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为实现矿城可持续发展,必须培育矿业以外的接续主导产业。选择培育接续主导产业,应坚持五个原则:一政府的主导作用,二把就业放在首位,三加强地质勘探,进行适度开发,四用高新技术培育接续产业,走新型工业化道路,五发展矿业、矿产资源加工业和循环经济产业。矿城的接续主导产业应由矿业、矿产资源加工业、劳动密集型产业、循环经济产业和高新技术产业组成。根据上述理论,阜新市应把矿业、新型能源产业、煤化工产业、农产品精深加工业、循环经济产业和旅游业做为接续主导产业。  相似文献   

作为传统化石能源大省,山西省在积极保障国家煤炭能源供给、全力支撑经济社会发展的同时,也积累了较多矛盾和问题。从山西煤炭行业节能减排发展现状入手,梳理行业发展概况,分析煤炭行业多年形成的总体发展水平较低、集中度不高、资源综合利用程度较低等问题,并对行业节能减排现状、发展瓶颈及未来趋势发展提出分析和建议。  相似文献   

在我国体制转轨、城镇居民收入差距加大、中高收入层家政服务需求受到抑制、下岗再就业困难、知识经济步伐日益加快等背景下 ,现有城镇家政社区服务业已到了改革关头。本文提出家政社区服务业应立足于市场 ,引入现代产业管理特征 ,采用特许连锁经营模式以满足社会需求的发展思  相似文献   

In the past few decades, rural areas have experienced major socioeconomic changes. Due to modernisation and deepening globalisation, the economic and employment potential of many traditional livelihoods has decreased. Currently tourism is increasingly seen as a relevant tool for addressing rural problems in developing countries and tourism is actively used for economic diversification and opening up new ways to generate income and employment. However, many development models, such as integrated rural tourism (IRT) with emphasis on co-planning, learning and participation, originate from the Global North. This calls for careful considerations when such models are applied to the Global South's rural contexts. This research note discusses some of the key challenges of rural tourism development, especially related to the integration of the tourism industry and rural communities in developing countries, and overviews the applicability and conditions of the IRT framework as a potential approach for rural tourism development in the developing world.  相似文献   

Conclusion The persistence of urban poverty and the presence of economically disadvantaged families in our cities is a continuing challenge to national aspirations for equal opportunity and economic justice. A continuing bifurcation of society between those who enjoy an increasing share of economic prosperity and others who are stuck on the lowest rung of the economic ladder should be unacceptable. The search must continue for ways to improve the productivity and earning power of those who need assistance in getting a foothold on the escalator to a middle-income standard of living. Employment and training programs remain one of the options necessary to achieve that goal. While past programs have not been a panacea, they have contributed to a modest improvement in income among many who participated in them. In the choice of weapons required to combat urban poverty, employment and training programs should be part of the arsenal. The experience of the past, while limited, justifies continued investment in the employment and training option, and the continued experimentation with programs to address the needs of specific target groups. Only by testing new and increasingly comprehensive training models will we find the right mix to accelerate the decline in urban poverty. To achieve success in reducing urbna poverty, it is important to maintain steady, balanced economic growth, and persist in the experimentation with job training models.  相似文献   

资源环境约束下西部地区矿产资源型产业发展模式研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
张伟 《改革与战略》2008,24(7):115-117
面对资源与环境的约束,西部地区资源型产业必须寻找一种与资源、环境相协调的产业发展模式。文章围绕西部资源型产业发展面临的主要问题,探讨如何走出困境的产业发展模式,提出以更新资源型产业定位,树立新的均衡协调的发展观为重点,构建资源型产业可持续发展战略,以及相应的政策和思路。  相似文献   

山西省桃林沟村发展休闲农业的效益分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李涛 《科技和产业》2009,9(6):38-41
休闲农业是调整农业产业结构中出现的一种新的农业生产经营方式。休闲农业的发展,对于加快农业产业结构调整,扩大农民就业门路,带动农民增收致富,促进社会主义新农村建设具有十分重要的现实意义。本文从山西省阳泉市平坦镇桃林沟村的实际入手,阐述了其发展休闲农业的经营模式,分析了桃林沟村发展休闲农业后带来的经济和社会效益,同时也指出了其发展过程中出现的不少问题,对相邻村落发展休闲农业起到了一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

煤炭洗选加工在环境保护和可持续发展中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着煤炭工业的发展,随之产生了环境污染、资源开发利用与可持续发展的等问题。提出煤炭工业应以洁净煤技术为支撑,坚持资源开发利用与环境保护并重,同时指出煤炭洗选加工对环境保护和实现我国煤炭工业的可持续发展产生的战略性意义。  相似文献   

The last decade has seen a wide recognition of the chronic economic adjustment problems of the former coalfields of the UK. Arguably, the finest example of such an ex-mining area has been South Yorkshire. Common perceptions are of old mining communities that are lacking the key requisite characteristics to be sufficiently able to generate new and alternative forms of employment. That is, ex-coalfields are widely seen as possessing a poor set of the determining factors of economic competitiveness. This paper uses a study of manufacturing managers' perceptions of the determinants of competitiveness in the former mining area of South Yorkshire in order to shed new light on an established debate. It also takes an established methodology for assessing regional competitiveness and develops it into a more focused and valuable tool in feeding into the policy-making agenda. On the basis of the findings, some of the current policies aimed at the revitalisation of the economy of South Yorkshire's former coalfield are discussed, and a number of additions are suggested.  相似文献   

Although economic growth in many developing countries has matched and even surpassed the growth targets of the UN's International Development Strategy (IDS), it often has failed to alleviate the problems of employment and income distribution. Nonetheless, preparations for an IDS for the Third Development Decade continue to focus on aggregate and sectoral growth targets.Recognizing the essential linkage between growth, employment and poverty, this paper formulates targets for employment and growth with equity and integrates them with the proposed overall IDS growth objective using a consistent macro framework. This paper examines the dynamic implications of this equitable, productive employment strategy for the sectoral distribution of labour and capital and for the income distribution and compares it with alternative scenarios.The basic results show that an equitable productive employment strategy will not only raise absolute incomes of the poor but improve the income distribution, whether measured by the relative income of the poorest 40% or, perhaps more important, of those who continue to obtain only low-productivity employment. Evidence from some countries in the 1970s indicates that the strategy is feasible, provided appropriate policies are pursued. An important element in the strategy appears to be the maintenance of a demand for goods produced by the poor; in this context the high growth of industry recommended in the IDS for low-income countries is likely to lead to increasing inequality. This paper concludes with some broad policy recommendations for achieving the equitable productive employment target.  相似文献   

河南就业结构的现状、问题与演进趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
漆向东 《特区经济》2006,(9):208-210
河南就业结构的现状与问题是:从产业就业结构看,第一产业就业的劳动力占大多数,第二产业就业比重不足,第三产业就业比重滞后;从城乡就业结构看,城乡就业比例失衡;从所有制就业结构看,国有单位就业比重过大,以个体私营经济为主体的非公经济吸纳就业的能力迅速增长;从技术就业结构看,专业上表现为结构性失业问题严重,层次上表现为技术结构水平低。总体上看,就业结构正朝着合理化与优化的方向发展。政府应按照市场规律促进就业结构优化,实行既有利于经济增长又有利于扩大就业的政策。  相似文献   

新疆城镇化发展与产业结构关系的实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
产业结构与城镇化是区域经济发展过程中的两个重要方面。产业结构的优化是城镇化的重要推力;同时,城镇化的加快发展也会促进产业结构的调整和升级。本文采用实证分析的方法重点研究了产业结构对城镇化进程的影响作用,结果表明:新疆产业结构与全国和东部地区相比,层次明显偏低,甚至低于西部地区的平均水平;新疆产业结构的变化与城镇化发展进程不匹配,城镇化相对滞后于工业化;新疆的第二、第三产业就业比重与城镇化水平均呈正相关,尤其第三产业对城镇化发展的推动作用更强劲,但新疆越来越"重"的工业结构极大地降低了第二产业的就业效应,新疆城镇化进程缺乏现代服务产业的支撑。因此,实施以就业为中心的工业化路线,促进新疆地方产业集群的形成和壮大,继续改造提升传统产业,大力发展现代服务业,推进城镇化与产业结构的协调发展,是新疆进一步提升城镇化发展水平的重要举措。  相似文献   

The COVID-19 pandemic shocked the economy of China in early 2020. Strict lockdown measures were implemented nationwide to prevent the further spread of the virus. During the lockdown period, many economic activities were affected, which had repercussions for the nation's overall employment. Vocational graduates were among the most affected by the crisis. To estimate the causal effects of COVID-19 on the full-time employment of vocational high school graduates as well as their monthly income and hours worked by week, we exploit variations in the intensity of the pandemic in time and across space using survey data from vocational schools from six provinces in China. The results of the difference-in-differences (DID) estimates indicate that being located in counties with high pandemic intensity significantly reduced both the employment in full-time jobs of vocational graduates as well as their monthly income. Our study's analysis demonstrates that the effects of COVID-19 on the labor market can be attributed to the large-scale contraction of labor demand of the enterprises that were hiring vocational graduates. To cope with this situation, vocational graduates took various measures, including reducing consumption, drawing on their savings, searching for new jobs, taking on part-time jobs, borrowing money, and attending new training programs. In addition, the empirical analysis finds that there were heterogeneous effects with respect to gender, family social capital, the industry in which the vocational graduate was participating, and whether the individual was in a management position.  相似文献   

杨丽艳 《特区经济》2011,(9):204-206
本文从宁夏产业结构的演变入手,通过考察产业结构与就业结构之间的相关关系发现,第二产业内部结构"重型化"与第三产业发展相对滞后是造成宁夏就业规模难以伴随经济高增长而不断扩大的症结所在,并据此提出了一条经济增长与扩大就业相协调的产业结构调整路径。  相似文献   

温亮  杜善明 《科技和产业》2014,14(11):33-37
我国煤炭深加工产业通过示范和推广取得了阶段性进展,效益初显,与此同时也暴露出了制约产业发展的瓶颈问题。为解决这些瓶颈问题,推进煤炭深加工产业的健康有序发展,在调研的基础上对煤炭深加工产业发展的必要性、相关产业政策及规划和主要存在问题进行分析,重点探讨"十三五"期间我国煤炭深加工产业的发展重点并提出可行性建议。  相似文献   

蒲佐毅  魏燕 《特区经济》2011,(3):199-201
经济结构战略性调整是转变我国经济发展方式的主攻方向。本文在了解新疆经济结构发展现状的基础上,从需求结构、产业结构、就业和城乡结构、区域结构方向重点分析了新疆经济发展方式转变中的经济结构问题,并提出了相应的发展对策。  相似文献   

张飞飞   《华东经济管理》2008,22(2):49-51
淮北是一个煤炭资源型城市,煤炭资源总量丰富,煤种齐全,发展煤化工是促进淮北市经济结构战略性转变,推动产业升级和城市转型的必由之路.淮北发展煤化工业,应把能源转化型和原料替代型的新型煤化工业作为市场发展方向,选择"从焦到化"和"从煤到化"两条产品发展路线.最后,就淮北发展煤化工需要重点关注的几个问题如淮水北调、资金筹措、煤化工技术、循环经济进行了深入探讨.  相似文献   

随着石墨资源的发现及开发,鹤岗市可以把石墨产业作为支撑经济发展的重点产业,具有资源潜力巨大、研发能力增强等优势。但在石墨发展中,存在品牌被鸡西抢先、园区开工不足等问题。要做强石墨产业一要明确定位,二要培育高端产品,三要创新人才引进和培养方式,四要加快园区基础设施建设,五要加强客观指导。  相似文献   

王丹 《改革与战略》2014,(1):101-104
文化创意产业是21世纪的朝阳产业,作为文化创意产业的重要组成部分,动漫产业满足了大众的文化精神需要,是一国彰显文化软实力的重要媒介。动漫产业对能源和环境的依赖极低,产业和就业带动作用较强,逐步成为国家和地区经济增长的新动力。文章考察中国动漫产业现状,分析中国动漫产业的发展潜力,揭示中国动漫产业存在的问题,提出了以鼓励创新创意为导向、培养应用型动漫人才、构建成熟的动漫产业链、改进政策扶持方式等动漫产业发展对策和战略。  相似文献   

推进江西省通航产业创新驱动发展与产业链体系构建对江西省融入国家"一带一路"建设有着重要的作用,是经济新常态下江西省环鄱阳湖生态圈建设和经济转型升级的重要引擎。而目前江西省通航产业市场环境不确定因素依然较多,存在通航产业信息化水平低、通航产业链人才匮乏、通航产业配套不协调、通航产业运营环境不完善等问题,通航产业链集成平台整体建设程度不高。为此,系统性论述了江西省通航产业创新发展价值、发展机遇、发展瓶颈,基于通航产业链整合的视角分析了江西省通航产业创新发展及产业链体系建设现状及存在问题,提出了构建智能化、高端化、集成化和生态化的航空产业链体系的政策建议。  相似文献   

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