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相关产业间、企业间的供需关系是客观存在的 ,这种供需关系以其内在逻辑的网链结构形式表现为供应链。而对供应链进行管理的目的就是要通过对供应链各个环节的活动的协调 ,来加强上下游企业之间的联系 ,通过供应链成员之间的合作来创造最佳业绩 ,增强整个公司的业务表现。一条完整的供应链包括供应商、分销商、制造商、第三方物流公司、零售商以及消费者 ,如图 1所示。任何一个企业都必然处于某条供应链中 ,在供应链中不仅存在着商流 ,同时还有相关的物流、信息流、资金流以及人才流。供应商→ ←制造商→ ←分销商→ ←第三方物流→ ←零售…  相似文献   

1998年,东大化工在濒临破产的严峻形势下,根据国际上企业管理发展的趋势,在实施开发第三利润源的物流管理整合过程中,引入供应链管理理论,有效地降低了运营成本,取得了明显的经济效益。从1997年亏损5800万元,濒临破产,到2002年实现销售收入6.2亿元,利税3000万元,企业面貌发生了巨大变化。供应链管理理论供应链是以一家企业为核心,由该企业与其供应商、分销商和最终用户连接而成的,旨在从根本上提高用户响应能力的物流和信息流链条。供应链管理就是核心企业对整个链条上的节点企业进行协调和管理。它通过对物流、信息流和资金流的控制,从物料…  相似文献   

三级闭环供应链下的定价与回购策略整合研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于单一制造商、单一零售商和单一3PL服务提供商构成的三级闭环供应链系统,首次将第三方物流服务提供商定量的引入到闭环供应链协调中来,在零售商负责产品销售和废品回收,正向和逆向物流服务价格均由制造商和零售商共同分担的条件下,通过独立决策和联合决策两种决策方法,运用博弈理论进行求解,给出了两种不同决策方法下的定价策略.通过对两种定价方法的对比,得出联合决策下不仅系统利润明显提高,更重要的是消费者也从中获益.依据讨价还价能力的大小,给出了系统增益在三者之间的协调方法,实现了共赢.最后通过实例进一步对结论进行了验证.  相似文献   

供应商-订货商关系是供应链管理研究中的重要问题。本文首先分析了订货商的经济订货批量模型,接着以供应商生产系统中的总费用最低为目标,就供应商生产系统中有瓶颈和无瓶颈两种情况分别建立了单一产品“按订单”生产方式下供应商的物流批量决策模型,并进行了相应的算法分析,从而使供应商能够在费用最小情况下满足订货商的订货需求。  相似文献   

闭环供应链中逆向物流供应商选择模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
环境压力的增加及资源约束促使了闭环供应链的诞生,而逆向物流供应商在闭环供应缝中处于重要的地位.本文在已有研究成果系统回顾的基础上,结合闭环供应链中核心企业与逆向物流供应商合作关系的特点,经过理论推导与统计检验,提出了基于DEA数据处理的AHP选择模型,实现对逆向物流供应商的优选,并结合案例进行了实证分析.  相似文献   

现代社会顾客需求不断变化、市场竞争日益激烈,资源成为企业发展的"瓶颈",同时在物流专业化与社会化发展的趋势下,连锁零售企业为了提高竞争力,可以选择物流外包。使用第三方物流可以给连锁零售企业带来多方面的利益,但也存在着明显的负面作用和风险,本文对其可能产生的风险进行分析,并从企业自身以及第三方物流公司两方面寻找风险规避的途径。  相似文献   

供应链管理是在物资管理、物流管理的理论和实践基础上发展起来的。一般情况下,物资管理、物流管理只涉及企业内部管理,而供应链管理已超越了企业内部的管理范畴,扩展到企业上游(一级供应商)和下游(直接用户)的管理,甚至可扩展至初级供应商、间接用户,从而形成了以一个企业(产品)为中心,多个企业和用户组成的网络或价值链,使之成为利益相关群体。  相似文献   

作为欧洲最大的跨国服装零售连锁企业,瑞典H&M公司目前90%的销售收入来自国外。“快速低价地提供时尚的产品”是H&M公司成功发展的最大秘诀。H&M公司追求良好获利前提下的高速增长,实现这一目标是依靠其创新的供应链管理,以及成功的海外扩张。  相似文献   

新零售模式是供应商充分利用大数据、云计算等创新技术,依靠现代物流,将线下与线上零售深度结合的一种全新商业模式,新零售模式下对于零售企业提升整体竞争力具有重要意义。本文对新零售的特点内涵、基本特征进行了简要阐述,对营运能力的定义作用进行了简要分析,对永辉超市营运能力发展状况进行了分析解读及新零售模式下永辉超市营运能力的分析。本文从企业营运能力的相关理论概述入手,结合永辉超市在传统零售模式和新零售模式下的实际情况展开分析,同时对永辉超市存在的问题进行了有针对性的阐述,对新零售模式下提升永辉超市营运能力提出了相关措施,这对在新零售模式下的同类企业营运能力的提升有较好的指导意义。  相似文献   

本文在不确定市场环境中,考虑期权契约在零售商主导的单周期二级供应链成员间创新投入的协调,分别讨论在是否允许期权信用违约情形下,要实现供应链协调各决策主体的决策模型。研究发现单纯的期权契约难以实现供应商单方面创新投入行为,为此引入创新投入成本共担机制,对原契约加以修正则可以实现供应链协调。研究表明在创新成本共担下的期权契约机制可以满足零售商主导的供应链协调,能够提高供应商和零售商的期望收益,实现帕累托改进。  相似文献   

本文在多个相互竞争的零售商具有损失厌恶偏好的假设下,研究了单个供应商和多个零售商组成的二级供应链的回购契约协调模型,研究发现:相互竞争的零售商之间存在唯一的一组使其期望效用最大化的最优订货量和最优零售价格组合,并进一步论证了回购参数和损失厌恶程度及销售价格之间的关系,在此基础上,通过数值分析验证了回购契约的有效性。  相似文献   

We consider a decentralized supply chain, whereby a supplier sells a product to a group of independent buyers, and develop a strategy for the supplier to offer an all-units price discount or cash rebate for orders that are synchronized with its replenishments. As synchronized orders can be met with inventory directly from receiving to shipping without warehousing, the proposed strategy streamlines system inventory flows to minimize inventory and, hence, the related costs. On the other hand, by increasing the replenishment interval of the supplier, the proposed strategy is able to induce buyers to order in large quantities and hence achieve the objectives of quantity discounts. We show that the proposed strategy can achieve nearly optimal (minimum) system cost, and is much more effective than the existing coordination strategies for decentralized supply chains in the literature.  相似文献   

Cooperation is an approach of improving competitive advantages of a supply chain. A two-echelon supply chain consisting of a manufacturer and a retailer for a single-period product is studied, and retail-market demand uncertainty is described by coefficient of variation. We develop a cooperation mechanism to address the cooperation and its implementation between the manufacturer and the retailer, two market situations are considered: (i) the wholesale price and the order quantity are decision variables, (ii) the wholesale and the retail prices as well as the order quantity are decision variables. In both market situations, our research shows that: (1) the cooperation mechanism can improve the overall channel profits and the supply chain members’ allocated profits, (2) the described cooperation is conditional on retail-market demand uncertainty: it can be implemented if, and only if, the fluctuation of retail-market demand is relatively small and coefficient of variation of retail-market demand does not exceed an upper bound. Impacts of retail-market demand uncertainty on wholesale price, order quantity and/or retail price have also been investigated through analytical and numerical analyses. Although our research is based on the assumption that the manufacturer dominates the supply chain in the non-cooperative situation, which is not the case for most retailer-driven supply chains, this research is still significant on providing guidelines for practitioners in current China mid-level car market that is similar to situations described in the paper.  相似文献   

We consider the design of full return contract in a simple supply chain with a risk-free manufacturer and a risk-neutral retailer. In this problem, the ordering quantity and the rebate price for unsold products are determined by the retailer and the manufacturer, respectively. We propose an optimal solution procedure in centralized and decentralized decision making environments considering when the information sharing among the retailer and the manufacturer is partial. We provide numerical examples to explain the proposed solution procedures.  相似文献   

Nowadays effective mechanisms to coordinate the online and offline distribution become increasingly important in the business market. In this research, we first propose two mechanisms (i.e. the offline service to the retailer and the online price coordination) for the manufacturer and the retailer to employ. Our results show that the online price coordination does help coordinate the online and offline distribution and bring higher profits to the manufacturer-retailer supply chain and thus both the manufacturer and the retailer, while the offline service to the retailer does not; comparing to the offline service to the retailer, the online price coordination is a better strategy to be utilized to alleviate the online to offline competition. Furthermore, we investigate if a novel coordination mechanism, which combines the offline service to the retailer with the online price coordination, can help coordinate the online and offline distribution better and becomes the optimal coordination mechanism. Surprisingly, our results show that compared to both the offline service to the retailer and the online price coordination, this combination coordination mechanism does show a dominant competitive advantage to bring highest profits to all parties.  相似文献   

This paper develops a coordination mechanism for a supply chain consisting of one manufacturer and n Cournot competing retailers when the production cost and demands are simultaneously disrupted. This differs from traditional supply chain coordination models under a static case and the case with only demand or cost disruption. The coordination mechanism with revenue sharing is considered, and the effects of production cost and demand disruptions on revenue sharing contract are discussed to investigate the optimal strategies of players with disruptions. The penalty cost is introduced explicitly to obtain the production deviation cost caused by the disruptions. In this study, it is obtained that the coordination contract considering the production deviation cost differs from that without disruption. Besides that, the disruptions may affect the order quantities, wholesale prices as well as revenue sharing contract. Then, the optimal strategies for different disruption levels under the centralized decision-making mode are proposed. Concerning the decentralized mode, the improved revenue sharing contract can be used to coordinate the decentralized decision-making supply chain effectively. Finally, the theoretical results are illustrated by conducting some numerical examples.  相似文献   

The Internet fosters the integration of business processes across the supply chain by facilitating the information flows necessary for coordinating business activities. However, the Internet also supports the use of market mechanisms, such as auctions, that foster price competition. Using market mechanisms is less likely to generate a sustainable competitive advantage, but they might offer the opportunity to purchase some items at a lower price. Managers have the challenge of selecting the Internet-enabled coordination mechanism that best fits the needs of a variety of business situations in the supply chain. The authors present a framework to assist managers with this decision.  相似文献   

Despite the benefits of buyer and seller collaboration and hence relationships extolled in extensive studies, issues of relationship power inhibit implementation of collaborative and relational approaches, particularly in some parts of the retail sector. Further, most research regards buyer–supplier collaboration and relations as dyadic or focal relationships, or perhaps in a network context, and typically investigates buyer–supplier collaboration and relations from a power-dependency perspective; and within vertical supply integration. Little attention has been given to the potential role of supply chain intermediaries, such as logistics service providers, in objectively and independently determining and managing the course of buyer–supplier collaboration and relations in a business-to-business context. This article appraises the potential role of buyer–supplier collaboration and relations and their relevant opportunities in the power-laden, contentious environment of the retail grocery sector. With an interdisciplinary approach, drawn from supply management, relationship management, and logistics and supply chain management, this article emphasises the importance of horizontal collaboration using fourth-party logistics structures as horizontal intermediary conduits, who act independently between retailers and suppliers to facilitate collaborative and relational activity.  相似文献   

This study examines the dynamic performance of vertically decentralized two-echelon channel coordination for deteriorating goods under consignment and vendor-managed inventory (VMI) contracts with revenue sharing from retailer-centric business-to-business transactions in both traditional markets and electronic markets (EMs). The research presents the profit-maximization problem and devises a method for making cross-enterprise dynamic joint decisions by combining calculus with dynamic programming for a retailer-led Stackelberg supply chain under cooperative and non-cooperative game settings over a multi-period planning horizon. The applicability of the proposed model is assessed using a case study involving a highly perishable product, sliced raw fish, in a supply chain comprising a regional seafood supplier and a local store belonging to a large national retail chain. The analytical results show that, in a cooperative setting, the EM with a consigned revenue-sharing VMI contract tends to achieve lower retail prices, larger stock quantity, improved channel efficiency, and increases in both retailer and supplier profits through an additional one-part tariff. Additionally, consumers benefit from lower retail prices and society benefits from increased overall channel profits in the cooperative channel and EM.  相似文献   

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