唑紫颜料:美国商务部对中国产品作出反倾销和反补贴终裁、空调:特立尼达和多巴哥裁决中国产品倾销、平板及浮法玻璃:南非对中国产品作出反倾销日落复审裁决  相似文献   

张汉东 《浙商》2007,(18):36-37
中欧双方日前达成一致,2008年1月1日起取消中国输欧纺织品全部数量限制:对《中欧纺织品贸易谅解备忘录》项下的8个纺织品类别进行为期一年的双边监控。欧方将对上述产品实行自动进口许可,中方将实施出口许可,并对匕述产品实行企业经营资质审核。  相似文献   

A重点关注 《有机产品认证管理办法》 关注理由:我国统一的有机产品认证制度实现升级,对规范有机产品认证活动,提高有机产品质量,保护消费者合法权益,促进生态环境保护和可持续发展具有积极作用。主要内容:对《有机产品认证管理办法》进行修订和完善,明确了有机产品认证的基本定义和管理体制,对认证机构管理、有机产品进口、认证证书和认证标志等方面予以规范,还规定了具体的监督管理和罚责等。  相似文献   

在满意度数据的基本分析完成后。为了进一步挖掘其中的潜在信息,就要进行满意度数据的综合分析。满意度数据所代表的顾客对产品或服务的满意程度的表述有两种情形:(1)静态,表示对于某一特定产品或服务,在某一次(某一个时点)顾客对该产品或服务的满意程度;(2)动态,对于某一特定产品或服务,在多个时点上顾客对该产品或服务的满意程度,可同时发现随时间的变化特征。  相似文献   

1、为用户提供便利:智能搜索工具和多种付费选择方式使得在你的网站购物成为轻松自由的享受。2、让产品“自我销售”:提高视觉功能,增加视觉效果(比如3D图像),使你的产品在网页上自由“出入”,让用户能够得到他们想了解的产品信息。3、避免技术难题:添加功能比完全的功能设置投入的资金要多,而且还要有专人进行安装和维修。4、刺激产品的销售:不要总是等待用户自己装满他们的购物车,要使用一种个性化的工具为他们推荐相关的产品。5、要使你的竞争者对你心怀嫉妒:给走入你网站的客户一个难以忘怀的印象,并依靠独一无二的服务和…  相似文献   

关于中国动物源性产品化学残留物监控计划及进口禁令: (1)对中国动物源性产品化学残留物监控计划的批准。  相似文献   

新型甘薯乳饮料的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对适宜于甘薯乳饮料的稳定剂进行了筛选实验。采用正交试验法对甘薯乳饮料的最佳工艺条件进行了研究。结果表明,采用由0.1%琼脂、0.1%黄原胶和0.1%CMC-Na构成的复合稳定剂的稳定效果较好。采用甘薯:水=1:5,脱脂乳粉的添加量为2%,复合稳定剂的用量为0.45%和均质压力为30MPa的条件生产时,甘薯乳饮料的风味和产品稳定性较好。  相似文献   

The usual approach to intra-industry trade is to assume that such trade arises because slightly different commodities are produced and traded to satisfy consumer's tastes for variety. In this paper it is shown that there are reasons to expect two-way trade even in identical products, due to strategic interaction among firms.  相似文献   

In this paper, we demonstrate that a foreign capital induced growth in a protected sector, which provides an industrial input for agricultural products, may increase welfare even after the entire foreign capital income is repatriated. Such a policy may lead to an increase in the volume of trade along with an increase in the size of the protected sector, quite contrary to the usual perception. The analysed structure also incorporates migration and unemployment.  相似文献   

A survey into the seafood consumption preferences and patterns in the Portuguese population was carried out. Consumers were asked to state their preferences toward different kinds of fish products, to indicate their consumption frequencies of a total of 23 products, to mention the average meal portion, and to inform about the usual culinary treatments applied to the raw products. It was observed that the sensory characteristics of each product and cultural habits seem to influence serving size. For horse mackerel and canned sardines, an inverse correlation between education level and consumption frequency was found. Moreover, the consumption frequency of soaked cod, the main salted and dried fish in the Portuguese market, decreased with higher education. Older consumers were much fonder of wild fish and much more unwilling to consume farmed fish than the younger ones. It was also found that obese people deviate from other weight groups in that their preferences and consumption quantities are displaced to foods other than seafood.  相似文献   

One day while in the store, Bernard grabs his usual Dominick's cream cheese off the shelf. I notice and point out that the national brand of Philadelphia cream cheese is on sale and less expensive. Bernard looks at the two products and actually hesitates for a while to switch to the national brand. His hesitation makes it clear that his preference is not based solely on price. (Chang Coupland 2005, 115).  相似文献   


Despite the increasingly favorable environment enjoyed by product placement, the question of whether this technique produces stronger behavioral effects than conventional advertising remains largely unexplored. Based on the transportation-imagery model, we hypothesized that, among users of well-established products, promotional stimuli produce stronger effects on brand choice when integrated into movies than when presented as independent ads, while among nonusers, no differences are expected. Our hypotheses were confirmed in a field experiment that compared the effects of a Coca-Cola placement within the movie Ways to Live Forever with the same Coca-Cola stimulus shown as a usual commercial.  相似文献   

Free markets are products of peace and freedom, flourishing in stable times when people do not live in fear. But they also create an economic equilibrium that is highly suitable for enterprises that manipulate or distort our judgment on competitive markets. Unregulated free markets rarely reward the different kind of heroism, of those who restrain themselves from taking advantage of customers’ psychological or informational weaknesses. People frequently make decisions that are not in their best interest. Such bad decisions make it possible for them to be phished for phools. If we have some weakness or other—some way in which we can be phished for phools for more than the usual profit—in the phishing equilibrium, it will be taken up.  相似文献   

A single production system with constant returns can produce any level and composition of demand by appropriate intensities of the cost‐minimizing processes. Hence, in the long run, products can never be in excess supply and there exists a system of prices of production which is semipositive and independent of demand. These (and other) properties do not, in general, carry over to joint production systems where one or several processes produce two or more different products. The proportions in which products emerge will generally be different from those in which they are required for use. The usual approach to that problem is to apply the rule of ‘free goods’. This assumption may be applied to goods which, if they are left where they are and as they are, cause neither costs nor benefits. But it cannot be applied to outworn machines, scrap, wastes or pollutants and is therefore not generally applicable. The present paper aims at finding conditions for the existence of cost‐minimizing systems for cases where this crucial assumption either is completely absent or is substituted by the assumption of ‘restricted free disposal’, i.e. by the assumption that excess production is permitted up to a certain tolerated limit. It will be proved that the conditions for the existence of cost‐minimizing systems with free disposal carry over to systems with restricted free disposal.  相似文献   

The development of the retail petroleum industry in the U.K. has received only sporadic attention by academics. Whilst the retail petroleum industry in the U.K. is usually thought of as an oligopoly, with a small number of companies controlling the production and movement of products through vertical integration, there is evidence of significant high-level changes in the global industry resulting in the loss of retailing sites belonging to the major companies, and a rise in the number and influence of competitors. These constitute both multiple retailers such as supermarket chains, and at the ‘competitive fringe’, a rise in the number of smaller independents. In this paper, we identify the changes and then analyse the factors underlying them using the Dixonian system model of macromarketing. In contrast to the usual fine-grained approach of the marketing mix, the Dixonian system comprises an hierarchical, systematic view of the product market which suits an analysis of the complexity of the factors in this sector.  相似文献   

Understanding the effect of temporary price reductions, or price promotions, on sales of consumer packaged goods is an area of ongoing interest, both in academia and in practice. Price promotions, however, are becoming an increasingly important method of managing consumer demand for fresh produce items. Modeling the impact of price promotions must take into account the differentiated nature of fresh produce and the fact that consumers tend to purchase multiple items of only a few of the products available to them. Neither a continuous nor a discrete model of demand is appropriate. In this paper, we apply a multiple-discrete/continuous model of fresh produce demand to study the impact of price promotion on retail apple sales. Our findings show that the brand switching/category incidence effect of promotion is closer to 65/35 than the more usual 80/20 rule (80 percent of the effect is brand switching and 20 percent purchase incidence) when the nature of the decision is appropriately taken into consideration.  相似文献   

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